《I Am The Dragon Slayer (Highschool dxd x male reader)》Assault On Kuoh Academy
Rias and Lexie were both staring at you worriedly, you were currently laying on your bed with a wet towel on your forehead.
Lexie: Maybe this will teach him to eat something he's not familiar with. Don't know what he was thinking when he ate those flames.
Rias: What's happening to him?
Lexie: It's obvious those Dark Flames don't go well with Dragon Fire. The two were never meant to mix.
Yui came in the room carrying a tub full of hot water. She sets it down next to your bed.
Yui: He always gotta make me worry about him, I guess that's what children do. Give you a hard time.
She swaps out the old towel with a new and placed it on your head. Taking care of you makes her remember a memory, one that she cherished to this day.
Yui: Truth be told, Y/n wasn't my first child I took care of.
Rias: He wasn't?
She nods, smiling warmly on that memory she cherished.
Yui: I had a daughter, she looked exactly like me. And she reminds me so much of Y/n, kind, energetic. She was the same age as Y/n when I found him. She was a blessing in my life, until I lost her.
Rias and Lexie looked down, feeling sympathy for the loss of her child.
Yui: I was broken by this, had an empty hole in my chest for a while, and that was until I found Y/n, alone and wearing nothing but ragged clothes. He filled that empty hole in my chest, I found another child through him.
She sits down on the bed and caress the side of your face, giving you that motherly care.
Yui: Taking care of him was completely different from my daughter, always getting into fights, getting calls from the principal about his reckless behavior, it's like a looks for a fight. But despite all the trouble he causes me, I always loved him with all my heart.
A single tear fall from her face and onto yours.
Yui: He was the best thing that happened to me when I moved. Meeting him, being his mother, was the happiest moment of my life.
Rias: I feel the same, everything changed when I met him. He saved me from a problem of mine that I had no control over, he didn't have to but he did it anyway. He's the type of person that is willing to jump in a burning building to save someone, despite not knowing who they are.
Lexie: Sounds exactly like the guy.
Yui sits up.
Yui: Rias, can you watch over him? I know that he's a handful, but ever since he met you, he's been so happy. I've never seen him like this before. You bring out the best in him.
Rias smiles hearing this.
Rias: I will, he's in good hands.
Yui smiled.
Yui: Thank you. I'm gonna head to bed, night you two.
Rias: Night mother.
With all been said, Yui left your room. Everything fell to a silence, having enough Lexie stood up.
Lexie: I'm gonna head to bed as well.
Rias: Okay.
Lexie walked over to the door, bur before she left she had some things to say first.
Lexie: Don't worry Rias, I know just how stubborn this guy is, he'll wake up soon. Just you wait.
Lexie leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Leaving you and Rias alone in the room.
Rias: I hope they're right, please wake up soon Y/n.
She leans forward and gives you a peck on the cheek, she backs up and heads towards the door. Rias takes one last look at you before closing the door.
Rias was currently sitting on a couch in the clubhouse, with Akeno by her side. Issei and the others have yet to arrive.
Rias would occasionally look at the other couch on the opposite side, imagining you sitting there, laughing.
Akeno: How is he?
Rias: He's fine. Just need some rest is all.
Akeno: I wouldn't expect anything less, takes more than that to keep him down.
The doors opened and the rest of the ORC members walked in.
Issei: Sup Prez.
Rias nods in acknowledgement.
All three of them sat on the couch opposite of Rias. Asia in the middle, Koneko on her left and Issei to her right. Issei rubs his head.
Issei: So... how is he? Y/n, I mean. Is he okay?
Rias: He's fine. Rest is what he needs right now.
Asia: That's a relief to hear, I was getting worried it might have been worse then I originally thought.
Issei puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles.
Issei: Y/n is the strongest person I ever met, in fact, if you look up tough in the dictionary, there'll be a picture of him right next to it. He'll be back on his feet before you know it.
Rias hearing Issei talk about you like this, lighten her mood. She closes her eyes.
Rias: He's right, Y/n will be back. In the meantime, we're gonna have to deal with problem on our hands until he gets back.
Issei: Have you heard anything from Kiba? Did he contact you?
Akeno: Nope, not even one time.
