《The Alpha Academy》chapter 49


"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." - The Wedding Date

I couldn't breathe.

There was something heavy pressing against my chest. I tried to push it away, but it wouldn't budge. A heavy, warm breath caressed my neck causing the hair on my back to prickle.

The next second, I felt something soft and wet lick my neck. My chest tightened and panic squeezed itself into my heart, but I knew I couldn't let it win. My eyes immediately opened and were met with a tuft of grey hair. A familiar scent travelled to my nose causing my tense body to go lax.

So that's what it was.

Ethan's wolf was sprawled across my body, his sides rising and falling, focusing on the pulse of my heart beating right under him.

He was trying to match his own breaths to sync with mine.

Something tugged at my heart.

As if he knew I was awake, he moved up and smushed his nose against my neck, gently inhaling my smell.

"He likes hearing your heartbeat." A voice rang in my head.

"Goddess!" I cursed out loud.

The bloody mate mind-link! Scared the crap out of me.

I felt Ethan's laughter through the bond.

"I definitely need to get used to this."

Pushing myself up with my elbows, I found his wolf's obsidian eyes observing me intensely. With pricked ears, he scanned our surroundings and then returned his stare to me. He probably thought something had happened when I cursed and jerked up.

Satisfied when he found nothing amiss, he threw himself back on me like a little baby.


The only sound in the entire house was of his heavy breathing as his flaring nostrils took in my scent. My heartbeat calmed down and he let out a low, rumbling growl of contentment.

"Why?" I asked Ethan through mind link.

"To make sure you're okay but most importantly, to make sure that you're not just a figment of his imagination - that you're really... there."

My heart fluttered and a warm sensation enveloped my entire body. I had never felt this wanted, this desired, this valued. It was a feeling like no other.

I wrapped my arms around his solid body, or at least I tried my best to, my fingers holding onto his soft fur. He growled in approval and snuggled even closer to me if it was possible.

"I am here."

His wolf moved up to gently lick his mark and heat spread through my body like wildfire. Unable to stop myself, a low moan left my body and my arms tightened around him.

The marking had caused something in us to shift. I felt as though I was tethered to the place by an imaginary rope that wouldn't let me get away from Ethan.

And I didn't want too either.

With him, I felt safe.


Those black eyes of his met my brown. He leaned forward so his snout lightly touched my face and then began to lick my face. A bubble of laughter escaped my lips.

"Waking up to a giant wolf is going to take some getting used to."


Ethan's voice had suddenly picked up a more serious tone.

"What's wrong?"

There was a brief pause before he replied.

"We saw your wounds, Vivian. You need to tell us what happened." His wolf let out a low growl of anger, which felt more directed towards Ethan than at me. "My wolf wants you to shift so he can speed up the healing process."


Oh, yes. It had completely slipped my mind that a mate's lick can help in healing wounds.

He was right as well. There was no point in hiding anything from him. He was my mate. If I expected open communication and honesty from him, then he deserved nothing less from my side either.

So, I told him.

About the kidnapping. About meeting Braden and Elliot and finding Josh unconscious on the floor. About Randy and his conversation. About our escape. About Braden's pack.


I tried my best to filter out the violent and gruesome details to keep him and his wolf calm. He listened, choosing to remain silent throughout the time I explained, except for the few times his wolf growled whenever I talked about my injuries or wounds.

When I was done with the entire story, he only spoke one sentence in a dark tone:

"I think it's time our wolves meet."


We were outside now.

He was already in his wolf form, whereas I had just shifted about five minutes ago. Ears shoved forward, tail held high, his wolf circled us as my wolf waited for him to make a move.

"What in the howling hell is he doing?" My wolf questioned, sitting down on her front paws. She expected a different greeting from her mate but stood her ground by maintaining his gaze with equal fervor.

Between me and her, she had a more dominant side which is why she never backed down from a challenge and is exactly why she would never take the first step forward unless his wolf did.

