《•CreepyPasta X Reader Parody•》• The game •


Some days I'm quite and serious, other days I'm mischievous and loud. Today was one of those days.

Someone literally quietly moaned IN MY EAR while something warm and heavy wrapped over my waiste, traveling between my legs and squeezing my thigh. Ayo what tf, who's bed am I in? Oh ha yea. Jeff's.

"SEXUAL FUCKING ASSAULT" I screeched while rolling out of the bed. Soon hearing running down the hallway and swinging the door open, seeing Toby. "OFFENDER GET THE HELL O-... wait what" Toby quited down registering what was happening in his head then squinting his eyes, and making air guns at Jeff. Then the dumbass shuts the door. Kinda wanted help but whatever.

"I thought that's how you do it." Jeff said still laying down with a confused look on his face. What exactly did this bitch think he was doing?!

"And what was that." I said un-amused.

"Cuddling? I don't know." He said while closing his eyes attempting to go back asleep. "That, ugh... nevermind." I said while standing up, rubbing my bruised leg.

The hell does Jeff think we are? We have only known each other for a month. And he probably has known me longer if he was stalking me. I walked over to the desk grabbing my phone and walked out the door. Okay, so I still have time until grandma gets home. Which should be around two.

I started heading down left of the hall looking for going to the stairs and eventually finding it.

Soon entering the living room to no surprise BEN was playing Mario cart with Sally. Letting her win, Probably the only person he will let win. Ignoring that I walked into the kitchen to be greeted with the Proxies. Masky, or Tim I guess was sitting on kitchen stool having his head down most likely sleeping. Hoodie had his mask off and was reading "To kill a mocking bird" by Mark twain.


Toby was waiting by the toaster and guess what!!!! Not making waffles, but month old pop tarts he found on the kitchen table most likely poisend by L.J.

And lastly Kate was leaning against the wall Sharpening her knife. "Oh hello appretness." Hoodie said looking up. Um the fuck is he talking abt.

"Are we having new nick names for each other now???... or what." I asked confused.

"You can't be this stupid y/n." Tim said while looking up.

"How many times have I had to put you in yo God damn place shut the fu-" I was cut off by Hoodie. "On your neck there is a proxy symbol we used to tag you. Slenderman has chosen you as a proxy." Hoodie said while pointing at my neck.

So did this tree bitch think I was going to be his dirty little fuck slave?

"" Slender chimed in my head.

Oh sorry boss. I responded back to him with my thoughts.

I pulled out my phone and logged onto my camera, using it as a mirror and sure enough there was a mark similar to the proxies. Turning my phone off and slipping my phone in my pocket I walked out of the kitchen and went to sit my lazy ass on the couch.

Repeating what happened earlier only made me flustered more and more.

Sally left the room because "Charlie was hungry". Which left me and BEN.

I closed my eyes for a little bit just for some quite time. Then opening my eyes to Nina slamming the door shut, and stomping in.

"Nina what the hell happened, are you okay?!" I asked concernd looking over to her. She just took a deep breath and smiled, " yes I am okay y/n, just a little pissed at a surrten someone." She sung while stomping up the stairs.


I just shook my head in response making a "idk" face at BEN.

There was crashing and glass breaking upstairs with a couple of Nina's angry screams. Damn I feel bad for her bedroom.

I soon saw Jeff walk infront of me and sit down on the couch by me. He looked over at me and back at the screen BEN was playing. I was watching hoping the other server would beat him when I soon felt a rough, cold hand lock with mine.

I froze. Did I not get it in this bitches mind that I wasn't Intrested in him, or any of these hoes in this place. Or was this all a game, remembering Jeff's words from last night. It was a game infact, a game I was going to win.

I grasped her hand. And held tight.

This was a game she started, and I was going to win. She thinks I'm stupid. I'll play dumb bitch. I stike back hard.

Her face went red, not from anger but because I was making her flustered. Perfect.

I was getting a bit of the emotion I so craved. Happiness was coming to my mindset. And the thought of gaining my sanity made me even more determined.

(Jeff won't ever gain his sanity cuz he just a crazy bitch like Dat 💅.)

I had my fingers intertwined with hers resting on the leather of the couch. She didn't dare make eye contact with me.

I was going to win this.

This boy was pissing y/n off.

He actually thought she had Intrest in him.

Y/n wasn't a damn fan girl, un- like those other y/n's on wattpad. *cough* *cough*

Y/n just sat there though. Just waiting for the boy to break the bongage.

The occasional grunts escaped BEN when coming close to loosing a game.

Jeff letting out a low chuckle time to time.

And y/n sighing become bored of this game.

Soon coming out of the kitchen came along L.J. bro had a portal or some shit and was always in there. Otherwise baking treats trying to give everyone diabetes.

L.j being the jackass, Sat right in the middle of Jeff and y/n almost crushing their hands.

Y/n pulling right away at the sight of him sitting down. "So... you two got a thing?" L.j asked while keeping his eyes glued to the T.V.

"Fuck no". Y/n responded annoyed.

"Bitch just won't get the sign I'm not here for him." Y/n sneered, directing it at Jeff.

"Oooo Get it girl" L.J giggled while flipping his wrist... L.J acted like a mindless shithead but could easily rip someone to shreds if he wanted too.

Y/n knew that, she knew that everyone here was capable of something. And so was she.

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