《Unkillable Loser》Hiatus/ Character Descriptions


Hello Everyone:

I've found myself with next to no time to write recently and I've been having more and more things that consume my time coming up in my personal life. With school, issues with my home, work, trying to fix my health, and family related problems I feel like I'm not giving this story the attention it deserves.

I went to go re-read the last two chapters and they were jarringly off-putting. My fried brain pulled out some character developments that weren't supposed to happen for 10s of chapters just to try and spit out a chapter and it shows. I plan on coming back to this when I have the chance to show it some better love than it's getting from me.

I'm aware the hiatus tag will show up after about 35 days if I leave it be but my chapters are sparse as it is so I wanted to let you all know. When I come back I plan on re-writing a few chapters to put the story back on track and then making an actual release schedule I can follow.

Sorry to those of you actually enjoying the story, Me and Tony will see you after our heads clear.

Now to fill up 500 words of space so Royal Road accepts my message to yall. Here is the initial character drafts for important characters (no spoilers tho):

Tony Kiru: Easily perceived as a calm level headed person, Tony basically coasts through life with few goals and fewer ambitions. He loves fantasy of all types and is especially fond of Japanese and Korean web-novels. Tony has underlying problems from a long life of having people rely on him for mediation and problem solving and thinking his level-headedness is a trait that helps him deal with critical situations; while in truth he has never truly been under a large enough amount of stress and pressure to constitute an emergency.


Julian Tross: While his build has been enhanced by his gift of stats, Jullian remains a gentle giant. Highly affected by long years of association with Tony, he also loves to help people and provide support. In essence a sarcastic cinnamon roll.

Kristen Brown: Ms Perfect. In all things that don't include human interaction she is a perfectionist. Many think this is some sort of gift, but in reality she just works far harder than her peers to appear the way she does.

May Sullivan: Fake cinnamon roll. She seems sweet and approachable at first glance, but in her head she is insulting you quite loudly. A bitter person with a long life of struggles covered up by a smile, May is always close to mental exhaustion from keeping up the façade and the combined efforts of an annoying god in her head and losing her life back home that she worked so hard to fix causes her to break almost immediately.

Bobby Grant: Fake asshole. Uses an intimidating air and a terrible personality to keep people away. He thinks he is stupid but he has a strong ability to read people and enough drive to thrive in truly stressful situations.

Altru Kinst: The second prince of the Toltan Empire, Altru balances on a knife's edge to keep his country from falling apart, despite the best efforts of the rest of his family to drive it to ruin.

Roland Black: A devoted researcher and aide, Roland has a love of magic stronger than his love for the people of the empire; though he truly does care for his people. He is very intolerant of incompetency and feels that wasting potential and squandering value are cardinal sins.

Shanks: An impossibly strong, gruff knight. A perfect soldier and semi-retired hero, Shanks is one of the strongest people in the empire and quite possibly the world. Honor and loyalty are important to him, especially when it comes to Altru.


Walton Payce (scribbles): A man devoted to his goddess, whom he calls Jessica but most know as the Goddess of Summoning. On the outside Walton is very approachable and understanding; however, Walton is responsible for the steadily increasing devotedness of the church, bordering on fanaticism. He has strong pull even on a government level and isn't afraid to use it. It is difficult to earn his ire, but heretics are treated as lower than dirt in his eyes.

Jessica (Goddess of Summoning): Known for her kindness and willingness to help the unfortunate, this goddess is loved by many and is the focus of the main religion of the empire. She really does tend to lean towards good acts but those close to her know she can hold a hell of a grudge.

Dr. Crute: A man scarred from the loss of his first daughter, he strives to advance medicine and save as many lives as possible, though his efforts usually focus on the young. A close confidant of Altru he is often a voice of mercy in times of struggle in contrast to Roland Black.

God of Light (not yet named): Seen as an annoying pestilence, the god of light has the most ravenous believers of all the 'human' gods. He holds a deep grudge (though not unwarranted) against demon kind and he has steadily lost his sanity from his divinity. Or so people think.

God of Systems (not yet named): A god who stays away from the public eye he has never condoned the founding of a church in his name (though this hasn't stopped many scholars from following him devotedly). He was the first to find structure in the new world and was revered for it. He studies endlessly in the land of the gods, trying to see the truth of the world one piece at a time. Not fond of strong light or the god governing it.

Coach Creed: A man of muscle and iron. While now retired due to his injury he was once on the same level as Shanks. He only approves of those who put effort into what they do, and is willing to reward effort even for those who do not get results.

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