《JJBA X Reader》jotaro: arranged... kinda? pt 2
get yall's reading glasses on this is a heavy chapter
"Y/N, who is this guy? Do you know him?" Kenji asks, "I've never seen him before."
I try to find words to explain, but Jotaro's strong arm grips my right shoulder and pulls me towards him. I feel heat rushing to my cheeks and ears because of his protective grip.
"I-I, he's my-"
"I'm her fiancée. And you are...?"
I watch Ken (his nickname) as his face becomes purely distraught. I never told him I had a fiancée before, but that was only because I didn't have a fiancée until yesterday!
A tense atmosphere surrounds all of us. "Kenji Yoshida." he shakes hands with Jotaro as they give each other cold glares. "Y/N, I didn't know you had a fiancée."
I snap out of my mental spiralling and stammer, "Y-Yes, sorry about that. It's a new thing, my ring is just being resized right now."
"In fact, I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. He never picked you up from work before." Kenji instigates.
Jotaro's cold glare becomes even colder, which didn't seem possible. "Don't you think it's a little rude to assume things like that?"
"About that, I asked him not to pick me up. We prefer... dating... in private. You know how the junior editors are." I say awkwardly in defense. Saying we're dating was hard to let out because I barely know this man.
Ken's face softens, "Well then, congratulations on your engagement. I'll see you in the office." He walks away and Jotaro released me from his stubborn grip.
"Why are you here?" I ask him.
"To give you your ring, obviously." He responds and pulls out a ring box from his pocket. He opens it and shows me the beautiful yet simple engagement ring.
My jaw drops open slightly. I'm speechless. Frozen. I don't know what I should say or what I should do, hell, he didn't even propose properly!
He takes the ring out the ring box and waits for me to hold out my left hand. When I do, he slides it on and we look into each others eyes. His gaze awakens weird feelings in me. Why is this so intimate?
I shouldn't be feeling like this. Not after what happened in high school.
I'm visibly upset as I stare at the shiny ring on my hand. "Thank you, it's pretty."
He blankly stares at my expression, probably wondering why my face suddenly dropped. "I thought you'd like it. Could you give me your phone number? You know, so I can text you for meeting purposes."
"Right, pass me your phone." I ask. "Let's be friends as suggested. Are you free for dinner tonight?"
He's taken by surprise at my request, but agrees. "I'll free my schedule. Text me the place, I gotta get to work now."
I give him a shy smile and wave him goodbye as he walks to his car. He nods at me before getting in and driving off.
I start walking to the elevator and my thoughts eat me up again as I stare at the diamond on my ring finger. Maybe a loveless marriage is better, because I know what happened last time I loved someone...
I press the 20th floor button.
(You can use your ex's name but there is ⚠️assault so if you're more comfortable with someone fictional, let's name him Jiro)
I used to love someone.
Back in high school, I met a boy who treated me kindly. I was not used to attention like that, and I couldn't tell the difference between love and possessiveness since the last minute.
After high school, I made the hard choice to move to the United States so I could better my English. Once I got accepted into a university there, I told my boyfriend at the time that I had to leave.
"Jiro, there's something I have to tell you." I said while fidgeting with my hands. We were outside a restaurant after our date night.
"What is it?" he asked me.
"I'm moving to the U.S. to major in language arts. I'm sorry. I hope we can stay together through our long distance." I said, saddened.
"Are you serious? Do you even love me?" he grit his teeth.
I took a step away from him. "Of course I do, but this is an opportunity that isn't handed to just anyone. It won't be long."
I saw his face go through all stages of grief and he breathed quite heavily with rage. "And you never even told me? You think leaving me will be that easy?"
He gripped my wrist and his nails dug into my skin. I tried to break out of it because his nails were causing me to bleed. "Jiro, stop! That hurts!"
He didn't care. He smiled at me devilishly. It was there that I realized how evil and possessive he was. I was just trying to chase my dream.
He yanked me toward him and threw a powerful right hook at my face. I fell to the ground. Another one. Another one. Another one. I felt my life slipping away from me after each punch. I don't remember what happened after that because I woke up in the hospital. I learned that he was still walking free after my 2-week coma. I was damaged inside and out because of him, and his father covered up his crime.
