《Part II》Chapter twenty-three
😗sorry for any mistakes
A month later...
Houston, Tx
October 11th
"I just want my girlfriend back Ms.Mary. Not saying she isn't still my girlfriend but you can tell she's still being short wit' me–still after a month. She's been lettin' me talk to her more over the last month but I feel like it's still isn't enough. I don't know what else she wants from me because she won't talk about her feelings. I offered dates, I brought her flowers, I begged and begged for her to forgive me and for us to move forward wit' this bump in the road for us–it just doesn't seem to be enough for her," Kacey voiced his feelings sitting on the couch of Ms.Mary's living room–the background sound of the smoothing of the ocean being played from the youtube video on the 65-inch tv mounted on the wall.
Ms.Mary listened intently to Kacey's words–along with Caydence who sat on the other side of him on the couch with her feet tucked underneath her bottom and the cowboy's cotton blanket covering her body.
Caydence may have been staring off to the side of the living room, eyes never leaving the picture of her, Ms. Mary, her paw paw, and Kapri from when they were six years old and in the backyard of Ms.Mary's house. But not knowingly to Kacey–she was indeed listening to his voice himself.
Kacey assumed since she didn't converse as much in their past few sessions then she wasn't listening nor did she care about anything he was speaking but it was the opposite for Caydence. She was listening–Caydence just didn't know what to say in order not to hurt his feelings even further than she already has.
The couple has been attending couples therapy with Ms.Mary for almost three weeks now. Caydence brought it up to Kacey one day when he came by to drop Kory off from school, you couldn't even imagine how fast Kacey jumped on board with that solution. He was drawing blanks when it came to what else he could do in order to gain her forgiveness and trust. This one situation showed him a lot, it showed him how strong his girlfriend actually is for not giving in without making him put up a powerful fight.
He also learned that thinking before saying first was not just a regular saying people tell–you actually have to do it or everything will go downhill–quickly.
They came to Ms.Mary because she used to be a licensed therapist, they rather have someone they each were comfortable with rather than a stranger they had to learn to trust. Even with her being Caydence's grandmother–she wasn't going to be biased toward either of them. She loved and cared for Kacey as her own since she honestly watched him grow up in his childhood being his grandmother (Mimi) is her best friend.
Ms.Mary glanced over at Caydence–if she was being honest, she didn't think her granddaughter was listening either. Mary could see she and Kacey are two opposite people–Caydence shut down efficiently while Kacey didn't. She felt bad for both of them, Kacey wanted Cay's acceptance back–fearful she might now love him anymore as his mother did. Not give him acceptance or blow him off to the side just like his mother did while Caydence was fearful he may do it again–fearful he didn't see her as anything more than a hoe.
Like she always assumed her dad felt about her when she became a stripper.
"Cay?" Ms.Mary called out, wishing she would say something "Do you have anything to say from what Kacey just put out there?" She genuinely wondered and Kacey examined his girlfriend. When she lightly shrugged her shoulders with some with tears welling up in her eyes–desperately hoping they didn't fall, Kacey scoffed in aggravation.
"She's actin' like I cheated on her Ms.Mary," He frowned.
Mary's eyes snapped over to Kacey "Don't do that Kacey. We spoke about this the last session, don't discredit what you said because it was very wrong," She reminded him, giving him a certain look. During the last session, Kacey kept downplaying his words, making it seem as though Caydence didn't have the liberty to be upset with him.
Like his words weren't as serious then what they were.
"I apologize but what else can I say besides I'm sorry and beg?" He huffed, slouching down in his spot seeming to get frustrated at how clueless he was feeling.
"How am I supposed to know you are really sorry and not just sayin' it to get back in good graces with me? What's stoppin' you from throwing it in my face that I was a stripper and that I'm a hoe when you are upset again?" Caydence finally speaks up, shocking Ms.Mary with the lonely tear rolling down Caydence's face.
