《Bleach: The Shadow Shinigami》Chapter 17: The real enemy
As the dust settled from the clash between both flames and darkness as both Ukitake and Shunsui were now watching as the dust settled and the once rocky area that was infront of them is now that of just ruble.
"That....was just incredible he managed....to hold off the old man" Shunsui said very suprised at what he just witnessed.
As Shunsui had just witness the head captain of the Gotei thirdteen his teacher and leader who is known to be the strongest in all of the Gotei be easily matched step for step even be outclassed a few time by this challanger.
With there being a very small hand full of people who have actually managed to survive Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto but not only survive but match him step for step.
"Still I have a feeling about something" Ukitake said.
"What's that?" Shunsui asked.
"It's just that in the fight I just felt like that guy head captain was facing was still.....holding back" Ukitake said.
"I see I guess I wasn't the only one feeling the same thing" Shunsui said.
"Glad to see am not the only one....I'm pretty sure that Captain Yamamoto felt the same thing....as if this young man has a bottomless amount of power....and he had yet to even truly tap into it even in their battle" Ukitake said.
As then both had heard something rumble which both Ukitake and Shunsui had looked over to the side at a bunch of rubble.
With the gigantic peices of rubble had then in a bust had then been scattered through each direction and ass the dust settled it showed Yato who was now dusting off his shoulders.
"Jeez so much dust on dirt but I really hope that Yoruichi is ready to do my laundry" Yato said as he had then began moving his neck back and forth at which he had then looked down at his all black leather coat and let out a groan.
"Dang it my coat isn't only dirty but also got burn marks on it good thing I got more at home" Yato said as he had then quickly looked to the side as the ground began shaking.
As then there was an explosion of flames and as the flames died down it showed the head captain Yamamoto who unlike his opponet was covered in scars but not his old battle scars but new one's.
This shocked both Ukitake and Shunsui as what they were seeing was shocking to them as Yamamoto their teacher who is also seen to be the strongest of the captains now covered with scars.
Yamamoto had looked at his opponet infront of him and let out a small chuckle as he had then spoken up "You truly are a beast I can see why you managed to take down most of the Shinigami you faced so far and even take down Kenpachi. I would even go so far to say that you are stronger than most of the current captains".
"But I also know you were holding back even when you said you were gonna go all out you were holding back weren't you?" Yamamoto questioned.
"Sorry to say but your right I was holding back I honestly wanna say I was going about thirty percent" Yato said.
Which was very much true as during the clash between flames and darkness Yamamoto could feel as during the clash that his opponent had increased his power.
Yamamoto and Yato blades had connected but while clashing the two were having a battle of power.
With both Fire and Darkness colliding with each other going back and forth with each other being even.
As then for some reason something had caught Yato attention as he had then looked to the side where both Ichgio and Byakuya were fighting at.
With Yato feeling that something happened with his little brother as he could feel that something had just awakened inside of Ichgio.
As a result of this distraction this had allowed Yamamoto in that of a second began winning but he had saw as Yato had then looked back and looked at the head captain and had simply then let out a grin.
"Sorry but if my little brother is gonna pull out some new tricks I geuss I should show you mine as well!" Yato yelled out closing his eyes.
As Yato had then opened his eyes this showing his once black eyes now that of Yellow.
At which then Yamamoto had watched and saw as Yato had then went onto release some hidden power that came out of nowhere.
This resulted in Yato darkness starting to overwhelm Yamamo fire.
'What is this power coming from?! No he has been holding back this power!' Yamamoto thought to himself as he smiled to himself.
"You truly are a strong....person" Yamamoto said as then the clash between the two resulted in an explosion of both Fire and Darkness.
With this explosion being a huge one and could be seen throughout that of the Seireitei.
Yato eyes were now back to their normal black color but he also could sense that Ichigo managed to deafeat Byakuya.
"I'm proud of my little brother managed to accomplish his goal he managed to take down Byakuya. But still I can tell that you to would also wanna resume with our battle?" Yato questioned his opponet.
"Yes I do agree" Yamamoto said as he had gotten ready once again for another round but just before the two could resume their match something happend.
With the Kido spell being casted.
This being called this spell transmits one's voice to a large number of people simultaneously, often utilized during large-scale battles. The practitioner draws symbols upon his/her arms, hands, and the ground using a black powder or their own blood.
Holding his/her palms out in front of themselves, the practitioner generates a glowing rectangular box and performs various hand movements to create various root-like extensions in the air, which connect to the glowing rectangle.
Placing his/her hands up to the rectangle, the practitioner activates the spell, causing the root-like extensions to glow and create a network extending out from the rectangle. The spell transmits messages mentally to anyone within an area of the caster's choosing.
As the caster of the spell was Isane Kotetsu the vice captain of Retsu Unohanna of the fourth division with her announcing the emergent schemes of the traitorous captain's Sosuke Aizen.
