《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 199 "Final Showdown: Vulcan v.s. Vanguard, Part 1"
Vanguard arrives at U.A. Stadium.
Exciton: *pained grunts*
Vanguard: What’s wrong, Exciton? I thought you were some confident lady's man, but look at you now. You’re nothing more than my bitch.
Exciton: *frustrated and pained grunt*
Vanguard glances down.
Vanguard: Hm… it looks like a fight already occurred here… but that reminds me… I probably don’t want them messing with the battlefield.
Vanguard blasts the Solid Vision generator, returning the arena to its normal state.
Silver: Huh?
Vanguard lands beside Silver and Justus, who is barely conscious.
Silver: V- Vanguard!
Vanguard: So this is what happened to you, Justus. How sad.
Vanguard tosses Exciton on the ground.
Exciton: *pained grunt*
Silver: Exciton!
Vanguard: Don’t worry, son. I’m not here to kill either of you. The more spectators I have, the better.
Wes, Verity, Eve, Lilith, Demetri, and Isaiah arrive.
Wes: It looks like nobody else is here…
Eve: I don’t know if that’s a good or bad… thing…
The group notices Vanguard.
Demetri and Isaiah: HE’S HERE!
Vanguard notices the students.
Eve: We’ve gotta tell the others! Let’s get out of h-
Vanguard teleports up to the group, holding Silver and Justus.
Vanguard: Hello there.
Eve runs to the front of the group.
Vanguard: Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt any of you.
Eve: What about those two?!
Vanguard: They were like this when I got here.
Vanguard tosses Silver and Justus to them. Lilith and Verity run to their aid.
Vanguard: I am a man of swift and severe reprisals, but none of you will be killed as long as you follow my instructions, got that?
Nobody says anything.
Vanguard: Good. Take your seats in that section below, and don’t leave them for any reason. Piss in your pants if you have to.
Verity: That’s fine. Wes is used to that.
Wes: Oh, fuck you.
Vanguard: You’re going to witness me defeating your final hope: Vulcan.
Demetri: You’re fighting Vulcan?
Isaiah: Really?
Vanguard: Of course, I’ve already killed Black Hollow, and as you can clearly see, Exciton was no issue. Vulcan is all that’s left. Oh, and that reminds me. I need a favor from one of you.
Wes: Wh- what is it?
Vanguard: Someone go activate the stadium’s cameras. I want this to be broadcast to the whole nation!
Everyone is taken aback.
Eve: I’ll do it. Just don’t hurt any of them while I’m gone.
Vanguard: As long as everyone follows the rules. Once you’ve activated the camera system, return to your seat. If I don’t see you return within the next 10 minutes, I’ll kill all of them.
Eve: Okay.
Eve runs off.
Vanguard: Don’t stress, everyone. Just sit back and enjoy the show!
Vanguard teleports to the center of the arena.
Demetri: Why do I have a bad feeling that’s gonna be hard to do?
Isaiah: He’s going to destroy Vulcan on live television!
Wes: This day just keeps getting more complicated…
Impulse begins pulsating lightning all around his body.
Impulse: Unlike Wrath, I really don’t want to hurt you guys more than I have to, so if you agree to stay on the sidelines from now on, I’ll stop kicking your asses.
Grace: You haven’t kicked mine yet!
Impulse: That’s intentional!
Aaron starts to get back to his feet.
Aaron: It’s gonna take more than a little lightning to keep me down!
Impulse: *sighs* Fine, then let’s keep going.
Impulse begins walking towards Aaron.
Grace: Wait!
Aaron: Huh?
Impulse: What, Grace?
Grace: Would you be saying the same thing if Saige was here?
Impulse: I- Uh- Well, she’s not, so who cares?!
Grace: It seems like you do.
Impulse: *nervous grunt*
Grace: Remember what you said to me?
“ Impulse: Am I a “real person?” Even though he’s granted us some freedom, I’m still bound to Hayze. Can I actually try to live my own life? “ - Chapter 188
Grace: If you absorb Wrath, you won’t be yourself anymore, right?
Impulse: Well, I-
Grace: And you won’t stop with him, right? You’re going to absorb the others too?
Impulse: I…
Grace: Do you really want to give up your chance at a real life and to give up your chance at her?
