《Bleach: The Shadow Shinigami》Chapter 16 Darkness vs Flames


Quickly blades had clashed one with that of darkness imbued into it with the other being that of flame's.

The result of the blades of two strong warriors clashing resulted in a shockwave that sent cracks through the ground and some wind to blow back.

This even making the nearby two captains who were watching quickly have to bring up their hands to block the dust.

The dust had cleared showing the two swordsman blades still in a deadlock with the cracks in the earth ground spreading more.

Then both swordsman jumped back away from each other and looked in the others eyes with

"I must say I'm impressed not that many can compete in a clash of physical strength with me" Yamamoto said.

"You two but I could tell just from the moment our blades clashed that you were also holding back" Yato said.

As the two had then rushed just stared at each other with both having their Zanpakuto in their hands.

With a gust of wind going by the two and then in a blur the two disappeared with captain Yamamoto using that Shunpo.

Which Shunpo is a movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.

As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.

Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of Shunpo can move.

Users of little skill in the technique or those who have not used it for an extended period of time would obviously be out of practice, causing them to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded in a shorter amount of time.

With Yamamoto being that of a Shunpo Master as many Shunpo Masters are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time.

While using the least amount of steps to achieve those movements. Masters are capable of using advanced steps, which are considerably harder to initiate.

A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence.

With Yamamoto appearing right infront of Yato as the head captain went for a swing of using his Ryūjin Jakka.

Which Ryūjin Jakka is known as the oldest and most powerful fire-type Zanpakutō, and has greater offensive power than all other Zanpakutō in Soul Society. Also being in the hands of Yamamoto who has been the head captain of the Gotei for hundreds of years so to both Shunsui and Ukitake this attck that he launched would be the end.

Only to have the raven black haired young man easily dodge the head captain sword swing.

This catching Shunsui and Ukitake off guard as the swing that Yamamoto had went to use was that of one that had the momentum of him using Shunpo.

So to some regular person Yamamoto blade was like that of a blur only to have Yato easily dodge and counter attack with a swift side kick to the head captain.

Yamamoto managed to block at the last second and yet still went flying into a nearby hill side and went straight through it.

"Old man I know that wasn't enough to take you down you don't gain the title of the "head captain" of the Gotei if you were to easily be taken down by just that one attack" Yato said.

As the hill side that Yamamoto was sent flying into had then exploded in that of a huge flames surrounding him.


"You are better then I expected boy you managed to keep an eye on me even while I used Shunpo. No wonder you managed to beat Kenpachi and a majority of the Gotei" Yamamoto said.

"Same with you but show me what you the head captain are made of because I didn't just drag those two over here for no reason" Yato said as he pointed behind of him to both Shunsui and Ukitake who were watching.

Yamamoto had looked down at the arm he had used to block the kick was now hurting him as from just that one kick alone that he had blocked his arm is now throbbing.

Yato had watched as Yamamoto looked back up from his arm and back up at him which he had then gotten into a fighting stance which made the raven haired young man do the same.

At which Yato had dissapered and reappered infront of Yamamoto who had swung his Ryujin Jakka downward which inside of moving away or dodging the young man decieded to take to attack head on.

As Yato had then blocked the plade with his very own causing another shockwave and instead of jumping back he instead pushed back with his blade imbued with darkness againstn the raging flames of the head captain.

Yato had then pushed Yamamoto back and then began is own attack and went for his own doward slash and like he predicted the head captain would try to block so instead of going for an upward slash.

This catching Yamamoto and both Shunsui and Ukitake off guard as they all thought that the young man was going to deliver and downard slash but instead in a blur he went for an upward slash.

Yamamoto quickly had managed to block using his Zanpakuto but just like before but this time he went sliding and looked up at the young man who he knows has yet to even show his true strenght yet.

From the side both Shunsui and Ukitake were watching and were both very impressed at what they were seeing.

"This kid is really good he is not only holding his own against the old man but he seems to be able to predict what the old man is gonna do that just amazing" Shunsui said.

"You have no idea and he seems to be even faster than before" Ukitake said.

"Wait what do you mean?" Shunsui asked his freind.

"Remeber what I told you when me and Byakuya were on the bridge that young man had managed to easily out speed both Byakuya and Yoruichi without needing to use Shunpo just his own physical strength" Ukitake said which suprised Shunsui.