Hearing that name Yato had quickly remebered that name and who he was and quickly he had clinched his blade getting a bit angrey.
'Soskue Aizen' Yato thought to himself remebering what Urahara told him when he was younger.
In Urahara shop a twelve year old Yato was now simply eat his ninth bowl of rice while watching some anime in the living room of the shop.
"Hey what are you watching there?" Urahara asked as he had walked into the room and wasn't even shocked at the table covered with empty rice bowls as he at first when he meet Yato didn't belive in his appite but now isn't suprised.
As with Yato entering many fighting tournaments has gained a huge wealth from doing but is also very smart.
With Yato managing to get into college with a scolorship at the age of ten but finished at the age of eleven and has made very great investments into the stock market. That alone right now has that of six hundred and eighty-two milion yen in his lowest bank account that being his checking account.
All of this really didn't matter to Yato as he simply wanted to just relax and enjoy his youth while eating food as he had turend around and looked at Urahara.
"I'm just watching an anime about a spike cowboy bounty hunter who is a kung fu master and I like the music and action" Yato said as he had finished the bowl of rice and went for his tenth.
"Wow thats good but I gotta ask you ready to be a big brother?" Urahara said only to recive a shrug from Yato who was watching episode twenty-six of the show.
"I mean it's not that bad I'm actually kind of excited to meet my little brother after my parents come back from the hospital" Yato said as he had continued to watch the episode until he had decided to ask Urahara a question that he had talked about once.
"Urahara can you explain to me again why you were kicked out of the soul society?" Yato asked.
"Where did that come from?" Urahara asked.
"Well after I watched how that space cowboy left and his freinds turned their back on him it made me think why were you betrayed" Yato said.
As Urahara went onto explain everything to Yato and even Sosuke Aizen.
"Listen Yato I get that your strong but knowing you I have a feeling you will come across this person one day so I'll just tell you that his Zanpakuto has something to do with illusions. I think it's casted by looking at him or his Zanpaukto so no matter what you do while fighting him do not look at his Zanpakuto" Urahara said to Yato.
With Yato nooding his head and began thinking and simulating ways in his head that he would beable to fight an opponet without looking at their weapon at which he finally discovered how and looked back at Urahara with a determined look in his eyes.
"I can tell by that look that you managed to discover a way to fight against that problem am I right?" Urahara said only to have Yato shot him a grin.
"Holy shit you actually managed to find a way" Urahara said as he had chuckled to Yato as he knows that the day that both Aizen and this child meets it will be that of a crazy battle.
Yato now had sheathed his Zanpakuto and walked over to the side.
"Well head captain it seems that we should put our fight on hold for now" Yato said as he had then reached into the pile of rubble and taken out his captain's long-sleeved haori and tossed it to Yamamoto.
"That we both can agree on we can put our fight on hold for now" Yamamoto said. As he put back on his uniform and once he finished Yato appeared next to him and placed his hand on his shoulder.
"Your to slow and I'm in a hurry I gotta go and protect my little brother and his friends" Yato said.
As he had then moved so fast over to both Ukitake and Shunsui who were also shocked at the news of Aizen.
With Yato moving so fast as if he teleported while holding Yamamoto on his right and grabbed both Ukitake and Shunsui by their captains uniform.
"Alright then you two get ready" Yato said as then he had moved so fast to anyone who would have seen it would be as if they teleported away.
Everyone who had gotten the message now was surrounding the three traitorous captains.
"You truly are a fast one young Yato might even be faster than Soi Fon you managed to not only get me and both Ukitake and Shunsui and their lieutenants here at the same time. You truly never cease to amaze me at this point you are just full of surprises" Yamamoto said.
This catching everyone attention especially Aizen.
"Oh my the child, prodigy has arrived Yato Kurosaki if I'm correct and god son to both former captain Urahara and Yourichi" Aizen said.
As Yato simply disappeared and reappeared next to his little brother who had a slash wound across his chest. Moving so fast that to everyone else he had simply teleported away.
"You truly are a fast one" Aizen said with Yato just looking over his little brother injures.
With Yato then giving Ichgio a hug which surprised the orange haired teen boy.
"Y-Yato?" Ichigo asked supried.
"I'm proud of you little brother you managed to beat Byakuya" Yato said as he had stood up and looked over at Aizen but this shocked the traitor of the Gotei as he looked at the raven haired man.
"Oh my you really are amazing some how you managed to blind yourself am I right?" Aizen asked.
"I did blind myself by using a technique that I learned among monks. Unlike some of these people I don't always need to rely on my sense of sight" Yato said as he learned to blind himself and diesn't need to rely to much on his eye's like other's.
"That's my god son for you always managing to find a way" Yoruichi said impressed by Yato who had managed to find a way.
"You are correct Yoruichi your god son is truly on a different level then these others not only did you manage to take down half of the Gotei. But you also managed to take down Kenpachi Zaraki but also match captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto but you held back but I wonder what you are capable of when you truly let go" Aizen said.