“ Grace: If there’s one thing I hate, it’s a quitter! So, until Saige tells you she’ll never go out with you, you must keep trying! Don’t try to make excuses for why you should give up; where’s the fun in that? “ - Chapter 188
Impulse falls to his knees, and his eyes start flickering.
Impulse: I… I don’t know.
Blaze glances at his obsidian sword lying on the ground.
Blaze: (I can cut through Wrath’s flames with that, but I need to retrieve it first, which could get tricky.)
Wrath takes a deep breath and goes quiet for a moment.
Wrath: (If I want to get at Impulse, I need to get these annoying bastards out of my way! No more games, no more bluffs. I’m just gonna knock them out one at a time!) Boost!
Wrath blasts himself toward the group.
Blair: (This again?) Ivy!
Ivy: Right!
As Ivy lifts her right hand to use Push Force, Wrath uses Boost to change course.
Ivy: Huh?
Blaze: What’s he doing?
Wrath quickly blasts himself towards the group again, approaching their left side. Ivy lifts her left hand to use Push Force but can’t.
Ivy: (Oh no! Not again!)
Wrath: *nasal grunt* (I guess muscle memory doesn’t get cut off with the hand.)
As Wrath approaches rapidly, Blair raises the lava wall, blocking Wrath.
Blair: Ivy! Why didn’t you-
Blair looks at Ivy’s left hand.
“ Ivy: When we were fighting in the Vampire Queen’s facility, he cut off my hand, weakening my quirk. “ - Chapter 178
Blair: Okay, well-
Wrath: *from afar* WHAT’S UP, BITCHES!
Everyone looks up to see Wrath descending down the ring of lava.
Ivy: He must have launched himself over the wall!
Wrath: Haha!
Wrath takes a deep breath.
Wrath: Searing Scorch Shot!
Wrath breathes out a beam of fire aimed at Walker. Walker attempts to open a portal, but he’s too weak.
Blair: Full Magma Jacket!
Blair surrounds her entire body in Magma Armor and withstands the attack for Walker.
Blaze: Mom! Lower the wall!
Wrath lands on the ground and punches Blaze, knocking him down.
Wrath: She’s a little busy!
Wrath immediately begins blasting Blair with more fireballs.
Wrath: Block all you want! I can do this all day!
Ivy points her palm at Wrath.
Ivy: Pus-
Wrath: I wouldn’t do that!
Ivy: Huh?
Wrath: If you send me flying through this lava, there’s a chance I’ll die. If that happens, my powers will go back to their source.
Ivy: Hayze…
Wrath: So why don’t you sit there quietly and-
Ivy attempts to punch Wrath, but he blocks her with his flame-covered arms, burning her severely.
Ivy: AHHH!
Wrath: Boy, is this fun! You made this wall to keep me out, but now it’s locking all of you in!
Blaze grinds his teeth.
Blaze: (If I try attacking him, I’ll just end up like Ivy. I could melt his shoes to the ground, but he’ll just boost himself out of them. If only I had-)
Blaze’s eyes widen.
Blaze: Ivy! Are you able to use your quirk?
Ivy: *pained grunt* Yes, but I can’t risk killing him.
Blaze: I don’t want you to use it on him.
Blaze points towards the wall of lava.
Blaze: Use your pull force in that direction!
Ivy: What? But why-
Blaze: Just do it, trust me!
Hayze’s words echo through Ivy’s mind “Trust me.”
Ivy: Right! Pull!
Wrath: Huh? What’s that going to do?
Lava droplets begin slowly getting pulled from the wall.
Blaze: Hey, Wrath!
Wrath: What?!
Blaze charges toward Wrath.
Wrath: Damn, you’re stupid, but whatever!
Wrath launches a massive Amaryllis fireball at Blaze.
Wrath: Infinite Assault: Blasting Amaryllis!
Blair: Blaze!
Suddenly, Blaze’s Obsidian Sword bursts through the lava wall.
Wrath: What?!
Blaze grabs the hilt and slices through the fireball, dispelling it. He then lunges toward Wrath.
Wrath: AH SHIT!
Blaze bashes Wrath in the head with the sword. The hard obsidian material knocks him out cold.
