《•CreepyPasta X Reader Parody•》• The internet •


I had been working on it for a while, and now I have managed it. I can now fit four people instead of two, using it as telaportation it would be possible to go inside games and world's on the web. I was originally going to use this as a tactic against my victims but I think this would be pretty fun otherwise.

I stood up from my spot on the carpet and looked back to seeing y/n, L.J and Jeff.

Out of my options I decided to use Y/n.

"What are you thinking about BEN..." y/n questioned seeming concerned.

"What is your favorite video game?" I asked floating beside her.

(Just say your favorite game is Pacman. Otherwise one similar to pacman.)

"My favorite game on the web? Well probably Pacman. That's the safest option." Y/n said while turning to look at me.

Oh was she wrong.

"Okay, who else would you want to come with if you were able to play this game." I asked her.

Jeff just coughed, like she would pick you dumbass.

"Probably Nina or Toby." She responded shrugging her shoulders.

I was about to burst out laughing because Jeff looked offended asf. =_=

I then took out my phone to our little gay groupchat.

I took the opportunity and added Nina cuz why not.

Four stooges

Hey Toby

Nina are you guys busy rn?

Omg BEN.

Change my name.

Anyways yea.

No, might go shopping later.

What cereal do you guys want?

The gay one.

Anyways come to the living room rn.


I then slipped my phone back in my pocket and explained the Plan to y/n. I dont think she was fully on board with this.


(Hehe get it.)

Did this bitch actually want me to go

With him and Toby into a legit video game.


I took a deep sigh and rubbed my temples.

Thank God grandma said I could stay til .

"What do you want BEN." Toby said while walking in, clearly not wanting to be apart of this. Probably because Jeff was in the room. But thankfully his mood lightened up to the sight of me.


"We are just going to be playing a little game irl." BEN smirked.


"Escuse me. but YOU want ME, and Y/N to go in a fucking pacman game. The big ass pacman is going to eat us dipshit. And how the hell will we eat IT." he said while rubbing his temples.

"We will find out." He said while running his hands through his blonde hair. Damn I wish I could float like him. Prolly have to have some tragic backstory though.

L.j had left the room awhile ago, because he has the time spand of a damn cat and wasn't amused with any of this.

Jeff was still in the couch on his phone, listening in to the conversation wanting to go with.

"So, I guess I have time. As long as I don't die or get injured because Masky said if I 'fake' sick again he will have my pay from slender cut off." Toby said shifting his weight to his another leg.

"Can I go? I need to lay low for awhile." Jeff finally asked while shutting off his phone and setting it down on the coffee table.

"Sure." BEN said floating away gesturing us to follow.

If this smelly rat tries something I am going to be done with him. Plus the Only reason he would be doing this is to manipulate me into doing something. And I don't want to imagine the possibilities.

The three of us followed BEN up the stairs into his room, with Toby shutting the door behind us. I started to tense up, Due to me being being the only female in the room. Toby wouldn't do anything. If something were to happen he would protect me right? Yea... he should.

"You okay?" Toby whispered to me as he walked passed. I just shook my head up and down as a 'yes'.

"Okay so everyone has to hold hands while I put my energy into this shit okay?" BEN said while powering on the router and soon pulling me over and locking my hand with his and Jeff doing to same with me, Toby being behind. "Whatever you do no not let go of the person beside you. They will pixilate do to them being such a small cell in the program" BEN said while closing his eyes.


Damn he knew his shit about computers and technology. I soon felt an electric shock flow through me, It didn't hurt but felt weird. I could see my arms and legs vibrating along with the three other persons bodies vibrating.

Soon we all were pulled into the computer, I shut my eyes assuming the worst to opening them and seeing we were floating in some kind of hard drive. Numbers floating around us as if we were under water but able to breathe.

I then felt myself stop floating and land on a hard black floor along with the others. "Is this where you spend all your free time?" Toby asked while scratching his head with his free hand.

"Well yea, also you guys can let go this is pretty gay." BEN said detaching his fingers from mine, Toby doing the same with Jeff's. But Jeff kept his hand locked with mine.

"Um you can let go now." I muttered at Jeff, trying to tug my hand away.

"No." Jeff said tightening his grip.

Omfg I wish Nina was here to kick his sorry ass.

"Ooo Jeffy has a crush" BEN sung turning around and walking down the Long flat.

I tugged my hand guessing we were supposed to follow BEN, Jeff following and Toby running ahead to catch up with BEN.

Now it was just me and Jeff alone, with the other two ahead chatting about who knows what.

"Cut the shit Jeff, what do you want. You have to be getting something out of this." I snapped at Jeff.

"You remind me of my brother. Lui. Along with a girlfriend I had in middle school, basically a mix of them. I like that." Jeff said while keeping his eyes forward.

Ow. That kind of hurt, him not liking me for me. "So that's it. I'm like a toy. It's weird about you people, Touch starved and unloved thinking you don't need anybody. Pushing away EVERYONE from you life, then expecting people to feel sorry for you." I growled at him.

"You know alot about how that feels, and yet your not one of ." Jeff scoffed.

"I'm just good at knowing shit. Like emotions " I muttered. My hand starting to get sweaty due to the bond of our palms so close to each other.

"I know more stuff about you than you think. About your mom, about your uncle." Jeff sighed.

He didn't. He didn't just mention my mother. And .

"You don't know shit. Its just one of your tactics." I hissed at him.

"And what would that be? I love hearing you degrade me." He purred, looking over at me.


I could hear him giggling and Toby laughing his ass off. The chuckling echoing off the numbers and energy waves.

"Just stop. Your a killer. And I'm normal." I said looking to my side.

"Yea, and so im a killer? I know your secret. Your a medium. You can see spirits." Jeff replied glancing at me.

I'm a medium? I have heard about it. Now it was making sense, why I could feel and see surten energies. Why I saw so many people in the manner who are most likely the souls of their many victims.

Why was I even hanging out with them? I mean my other friends are fake as fuck. And it feels I can be myself around BEN and the other weirdos.

Because I'm a weirdo.

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