《The Demon's Little Wolf》CHAPTER 2


Third Person's POV

"Analise." Everybody visibly tensed at the mention of the youngest princess for it was after along time that her name was spoken between the walls of the castle.

"She will not be coming here." Gabriel said firmly. "Under no circumstances should she set foot here. You know what she did."

"Yes grandmother." Rayna added. "How can you forget what happened all those years ago?"

"I did not forget anything Rayna." Natalia glared at her, enough to make her stop talking before she directed her attention back to Gabriel.

Before she could speak, Rayan added. "Instead of helping us, she might as well kill us." He exclaimed. "She has all the reasons to do so."

"The kids are right mother." Gabriel supported them. "She has not been at the castle for so long-"

"Whose fault is that?" Natalia retorted.

"It was her own fault" Rayna interjected. "She got what she deserved and she is not coming back here."

"Young lady, don't you know you should not speak unless spoken too?" Rayna grew angrier at Natalia. It was only minutes since Natalia was back and Rayna already disliked her. It was very rare that people spoke back to her and she despised when that happened.

"She won't be of any help." Rayan spoke. "She was not here. She did not train. She does not know anything about our ways. She doesn't know our people. Hell she does not even know us properly."

"You and your sister, both should retake some basic etiquette classes." Natalia said but unlike Rayna, Rayan did not stop talking.

"I am the future king. I have all the rights to voice out my opinion when it concerns the future of my kingdom." He said rudely. Just like any other leader, he did not like it when his leadership was questioned.

"You are the future king." Natalia emphasised on 'future king'. "You are not yet. You are still a prince."

"You are not queen either then." Ivory stepped up beside Rayan.

Confusion crossed Natalia's face as she looked at the girl. "Who are you again dear?"

Ivory felt insulted at her words but nonetheless maintained a polite smile as she introduced herself. "I am Ivory, Rayan's mate."

"Ivory dear, I have already been the queen unlike Rayan and you who have yet to even sit on the throne." She replied politely yet sharply. "So don't question my authority dear because I may longer be the queen but my authority remains as it was. I might even have more authority than Gabriel considering how long I was the queen."

"Forgive Ivory mother." Isabella said. "She was just trying to support her mate."

"Sorry mother but I don't think Analise will be helpful in this case. Whatever Rayan said is true. We have to be practical. We need strong people who know how to fight."

"Did you ever meet her in the past years?" She questioned her son.


"You said we need to be practical but is this practical?" Gabriel was confused. "You have not met the girl in the past years. How do you know whether or not she knows how to fight?"


"Don't know about fighting but she is very well capable of murdering people." Rayna muttered under her breath but it did not went unnoticed. As everybody's eyes landed on her, she realised her mistake but instead of apologising she continued, "She will never be my sister. She is weak and pathetic."

"She is right. How can you forget what happened all those years ago grandma? It was because of her you went under that spell" Rayan added

"Like it or not, she is your sister!" She exclaimed as she started running out of patience. "And she is your daughter. She is the princess!"

"She is not needed here." Isabella intervened, taking her daughter's side. "Ivory is like a sister to Rayna and a daughter to me. Rayna is also a princess."

"Isabella is right. Her absence or presence does not matter." Gabriel said firmly.

Natalia scoffed, not believing her ears. "I don't believe you all. She was a kid when that happened. It is clear that none of it was her fault yet I don't know why you can't see it."

"So you forgive her?" Gabriel asked, hatred coating his words

"No. There was nothing to forgive in the first place! What happened was not because of her. Get that clear in your head."


She did not let them complete their sentence. "You broke the spell. You woke me up because you needed my help and now when I am telling you I think is best to do, you are not taking it?" She was furious at this point.

"You know, I could very well just leave and leave you all to face this war on your own because by listening to how you are talking, your defeat seems almost certain." She scoffed. "But I won't. These are my people too and I won't let them suffer because you all have too big of an ego to realise the truth. You would rather die than calling back the girl who could help us. The same girl who is your daughter, your sister. All of this because of something that was not even her fault?"


"I've heard enough from you for the day." She glared at Gabriel. "I know what I am talking about. If she is not by your side, you will perish. You will fall and along with you, the people will too." Her voice boomed in the room, as her wolf started to get agitated.

Everyone was confused as to why Natalia was bent on calling Analise back but little did they know Natalia had a special gift. She could see the visions of all the ways an event could end in the future. When they mentioned the war with the vampires, she got two visions.

In one of them, the whole Royal family was fighting side by side including Analise and they came out victorious.

In the other one, Analise was not in the picture and they welcomed their doom.