Wrath: *groans*
Blaze: It’s done.
Blair drops the lava wall, and her magma armor crumbles; she falls to her knees, exhausted. Blaze rushes to her aid.
Blaze: Mom, are you alright?
Blair: I’m fine, don’t worry.
Walker: *pained grunt* What about Wrath? When he wakes up, will he still want to fight?
Blaze: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Grace’s blindness ends, and she approaches Impulse.
Grace: Come on, Impy, you-
Impulse: If you’re gonna use a nickname, go with Pulse.
Grace: Okay, Pulsey.
Impulse: Dammit… walked into that one.
Grace: Are you ready to come down to Earth, or do I need to slap some sense into you?
Impulse: I-
Grace slaps Impulse.
Impulse: You didn’t give me a chance to answer!
Grace: I knew you were going to stutter and then not answer!
Impulse: No, I wasn’t!
Grace: Yes, you were!
Impulse: No, I wasn’t!
Grace: Yes, you were!
Aaron looks at Alexis.
Aaron: Since when did Grace make a friend?
Alexis: Honestly, I didn’t think she knew how.
Grace kneels down with Impulse.
Grace: Come on, buddy, you’re gonna make me mad if you completely forgot our conversation from earlier. This is your chance to be the person you want to be, not ride Hayze’s coattails. Don’t waste it. Don’t waste your chance to do everything you’ve wanted to do.
Impulse: Everything?
Grace: And anything!
Impulse grabs Grace’s tits.
Alexis: Huh…
Aaron: Well, his name is literally Impulse.
Grace: Good work! Now would your brothers let you do that if you were fused?
Impulse: No! You’re right!
Impulse’s eyes stop glowing.
Impulse: I’m back, baby!
Grace: Yay!
Alexis is dumbfounded; Aaron nods in approval. Ivy and Blaze approach them. Blaze places Wrath’s unconscious body on the ground.
Impulse: Aw… did he get all tuckered out?
Blaze: He’s down, but we don’t know if he’ll stay like that for long.
Impulse: Check his eyes. If they’re not glowing, you’re good.
Blaze opens one of Wrath’s eyelids. They’ve stopped glowing.
Impulse: Yeah, a good knock to the head was all you needed.
Alexis: Why didn’t you mention that earlier?
Impulse: Oh, come on, you weren’t going to hit my head.
Aaron: He’s got a point.
Alexis: *sighs* Thanks, Aaron.
Blair approaches the group.
Blair: Mr. Walker finally passed out from pain and exhaustion.
Aaron: Well, his injuries aren’t severe, so we can leave him here with the others.
Blaze: You don’t actually want to go to the rendezvous, do you?
Aaron: The more firepower we have protecting the Wrath and Impulse, the better. We don’t know if Gale or Calm have been absorbed yet.
Impulse: He definitely at least has Khaos, I’m not sure about those two, though, but if he’s got one or both, we’ve got a serious problem.
Blair: But what about- You know what, I’m sorry, but CAN YOU TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF GRACE’S BREASTS!
Everyone stares at Impulse.
Impulse: Hm… n-
Blair gives Impulse a death stare. He immediately does as he’s told.
Blair: *deep breath* But what about Vanguard? We can’t just ignore our plan. Stopping Hayze is a priority, but so is he.
Alexis: Regrouping might be our best option. I don’t know how many of you noticed, but three helicopters arrived recently. They were bound to be carrying the Top 10.
Aaron: Alexis is right, and our plan hinges on us being the ones to stop Vanguard. That’s why we need to get together and figure out the best way to do that.
Blaze: Without my father?
Everyone goes quiet.
Aaron: Hayze was our leader, but he wasn’t the only one we had. If Aster is there, we’ll listen to him; and if he isn’t there, I’ll take charge. Either way, we’re never going to accomplish anything scattered like this.
Tempest: Why don’t we just stay here and keep arguing?
Aaron: Very funny, Impulse, but now isn’t the time for jokes.
Impulse: Uh… that wasn’t me.
Aaron: Huh?!
Everyone turns to see Tempest standing a few yards away from them.
Tempest: I’m here for my last two pieces… and I can see you’ve already taken care of one for me.
Blair: Hayze?