Rias: Good news is, the five he's with are pretty skilled. I figure they could at least take on a stray priest if they run into one.
Issei had his head down, feeling responsible for the condition you were in. Both Koneko and Asia had their heads down as well.
Issei: So um-- I'm really sorry if I made things worse.
Akeno: You didn't. But we couldn't sit around waiting for him to contact us. We had to act. We sent our familiars to search around town for us.
It was right there that Rias had received word that her familiar had found someone. She stood up from the couch immediately.
Rias: My Familiar found someone. Come, we need to find out who it is.
Everyone: Yes, President!
Everyone gathered around Akeno as she makes a teleport circle, ready to transport them to Rias's familiar. They were all engulfed by a red light, obstructing they're vision before finding themselves in a dirt path in the forest.
Before them, was Drake and Irina. Irina had multiple wounds all over her body as most of her outfit was ripped. Drake held her in his arms, worried for her well being.
Issei: Irina!
Issei ran up to them and kneeled down to their level.
Akeno: We found one.
Issei: Asia!
Issei called out to her, she quickly ran over and kneeled to heal Irina's wounds.
Asia: Can you hear me?
Her hands hovered over Irina, healing any damage that was done on her. Feeling the effects, Irina slowly opened her eyes.
Drake: Irina! Are okay?!
She looks at him.
Irina: Drake...
Issei: What happened to you? Where are Kiba and Xenovia?
Irina turned her attention on Issei.
Irina: I don't know. They got away.
Issei: Got away from what?
Irina: I let them down. I was too slow.
She winces in pain, just talking hurted her.
Asia: Try not to push yourself!
Irina: I couldn't get away. He was too strong.
Issei: Who's "he?"
Irina gazed over at Drake and reached her hand up to touch the side of his face.
Irina: Drake... please be careful.
Drake: Irina!
He grabs the sides of her face and leaned in close, worriedness was plastered on his face.
A blue magic circle appeared in front of everyone as Sona, Tsubaki and Saji appeared from it.
Issei: Hey guys.
Rias: Thank you so much for coming, Sona.
Sona hurriedly walked over to Irina and Drake.
Sona: Of course.
She kneeled down to get a better look of Irina's injuries she has sustained.
Sona: I came right after I received your message. The damage is pretty bad, isn't it?
Asia: Um, yeah. Twilight Healing isn't strong enough to restore consumed stamina.
Drake: And neither is Viola's Dragon Slayer Magic.
Sona nods at this.
Sona: It's okay. I have the equipment to treat her at my house. Tsubaki?
She calls out to her Queen.
Tsubaki: Right.
Drake had to let go of Irina so that Tsubaki could pick her up.
Sona: I'll leave her with you.
Tsubaki: Understood.
Sona and the others stood up from the ground and watched as Tsubaki disappeared from inside a magic circle.
Issei: So does that mean Kiba and Xenovia are okay for now?
Drake: They are. Viola headed off with Sora to find that Demon. I just hope that they're okay.
Saji looked at Issei and rubbed the back of his head.
Saji: So how's your rear doing?
Issei: Actually fine after Asia's treatment. Sorry you had to go through all that. My bad.
Saji: It's cool, but what the hell happened, man?
Issei: We just got here, too, so I have no idea.
Out of nowhere, a strange sensation passed through everyone's chest except for Drake. Making them flinch.
Saji: What's this in my chest?
Issei turned to a tree from the side, sensing the Holy presence near them.
Issei: No way!
Freed: Well, well, well, would ya lookie what we have here!
Freed stepped out from the tree he was hiding behind, confronting everyone.
Freed: Id it isn't the "We All Took The Bait" Club! Welcome, all of you. So many damn devils!
Everyone got into a defense position. Issei glared at Freed with hatred.
Issei: Thought it was you!
Saji: Figures!
Freed had this sinister smile on his face when spotting Asia among the group.
Freed: Asia Argento. The traitor nun who gave her soul to the devils.
Asia slightly shaked from Freed's stare.
Freed: How much do you love your new life as Devil Scum?
Issei got in front of Asia.
Issei: Shut up! You lay one hand on her, I'll do it!
Issei summoned his Sacred Gear and pointed it towards Freed. Sona then jumped over Issei and landed right next to Rias. Both of them aimed their hands at Freed as a magic circle appeared.
