《I Am The Dragon Slayer (Highschool dxd x male reader)》For Friends!
It was late at night. Rias slept soundly on your bed. Your thoughts were on your friend Kiba. His behavior towards Rias had worried you.
You were sitting on the edge of your bed shirtless.
Y/n: Kiba.
You looked back at Rias and remembered her reaction when Kiba left the ORC. She tried her best to hide it, but you knew just how sad she was.
Getting up from the bed you decided it was time to take action. You walked over to your wardrobe and grabbed a wooden box. Opening you grabbed the outfit within.
Y/n: Been a while since I last wore you.
You put the outfit on and stood up. You looked over at Rias who continued to sleep soundly. You brought your attention to the dresser next to the bed. On it was a picture. Walking over to the dresser and you grabbed the picture frame.
On the picture was everyone on it. You were in the middle while Rias and Akeno stood on your right. Koneko, Kiba, Issei and Asia stood on your left, everyone on the photo smiled and held up a peace sign at the camera.
You looked at Rias and leaned closer to her. You brushed a strand of hair out her face and got a better look of her.
Y/n: I promise you Rias, I'll bring Kiba back. And we can go back to those fun times.
Lexie walked behind you and place a hand on your shoulder.
Lexie: We should get going. Faster we get that stray priest, the faster things can go back to normal.
Y/n: Yeah.
Rias mutters something in her sleep. You leaned even closer to listen closer. With a smile slowly forming on her face she reaches out you and wrapped her arms around your neck.
Rias: Y/n....
You looked at her surprised but quickly smiled. Carefully, you removed Rias's arms around your neck amd fully stood up.
Y/n: If Kiba wants the Holy Swords gone, then that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
You turned to Lexie who was waiting by your door. Determined to destroy a Holy Sword, you walked to Lexie and grabbed the door's handle.
Y/n: Let's go partner.
You walked out of your room. Lexie watched you shocked and confused.
Lexie: Partner?
Lexie was currently flying in the air while carrying you. You looked down at Kuoh. Sniffing the air as you try to find Freed.
Lexie: Anything?
You shook your head.
Y/n: There's a lot of scents around here, finding Freed's is gonna be Hard.
Lexie: You should try to find Kiba as well. Maybe he can help you in finding Freed.
Y/n: I can try but it's not a guarantee I'll be able to find him. Kuoh is big, so many scents at one place will be difficult in finding any of those two.
Lexie: I see. Perhaps you can try finding the church members. They'll help you in finding Freed.
You stayed silent as the both of you continue to soar in the air.
Lexie: You think it's a good idea to keep this from Rias? She can probably help.
Y/n: She already have enough on her plate, trust me I don't want to lie about this to her. Xenovia doesn't want Devils to interfere in there mission, but they didn't say anything about Dragon Slayers and flying cats.
Lexie: Don't you think you already kept secrets from her, from all of us?
You rightfully knew what she was talking about. You let out a heavy sigh.
Y/n: I didn't want anyone else involved in this mess I found myself in. I didn't want you all to worry, so I decided to keep this a secret.
Lexie: And here I thought we were partners.
She let's out a tiresome sigh.
Lexie: It's your secret, I'm not forcing you to tell me. But if we're partners, we need to start trusting each other. Instead of keeping secret from one another. I won't force you to tell--
Y/n: Couple weeks ago...
Lexie stayed quiet when you cut her off.
Y/n: I had a dream about... well at least I think it was. Regardless if it was I saw a girl with red hair and crimson eyes. She reminded me of Rias. She spoke to me but I couldn't hear what she said, then a Dragon, dark as night appeared before me.
Lexie: A Dragon?
You nodded your head.
Y/n: It didn't say anything but Roar at me. Then at that moment, that girl grabbed my face and made me look at her. She said these words to me, "Come find me Y/n". Then I woke up.
Lexie: This Dragon, he wouldn't happen to have red eyes and a bone like skin... does he?