Though the visions were not always entirely true. Given the slightest change of events, the outcome could be completely different. Calling Analise could make them win the war only if everything went as it was supposed to with no interferences. However it looked as if it would be difficult to have the expected outcome judging by their opinion on her.


During the years Natalia was under the spell, she came to term with the truth. There was nothing she could do to change anything that happened. She never held Analise responsible for anything that happened that night. If only her family could open their eyes and see it too.

Being born two years after the twins, Analise was always treated differently. She lived in the shadows of her older siblings. Despite being born into the same family, it was as if Analise had different parents than Rayan and Rayna. Her own father regarded her as nothing but a burden. Her mother was no different. Isabella did not care for her like she did for Rayan and Rayna. Despite her loving, motherly instincts, she could not bring herself to love Analise.

On one side, Rayan and Rayna were spoilt, pampered and given everything on a platter but on the other side Analise, did not have it easy. Most of the time she would be ignored or even get talked out of it. On the rare times she did get something, it was already used by her siblings first. Be it dresses, toys, books or training, she never got anything she wanted. Despite her unfair treatment, she never said anything, hoping that one day everything would change and she would get a happy, loving family like in the fairy tales.

Rayan and Rayna were her siblings. As a brother, Rayan should have cared for her, protected her, fought for her, played with her and guide her. As a sister, Rayna should have supported her, helped her in her time of difficulties, played with her, taught her new things and experience so many things together as sisters. None of it happened.

Instead, they turned their backs on her. They rarely talked to her and when they did, it was never kind words. The followed in the footsteps of their parents, bullying her and accusing her of things she never did for the sake of their fun.

All of this just because of one simple prophecy- the words of a seer when she turned one- 'She will be responsible for the doom and the rise. She will bring death but also a new life. With her dark, black shadow inside her and the evil next to her, she shall bring chaos along with peace. She will be the light guiding some but also the dark for some, bringing their doom.'

Those few sentences were enough to make her family wary of her and her powers. Being her father but also the king, Gabriel was worried if the doom she would responsible for, would be that of his own kingdom. Would she bring death to their door or life? Would she be their light or their darkness?

Not diving any deeper into the prophecy, they assumed the worse. They did not bother finding out about her powers. They simply cast her aside. As future king, Rayna felt that Analise was a threat to his position. Rayna was afraid that her parents would give her little sister more attention than her.

After what happened that night, their wariness turned into hatred for her. They thought they had figured out the prophecy. Keeping her at the palace any longer would be their own downfall. So, they decided to send her away and they felt no remorse while doing so. They had long waited to get rid of her- ever since hearing about the prophecy- but that night, they found a valid reason. Once sent away, they never bothered to know about her. Was she alive? Was she dead? They did not bother at all.

All these years later, Natalia had only one regret. She regretted not being able to stop her family from doing their foolish things. She could not help that little girl but now, she was willing to do anything to give her the life she deserved since the day she was born.

"You will do as I say." Natalia said firmly, her voice firm and demanding obedience. "You call Analise back and prepare to have that meeting."

Not being able to refuse his mother, the king answered, "Yes mother but the only reason she will be here is because we trust you. Nothing else. Her presence will change nothing. She will never be my daughter again." With that, he turned and left the room and the others followed, leaving Natalia to rest in her room.

"I can't believe this! She is supposed to help us win this war?" Gabriel exclaimed as he threw the doors to his office open.

"Neither of us is pleased with this decision." Isabella said. "But we have to do it. Your mother must have her reasons if she is asking us to do this. We need to do everything we can to win this war."

"What if she will be our downfall? Remember the prophecy?" Rayna reminded them.

"With all of us together as one, she will not be able to do anything." Rayan said. "I wonder if she even knows how to use her abilities or not." He mocked.

"Imagine the person that supposedly will help us win this war cowering with fear." Rayna laughed.

"Who is she actually? Your little sister?" Ivory questioned.

"Unfortunately, she is." Rayna informed her. "She is two years younger than us." Ivory had yet to meet Analise. Today was the first time heard about her since all traces of Analise were long gone from the castle.

"Why does she not stay here?"

"You don't have to worry about that." Rayan reassured her. "Just know that she deserved everything she got."

"What if mother is acting like this because of the spell?" Gabriel voice out. "What if she does not mean it?"

Isabella sighed. "The spell's effect has long worn out Gabriel. As much as we hate this, we have to do it."

"Fine." He said and began writing the letter to call her back.

While they were all considering her weak, little did they know who she was meant to be since she took her first breath. Underestimating her would be their biggest mistake.

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