Blaze: Father, you-
Impulse: Don’t even try to talk to him like he’s Hayze.
Blair: Huh? Why?
Impulse: Look at his eyes; he’s already absorbed Gale, Calm, and Khaos. His personality is a fusion of those four. He’s far beyond reason at this point.
Tempest: Yeah, and I prefer to go by Tempest now. I mean, technically, I’m still Hayze, but… semantics.
Aaron: We’re not letting you absorb Impulse or Wrath!
Tempest: I know, I know, I’ve heard it twice already. I’m more than ready to defeat all of you to complete my mission.
Aaron: *frustrated grunt*
Blair steps forward.
Blair: Everyone, get out of here. I’ll hold him off.
Aaron: No way, I’m staying and fighting.
Blair: Aaron, you need to go to the stadium to regroup with the others.
Aaron: Huh? Why?
Blair: If he’s absorbed Gale… then he defeated my brother already.
Tempest: Yup!
Blair: So you need to lead if nobody else can!
Aaron: Alright… fine.
Ivy: I’ll stay and fight with you. Defeating him will save Hayze, and I owe that to him.
Blaze: Me too. I need to help my-
Blair: No, Blaze, I don’t want you to fight him.
Blaze: Wh- why?!
Blair: Think with your heart, Blaze. Do you actually have it in you to fight your own father?
Blaze is taken aback.
Blaze: No… I don’t…
Aaron picks up Wrath and hoists him over his shoulder.
Aaron: Come on, guys, follow me!
Alexis: Right behind you, Aaron!
Aaron, Alexis, Blaze, Impulse, and Grace run away.
Tempest: If you’re wondering why I let you do that, it’s because I’ll defeat you girls so fast that I’ll catch up to them before they get close to the stadium.
Blair: I see you’ve got Gale’s cockiness.
Tempest: And Khaos’ ruthlessness. Without that, Hayze’s feelings for you might have caused me to hold back.
Blair: I want Hayze back!
Tempest: I understand that, Blair, but if I don’t become complete, Vanguard will kill everyone.
Blair: We can stop him without you!
Tempest: I’ve heard that multiple times, and it hasn’t changed my mind. I mean it when I say I don’t want to hurt you, and that goes for you, Ivy. So, please, just stand down.
Ivy: No, Hayze wouldn’t give up on me, so I won’t give up on him!
Blair: Yeah, and I won’t let him be erased!
Tempest: *sighs* I knew you were going to say that.
Tempest creates a razor wind ball in his hand.
Tempest: Hurricane Hammer!
Tempest chucks the ball at Blair and Ivy.
Ivy: Push!
Ivy’s push force deflects and dispels the attack, but Tempest charges forward, so he’s caught in the back end of the gravitational burst, sending him flying.
Ivy: Huh?
Blair: Why did he do that?
Tempest flies high into the air. Then, he begins surrounding his body with the wind until the air currents become visible and pulsate a green aura.
Tempest: With enough wind speed, you can make the air sharper than a blade! And now you two will feel the rage of the atmosphere itself!
Tempest begins spinning, surrounding himself in his air currents.
Blair: (I’ve never seen this attack before… it must be Gale’s ultimate!)
Tempest begins descending towards Blair and Ivy like a jet falling from the sky.
Tempest: This battle is over! Spinstorm Sky Strike!
Tempest zooms toward the girls.
Ivy: Push!
Ivy’s push force has zero effect.
Ivy: What! I-
Blair: Look out! Full Magma Jacket!
Blair leaps in front of Ivy and covers her entire body in Magma Armor. Tempest collides with Blair, shattering her Magma Armor and sending her flying backward. Ivy ducks in time to avoid Blair. Blair smashes into the ground in pain.
Blair: *groans*
Tempest lands on the ground beside Ivy and holds his heart.
Tempest: (Damn you, Hayze, that one actually hurt.)
Ivy: Blair!
Tempest: Don’t worry, she’s fine. Her ribs are cracked, but she’s okay.
Ivy: How could you do that!
Tempest: The same way I’m going to do this.
Ivy: Huh?
Tempest: Final Flood!
Suddenly, a massive amount of rainwater crashes down on Ivy.