Freed: Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on! Don't blaze the messenger, all right! Someone wants to talk to you, Red.
Rias and Sona stood down.
Rias: Which someone?
Freed: Heh heh... my boss!
The whole area was changed as the sky changed color and the air felt different. Everyone looked up at the sky and saw someone hovering above them with ten darkened feather wings.
Koneko: Fallen Angel.
Akeno: And he has ten wings. He's of the leader class.
The Fallen Angel smiled evily at them.
Kokabiel: It's a pleasure to meet you, daughter of the House of Gremory. I am Kokabiel.
Rias walked forward with her arms crossed.
Rias: The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure. And please, call me Rias. So you're the leader of the dark angels? It's nice to put a face with a name.
Kokabiel: Your crimson hair is quite breath taking. Just as lovely as the Scarlet haired Devil King. Even the facial expressions are similar. That is absolutely nauseating.
Rias: Thank you. Is there something you'd like to discuss with me or you just here to review my appearance? Not that I'm rushing you. It's nice to see a leader so close-up.
Kokabiel: I'm thinking I'd like to do a little damage while I'm here, starting with this institution and moving on to the rest of the town.
Rias raises an eyebrow at this statement.
Rias: Why would you want to harm our school?
Kokabiel: I figure if I do, Sirzechs will have to emerge to help out his sister. What do you think?
Rias glared at Kokabiel. Knowing the result of attacking the school.
Rias: If you choose to do that, then you will be starting the war between God, the fallen angels, and the devils all over again.
Kokabiel laughs.
Kokabiel: Better than what I got after stealing the Excaliburs, I thought for certain Michael would come after me. But all I got were some amateur exorcists, two pathetic Holy Sword users, Two weak Dragon Slayers and a Devil Slayer. Speaking of the Dragon Slayers.
He looks among the group, looking for someone in particular.
Kokabiel: I was told there was one who could actually give me a challenge. Do tell me, where is he?
Issei clenched his fist, knowing exactly who Kokabiel was referring to.
Rias: Sorry, but he's taking a little break.
Kokabiel: What a shame, I was hoping to spill his blood while I'm here.
It was Rias's turn to clench her fist.
Akeno: So wait, that was your goal?
Rias: You actually want to start a war?
He smiles sinisterly at the thought of doing so.
Kokabiel: Yes. Yes! After the first three-way war ended, I was so bored! There was nothing to do! Azazel and Shemhazai were being so passive about when the next one would start.
Issei: What a sec. I know those names, but how?
Issei remembered the fight between him and Raynare. She mentioned the name Azazel and Shemhazai.
Issei: That's right. Raynare; she mentioned those two before.
Rias: Azazel. He's the General Governor of all the fallen angels.
Issei: Sounds like a good guy to know.
Kokabiel: Not only is Azazel busy being distracted by impending wars, he's also spent time collecting something called The Sacred Gears. He always gets completely immersed in his collections.
Hearing this made Issei nervous.
Issei: So stealing the Holy Swords wasn't enough for you guys? Now you need Sacred Gears, too?
Kokabiel: No need you generalize. Also, I have no interest in your Boosted Gear. I realize that it might be a useful weapon, but I've got what I need. Azazel might want it. I'm sure he'd love to add a devil's toy to his collection.
Issei: Like I would just hand it over to him!
Kokabiel: Fallen angels, God, devils, Demons-- we are just barely in a state of equilibrium. Which means I can start a war at any time with my own two hands!
Everyone gasped when hearing this.
Rias: You're a complete war maniac.
He laughs at this.
Kokabiel: Obviously! Why do you think I'm using devils this time? I've got you, Rias Gremory-- Lucifer's little sister. Then I also have Sona Sitri-- Leviathan's sister. I have no doubt that there is an abundance of power hanging over the school the two of you attend. It'll make the perfect war zone. I know I'll enjoy it immensely.
Issei and Saji stared at Kokabiel, shocked by his desire to start a war.
Saji: That's insane!
Issei: Yeah, if by 'insane' you mean totally 'effed up!
Freed laughs madly when hearing his boss talk about starting a war, exciting the Stray Priest.
