《Racing for her love: A Madison Beer fanfiction》Chapter 8 || Benchmark


It's time for free practice 1, for the first time the car would be run in race trim. We've spend countless hours on the sim back on Stuttgart, but now on race pace, this is it. A true benchmark for the car's performance compared to other cars.

I got in the car and one of my mechanics strapped me in.

I was strapped in tight and I checked my mirrors quickly.

Radiocheck Y/N? Said Jeff over the radio.

I pressed the radio button.

Copy copy, radiocheck. I responded.

All clear Y/N. Said Jeff.

Free practice was underway and the team started my engine. I prepared to drive out of the garage.

All personal clear, we have a car leaving the garage. Tire blankets off in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now! Said Jeff over the radio.

The tire blankets were removed from my car and the front jack man carefully lowered the car to the floor.

I held my clutch pedals in, made sure the car was in 1st gear. My head mechanic walked backwards while holding his hand forward pointing to my car. He checked if there were any cars approaching through the fast lane and gave the sign I could drive out.

I let my right clutch pedal on my wheel go and turned my wheel all the way to the right. I drove out carefully to the end of the pitlane.

Y/N, let's do a quick practice start and then an installation lap. Said Jeff.

I pulled over to the right at the end of pitlane, changed my clutch mapping on my steering wheel, pulled my clutch pedals in again and waited for the other cars to pass by.

I then revved my engine up to about 10500RPM, held it there for 5 seconds, then let my right clutch pedal go. The clutch mapping was quite aggressive and I shot away cleanly.

If we get those starts on Sunday, we could win quite a lot of places. Said Jeff satisfied.

I started to go though all the 8 gears and warmed my tires a bit more.

And box this lap again Y/N, come in again then we'll look into the practice programs, we'll also do a pitstop practice so don't run em over. Said Jeff.


So at the end of the lap I came in the pitlane.

I broke just in time to slow down to 80kph for the pitlane. I pressed the pitlimiter button and looked for my team. I quickly spotted em and I turned in to the pit box and slowed down to the marker. It was perfect and the tire change went smooth.

Good job Y/N. Said Jeff.

I then got pushed back into the garage.

The rest of the practice went very clean, no major issues and we ended up P3 in the overall timings. Charles Leclerc topped the session with Max Verstappen close behind. The practice lap times don't say everything about the overall pace, but they could tell about the reliability and the tire wear of a car.

Free practice 2 went very good as well. In the 2nd practice session our cars dominated the session and our race pace looked really promising. Although we weren't the fastest on the straight away, our aero package compensates enough for that loss.

Max Verstappen topped the session with me close behind.

I got back from the debrief, it was a very good one, we understood the car and we looked at our ways to tweak the engine, nothing concerning just looking at optimising the whole package. To me the throttle could be a tad bit more aggressive and we looked into it.

All the data was super clear and we're happy about it, considering we're still a new team within this sport.

I stepped into my motorhome, went for a shower and grabbed some comfy clothes.

I checked my phone and I saw that Madison sent me a snap. She was watching my practice sessions, despite it being on at 1:00 AM midnight. My black hair was still messy and wet and I was yet to put on a shirt, so I decided for the dedication I sent her a mirror picture.

She responded quickly, it's nearly 3 AM due to timezones!

I responded teasingly with

"I did in fact think so".

She then called me.

This lady is crazy, it's 3AM for her... I thought to myself.

I picked up the FaceTime call.

Hey bozo, what's up? She said.

Wondering why this one little girl is still awake. I said smirking.


Oh shut up, I'm older then you. Said Madison with her eyes rolling.

Oh we both know you're just a cute little baby, inside the body of a 22 year old. I said.

Oh you stop it. She said

Oh you should make me. I answered smiling.

You wish. Said Madison

So all the details about the sessions, or Imma go to sleep. Continued Madison.

Well, the car was really quick on the low grip asphalt so that's one positive, tire wear is decent, definitely not the worst and the engine feels good. I said.

So you could win the race? Asked Madison.

I always can, in fact all the 21 other drivers could as well. Some are just less likely to. I said jokingly.

Oh fuck off nerd. Said Madison teasingly.

I'd rather fuck someone else. I said.

Oh- a name? Asked Madison with a raised eyebrow.

Awww look at you all getting jealous and curious, it's kinda cute. I said smirking.

I- no. I am not. Said Madison firm.

Hehe, why so curious? I asked.

Madison turned red and could not bring up an answer.

The woman was too stunned to speak. I said teasingly.

So how's everything looking for tomorrow? Asked Madison.

Well we'll have to see how the other teams are getting on with a more rubbered track, track evolution plays a big role. I said.

Well I'll be watching you for your first pole position then. Said Madison.

No pressure? I asked concerned.

Yes pressure. Said Madison strict.

We continued talking for a while, until I realised the time.

Hmmmm, you should really go to bed, it's 4:00 AM for you. I said to Madison.

Is it? Asked Madison with a sleepy voice.

It is Mads, go to bed insomnia is no joke. I said.

I guess so then. She said while yawning.

Sleep well little lady. I said.

Sleep well handsome lad. Said Madison and she blew me a kiss.

She then hung up.

Handsome lad, that struck me in a positive way... It's been a while since someone said that to me. It makes me feel some way. It also made me realise how much I actually miss love. These type of convos mean a lot to me, whether that's over FaceTime or in person. As long as it's cozy it's good.

After I broke up with Ava, I didn't really have anyone to talk to, as I was constant busy and the moments I was free, all my friends would be busy. I like to write a lot. Mainly a little journal of my own thoughts and it's interesting how they changed.

I read em back occasionally to remember myself in what state I was before and it usually cheers me up a bit.

Madison tho, she's been in my head lately, I realised it when I read back my summary of my thoughts from this week. What's it with her? She's pretty, she's sweet, but there's something more to her... More then Madelyn in a sense. I scrolled through my insta a bit and then I went to the catering place for my dinner. Quite an easy dinner it was for me; green beans, pasta with a bit of cream and salmon, not bad at all. After dinner I went around for a walk, to clear my mind. The Australian sun came down and a small wind picked up.

A headwind... interesting, that could make me brake 2 meters later... I thought.

I continued walking the circuit and then returned to my motorhome.

It wasn't too late right now, but I should probably get some sleep, tomorrow I need all my focus again. But first I need to write in my journal again.

It was a lot of today's practice sessions, but again Madison was in the journal a lot...

Once again I can't sleep, I know I should, but it feels so empty here, alone in this bed, I miss a human beside me, someone who can cuddle me and never ever release me again... Fuck I crave that right now, but there's no one like Nick at all, he was my everything, I'm still fucking broken over him, it's been weeks, ever since he broke me like that. Why am I like this? Why am I so vulnerable?.. At moments like this I wish I just wasn't famous and could just go out for walks, without being chased down by the paparazzi... I wish I could be a regular teen again.

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