"W-Wait one Yoruichi is back?! Second he manged to out speed her?!" Shunsui said suprised as someone like Yoruichi who holds the title because she has mastered this ability to the point where she can appear to be in several places at once.

"He also manged to help me out with my breathing by hitting some preasure points" Ukitake said.

"Wait what do you mean?" Shunsui asked.

"Well the thing is that he some how manged to hit these pressure points that allows me to breath easeir" Ukitake said as he remebered what he talked to Unohana about this.

In the barracks of the fourth division Ukitake was in the office with Unohana as the captain of the fourth division examined her fellow captain body as he has returned from the bridge and explained how this raven haired man had pocked him in certian spots.

"I must say the points that you told me this young man had hit has manged to allow and open up the pressure points in your body which now allowing blood to circulate easier so you can move a bit more and breath a bit more" Unohana said.


"How did he do it when you have examined me multiple times before and you didn't see it?" Ukitake asked as he looked at Unohana.

"Because it was so small that I couldn't notice it what did thos young man use to see the preasure is my question?" Uonhana asked as she was thinking on how this young man could have seen Ukitake pressure point.

"Did he use any ability or power to see it?" Uonhana asked which Ukitake began thinking to himself and came up with nothing.

"Well just try to becareful with him if you ever come across him again if he has the ablility to see that of a person blood flow and inner body might be bad" Unohana said which Ukitake agreed to.

"Wait your telling me that kid might possibaly have the ability to see a person blood flow and inner body?" Shunsui asked.

"That's what captain Unohana told me but this might just be the case we just got to watch and see how this fight plays out" Ukitake said.

"Ukitake who do think will win this fight I mean the kid manged to force Kenpachi to use Kendo and take his eyepatch off, out speeding both Byakuya and Yoruichi with just his physical speed alone and he is most defintealy holding back" Shunsui said.

This was most definetly true as both Yato and Yamamoto were holding back but the raven haired young man most definetley is holding many cards in his hand and has yet to show any.

While Yamamoto on the other hand is now currently trying to measure the power and abilites of his opponent but unlike the head captain of the Gotei his opponent has already figured out the expreinced Shinigami fighting style.

As what both Ukitake and Unohana were speculating was very much true that being Yato had two very powerful abilites that he has had since he was young.

These abilites both being first what he calls this is an ability that lets him see through his opponent through tracing their small tendencies and personalities in a battle to where he is able to predict and react their next moves.

With his Yato has created a technique that is derived from his Perfect Vision, where Yato uses his incredible insight to analyze and steal another opponent's swordsmanship or technique through tracing them back down to their roots. He can grasp most forms in a couple of minutes to discover their imperfections and seconds to create a far more superior version of it, which he applies to his swordsmanship. This technique being called but he decided to use his own techniques and not others so he never used this technique ever again.

Yato second, ability is being what his mother named which is a special form of ocular extrasensory perception that alters his vision, allowing him to perceive other living beings as if they were transparent, only being able to see the inner workings of their bodies. Most notably, he is able to perceive the flow of blood, breathing, muscular contractions and joint movements of the creature he is looking at.

Yato potentially, one can use the Transparent World's power to see inside an enemy's body as a way to predict and evade his opponent's attacks, as well as to find openings for their own strikes. Additionally, he is able to perceive the world around him as if it was in slow-motion, thus dramatically increasing both his movement speed and reflexes.

As Yato has constantly accessing the Transparent World ever since he was a child. He first displayed his proficiency in using this ability against a master swordsman and had left the swordsman swellings the size of fists.

The first when Yato had awakend this ability he could only see this Transparent World and after training for awhile he mastered the ability and can both activate and deactivate the ability at any time.

Even so Yato still has many more abilites that even his parents and family don't know about but right now he decided to fight.

"Hey old man I know that you are holding back and you know I am as well so how about we just skip this warm up" Yato said as he had then looked over at both Shunsui and Ukitake.

"If you two could do me a favor and make sure if anybody comes that they don't get in the way also get a little back so you don't get in the cross fire of what's about to happen next" Yato said which he had then looked over at Yamamoto and lifted up five of his fingers causing the head captain to raise an eyebrow.

"Five minutes for five minutes let's go all out using our Shikai" Yato said as he knew that Yamamoto was holding back as when they clashed he could fell it as the head captain then gotten a fell that he hasn't gotten in a long time.

After man years of serveing as the head captain and facing many threats he has had to become the embodiment of conviction.

