
[Somewhere in the abandoned ruins of a city]

A group of three people talking with each other

So, now we know what's their current limit, should we attack them?

*sarcastically* yeah.. is that what you think? Go try it yourself. You dumbass, Do you know, that guy has already seen us from the future. He knows that someone is after them.

*Angrily voice* "Enough of you guys stop arguing here". It's clear that that guy now knows about but he doesn't know who we are and where we are. We just have to be careful. That guy is pretty dangerous if you are not careful enough. But apart from him, no one else can sense us, not even the kids were able to sense us.

So why don't we take down them first? Shouldn't it be easier if we take his partners down? That way we will be able to get him easily.

You still don't understand, do you? Where were you when you were getting assigned to this mission?

What? Is there something I am missing?

Izanami-sama, can you please allow me to tell him the details?

Yeah sure whatever...... my head hurting. I am going to take some rest.

[Leaves the scene]

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Let me tell you one thing first. You have to listen to it carefully. You see this watch (shows a stopwatch), this artifact was created by our master. If you have this stopwatch with you, no matter what and how superior a person is to you, their time-related power will not and never affect you. You can use this stopwatch to rewind, stop, or fast-forward the timeline. That was how we were able to move in time stop back then.

Woah that's so powerful. Is this watch created by Izanami-sama?


No, this isn't created by our master but a very far superior person than her.

Who is this person, who can create such godly artifacts?

I don't know. No one knows actually, no one has ever seen that person in person. There are only 2 people who have met him and no one.

Ooh.... they sound so powerful. But can you now tell me why we can't take his partners down? That you were talking about.

Yeah about that, so it basically this, to kill them permanently we have to kill their very source of existence, and with this artifact (A golden pink feather), we found that their source is connected with that guy, so until we kill him we can't take other out.

So why we are not going after him directly but doing sneaky stuff? Wouldn't that be easy if we directly attack him when he is alone?

You don't understand. We are not the ones who are assigned to kill him but we are chosen to do the investigation. But we got found out today.

Huh? What do you mean? Didn't we use time to stop back then? How do we get caught?

I don't know but Izanami-sama knows. So for now we are not allowed to go out, until further notice. Or if you have a death wish you can go out. We are not that powerful to take them down but only Izanami-sama is, but she is not allowed to attack them by our superior.



So they are only here to get information about us, if they don't mean harm then I guess we don't have to worry, but to think they would be able to bypass Mihari's power with that stopwatch was a huge achievement I would say they got. In any case, I don't have to worry.

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      To Be Continued...
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