"Cay I–No, let her finish Kacey. You had the floor now it's her turn," Mary cut him off, putting her hand up to prevent him from speaking.
Kacey nodded, sitting up in his spot–not liking the tear rolling down his girlfriend's pretty face.
He just wanted to hug her now.
Caydence wiped the tear away with the back of her hand "It hurt so much because I would've never thrown something of your issues in your face like that. I wouldn't have called you out your name like that, that's why it hurt so much because I thought you were the same. I already said I don't care about anyone else's opinions besides you and my father's opinion. You knew that before everything and you still–" She stopped speaking and took in a shaky inhaling breath.
"I know you're sorry, it's just hard to accept it because you say you didn't mean it but let it come out so easily like it's been on your chest. It's hard to accept because I don't know what I can do to make you not see me like what you said. Do I need to change the way I dress or what?" She sniffled making Kacey feel awful that she started to feel like she has to change her appearance to please him.
"This isn't just someone on the street calling me out my name. This is the man that I fell in love with more quickly than I ever expected to. We started building our dream home together and we haven't even known each other for a year yet. I wanted to forgive and move on the day afterward but you wouldn't take me seriously if I did," She admitted "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings over this whole situation–I-I just want you to eat your words. I want to prove something to you and myself. Just–Just why? Why did you say it if you didn't mean it?" She questioned, rapidly blinking her eyes in order not to allow the other tears to escape her brown eyes.
Kacey fiddled with his finger and looked down at them in his lap "Because I'm insecure. I can't sit here and act like I haven't said it to Ro behind your back before we got together," He admitted and shook his head–feeling ashamed. "It has nothing to do with you though. It has everything to do wit' me and my insecurities of being deaf and losing you," He spoke, scooting down closer to Caydence.
Ms.Mary chuckled to herself at his action–he seriously couldn't be six feet away from Caydence. No matter how hard he tries to–remind her of her late husband.
"I told you I don't care about you being deaf Kacey, I show you every day that I don't care about that," Caydence shook her head, not wanting him to use him being deaf as an excuse.
"You say that and I appreciate you learning more words signs in order to communicate with me but it's still hard to comprehend you won't leave once you get fed up with this adjustment," He expressed, tapping her shoulder for her to look at him. She hasn't done so since they walked into the house.
Ms.Mary pushed her body up from the chair she was seated in "I'm gonna give you all some space for a moment," She lightly smiled at them, walking around the couch they were seated on–departing out of the living room.
"Look at me baby, please," He spoke softly–slowly getting closer to her figure.
Caydence shook her head "No, you just got a haircut. I might give in too easily before you can speak," She continued to stare at the picture on the small table.
Lord only knows how horny she has been, her rose didn't hit the same anymore after he wasn't the one using it on her. They haven't had any sexual encounters since the day of their fight–not even kisses because Caydence knew she would be weak in the knees. She was really ignoring him so much because his deep and husky natural voice had her in a chokehold.
She was so proud of herself for being strong this situation–after the many times she was about to say fuck the situation and suck his–that a different discussion for another day.
Kacey started smirking "Yeah? I look good for you Mami," His left hand moved its way under her blanket making her bust out laughing.
"Kacey stop it and be serious baby, "She chuckled, moving his hand off her body before it 'accidentally ' slipped in her Nike sweatpants. Kacey smiled slightly at her saying 'Baby'. She's only been referring to him as 'Kacey' for the past month or so. He missed his old Bubba nickname but he doesn't think he will hear that anytime soon.
Kacey sighed again "I'm sorry for not telling you about–"
"You don't have to apologize for that," She cut him off "We're past that, this is about you disrespecting me. I'on care about what happened before that. I just wanna know why you said it and what's gonna and what can I do to prevent you from sayin' it again? Do you really see me as a hoe? Do I need to change my clothes or quit working at the club? Do I need to do something better in my–"Caydence was so focused on rambling with her questions, she didn't even notice Kacey getting closer to her until he cut her questions off.
