《Part II》Chapter twenty-two
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
September 13th
Dapping up the security guard who stood outside the door of the entrance. Kacey strolled inside the Pynk, immediately being hit with the weed and chicken wings aroma.
In ha mood by Ice Spice blasts from the speakers throughout the whole club. Half-naked women danced on the individual stages that had a silver metal pole in the middle. Other half-naked women either had on lingerie bottoms with their breasts out or were fully naked, walking around the semi-filled strip club.
Kacey's eyes bypassed all the nude women walking around, some carrying black trash bags filled with cash. He strolled through the club, scanning around hoping to spot his girlfriend somewhere.
Pain and ringing sounded in his ear–more of a pain-causing him to wince as he reached his hand up to his right ear, turning his hearing aid off. He's been enduring that pain for the last week now–even beginning to start not being able to fully hear out his left ear.
He was fearful of going fully deaf. He knew it was a chance of it happening because his doctor warned him years ago. Kacey just never prepared himself for this to happen.
The loud music decreased to lower and lower in his left ear–not being able to hear at all from his right as he maneuvers through the club. His eyes landed on Caydence–walking passed him in her black biker baddie zip-front bodysuit. She wore black fishnet tights, and her locs were up in a high ponytail–swinging side to side when she walked.
Kacey assumed she didn't see him from her head down, eyes glued to her apple watch.
He huffed to himself, following behind her. He wanted to hit her very badly, she was looking at her apple watch but couldn't pick up the phone when he had been calling and texting her for the past five days.
Walking close enough behind her, he grabbed her wrist before she could walk around the bar. He ignored the stinging in his arm from her punching him after he startled her. He held her wrist tighter, walking to the back where the private enclosures are–still ignoring her trying to pry his hand from her wrist.
The bouncer standing behind the stand held a concerned look, watching Kacey basically drag Caydence to one of the back rooms. Kacey walked down to room six–their usual room, also the only room that didn't have the above light on top of the door indicating someone was inside the room. Twisting the doorknob open, he pushed the brown wooden door fully open.
"Don't be snatchin' me like that! What the fuck is your problem," She finally aggressively snatched her wrist away from him before walking inside the room with her face twisted up. Kacey walked inside the room behind her, closing and locking the door behind them.
"What the fuck is your problem Naiyeir?" She folded her arms across her chest, and unintentionally pushed her breast up that we're already shown due to her having the zipper down halfway.
Kacey tried to read her lips the best he could but they moved too fast when she spoke "Talk slower please," He spoke in a low toner, turning his hearing aid back up but he didn't turn the volume fully up.
He knew the ringing would start back if he did so.
"What do you want Ace?" She spoke slower, raising her eyebrow while shifting her weight onto her right leg.
Kacey clenched his jaw while eyeing her. "Keep callin' me dat shit Caydence and I'ma show you him," He said coldly and seriously. Who he showed her and everyone else was two different people.
Kacey was completely soft and vulnerable with Caydence some might say he wore his heart on his sleeve but that's how she made him feel. A sensation of vulnerability. Rather than what everyone else saw from him which was quiet and unpredictable.
Caydence rolled her eyes and looked off to the side of him. He sighed "It's been five days Mami, every time I try to call or text to check in on you, and no answer," He stressed, shoving his hands into his black hoodie pockets. Kacey had so much to ask and talk to her about–mainly about her mom that was very much alive.
She told Kacey she was deceased, he wanted to know why she lied. He walked out of the venue after Remi came to get him saying Caydence was about to fight. He was confused by the whole situation, the only thing he heard was someone taking Kory. He assumed her mom was a sensitive topic, that was the only reason he never asked how she passed.
He wanted to know how she was feeling about her being back, besides being obviously angry. He wanted to know the story behind what happened–he wanted his girlfriend to open up to him for once. She's always there for him, and he always–most of the time felt safe to come to her with things.
He just wanted to give her the same space to do the same.
"I didn't answer for a reason, Kacey. I'm busy, as you can see," She averted her eyes over to him finally, only holding a plain facial expression.
"You're never been too busy for us to talk, Mami," His frown grew deeper than before.
"Well, I am now. Don't you see?" She raised her eyebrow, seeming annoyed by his presence presently. "Is that it? I have tables to tend to," She stated.
Kacey bit down on his bottom plump lip as he stared at her, trying to think if he wanted to ask his next question. The way she was acting towards him lately, you'll think she didn't want to be in this relationship anymore. "Do you wanna just end this? We just go our separate ways and shit instead of doing, whatever this is?" He questioned watching her eyebrows furrowed.
