《Raider (A VRMMO Novel)》Chapter 18: Play with your Toy...


Matt opened his eyes to the smell of frying bacon and eggs. He looked around and found himself wondering where he was, the memories rushed up to him for a second time that day and he sat up, no longer accompanied in bed by the beautiful Monica. He was about to get out to see what that amazing smell might entail when he thought of something, of someone.

“Willow?” he called out softly, the AI had not uttered a sound since he had, well since he and Monica had, yeah. He was about to call out again when she responded.

“Don't worry about it.” she said, her voice stiffer than he had come to know over the last few days, almost like emotion had been peeled away. Her saying that he shouldn't worry about it however simply made him worry about it.

About her.

“Willow-” he began, but stopped when Monica peaked her head into the room, she smiled at him partially in surprise, at him being awake most likely.

“Ah, Matt good good you're up, would you like some breakfast?” she asked, she carefully hid her hands behind herself, not showing him the burn marks she had on her hands from making a mistake cooking this morning, she was not used to cooking, and had mistakenly grabbed the handle of a pan when she should have not.

He sat up and got out of the bed looking at her, tears welling in her eyes, even as she tried to not show it. “Let me see,” he said, and she made an attempt to feign unknowing but in her panic she used her hands to wave it away, and as the hand went past he grabbed her wrist and examined the palm.

There in the center of the hand was an angry red strip, which already had one or two blisters showing up on the palm. She looked up at him apologetically but he was simply staring at the hands shaking his head, and with one hand he fished out his vidcom. “Hey Mr. Jaime, yeah it's Matt, listen, Monica and I were hanging out and she decided to pick a fight with a hot pan, and unfortunately the pan won,” he nodded, and she could hear the faint sound of someone talking on the other side of the call. “Yeah I doubt she would be able to get anything done with these hands today,” he said with a slight laugh as he marched her over to the washbasin and allowed the cool water to wash over her hands. “Yeah, well I am going to also take the day off, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, you know, like grabbing a hot pan.” there was some more talking on the other side, but she could not make it out. “Well you could always ask Lewis, what with his wife just having that baby he is looking to pick up any hours he can get.”

Matt walked over to the first aid kit on the wall and popped it open, pulling out some sort of gel and bandages. He walked back over to her, still waiting for a response as he slathered a generous amount of the gel and softly spread it over her palms, he then loosely wrapped the bandage, not to tight as that would not be good for the burns should the skin start to swell.

“Yeah, thank you i'll make sure to thank Lewis aswell.” he said, pulling the Vidcom out apparently done with the conversation. He looked over at her, his eyes smiling along with the one that curved his lips. “Well, looks like we are off the hook for now.” he said laughing, and he then led her over to the table where he plated the prepared food and sat down. She attempted to grab the fork and grimaced a little, hoping he didn't notice, but of course he did. He reached over the table and removed the fork from her hand and went about placing the food into her mouth, bite by bite. After he finished feeding her he went and ate himself, not saying anything about the now slightly cold eggs.


She didn't know how she felt about this, it was, not what she had planned for the morning but it was what had happened and it really was not that bad, in fact this outcome might have proven more to her liking than the other, all except her hands that is.

“I am going to run over to my house and grab some things,” he said, looking up from his plate after he placed it in the sink, he was lying, he knew it and he also suspected she did, but to her credit she simply nodded, gave him a kiss and waved him out promising to not touch anything red hot until he returned.

With a sigh he slipped on his helmet and went back to his place.

“Willow?” as soon as he shut the door behind him he called out, there was however no response, he called out again, and after a pause was going to do so a third time when she spoke out.

“Do you have a SafeSpace, or at least something like it?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, his eyes growing more narrow, suspicious.

“Can you use it, I want to talk to you, but I don't like it when you can look right through me, it makes it feel like I am not there. Not real.” she said, and he nodded, walking over to the shelve he had built into the wall on the right side of the room he pulled out a small cube, it was not the same as the one Monica had, this one was smaller, and not designed for the same versatility as hers. With a hand he wiped the dust off of it and turned it one, plopping himself down on the couch and plugged the port in.

He looked around, it was a well furnished room, full of greys and off whites and splashes of deep reds and blues, Taylor had been the one who had decorated it, she said that if they were going to spend so much time in here it needed to look nice. She always did have the best fashion sense, a department that as she put it he was hopelessly lost in. He hadn't been here in what three or four years? Not since he and Taylor had gotten married, and had moved the sexual encounters to the real world.

“Whats up?” he asked, turning to look at Willow. She had her face turned down, and her eyes not looking at him, a decidedly depressed set to her shoulders told him right away that she was upset, you could simply read it in her posture.

She glanced to the side, taking in the room and sighed.

“So I am not even number 2.” she said.

“Number 2?” he asked, confused.

“I am not even the second girl in your heart, there is first Taylor, then Monica, leaving the last part for me,” she said sadly, her voice quivered, almost like she was about to cry. “Am I even welcome in your heart?” he sighed and looked at her, and pulling her close he gave her a hug.

“Willow, you are a dear friend,” he started and almost winced at the pained and angry look she gave him.

“Friend? ” she asked, her voice growing more and more upset, “Friend? Is that all?”

“I, what do you want me to say Willow?” he choked out.

“I want you to stop lying to yourself.” she snarled, “I am more than a friend to you.” she said, and he opened his mouth but it was stopped by a kiss from Willow, she pulled away, leaving a strand of saliva to bridge the gap between there lips. “You forget I am in your head, you can't lie to me...” she said, pushing her lips back against his, and with hands that wandered she rubbed him down like a horse after a hard day's work. Before he knew it he and her were both in the process of shedding clothes.