He grabbed her by the neck to face him. He smashed their lips together, instantly making her shut up–her eyes fluttered closed as she melted into the soft kiss Kacey was giving her.
After a moment, Kacey pulled back from the kiss when she tried to stick her tongue inside his mouth and her eyes fluttered open–staring directly in his eyes "It's gonna prevent me from saying it or disrespecting you in any other way because Ion wanna lose you Caydence,"He responded truthfully then removed his hand from her neck– never breaking eye contact that she is so good at holding.
"Don't try to change yourself for me. You already stopped and lowered your income for me to be more comfortable in our relationship. It's nothin' wrong wit' how you dress or look. I love all of that about you and wouldn't change anything besides you not liking Benji," He spoke sincerely, making her chuckle–reaching her thumb up to his mouth and wiping the residue of lip gloss from his bottom plump.
"I swear I don't see you as a hoe, I see you as so much more. Independent, strong, beautiful as hell, and even though you barely show it, you are really sweet and caring. I called you a hoe because of my own insecurity that I'm trying to fix within myself. And like I told you before, I only said it to flip the script onto you because I knew I was wrong," He voiced then shook his head as he listened to himself speak.
He wished he could take that whole moment back extremely badly.
"But that's not an excuse to disrespect you and it never will be. You asked and that's my truth because I truly don't see you as anything more. I don't see you as a stripper or see you as hoeing yourself. I see you as much so more Mami, you don't have to change anything, especially for me," He expressed wholeheartedly, sitting back down next to her and she finally turned her body to face him.
"And you might be tired of me sayin' it so much but I am really sorry I hurt and fucked your head up like that. I'on like seeing you crying or feeling bad about yourself over something I caused. When I say I love everything about you, I mean it. I think you can tell I'm obsessed with you," He lightly chuckled.
Caydence nodded to her knowingly he was. She was honestly obsessed with him too but Kacey was on a whole different level. Sleeping outside in his car in her driveway was a different type of obsession. It was other things as well but she wasn't going to bring it up now.
"I uhh. I forgive you, Kacey," She was finally able to say after a month and weeks of not being able to master those words.
"Took you long enough," He frowned, causing a mug to break out on her face.
"I'm just playin'! Gimme a kiss, I love you," He leaned in to kiss her but she immediately dodged the kiss.
"But," She started and his shoulders slouched down—feeling his happy mood getting swept away. "I still want to stay in this therapy because the trust with me is still not fully there and I still am a little hurt even though I forgive you. But I want us to continue to build a strong foundation with each other because this literally almost ended us and we haven't even made six months yet," She explained.
Love didn't have any time limit and Caydence never believed in that until now. Because of love, she was building a half million dollar home with someone she has only been with for three months.
She was going her own pace, not the pace people everyone else goes
Kacey nodded understandably "I'ma keep fixing it. Whatever it takes to show you," Kacey said seriously.
"No, we're going to fix it. As a partnership," She lightly smiled "I want to apologize for how I acted in the beginning of the whole situation. I was being contradicting at moments and that wasn't fair to you. And since we're being honest I believed I was only doing so to hurt you so you could feel my pain and that wasn't right either," She said truthfully.
She did have private talks with her granny without Kacey being there, she has learned at moments she was contradicting Kacey out of spite. She felt horrible because of it but her granny assured her it was all mistakes that everyone makes.
Kacey quickly moved in, ceiling a small peck on her lips "It's okay, we both made mistakes. Everything was uncalled for on my part," He stated. Kacey wished they could've did this a month ago but he understood it wasn't easy for them to get to this place.
Caydence gripped his chin in her hand, startling him a bit from the action "Don't ever call me out my name again like that. It's not going to be any therapy sessions, or space to think. This is going to be done and that goes for me too. Don't let me call you out your name like that either, understand?" She looked him directly in the eyes.