Of course, Kacey didn't want to break up; however, it didn't seem like she wanted to be in the relationship anymore. He understood the situation he put them in currently, he comprehended how upset she was with him and how she wasn't going to forgive him with welcome arms. But even on bad terms, Kacey believed they should still check in on each other.
Not having full discussions until she was fully prepared but just checking in to make sure each other is straight. They didn't do that–well Caydence didn't do it. Kacey tried to do so, especially during these five days that have passed but she always ignored him. Ignored him as if they weren't in love or caring about each other as much as they do.
Caydence blinked her eyes at him "If that's what you want to do, that's cool Kacey," She shrugged carelessly.
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT," He finally snapped watching her flinch a tad bit from his usual basing throughout the room then she went back to a plain facial expression.
Kacey took a deep inhale "I didn't mean ta' yell but that's not what I want but you actin' like that's what you want," He conversed "I know I fucked up, I know I hurt you but mami, please. Stop bottling up all your emotions for once, cuss me out, hit me, or something. I know you asked for space but this shit is killin' me, I just wanna fix this. I wanna fix us but you actin' as if I'm just another nigga in this club that you speak to," He voiced.
Granted, he knew Caydence wasn't the best at expressing herself or showing much emotion besides a non-caring one. Kacey just hoped she would show something besides the first time they talked and she cried.
"Then fix it, Kacey," She threw her hands up in irritation. "You believe just because some shit happens then I'ma run into your arms and forget about what's goin' on between us? Cuz I'm not and never will be," She shrugged.
Kacey sighed to himself "That not what I'm sayin' or meanin' baby,"
She shrugged again "Well I don't know what you want from me, Kacey. This isn't something I can just easily get over no matter how much I want to or you want to. If me being less communicative wit' you for a few weeks is a reason you want to give up on trying to fix what you fucked up, then do that. Do what you feel is right for you because that's what I'm doing," She spoke then walked past him, opening the door and departing the room–leaving Kacey in his own thoughts and emotions.
Kacey rubbed his hands down his face, feeling more frustrated than before. This isn't how he wanted this conversation to be or end. Now he didn't know how he wanted to move forward.
Houston, Tx
September 14th
Dee blew the smoke from the blunt through his nose with his eyebrows furrowed at Kacey. Kacey sat in the red/black lawn chair in front of him on Demetrius' patio of his residence with Trey and Kyro. "Fuck you mean you aren't comin'? Nigga this ain' no regular business deal. Twenty million is on the line," Dee scrunched his face up.
Kacey huffed softly, rubbing Benji's head who lay in his lap–enjoying the pampering he was consuming "I get that. I can still do my part from here, send more security wit' y'all to fill in for me," He informed him. Their deal with the Japanese Mafia was today, they were supposed to be getting on a plane to Tokyo tonight but Kacey didn't think it was a good time for him to do so.
"Twenty million is on the line–you ain' hear dat?" Dee looked at him funnily with his eyes squinted at him, making Kacey shake his head at him. Kacey knew how much money was on the line, twenty million off one shipment of machine guns was huge for them.
They have been preparing for weeks for this deal, it was different from their other ones.
"I understand that but Caydence and I aren't on good terms right now. I gotta fix shit with her before I can think about goin' out the country," Kacey made clear "I can do my part from here. We need someone here to watch the warehouse and make sure everything goin' smooth with our other shit," He proceeded, watching Dee lean up in his seat and pass the blunt to Trey.
"We ain' gonna be gone long. Just five days," Dee reasoned again.
Kacey nodded understanding "Doesn't matter, I still ain' going nowhere while we beef like this yet alone out the county," Kacey shrugged, he wasn't expecting them to understand but he certainly understood.
Business came and proceeded but he wasn't going to find another Caydence again. She wasn't the perfect person but she was for Kacey, she is the only woman that will love him correctly. Currently, he has to fight for his relationship and he is going to use every day to do just that plus more.
He wasn't going to give up on her, last night he realized he probably was giving up too easily. Especially over something he caused.
"All his equipment is here too. We never had a deal with these folks so we don't know what they could possibly do to the internet and shit," Kyro stepped in and defended. Their twins, even if Kacey wanted to keep everything to himself, Kyro was going to know and it was vice versa for him.
"And he made one of those cameras, he could be watching from the inside, and we wear the earpieces," Ro continued on, leaning his hand up to take the blunt from Trey after he passed it.