Tempest walks past Ivy’s unconscious body.
Tempest: Let’s see, should I walk or use Shadow Sneak? Decisions, decisions.
Blair: You’re not leaving yet…
Tempest: Huh!
Blair is back on her feet… barely.
Tempest: My, how far you’ve come… I remember when you were the delicate girl who was afraid of the dark. Look at you now, withstanding one of my best attacks. I’m so proud of you.
Blair: I’m not letting you erase Hayze! I won’t lose him again!
Tempest: That’s not up for debate, Blair. Hayze is already gone, it’s not official yet, but it will be. I’m sorry, but this is what had to be done.
Tempest: Just so you know, he loved you a lot… he couldn’t say it to you because love was foreign to him for so long.
Blair: Wh- what?
Tempest: He was held back by his emotions, but with Calm’s logic, I know it’s something you’d love to hear. I’m truly sorry for this, but I have to save this world, and I won’t let anyone stop me.
Tempest resumes walking away.
Blair trips and falls.
Tempest: I saw your fight with Wrath. You’ve reached your limit, Blair. Accept that.
Tempest: Okay.
Tempest uses shadow sneak and departs. Blair is left in tears.
Blair: No… DAMMIT!
Vulcan, Lust, Zach, and Big Tank arrive in the Stadium, carrying Impact, Evergreen, Meltman, Gus, Jace, and Gunslinger.
Vanguard: Vulcan! There you are! Get on down here, you little bastard!
Vulcan scoffs.
Vulcan: Keep everyone safe if he goes back on his word, got it?
Big Tank: Right.
Vulcan begins descending the staircase toward the arena. The students of Hayze’s Team watch him.
Wes: This is really happening, huh…
Eve: If the rest of our plan failed… then this fight could be it…
Isaiah: Please don’t say that…
Lilith: Yeah, I don’t even want to think about that…
Verity: It’s the truth, whether we like it or not.
The teachers arrive with Daniele and Gavin (still unconscious).
Lust: Principal Ewing!
Ewing: Lust, what’s happening here?
Lust: Vanguard… he defeated all of us…
Lust points to Evergreen, Impact, Gus, Jace, and Gunslinger, all out cold and lying on the ground above the seats. Meltman is slowly being dripped out of the towel on a railing.
Recovery Girl: Oh, deer! Let me help them!
Houston: I’ll place Gavin with them as well.
Recovery Girl: *yelling* Students! If any of you are hurt, please come up here. I’ll heal you the best I can!
Houston and Adrian carry Justus, Gavin, and Silver to Recovery Girl’s makeshift clinic.
Vanguard: *yelling* Just a reminder, nobody may leave their seats, or else I’ll kill them!
Zach and Daniele take a seat with their fellow students. Finally, the teachers and pros all sit together.
Boom: So you’re saying he’s going to fight Vulcan to prove he’s the strongest there is?
Lust: Yes, and if we attempt to interfere, he’ll kill us.
Boom: Well, if the top 10 couldn’t handle him, then I’m not gonna try a damn thing!
Fatal: You coward!
Boom: Okay, Rachel, go down there and tell him that!
Fatal: *groans* Fine, I see your point.
Ewing gulps.
Ewing: If Vulcan loses on live television… the world could go into pure panic.
Adrian: Don’t worry about that.
Fatal: Huh?
Ewing: Why Adrian?
Adrian: Just trust me… someone will defeat Vanguard… I know it.
Boom: You have that much faith in Vulcan?
Adrian: No, I don’t.
Boom: Then why-
Ewing: You’re talking about “him.” Aren’t you?
Adrian: Of course.
Ewing: That kid is why many people have died, and plenty more will be joining that list.
Adrian: I know… but he’s also going to be the one to save us all… I just know it.
Lilith tears up.
Lilith: Karma and Angel… are dead?
Zach: Yeah… they gave everything to give the rest of us a chance at survival… I feel like such a failure!
Everyone is quiet, mourning.
Zach: Do you think it was a mistake for us to follow Hayze’s plan… could we have-
Eve: No.
Everyone is surprised.
Eve: If you agreed to join Hayze thinking that we all would survive AND succeed, then you’re a fool.
Zach: Huh?