He taught me that letting my guard down for someone who appeared to love me will only end up with them leaving me in the worst way possible. I don't want to get hurt again.
Work ended and I decide that we're going to my favourite restaurant. It's in the heart of the city yet there's barely any business. The elderly woman running it cooks really good food, too. I don't understand why nobody eats there. I text Jotaro the address and start driving there.
When I arrive, I walk in to my auntie, who isn't actually my aunt, greeting me with a smile on her face and a hug.
"You're back, dear! Come sit, I'll make you something."
I sit and tell her, "Auntie, wait a minute. I have someone coming and we'll order properly."
She nods and gets back into the kitchen for some food prep.
A couple minutes later, I see Jotaro walk through the door. I wave at him, but I realize that's useless because we're the only ones at the restaurant.
"How come you picked this restaurant? There's nobody here." He asks me as he takes a seat.
"Isn't that a good thing? Makes things way more romantic." I joke, then watch as he hides his face under his hat.
"Anyway," he begins. "Is there a reason why you wanted to meet tonight?"
I rest my chin on my palm, examining him, "Nothing, just wanted to get to know my future husband."
Auntie comes to our table as I take a drink of water and gasps. "Oh my, you finally brought a man with you! Wait, the ring on your finger... are you two getting married?"
I almost spit my water out, but I manage to gulp it down and respond, "Yes, auntie. This is my fiancée, Jotaro."
"Auntie?" Jotaro gets up immediately and bows, "Good evening, I'm Jotaro Kujo. I'm sorry we didn't get the chance to meet earlier."
"I'm not her real aunt, silly. We're just close. Congratulations on your engagement, I was worried you were going to be single forever!" She responds.
I laugh at him when he sits down, embarrassed. "Aren't you a respectful young man?" I tease.
He shakes his head, "I didn't know. You can't shame me for being respectful."
I smile at his awkwardness. "Is there anything you'd like on the menu?"
"Hmm... the Okinawa soba sounds good to me."
Auntie smiles and turns to me. "And what would you like, Y/N?"
"Your famous yakisoba. Also, surprise us with a few side dishes, please!" I respond.
She nods and hurries away to the kitchen.
"For the record, just because I'm the daughter of a CEO, that doesn't mean I eat and shop only at expensive places. I haven't touched my dad's money in years."
Jotaro nods. "I know that, and that's why I have a lot of respect for you."
"Good. You should have some respect for your future wife. So, where do you work?" I ask him.
He tells me all about being a marine biologist with a smile on his face. He must really love his job. It does sound fun working with animals and discovering new things in the sea. Meanwhile, I sit at a desk all day reading novels and editing them. Not the worst job, but certainly not cooler than his.
Auntie comes with the food, so we thank her then start to eat.
"How do you like the food?" I ask Jotaro.
He swallows the remaining soup in his mouth, "It's almost... nostalgic. Fine dining tastes so careless, you know?"
"Right," I smile at his odd choice of words, "I think that this food is made with a lot more love than other restaurants, so that's why I like coming here. By the way, why did you bring up the contract? Why not marry just a woman you love?"
He glances at the ring on my finger before responding. "My mom and grandfather have been pushing me to get married. Yet, the people they try setting me up suit their taste, not mine. And the women around me are all so annoying. I can't tell if they want me for money or looks,'or if they really want to get to know me."
I pause and reply, "I get it. I was in the same situation... kinda. I haven't dated anyone in a while."
He's about to say something, but then he just nods in agreement. "Also, I'll pay for our food, don't worry."
He asks auntie for the bill and then she laughs and waves it off, "I don't want anything from you, young man. I already owe Y/N so much."
I step in. "Please auntie, let us pay. I told you I didn't want anything in return."
"What? Why do you owe Y/N?" Jotaro asks.
"She paid months worth of bills for me. I was struggling to pay them since my son was in the hospital. So please, the food is on the house." She replies.