Freed: Don't you just love it! When he lets his psychotic side shine? I'm starting to get excited about war, too! And look! I even have toys to bring to the party!
Freed opened up his coat, revealing two more Holy Swords just underneath it.
Koneko: Holy Swords.
Issei: Does that mean all the swords he has are Excaliburs?
Akeno: That's what it looks like.
Saji: Shit balls.
Freed has his signature evil smile on his face.
Freed: The fun part is that every one of them is in hyper state and ready to be used. Who's your daddy?
He chuckles.
Freed: And I scored this Holy Sword of Mimicry, Excalibur Mimic!
He grabs the white band on his right arm, a concealed Holy Sword, held by Irina. Seeing the weapon in Freed's hands made Drake's blood boil in anger.
Freed: It was a gift from that sweet little girl in pigtails.
Everyone gasps.
Kokabiel: Oh, don't act so surprised.
Rias and the others turned their attention to Kokabiel.
Kokabiel: What do you say, dear little sister of the Devil King? Nice day for a war, isn't it?!
Kokabiel summoned a magic circle in front and multiple spears of light came racing down towards everyone.
Rias: Everyone! Leave now!
Rias, Akeno and Sona made a protective Magic circle in front of them, the spears made contact with them, protecting the three of the explosions.
Issei and Koneko quickly ran back from the spears, one of them made their way to ground and exploded, knocking Issei to the ground while Koneko jumped onto a tree branch.
Drake immediately jumped up in the air and towards Kokabiel. He clenches his right fist as Neon surrounded it.
Drake: Neon Dragon: Radiant Fist!!!
He thrusts his fist at Kokabiel, making contact with him. This creates an explosive force on impact, creating a smoke cloud between the two.
Everyone looked up at the cloud to see Drake come flying out of it and falling hard on the ground. He gets up to see Kokabiel and Freed gone.
Saji: I can't see where he went!
Koneko who had the height advantage over everyone, pointed in the direction of the school.
Koneko: I saw him go that way. They're headed toward the academy.
Issei looks in that direction.
Issei: They're gonna destroy the entire school.
Sona: Guys. They said they were going to start at the academy, but it probably won't be ending there.
Rias: True.
Issei: Now what?
Knowing the school was the target for the beginning of the war, made Issei nervous.
Sona: No telling what he'll do exactly. But it would be very easy for a fallen angel of that class to wipe us out.
Issei: Like the whole town?
A shiver went up his spine just thinking about the destruction he could cause. An image of his parents and the entire town being blown to smithereens, replaced that nervous feeling he had, into anger.
Issei: This is bullshit. Don't fuck with me you fallen angel dicks! Try it and I swear, it'll be the last thing you ever do!
Rias turned to everyone. Knowing that they could be headed towards their deaths, made her scared, but Rias knows she doesn't have a choice.
Rias: It's time. We need to make our way towards the school.
She turned around and walked over to an open space. Their destination, Kuoh Academy.
(At the Academy)
In the field, Valper Galilei prepared a ritual for the merging of the Holy Swords. This gives off an incredible magic energy, he laughs looking at the bright light illuminating the sky.
Valper: It has begun!!
Yui having feeling the intense magic energy coming from the school, decided it was time for her reveal herself.
She stood in your room wearing black trench coat, her gauntlets appeared on her hands as she places a warm rag on your head. Lexie stood in the room, finding out a Yui's identity just moments ago.
Lexie: Can't believe your a Hero. Why keep this a secret?
Yui smiled warmly at you.
Yui: Because of him, I wanted both of us to experience something special like a family, but it seems like it's time for me to go out and do what we Heroes do. Eradicate evil.
She stands up and faces Lexie.
Yui: Your gonna take me to the school, Exceed. We need to stop this before it gets out of hand.
Lexie: Agreed. What about him?
They both turned to you, still asleep on the bed.
Yui: He'll be fine on his own for a while. Besides, even if he does get up, I doubt he'll be able to fight.
Lexie: Yeah, we gotta do this without him.
Yui and Lexie looked at one another and nodded. They both headed to the door. Yui glances back at you.
Yui: Don't worry son, I'll fight for this town you fought so hard to protect. Just leave it your mother.
Saying her words, Yui closed the door to your room behind her, leaving you alone in the house.
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