Eve: I said yes with the full knowledge that we probably had a sub-20% chance of victory and not much better chance of everyone making it out alive. Hayze didn’t force us to listen to him; we chose to do it of our free will. Question yourself, not him.
Wes: (Damn, you know things are bad when Eve’s defending Hayze… we might actually be fucked here.)
Vulcan leaps down from the stands and approaches Vanguard.
Vulcan: We’re here, so you can release Exciton now.
Vanguard: I need him for just a few more moments.
Vulcan: That wasn’t our deal!
Vanguard: Don’t worry, he’ll be fine… ish.
Vulcan: What does that mean?
Vanguard: Oh, you’ll find out.
The camera system in the stadium turns on, broadcasting across the city and through people’s homes. Vanguard, Exciton, and Vulcan can be seen.
Vanguard: Why hello, everyone; it’s great for me to finally have the chance to introduce myself. I am Vanguard.
Everyone watching is shocked.
Vanguard: I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about me. I killed your #3 Hero Black Hollow, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I don’t want you to know of my power through hearsay. I need to give you a demonstration.
Vanguard picks Exciton up off the ground. Everyone watching gasps.
Vanguard: This is Exciton, the #2 Hero, and I have given him a rather thorough beating. The only reason he’s alive right now is that I’m a merciful guy at heart.
Vanguard chucks Exciton into the dirt.
Vulcan: Exciton!
Exciton: *groans*
Vanguard: I’ve climbed the ladder and will designate myself the new #2 Hero. But that’s not good enough for me; it’s time for something Colossus made nonexistent to return: Title Matches. That’s right, Vulcan and I are about to battle, and the winner will be declared the strongest hero alive. Of course, when I inevitably win, I’ll change that title… to God.
Vulcan grinds his teeth.
Vanguard: That’s right, everyone, like it or not, I am your new God. Throw out that Bible because I’m it. Now, let Exciton serve as an example for everyone. Like any God, I can be merciful, but if my will is not followed… things can get very… messy.
Vanguard grabs Exciton by his head and hoists him in the air.
Vanguard: Exciton, who is your God?
Vulcan: Vanguard! Your fight is with me!
Vanguard: Vulcan, remember what we talked about earlier? I’m making an example out of Exciton because I actually WANT to fight you, don’t make me change my mind.
Vulcan: Now, Exciton, who is your God? And don’t make me ask again, or else you know what will happen.
Exciton: Y- you…
Vanguard: No, that’s not good enough. Say the whole line.
Exciton gulps.
Exciton: You… are my God.
Vanguard: Good boy.
Vanguard chucks Exciton into the stands. Houston catches him.
Ewing: Get him to Recovery Girl right away!
Vanguard smiles.
Vanguard: Ah… I love my subordinates. See, everyone? Exciton has crossed me on more than one occasion, but he still lives, and you know why? Because he’s accepted me as his one true savior. But don’t worry if you have doubt in your heart, I’ll give the next… eh, let’s say 10 minutes, to be like Exciton.
Vulcan: *frustrated grunt* That’s it!
Vulcan coats his teeth and jawbone in a layer of magma.
Vulcan: Magma Mandible Mash!
Vulcan attempts to bite Vanguard’s jugular.
Vanguard: The World!
Suddenly, Vanguard disappears.
Vulcan: Huh?
Zach: *from afar* Above you!
Vulcan looks up to see Vanguard falling from the sky to punch him in the face.
Vulcan: *pained grunt*
Vanguard then leaps back to build distance between them.
Vanguard: Don’t worry, I’m not mad, but I consider callouts helping. Don’t do it again.
Zach: S- sorry…
Vulcan shakes off Vanguard’s punch like it’s nothing.
Vanguard: Don’t get a big head, Vulcan. I was holding back. I’m trying to put on a show here, you know?
The magma in Vulcan’s mouth drops to the ground.
Vulcan: I’ll wipe that cocky expression off your face!
The magma forms a dragon.
Vanguard: Oh, boy! What are you going to do with that?
Vulcan: This!
Vulcan leaps on top of the dragon and flies into the air.
Big Tank: (Vulcan is wasting no time, he’s going all out from the start… which is only concerning if what Vanguard said is true…)
Vulcan points at Vanguard.