"Well Aizen for somone one who is smart you talk so damn much you would have noticed a cut you across you left cheek" Yato said which happened and everyone noticed as Aizen had then let out a small chuckle.
"What's so funny Aizen?" Yoruichi asked.
"It's time" Aizen said as Yoruichi had realized what was happening.
"GET BACK SOI FONG!" Yourichi yelled out at which a bright pillar of light had surround both Aizen, Gin and Tousen.
At which the sky had opened up show showing some menos grandes.
The pilar's of light had began carrying the three treacherous, captains away and one of the shinigami had went to attack.
Only for captain Yamamoto stop him and explain what pillar of light is around the treacherous captains.
This light being called which are square beams which engulf the target in a towering beam of light which completely isolates them from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them from the outside of the impenetrable pillar. The field draws those within the interior towards the Menos which created it.
"To sink all the way to the level of allying with Menos.....What are you trying to do?" Ukitake asked.
"To go higher" Aizen said only to have Ukitake shot him a disgusting glare.
"Have you fallen in the process, Aizen...!?" Ukitake quaestioned.
"You are too arrogant, Ukitake. No one starts on the top of the world. Not you. Not me. Not even gods. But the Unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over from now on...."
As Aizen now with his slicked back hair looked over at Yato.
"But you are different Yato Kurosaki you are not like the others and I must say you have my respect for both your mind and strength. We will meet again and when we do let's see who is the best man" Aizen said.
Only to have Yato shot Aizen a grin as he had then unsheathed his Zanpakuto and had then launched attack.
Yato yelled as he had channeled darkness into his sword and releases that darkness with a slash that flies at the wave of Menos Grandes killing twenty of them with zero effort.
Aizen was impressed as he looked at Yato who had looked back at him and the two already knew that their blades will clash eventually but for no it wan't the time.
As Aizen had left with the two other now ex-captains wich Yato had then undid the technique which he now can see clearly.
After a while the healing divsion had came and began healing everyone as the others also came with Orihime with Sado and Uryu arriving and suprised to see Yato not knowing he came along with them.
Just as everyone was getting healed a huge grumble was hear all throughtout and even shacking Sōkyoku Hill which suprised everyone.
"What was that!?" Soi Fon asked.
"Is it another Hollow?!" Ukitake asked.
"Where did it come from?!" Shunsui asked.
"Where is it?!" Komamura the captain of the seventh division asked.
"Hope it can fight!" Kenpachi yelled out ready for a fight.
"Everyone calm down I know what it is!" Ichgio yelled out catching everyone attention.
"What is it?!" Marechiyo the vice-captain of the second divison asked.
At which Ichgio, Yoruichi, Orihime with Sado and Uryu all pointed over at Yato who had collapsed as then another rumbling sound had happened.
"Ichgio......." Yato called out his little brother name as he had reached up his hand up as Ichgio had ran over to his older brother.
"Yato what is it man what's going on?" Ichgio asked his older brother while holding his hand as Yato had looked over at Ichgio.
"I'm......I'm" Yato was muttering.
"Your what Yato you are what?!" Ichgio asked.
"I'm....I'm.....I'm so damn hungry" Yato said looking over at Ichgio who had just stared at him with a blank expresssion and had simply dropped his brother hand and began walking off away from his older brother.
- In Serial26 Chapters
Updates daily at 23:06 UTC. 2/1/2021 NOTE! This trilogy is being published by Aethon Books starting with book one on 5/1/2021. All books have been removed from RoyalRoad. This story was posted on RR in its entirety before being removed. Magnus Cromwell kills for a living. He’s organized, professional, efficient. Like a machine. But when his family’s life is on the line? That’s something else. That calls for the kind of warm-blooded vengeance that scorches earth and summons tungsten rods from space, leaves a whole lot of melted flesh, and no one to tell the tale. It should've been a blue milk run. As by-the-book as it gets. With his sister Nina out safe and the opposition decimated by hypersonic gunfire, MC wondered where they got the guts to even try. Then something hits him. Lays him out cold, and leaves him waking up to a fantasyland with nothing but his armor and a half-written note to guide him. It's a strange place where even stranger predators eye him for their next meal. Where his life’s on a timer, and where the darkest horrors haunt his dreams, painting visions of death. There's no right day to mess with Magnus Cromwell. But the universe sure managed to pick the absolute worst one. --- - MC is stone-cold, strong(OP), and gets even stronger, but he'll still face his fair share of challenges, both internal and external. - LitRPG-lite. No stats and an unconventional system. Expect abilities and progressions, but there will only ever be a handful of them. - Science Fiction and Fantasy collide, with a touch of mystery, Lovecraft, and body horror. - Professionally painted art scenes! - This series is finished. A Huge thank you to RoyalRoader MikeWe for the banner, and to NoDragons for his help editing the synopsis. Cover and scene art by the talented John Molinero Discord: https://discord.gg/s6e5rTj [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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