"You might owe Y/N, but you owe me nothing, so please, take the cash." Jotaro says and leaves more than enough cash on the table to pay our bill. His kind gesture made me happy. I guess Dad was right, he is a good man.
We leave and he insists on walking me to my car. He really doesn't have to be such a gentleman. When we arrive, I turn to him and thank him for paying and allowing me to have a good time.
"What a shame." He sighs. "It sucks that we're bound by a contract."
"Huh, why?" I ask.
"I like you as a person, Y/N. You're humble and ideal for me. A part of me wishes that... we met normally."
I blush instantly from his words. "Y-You're not so bad, either. Thank you for helping auntie back there, that made me really happy."
"I'm sure it did." He responds. "You better get home now, it's late. Drive home safe, okay?"
He reaches to pat the side of my arm as a goodbye yet I flinch. He retracts his hand and looks at me with worry.
"S-Sorry, it's just a reflex." I defend myself.
"Don't worry, I won't do that anymore." He gives me a faint smile and says goodbye as he walks off to his car.
I stand there feeling horrible. He just wanted to tap my shoulder to say bye, but I flinch at everyone's attempt at physical contact. I can't keep doing this to him and make him feel like he's the problem when he's not.
I have to tell him eventually. I'm just scared that he'll see me differently.
A couple weeks have gone by. My name is all over the news. Some articles write about how in love we seem to be, and some bash me for not being a part of Dad's company. The double standards are crazy! Jotaro doesn't even work for his family, either.
I sigh as I open the latest article. The headline: The Joestar's New Addition! Am I just a collectable item or something? My phone rings and I see that an old friend of mine, F/N, is calling me.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey, Y/N!" They say. "It's been a while, I was wondering if you'd like to come to our reunion with a bunch of our old classmates tomorrow night."
"Will he be there?" I ask. They know I'm referring to Jiro.
"I don't think so. He said he had work." They respond.
Unsure, I tell them, "I'll try to stop by."
"Oh also, bring your fiancé! I see you two on the news all the time. Congrats!" they insist.
"Oh, right. I'll ask him. See you tomorrow!" I say and hang up. I then call Jotaro.
"What's up?" he answers.
"Tomorrow night my old high school friends are having a reunion and they want you to come. You don't have to, but stopping by would look good for us." I reply.
A faint sigh is heard on the other end of the phone. "I'll try, but I'll be a little late because of work. Text me the address."
With that, I hang up and go to bed, wondering if I'll have a good time tomorrow. It will be fun seeing old faces and drinking the night away, right?
"Kenji, are you going to the reunion tonight?" I ask him. He was in my graduating class and we went down the same education path. Maybe that's why I'm comfortable with having him around me.
"Yup, it'll be fun. I haven't seen any of them in forever." He replies.
"Right. It'll be fun..." I mumble. "Anyways, I'll see you tonight." I wave him goodbye and get in my car to go home.
A couple hours later, I start to get dressed. I wear wide-legged jeans and a black hoodie with a simple cherry blossom design. It's just a bunch of old friends meeting, nothing formal.
I walk into the restaurant and an entire table waves at me. I must be the last one to arrive. I take the last seat and start catching up with everyone. A few of us have jobs we all expected each other to have, and a few of us have really unpredictable careers. Everyone asked me about my engagement and how things are with Jotaro, and I lied saying that we're totally in love and happy. I had a few sips of sake, but nothing that will impair me for my drive home. Amongst all the chattering and noise, I hear the bells of the front door and chills run down my spine.
"Hey, I made it! Long time no see!" A rather familiar voice says.
Everyone cheers, but when I look up from the table, I'm met with a monster in human form. Benjiro Sato. I look away, not wanting to talk to him,
"Hey, Y/N. You still look as pretty as ever." He tells me.
I hold up my left hand and glare at him. "I'm an engaged woman. I don't have time for your compliments."
"Jiro, leave." Ken tells him with a cold glare.
"C'mon Ken, don't be like that, it wasn't my fault." He defends himself.
I scoff and tears threaten to fill my eyes, "It wasn't your fault that you almost killed me, right? It wasn't your fault that your dad used his money to cover everything up?"