Caydence wanted this to work but he was honestly on his second strike with her, she doubts she will be able to move forward the next time. She wanted him to hold her up to the same respect as well. They each knew when it was time to be playful with each other and when it wasn't.
Kacey slowly nodded understandably. Kacey learned his lesson, he didn't want to call her annoying in fear he might have a chance of losing her again. Your soulmate isn't easy to find.
"Words Kacey,"
"Yes, mommy. I understand,"
Fainting snoring coming from Caydence could be heard ever slightly in Kacey's ears. Caydence arms were wrapped tightly around Kacey's torso as they laid in her bed. Her mouth was scarcely parted open, a bit of slobber dripping onto Kacey's chest while her right leg was over her lower half. Kacey lay wide awake, using his two fingers to gently rub his left ear since it was currently aching.
He wanted to wake his girlfriend up so she could rub his ear. He noticed he liked it better when she did it, he didn't know how to explain it but she always made his ear feel better. He just didn't want to wake her, she was in a deep sleep. After their therapy session and then going to get something to eat, they came to her house, and she knocked straight out.
Kacey also didn't want to ruin this moment. Although she had been allowing him to come over and cuddle under her, it never felt the same because they still weren't on the best terms.
Now she forgave him–after a month and a few weeks.
Kacey didn't think it should've taken that long but he didn't learn until today that she has a hard time forgiving anyone.
The old Kacey probably would've given up fighting so hard for this–for them to be back on good terms. But Caydence was his person, he couldn't do anything but fight for her.
This is also still her first-ever relationship. That probably wasn't a good excuse for others but it was a damn good excuse for Kacey. She never had to do relationship things, she never had to communicate her feelings with a partner. The situation confused the couple–they never saw themselves going through a bump in the road like this.
And if it was the other way around and she made a bad mistake, he knew she would've fought just as hard for their relationship.
Kacey loved having that ability to bring a different and caring person out of her.
He sucked his teeth silently at the feeling of a phone vibrating on the bed. He looked around, wanting to find his or her phone before it woke her up. His free hand patted the side of him, feeling the vibrations still going. Caydence stirred in her sleep for a slender second then settled back down as Kacey pick his phone up–reading 🏋🏾 Caller ID.
His thumb mashed the green accept icon on his screen before the facetime call could hang up. He waited for the connection to connect first before his brother's naturally annoyed facial expressions emerged on his screen. "What bitch?" Kacey chuckled, speaking first.
Kyro's facial expression fell flat "Bitch, you don't have dis energy fa' yo' bald head ass momma so don't start that bullshit wit'me," He mugged him and Kacey started chuckling "Takin' me out of my character and shit. You lucky we twins would've been shot yo' ass," Kyro grumbled.
Kacey thinned his lips together "Yo' ass can't even shoot correctly at a target paper but you wanna shoot me? Priorities messed up Twin," Kacey clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"Nigga y'all had me do that shit when I was drunk off my ass! Fu—WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He put his right eyeball close to the camera after a peek of Caydence's black silk scarf got in the view of Kacey's screen "You at a bitch house?! I'm snitchin', I hope Cay ass beat yo' ass and that bitch. Hol'on, lemme call ha',"
"Watch yo' mouth and she right here dumb fuck," He tilted his phone downward to show Caydence still snoring loudly—knocked out.
"Oh, Aight. Jus' makin' sure, you know you do some dumb shita lot," Ro conversed, making Kacey roll his eyes at his statement and he position the camera back facing him. "When y'all got back straight?" He genuinely wondered, slightly smiling—displaying the gold grills in his mouth.
Kyro didn't like any of Kacey's past girlfriends– not declaring all of them were bad. A lot of them he simply didn't like for Kacey but he loved Caydence for Kacey. She fit him well, he also liked hearing how happy Kacey would speak when it came to Caydence.
He found a girl that deserved every part of him.
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