'Has it been really that long? That long since I have felt the thrill of a battle!!' Yamamoto thought to himself as he had then released that of his Reiatsu.

With Reiatsu being the physical force/pressure that a person's Reiryoku when released. The difference between spiritual energy and spiritual pressure is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person's Reiryoku exerts.

In other words, Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use and can be sensed by other spiritually aware beings. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also.

A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Reiryoku by possessing greater Reiatsu - this is achieved by having greater control over their own spiritual energy.

Reiatsu can be used in that of many ways for those who have masterd it such as certain individuals can generate a shape or manifestation of their spiritual energy whenever they release enough of it; the manifestations are one of their inner strength.

There is also that of defensive usage When two spiritual beings collide, the side with weaker spiritual pressure will get hurt.

Also can be used when it comes to Psychological as those who have masterd their Reiatsu control can instill fear in others when it is very high.

With Yamamoto being a master at Reiatsu control as he can exert his Reiatsu to induce fear in captain-level combatants, and can physically paralyze and possibly even choke combatants of lieutenant-level and lower simply by gazing in their direction.

Yamamoto's spiritual pressure has the same effect as his Zanpakutō, for it is the elemental representative of fire. He tends to glow with a fiery aura, which has the potential to burn and set his surroundings on fire without the use of his Zanpakutō. It is the formidable pressure of his Reiatsu which makes the Reiatsu itself look like flames.

As the head captain had taken off his top and then released his Reiatsu.

Yato had then began to grin in excitement at what he sees in front of him as this is a feeling that he hasn't felt in that of many years.

"Now this is what I've been looking for this whole time. It's been a while but now it's time to kick things up a notch!" Yato yelled as he began releasing his own Reiatsu which formed that of a skeleton from behind for a quick second.

The two masters of Reiatsus clashed and had began shaking and cracking the ground around them to the point where the Reiatsus were felt all around Seireitei with tremendous force.

Over with Shunsui and Ukitake who had left had arrived a few yards away and then quickly felt a huge amount Reiatsu.

Which both Shunsui and Ukitake turned around and looked to see that if one flame Reiatsu and a dark one clashing.

"T-This pressure and h-heat but also cold chill in the air what control of Reiatsu" Ukitake said.

"Yeah that kid is really impressive" Shunsui.

Ichigo who was in his Bankai form fighting with Byakuya both had stopped as the two had then felt an immense amount of pressure on them.

"What the heck?!" Ichgio asked.

"What is going on?" Byakuya asked as both him and Ichgio looked to the side and saw what looked like two that of two pillars of both Fire and darkness clashing.

"That's the direction where Yato went" Ichgio said as he had then looked at Byakuya.

"Hey where are you looking at focus on our fight!" Ichgio yelled as he went back to fighting the current head of the Kuchiki clan.

Kenpachi was now fighting against both captains of that of the seventh and nineth divison as they all had stopped as they felt a shiver go down their spine as they all looked to the side and saw that of a clash between to Reiatsu's.

Kenpachi had grinned as he had already knew who were clashing Reiatsu.

"Well dang I thought I loved to fight but that guy is just insane taking on the old man" Kenpachi said with a grin on his face.

"Who could be fighting the head captain?" Tosen the captain of the nineth divison asked not beliving somebody is actually fighting and clashing with the head captain.

As Kenpachi just let out a wicked laugh and then looked towards where the clash of Reiatsu was happening at "Yato Kurosaki you better not lose and die because we will fight again so win!" Kenpachi yelled out.

With Yoruichi and Soi Fon as the two were fighting they quickly stopped as they felt this chill go down their back.

As the two looked towards were the direction where this surge of energy was coming from and saw the clash of Reiatsu.

"W-what is th-that?!" Soi Fon asked shocked at what she is seeing.

"We'll it seems like my godson is facing the head captain and it seems like he is enjoying himself" Yoruichi said.

"W-what godson?!" Soi Fon asked supried

The Reiatsu clash had died down with both Yato and Yamamoto having a grin on their faces as then the head captain had began the next round rushing towards his opponet with his Zanpakuto in had at full power.

Yamamoto yelled out as he creates a great inferno with a wave of . The fire generated by the attack completely consumes whatever is caught within it until nothing remains but ashescreates a great inferno with a wave of . The fire generated by the attack completely consumes whatever is caught within it until nothing remains but ashes.

In addition to directing the flames of to attack only the targets which he chooses, Yamamoto also has power over the intensity of the flames.

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