He gives me a spine-chilling death stare, which spikes my heart rate. I can see his pupils dilating with rage. I have to get out.
"Enjoy your reunion, I'll have to get going now." I say as I grab my bag and go for the door.
I exit the restaurant, fresh air soothing my sweaty face. I text Jotaro, saying, "I'm going home early. Don't come if you're not off of work yet."
I put my phone in my pocket and take a deep breath. That's when I feel a searing pain on my wrist once more. I look to see his smile. His devilish and painful smile. I hear Kenji calling for me through the glass windows while trying to get out of the crowded restaurant, waiters blocking his way to me.
Not again. Please, not again.
"Let go of me." I demand.
"After what you pulled back there? Are you trying to leave me again? Are you forgetting the all the time we spent together by getting engaged to another man?" He seethes. "I've been waiting for you."
My breathing becomes shaky with fear as I face him. "What I said was true. Now let me go before I call the police."
"You think I'm scared of the police? My father is the chief. You're not scaring me-"
A fast punch comes out of nowhere and hits Jiro in the face. He releases my wrist and staggers back. A white coat steps in front of me and the moonlight is reflecting a purple aura around him.
"Touch my wife once more and I swear you'll never see the light of day again." The familiar white coat threatens.
Tears of joy spill from my face. Jotaro saved me.
"Are you her fiancé? Did you know that she's a liar? A manipulator? She'll just abandon you at any given moment." Jiro smirks.
Jotaro smirks back, "You think I'd believe you over her? You're insane. Find something better to do with your life, we're going home."
I left my car in the parking lot because Jotaro insisted we go to his place for my safety. Veins are popping out of his hand as he grips the steering wheel, as well as another vein from his clenched jaw.
"I haven't gotten this angry in a while." He admits.
"Thank you for coming just in time." I sniffle. "I'm sorry you had to witness that."
He shakes his head, "Don't apologize to me for something that isn't your fault. That guy's a fucking jackass, touching my wi—my fianćee like that. Is your arm alright?l
I nudge him with me elbow, "Haha, calling me your wife already? My arm is fine, thanks."
He takes us to his home as I stare at everything blankly from the shock of today. He doesn't try to speak to me because he knows I don't want to talk right now.
When we get to his place, he hands me his mother's pyjamas that he keeps in his guest bedroom for when she stays over. I thank him and take a shower. I go about my nightly routine and we barely speak to each other. As I sit on the couch drinking from my cup of tea, he sits down beside me gently.
"Y/N, did you know that man?" he asks.
"All too well." I respond. "That's my ex-boyfriend from high school."
"Yare yare, did something happen between you two today or in the past?"
His question triggers every suppressed tear in my body. Tears stream silently down my cheeks and my breathing becomes shallow. "When we were teenagers... he almost killed me."
His eyes widen and he reaches to put his hand on my shoulder, and I flinch once more. He retracts it, but I tell him that it's not his fault.
"I told him I was going to the United States for university. He made me feel as if I was wrong for chasing my dream, and beat me to a pulp for "trying to leave hin."I almost died, Jotaro! I almost... he almost..." I sob uncontrollably into my hands. I can see his jaw clenched but his gaze is soft. "There's no evidence that he did it. The streets were empty a-and nobody saw. Everyone thinks I'm being delusional, but I swear...!"
"You didn't deserve that." Says Jotaro. "It's okay, I believe you. The way you flinch every time I try to touch you angers me. Not because you're flinching, but because he did this to you. Nothing like that will happen to you again as long as you're with me, Y/N."
i think part 3 will be the final part sooo stay tuned
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Y/ N : Do you think the moon ever feels lonely?She wispered lowely as if in a daze.Jimin shaking his head replied.Jimin : Ani(no), you see that star?He said pointing to a single almost imperceptible star beside the moon.She nodded looking at it.Jimin : That star is it's companion.You know, they are like us.He said smiling.Y/N furrowed her eyes at that.Y/N : How is that?She asked looking at him in confusion.Jimin : I am the moon and you are my star.Even if the world turns it's back on me i know i can rely on you.Even if i can't see you i know you will be there by my side,supporting me.
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