Dee chuckled, holding his hand out to Trey "Run me my money. I told you he was the one to fuck up," He smirked, waiting for his money and Kacey furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
Trey smacked his lips hard "Fuck man, I jus' knew I would've won," He shook his head, and reached his hand into the pocket of his light blue fitted palm angel jeans. "You kno' what I could've did wit' this fifty dollars?" He grumbled, taking his basic black wallet out and opening it—still rambling with his word as he took the crispy fifty dollar bill out of his wallet.
Ro busted out laughing, passing the blunt over to Kacey "Y'all ass made a bet and ain' include me? Can't stand bitch ass niggas like y'all. Are y'all even my real boys?" He asked as flicked both of them off with his middle finger
Dee took the money from Trey and put it in his pocket "We knew yo' ass probably already knew so that shit wouldn't have been fair," Dee chuckled "They've been acting like a married couple since they started being friends. We knew some shit was off with' y'all, Trey ass thought it was Cay's fault and I knew it had to be Ace. Look at him," He looked at Kacey.
Kacey was enduring a lengthy pull from the blunt–not knowing how much he needed this at the moment. He was extremely stressed right now, he noted to himself to stop to get himself some food on the way home after this session.
"I jus' knew my best did some shit. Have y'all met her?" Trey shook his head as he slid his wallet back into his pocket "Her and I are beefin' right now," He lightly chuckled.
"Dawg, y'all beefin' every other week. When are y'all not beefin' " Ro shook his head. It was true, Trey and Caydence can never be on good terms longer than a week. It always starts with something about Trey messing with some girl and Caydence not being able to bite her tongue–she always says something brutally honest which leads to them cussing each other out.
Nobody took them extremely seriously to the point where they shouldn't be friends anymore. They just agreed to disagree a lot and didn't know how to put their pride aside. They were truly best friends, more of brother and sister moderately than anything.
"When she apologizes for callin' me a dumb bitch ass nigga, we might be on good terms again," Trey chuckled while sitting up in his lawn chair, stretching out his hand down to pick up his bottle of purified water.
"I think Mya is pregnant," Ro blurted after Kacey passed the blunt to Dee. They all snapped their attention over to Kyro, each of their faces screwed up
"Fuck you mean you think?" Dee questioned.
"I've been throwin' up hella lately when I went to the doctor this morning they said ain' shit wrong wit' me. It's been goin' on fa' a week," He expressed as he scratched the side of his arm. "Y'all know that sayin' whea' they be like the nigga could get them pregnancy symptoms? I think I dead ass got that," He spoke, making them chuckle at him.
"Ask her to take a test," Dee told him before taking a pull from the blunt.
Ro immediately shook his head no "She gonna think I'm callin' ha' fat or some bullshit. I think she is only two weeks, ion pillow talk but that's the last time we did something foreal," He expressed.
Sucking teeth from the three boys were heard "Nigga two weeks? Can the bastard cook first why you tryna call a baby on ha'?" Trey straight-faced him.
Ro mugged him "Don't call my future child no bastard. Cay was right about you being a dumb stupid bitch," He proceeded to mug him while Dee and Kacey cracked up at the two.
"Lemme go get these kids from school tho," Dee put the blunt that was now smoked down into a roach in the ashtray on the side of his chair "Stresses me the hell out. I swear if Duke's teacher writes another note 'bout his behavior, I'ma beat his ass," Dee grumbled, standing up from his seat and pulling his sagging black with white strips on the side– Adidas pants up.
"He still gettin' in trouble? I thought you talked to him already or had Remi speak to him?" Ro questioned as he, Trey, and Kacey stood up from their seats. Kacey held Benji in his arms to carry him inside the house because he was muddy outside from the rain last night.
"Remi did but I'on think that shit worked so I'ma speak to him, he got one more time," Dee shook his head, walking inside thru the patio door.
"He acts jus' like you did when we were younger so don't go too hard on him," Trey reminded him as they all walked inside the house. Having parents that will abandon you for drugs or any ill reason affects kids in so many different ways. For Dee, it made him angry, so angry he took his anger out on six feet anyway from him. He still to this day takes his anger out on people but not as quickly as he used to when they were pre-teens.
Kapri oddly enough calmed him down in a way. Her sweet persona slowed the beast in him down. Not all the way but enough that everyone was thankful for.
For Duke, that's exactly what he did. He allowed his people to say anything small before he flared up and made it big. They assumed it would be Remi the sibling with the anger issues but he was the more calm one. But very depressed, he just never allows his siblings to see him like that.