Vulcan: Vanguard! You’re about to feel the wrath of the number one hero!
Vanguard: Colossus? Where?
Vulcan: You’ll wish you fought him instead when I’m through with you.
Vanguard: Oh, I have no doubt about that.
The magma dragon begins firing a barrage of magma droplets at Vanguard.
Vulcan: (I won’t let up the heat, I will melt every atom in his body!) Molten Magma Storm!
Vanguard smiles as the droplets approach him.
Vanguard: I know it’s early in the morning, but just in case any kids are watching. I’ll make this more friendly for them. The Emperor!
Suddenly, Vulcan’s magma droplets and magma dragon turn into bubbles.
Vulcan: (Wh- what?!)
Vulcan falls through the air and crashes into the ground as bubbles float around Vanguard.
Vanguard: This is already so much fun.
Houston leans Exciton against the wall at the top of the staircase. Lust came with him.
Recovery Girl: Hold still, Exciton.
Lust: Are you okay?
Exciton: I’m fine… but Vulcan isn’t.
Houston: Huh? What do you mean? They just started.
Exciton: Vanguard’s toying with him… just like he did to us. He gets some kind of sick thrill from treating the Top 10 like children, and Vulcan is no exception. This fight is already over…
Lust: No… it can’t be…
Vulcan gets to his feet.
Vanguard: So, how are you feeling, Champ?
Vulcan: (I can’t let him get under my skin. The whole nation is watching, I am their only hope, and I can’t fall into my usual habits.)
Vulcan wipes some blood from his mouth.
Vulcan: I’m fine, how are you?
Vanguard: Outstanding. In fact, I’m feeling so great that I’m willing to give you a handicap.
Vulcan: I don’t want your pity!
Vanguard: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Vulcan. I will tell you which of my tarot powers I’m going to use to stop your next attack, and I will not use any other.
Vulcan grinds his teeth.
Exciton: (Don’t let your pride get the better of you, Vulcan. He’s trying to humiliate you in front of everyone. He wants to make the #1 hero look like a joke to underscore his power. So take his offer and try to take advantage of his arrogance.)
Vulcan takes a deep breath.
Vulcan: Fine, which one?
Vanguard: The Devil.
The students look around at each other.
Zach: Anyone know what that one does?
Eve: No, this is one of the last to be revealed.
Wes: Great… so we have no clue what Vulcan’s in for.
Daniele: Yes, but we do know what he isn’t in for.
Wes: Huh?
Daniele: He doesn’t have to plan around the World or the Emperor, which are incredibly powerful, so as long as Vanguard’s telling the truth… Vulcan might have an opening here.
Vulcan begins charging a massive magma blast in his hands.
Vulcan: (It won’t matter what power he’s using if I melt him before he can activate it!) You’re going to die, VANGUARD!
Vanguard: Let me know how that goes.
Vulcan fires the magma blast at Vanguard. It’s big enough to consume his entire body.
Vanguard: The Devil!
The magma blasts through Vanguard and crashes into the arena wall. Melting the wall considerably. Vanguard is nowhere to be seen.
Vulcan: He’s gone! I GOT HIM! HAHAHAHA!
Before anyone else can celebrate, Vanguard emerges from the ground with the appearance of a mole.
Vulcan: H- huh? Wh- what?
Everyone is shocked.
Exciton: You’ve gotta be kidding me… don’t tell me he can…
Vanguard returns to his usual appearance, climbs out of his hole, and dusts himself off.
Vanguard: That felt a little weird, but that’s why I haven’t used it before.
Vanguard: Metro Mole? That’s right.
Vulcan: What?
Vanguard: The Devil gives me access to the abilities of anyone I’ve killed before. In a limited capacity, of course.
Vulcan: So that means…
Vanguard: Yes, I now have the quirks of Black Hollow, Angel Northcroft, Karma Montgomery, Tyson Ross, and Metro Mole, to name a few. I personally enjoy relying on my own godly powers rather than those of the dead, so I try not to use them, but I decided to dust them off to see the look on your face!
Vulcan: (Did I just waste my best chance to kill him?)
Vulcan collects himself.
Vulcan: (No, don’t question yourself! You will win! You have to!)