You could hear fear in her words. This surprises you
Y/n: Yeah, why?
Hearing Lexie outburst made you flinch slightly.
Y/n: You know him?
Lexie: Who hasn't?! Alduin is know as the "World Eater", what he wants the most, is to devour our world. And make matters worse, there's no Dragon or God out there that can beat him. He's known to slip into Dragon Slayers dream and try to corrupt them.
Y/n: Dragon Slayers? But why? Why would he go through all the trouble to that?
Lexie: Y/n! Think! Your kind are meant to slay Dragons. He knows that the Dragon Slayers are his weaknesses and he's been trying to take them out, so that no one can stop him! Doesn't work all the time, but for the ones that aren't so lucky. They die in their sleep.
Y/n: He sounds unstoppable, know one can beat him.
Lexie: No one can, the three factions, Heros and The White Dragon, Red Dragon emperor all banded together to stop him. He--
Y/n: Hold that thought! I smell him! Below us!
Lexie looked down and Freed standing out in the street. She looked closer and saw a sword in his hand. Even from this far you could he had that sinister smile on his face. Thinking what he did to Asia and Issei made your angry.
Lexie: That must be the Holy Sword in his hand.
Y/n: Looks like it. Saves me the trouble, all I have to do is smash the thing.
Lexie: I don't like this, he's just standing there, almost like he wants to be attacked. Feels like a trap.
You scanned the area looking for anything unusual. You decided to sniff the air.
Y/n: There's two down there, Freed's scents... and a Demon.
Lexie: A Demon?! Are you sure?
Y/n: Yup, I know that stench anywhere.
Lexie: Do they all smell similar?
Y/n: No, but they got like two smells so to say. Kinda hard to explain though. See if you can bring us behind him.
Lexie nods and she flew down to an empty alleyway. She lets go of you and lands on the ground. Both of you walk over to the corner and peak over, Freed remained at the same spot. He taps his foot getting impatient.
Y/n: Think you can get behind him?
Lexie: I can, but the Demon will probably see me. I need a distraction.
Y/n: Got it. I'm a great distractor. When you see the signal, go and see if you can get the Holy Sword from Freed.
Lexie: Okay.
Lexie turns around and runs down the alleyway.
Y/n: Now what can I use for a distraction.
You looked around the area, trying to find anything that might be useful. Your eyes land on a store with a display window, you could see a guitar along with some speakers.
Y/n: Bingo.
(With Lexie)
Lexie stood in an alleyway behind Freed. She peaks around the corner and saw him tapping his foot impatiently.
She looks around more hoping to find the Demon. Not seeing the Demon anywhere Lexie looked in the direction where your at.
Lexie: I wonder what he's planning over there. Probably something really--
Her sentence was interrupted when she hears the sound of a guitar in the distance.
Lexie: Don't tell me...
Lexie looks down the street and sees you standing in the middle holding a guitar. She facepalms upon seeing you.
Lexie: When you said distract them I didn't think you'd go this far. But it'll definitely get they're attention.
You used the guitar's strings to make noise as the speakers on your side made it louder.
Freed hearing this walked over to you and saw you playing.
Freed: Oh wow! I guess this Dragon has some talent after all!
You ignored him and continued to play the guitar, you looked around the area hoping to see the Demon.
Seeing no sign of it you decided to switch things up. Everytime you hit the strings sparks of lightning erupt. Pillars of fire shot out of the ground next to the speakers.
Freed looks at this in awe.
Freed: Spicing things up I see!
Lexie continues to watch this scene.
Lexie: When is that Demon gonna come out? No way it can't see or hear this? It's literally loud.
At that moment Lexie caught a large figure in the air, she looks up in shock. The figure landed right behind Freed with a large crash. Multiple debris flew up in the air.
Y/n: Bout time.
You tossed the guitar to the side and walked forward. The Demon did the same.
Getting closer you got a better look at it, or him. You looked upon and saw him towering over you with his four arms. His face resembles that of a wolf. In one of his arms he carries a huge scythe.