Dee opened his mouth to speak after they all were fully inside the home. "Ahhhhh! Got meeeeeee," All four of the boys hurried towards the direction of the living room where they heard the screaming echoing from. Entering the living room, the boys watched Aurora run around in a circle of the living with nothing but her pullup on, holding the white PlayStation®VR2 headset on her face causing it to cover her eyes.
Before they went outside to have their session, she was taking a nap on the couch with a brown color footie onesie on.
"No, no! AHHHHHHH," She almost tripped over her own two feet. They looked over at Dee who was shaking his head watching her act like a fool, knowing she isn't supposed to the headset as he has explained to her multiple times.
She kept Dee and Pri on their toes, right along with Duke.
"Aurora! Sitcha' ass down somewhere girl," Dee fussed, and she instantly halted running into the sofa at the sound of his voice.
Today 10:19 PM
have a safe trip and come
back in one piece please Naiyeir.
I love you
I love you too but I didn't go
why not?
i thought this was a big deal for y'all?
It is but I'ma just do my part
tomorrow from here.
Can I come over?🙂
Can I come over?🙂
Please? I won't say nothin'
I just wanna lay wit' you
lay wit' yo' mut
We coming over anyways🤷🏽♂️
Come over here if you want too.
you gonna be standing outside
I was gonna sleep outside
your driveway anyways🫤
Caydence burst out laughing as she lay comfortably in her queen size bed after reading Kacey's last message. It was solely hilarious because he would actually do it as he did on Tuesday. She told him no about him coming over so he slept in his car in her driveway. He even woke up, got breakfast for her and Kory then took Kory to school that morning.
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Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]
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Cards of the Royal Guard
Within the laws of the world, only 16 people are allowed to obtain a given "name". The Gods deemed these 16 people as the rightful rulers of the world and demanded that any being who obtains a name would be punished. They designated one person to become the "Queen" of the 15 people. Once the "Queen" was chosen, "Queen" was then allowed to name 15 other people as the chosen ones to her Royal Guard. A chance encounter with Queen gave birth to King's name and with that he became the first to be named as one of her Royal Guard. Hidden beneath her smiling gestures of kindness towards King, Queen bears a daring spirit against the rules of God. Her agenda? To obtain the right for humans to give names to themselves so that everyone may be of equal value. But to do that, she must first find a way to break the ruling of the Gods and the various problems surrounding "names".
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A God, nothing more than fiction or maybe even just a normal person who has more power than others, but what if gods are reality?What if you wake up your regular life have your regular morgen routine and get interrupted by the end of the world or how some would call it the end of the first act. What comes after is nothing more than fantasy, a world filled with myths and legends. A world where what you believed falsehoods being historical facts. But how could that be, how could we not have forgotten? Even more how could we not know that the universe is filled with al kinds of lives all with their own stories, all with their own history. What comes after a god? what is it that goods dream of? what is it that gods fantastic about? What could prevent those all mighty from continuing to visit earth?
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Passion drives a person forward, sometimes striving for new heights, and sometimes creating a deeper chasm in which they fall. Love is passion, for love they can murder thier families, for love they can kill thier friends, and for love kings can cause the death of millions. Beauty can be pleasantly toxic, and ideals can be so easily tainted. Heroes rise, and fall, but the world goes on. To a certain man, this has always been one of the highlights of a world, everything had it's own charm. "Villains are interesting, heroes are admirable, art is a form of truth, books are food, and beautiful scenery should always be enjoyed." A long lived man dabbles in various hobbies to live out his long lfe in a ruined futuristic world. With the appearance of a strange ethereal continent, gates started to form all across the globe. Leading to hostile orcs, and magical beasts leaking into the world throughout the years, and causing chaos. With the mysterious death of his friend, and the coming disaster, he finds the oppurtunity, and reason to explore another world. Bringing along with him others who seek to expand thier own unique desires.
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Dear Asshole || ✓
letters of a girl with unfinished business.
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Separation -- The Original
You asked, I listened. Here's the original story of Separation. Merry Chrysler everyone.*****MATURE CONTENT. 18+ ONLY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.*****"I will not hesitate to bend you over the nearest surface, and spank the living day lights out of you. Am I making myself clear?"Holland has always had separation anxiety. First, it was with her mom, but now it is with these two...who are her mates? But what are mates? Holland has no idea the ride she is about to go on with these two Alpha Mates, and their ability to stop at nothing to protect what is theirs.
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