Vanguard smiles.
Vanguard: Oh, and by the way, the bubbles from your dragon have descended.
Vulcan: Huh?
Vanguard transforms the bubbles surrounding Vulcan into landmines.
Vanguard: The Emperor.
A massive explosion goes off, and Vulcan gets sent flying through the air.
Vulcan: AHHHHHH!
He crashes into a set of stands.
Vulcan: *groans*
Everyone spectating in the arena looks terrified.
Wes: Yeah… we’re fucked…
Aaron, Blaze, Grace, Impulse, and Alexis run through the campus together.
Aaron: We’re not far. We just have to-
Wrath: Hey! Let me down!
Wrath struggles on Aaron’s shoulder, forcing him to put Wrath down. Everyone stops running.
Wrath: What the hell is going on?
Impulse: We’re being chased by Hayze right now. He’s already got Khaos, Calm, and Gale.
Wrath: What? You’re kidding! We’ve gotta stop him!
Aaron: We will, but we need to get to the stadium for reinforcements.
Wrath: I’m not running from a challenge.
Impulse: Wrath, this isn’t a challenge. It’s death! We can’t beat him when he has that much power!
Wrath: I don’t care. I refuse to run away with my dick between my legs!
Grace: If it even reaches that far.
Wrath and Impulse: Hey!
Grace: Oh right… same dick… ha.
Aaron: We don’t have time for this! So, Wrath, like it or not, you’re coming with us to the stadium!
Wrath: Oh yeah? Or what?
Tempest: Or I’m going to absorb you.
Everyone turns around to see Tempest has arrived.
Tempest: Enough running, you two. It’s time for us to become one.
Alexis: You already got past Blair and Ivy?!
Tempest: Yes, and that should paint a crystal clear picture of your situation.
Wrath: Oh yeah, well-
Aaron: Well, you’re going to have to get through me!
Tempest: I’d rather not. Aaron, I respect you, but you’re no match for me in my current state… none of you are.
Impulse: He’s right. It was wishful thinking for us to believe Blair and Ivy could hold him off for long.
Alexis: So what do we do? Because giving up isn’t an option.
Everyone gets quiet.
Wrath: Impulse and Grace run to the stadium. He won’t go after you if I stay here to fight.
Impulse: Huh? Wrath… What are you saying?
Wrath: As long as he doesn’t get all of us, the fusion can’t become permanent. There are two ways to stop him: beat him, or beat Vanguard.
Impulse: That’s right, because his goal is to beat Vanguard… so if he’s gone…
Blaze: Then my father will return alongside the others.
Wrath: Yeah, so why don’t you all run along while I avoid getting absorbed.
Aaron: I’m staying with you.
Wrath: There’s no point. He’ll just wipe you out.
Alexis: And Aaron, you might need to help keep Impulse and Grace safe while they do the plan.
Aaron: *frustrated grunt* I hate running from all these fights, but okay!
Aaron starts running, and Alexis, Blaze, and Grace follow him.
Impulse: I won’t let you down, Wrath.
Wrath: You’d better not, or I’ll influence him to kill you instead of absorbing you.
Impulse: *nasal grunt* See you soon, Wrath.
Impulse runs off.
Wrath: Now, where was I?
Wrath creates two fireballs in the shape of amaryllises and blasts a barrage at Tempest.
Tempest: Well, at least this one’s going to be easy.
Tempest uses water to block every fireball, but Wrath continues blasting. Tempest slowly works his way toward Wrath.
Tempest: Just give up!
Wrath: No! They’ll need every second they can get!
Eventually, Tempest reaches Wrath, punches him in the stomach, and grabs him by the collar.
Tempest: It’s time for you to join me.
Wrath spits in Tempest’s face.
Wrath: Look out! It’s raining!
Tempest: *frustrated grunt* You just spit on your own face, you know that?
Wrath: Not for long.
Tempest: We’ll see about that.
Wrath begins to fade away, with his soul slowly being absorbed by Tempest.
Wrath: (Go as fast as you can, Impulse… for all our sakes.)
Wrath fades away. Tempest’s eyes begin pulsating Gray, White, Blue, Green, and Red.
Tempest: Just one piece left… and I’ll be complete.
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