Y/n: Was wondering if you were gonna show up or not.
He just smirks at you.
Volf: Nice to finally meet you Dragon Slayer. Killer of Goliath and Zedonius. You even managed to make Lars turn tail and run. I've been waiting to challenge my skills against someone as powerful as you are. It will be great battle Human.
Y/n: Odd, most Demons will just insult me, call me weak or just straight up attack me. Guess some of you are noble.
He smirks.
Volf: Most of my kind only care about killing Humans and climbing the rank. Me, I like a good challenge, doesn't matter if you are a Human or not. Now come Dragon Slayer I'll give an honorable death by Volf! Ruler of Strom!
One of his hands grabbed the handle of the scythe while another one grabbed hold of it. He lets out an ear piercing Roar.
Freed: I most definitely want in on this action! Get ready Dragon Boy! Here comes Freed!
Freed jumps up into the and goes to slash you with the Holy Sword. Before he could get close to you, Freed was smacked in mid-air by Volf. He goes flying into a building to his right and crashed into it.
Volf: Don't interfere man child! This is my fight! Know your place!
You stood there surprised by Volf's response to Freed.
Freed: What?!
Freed picks himself up and walks out of the rubble, he glares at Volf.
Volf: If your bored go find something to entertain yourself. The adults here are talking.
Freed: Why you!
Volf: The only thing you were good for is being bait. Interfere in this fight and Kokabiel won't get his Holy Sword back, that means your plan will fall apart.
Freed: Fine then have it your way, I'll just have some fun with that flying cat behind me.
You and Lexie both went wide eyed. Lexie came out of the alleyway and confronted Freed.
Lexie: You knew I was here?
Freed: Of course I did! Like I wouldn't have noticed a flying cat person in the air! A hot one at that! Can't wait to test out this sword! As well as this!
A dark flame surrounded Freed's body. You and Lexie look at him surprised.
Y/n: He can use fire magic?!
Volf walked right next to you.
Volf: Not exactly, it's a gift so to say. I gave him that flame from the Demon Lord. It's very powerful.
You looked at him taken aback by what he said.
Y/n: Why would you give firepower like that to a manic like him?!
Volf: Something to earn Kokabiel's trust, well at least start an alliance between us. If I were you Exceed I would avoid those flames.
You looked at Lexie who had a uneasy look on her face as did you.
Y/n: Sorry I know your honorable and everything Volf, but this is gonna be dirty even for me!
Lightning and fire surrounded your body instantly.
Y/n: Lightning Flame Dragon: Talon!
You kicked Volf right underneath his chin with an empowered leg. He flies high up in the air.
Y/n: Lexie get us out of here!
Freed looks at you. Lexie delivered a high kick to his face knocking him down on the ground. Her wings come out and both of you jump up in air and towards each other.
Lexie grabs the fabric of your jacket and flew high up in the air.
Lexie: I don't understand. Fleeing a fight? You never do something like that!
Y/n: I know! But it was to risky, we don't know how strong he is. Between the Holy Sword and that black flame, it could've been dangerous.
Lexie: Y/n I--
A black slash flew right past you and Lexie surprising you both. You and Lexie look down and saw Freed running from roof to roof. The black flame was covering the Holy Sword in his hand.
Freed: Ohhhh Dragon Slayer. Where do you think your going? The party is just getting started!
Freed thrusts his sword forward and a burst of black blue flames shot out. The flames raced towards you and Lexie. You quickly grabbed Lexie and turned your back towards the fire, it makes contact with you resulting in a large explosion.
Lexie looked at you concerned for your well-being.
Lexie: Y/n! Are you okay?!
Y/n: I'm... fine. Just fly us out of here!
Lexie grabs your back and flew straight up. Freed tries to hit you both with black flames but was unable to.
Lexie: What kind of flames are those?!
Y/n: Don't know... but they hurt. My back is on fire. So much for our little plan, at least we know what Freed has.