His brain screamed at him, telling him that this was not right that this was not what he wanted to do to Willow, to Monica. His body however, had no qualms with it. He briefly wondered if she had once again changed his brain chemistry, but he quickly forgot that thought when he realised he and her were both now fully nude.

She had a tight body, her breasts were larger than either those of Monica or Taylor, and were a perfect pear shape, and her waist, gods was that a wide waist. The labia around her lower lips were puffy and the inner lips peeked out, creating perfect pink butterfly like wings that framed her lower lips.

“Wait, wait, Willow.” he called out, placing a hand on her stomach to hold her off.

“What? Nothing is wrong, you heard her, I am not alive, I am just a toy,” she snarled the word, and using a hand positioned him, her lower lips placing gentle kisses on his manhood.

“But-” he protested weakly.

“But nothing,” she said, smiling wickedly, “Play with your Toy,” she hissed, and slid herself home on his manhood. The sensation was like nothing he had ever felt, he had sex with multiple women, all of them felt unique to slid into, so unique in terms of tightness and how the inner ridges stimulated him that he could probably have known who was who by the feeling alone. And yet they all were similar, the bumps and grooves of them each the same sort of softness, and smoothness, pressing on him from multiple angles and sides. But Willow, she was different. Seeing the surprised look on his face she laughed triumphantly. “Your girlfriend gave me an Idea, she called me a toy, so I did a little research,” she smiled, “It turns out that male toys have come up with ways to completely mimic a human women, and some have even dared to call themselves better, more stimulating.” she smiled, moving her hips side to side, causing him to rub up against all the soft alien curves and ridges inside of her. “I used one of those, and made some of my own modifications to make it the most stimulating sensation for you as humanly, or A.I.ly possible.” she started to move up and down, feeling him move in and out of her, not that she would ever admit it, but without the sexual contact with Matt and Willow she would have never really felt good by this, seeing as she had no idea what happened to the brain or the feelings when sex happened, up until the two of them had made love, and she had, even though she hated it, carefully observed every shock, every fired electrode that coursed through Monica’s body, and much like she had used Matt’s brain to copy and make a burger for herself so she could experience it she had down the same to Monica, so she could also experience the bliss of sex.

And bliss it was.

Every thrust she had her body sent the echoes to her brain, or as much of a brain as an A.I. could have. Every move sent a shock through her, and she found herself moaning in pleasure.

It was damn good, but the question now was could she turn it up more? If it felt this good like this would she be able to manipulate the amounts of feeling and ecstasy she was currently experiencing?

Why not? More of a good thing couldn't be bad right?

This small change was something she would come to love as well as regret.

He grabbed her by the waist, and turned his hips sideways, she tumbled over to the side of the room, falling onto the soft and plush ground, with no injury happening, and he rose up to a kneeling position, one of her legs was under him, in between his own and the other , was off to the right side, practically turning her on her side. She instantly recognized it as the pretzel position, and one of the thousands she had found on the webs. Still in her she pulled out, the suction fighting him the entire way, as if pleading with him to not go, to not leave, and with speed and force he drove back into her.

The sparks shot through her body, causing her to freeze, her muscles stiffened and her body became rigid as the stimuli flooded her brain, causing to much to process temporarily, it took quite some time to get her head wrapped around the flood of information and feeling, and by that time he was already pulling back out to rush her again, like a siege engine against her defences. “Wai-” she started to say but it was to late, he once again rushed her, pressing himself deep inside. Basic functions of hers started to shut down as she pulled power from other regions to process the flood of information, emotions and feelings.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, her jaw slackened allowing a loose tongue to flop out to the side of her mouth, and her body relaxed, becoming almost completely like a ragdoll. All external stimuli was ceased, instead of the wide world she was used to seeing, all the numbers and calculations and the links and research, everything, all gone. Her world shrunk down to a feeling, to the feeling of him.

She could see nothing, hear nothing as her entire being bent to processing the feeling of him and her.

It was glorious.

It was terrifying.

Her entire wide world narrowed down to only a few feelings, the jolt of his thrusts the feel of his hands on her legs, her stomach and then working there way up her body.

It was terrifyingly glorious.

And while her world narrowed Matt was also experiencing something incredible, the wet soft twists and ridges of her caressed him in a way nothing else had ever done, the ridges, the twists, they way it hugged him from all sides, as though it was made for him, and in all honesty it was made for him.

The feeling was more than he could take, normally he didn't give in this easy, this soon, but the way her insides stroked and caressed him so, he could do no more. Grabbing her hips he pulled her back onto himself as he thrusted one last time, as he released inside of her she let out a scream, one of ecstasy, not pain, but one that surprised him all the same. Her eyes flew open, but she looked up at the ceiling not truly seeing anything, and as he came inside of her she tightened all around him, even as liquid from her own orgasm gushed out, her inner lips caressed him, squeezing first from the base then along his shaft, all the way up, almost like he was a tube of toothpaste and she was getting every last drop out of him.

Slowly her world widened again, and she found herself lying there, with him still inside of her, the warm feeling in her stomach and an aching echo in her mind. She looked over at him, as he lay there panting, spent, and kissed him softly on the lips, which was quite a feat, seeing as she had her back pressed against his chest, she smiled as she looked over her shoulder at him. “You can play with your toy at anytime you want.” she said, and she hoped he would play with her again soon…

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