Lexie: There's that at least.
Lexie started to carry you away you both flew in the direction of your house. Deep down you were disappointed, the result of tonight's mission didn't go so well.
You were currently sitting in your classroom at school. You were listening to the teacher explaining about history and some historical people and places, which you never heard of before.
The bell rang loud indicating that class has ended. You stood up from your seat as die others. Some stayed with their friends and chat amongst themselves.
Not in a very chatty mood, you walked out of the classroom and into the hall. Some girls out there noticed you and started fawning over you.
You can hear them saying how handsome, kind and strong you are. You started to walk down the hallway and down the stairs.
At that moment you caught numerous scents right behind you. Turning around you saw all the girls that were talking about you right behind you on top of the stairs. They noticed you staring at them and they all sighed contently
You being polite waved at them, resulting in them all squealing in excitement, some of them even passed out.
Continuing your way down the rest of the stairs, you walked through some doors and found yourself outside.
Desiring some alone time you decided to walk over to a tree with some shade. You laid your back down on the ground and rest your head on your hands.
You closes your eyes and listened in on everything that was going on outside. The sounds of birds chirping, people talking in the distance, the breeze of the wind.
Rias: Mind if we sit here?
Opening your eyes you saw Rias and Akeno staring at you with smiles on their faces.
Y/n: Go for it ladies.
They both sat down, Rias on your right and Akeno on your left. You sat up from the grass.
Y/n: How's today treating you two?
Rias: Fine. Just a normal day.
Akeno: Same here. How about you sparky? Anything interesting going on in your life?
Y/n: Besides having friends who are devils. Nope, can't say anything interesting is going on.
You decided to keep the whole Freed thing a secret, at least for now.
Akeno: Hungry?
You turn to Akeno and saw her offering a single onigirl from her box.
Y/n: Sure am!
You eagerly took it from her hand and instantly threw it in your mouth.
Y/n: That was pretty good!
Rias: Here try some of mine.
On your right Rias held out a delicious looking riceball.
Y/n: That looks good! You don't mind if I take a bite?
Rias: Have at it.
Y/n: Awesome!
You took a bite out of it, then you started to scarf the whole down in an instant.
Y/n: Man that was good! Haven't tasted something like this before!
Rias: Why thank you. I appreciate it.
Y/n: You're quite the cook Rias, I don't mind eating whatever you make.
Rias looked at you and her face was slightly red. You grinned at her.
You laid back down on the grass and looked up at the blue sky.
Y/n: Pretty sure Yui told you this, but I'm not a great cook. Heck not even Leonidas. We both suck at it. One time we both tried to make a stew only for it to explode in our faces. We both went hungry that tonight.
You chuckled thinking back on that memory. Akeno and Rias giggled.
Akeno: If you guys can't cook then how did you two not starve to death?
Y/n: We either find a boar, fish and just roast it. Or find a really big monster. That reminds me!
You sat up and looked at Akeno.
Y/n: There was this one giant boar that we encountered. It looked cute but in reality, it used that cuteness to lure in people and eat them whole. Leonidas roasted that suckered! It tasted so good!
Akeno: Sounds like you had a lot of adventures with your father.
Y/n: I sure did! When I get older I want to go on a adventure like that again. Walking around the wilderness, I missed those times. Nowadays you see don't those sort of monsters around here.
You looked up at the sky and raised your fist in the air.
Y/n: One day, I'm gonna travel the world, see new places and make new ever lasting memories.
Akeno: Quite the dream you have there.
Y/n: This reminds me of the time Leonidas destroyed a mountain. Or was it two? I forgot. But you should've seen it, the breath attack he unleashed was massive.
You turn to Rias who continued to sit there listening.
Y/n: And there's this one time he turned a rainy day into a sunny day. He Roared at the sky and blew away all the dark clouds.
You continued to sit there and talk about the adventures you and your father had. You will occasionally take some food from Rias and Akeno during your story telling but they didn't seem to mind you doing so.
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