"What are you doing, Ethan?" I mind-linked. "This is not the greeting we expected when you said our wolves should meet."

"It is just...," Ethan paused, as if he was short of breath and unable to think of a coherent thought. "We have never seen your wolf this close," his wolf finally stepped towards us, stopping once his front paws touched my wolf's. A slight shiver went through our body at the point of contact.

"You are beautiful," Ethan's voice rang in my mind as his wolf conveyed the same message with his dark eyes.

Fortunately, I was not in human form or else I would have been flushed red. I always got awkward when somebody complimented me, never knowing how to reply.

His wolf gently poked the side of my wolf's head with his snout.

"He wants to see your wounds."

My wolf stared at him for a few seconds, observing him carefully - as if judging his intentions. But I knew she was just pretending and teasing him for the stunt he pulled earlier.

He fell for her act and bowed his head, a complete sign of submission.

An Alpha bowing for her mate.

"And that's how you do it, human." My wolf gloated.

First meeting and she already had him wrapped around her paws.

"You could take a leaf out of his book," I teased Ethan who laughed in response.

"You already brought me to my knees earlier, woman. What more do you want?"


My wolf, for the first time, moved forward and put her head right on top of his neck, then rubbed herself against his body in acceptance and affection.

He straightened his neck, silently asking for permission, and when she gave it, rubbed his nose, mouth and ear against her. She returned his tenderness by softly nibbling on his face. He let out a low growl, basking in her attention.

After taking their time to get to know each other, his wolf began to lick the injuries on our face and then poked his head against the underside of my wolf's belly - the place where most of our wounds were. She stepped back and rolled over, baring him with the most vulnerable part of our body after the neck.


It was the ultimate sign of trust.

He stood there for a while, looking at our wounds in complete silence. We didn't miss the way his breath slowed down. His eyes flamed with something dark before he moved forward and began to lick the wounds, not stopping for even a second.

Once he was satisfied that he had licked all the wounds on our bodies, they decided to play with each other. His wolf bit my wolf's tail and then ran as she chased him around the area. She caught him eventually - by the tail of course.

Her bite was a bit stronger than his, done by accident or not, I won't tell.

I don't bite and tell.

Time passed as they continued playing. Both licked and rubbed their bodies against each other to stake their claim with their scent. Tails wagging high, and tongues hanging out, they ran side by side, as the wind howled in the distance and the moon peeped through partial clouds, stopping occasionally to only nibble and softly bite each other's faces.

It was a few hours later when we finally shifted back to our human form, or should I say when our wolves finally grew tired and let us take control.

"It's getting late, we should head back," I started as we headed inside the cabin. "I am sure everyone is wondering about us by now."

Ethan nodded, "We need to get cleaned up. Join me for a shower?"

He didn't wait for me to answer. Before I knew it, I was up and over his shoulder, my world tilted upside down with his hand covering my ass.

Blood rushed to my head, "It is not very gentlemanly of you to carry me around like this, ya know."

He chuckled under his breath and then slapped my butt, "Who said I was a gentleman?"

Once inside the bathroom, he finally let me down to start the shower. After making sure the temperature was okay, he undressed me and pushed me inside the shower. I watched the water turn brown as the dirt mixed with the shower water. When I turned around to grab the shampoo, he stopped me.

His soft, grey eyes seared into mine. Leaning down, he lined his lips with my ear, speaking the words against my lobe, his mouth brushing my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Let me take care of you."

He turned to get the shampoo causing his back to flex as he moved. I gulped, enjoying the view in front of my eyes.

"Damn, even his human form looks great from all sides and angles." My wolf admired.

I couldn't believe that it was my wolf who admitted that. Guess the marking had messed with her too. Or maybe it was all the wolf licking that triggered her inner horny beast to finally unleash and come forth.

"You do know I can hear your thoughts, human." My wolf interrupted, not amused with my trail of thoughts.

Right. Woops.

Pouring a generous amount of shampoo in his palm, Ethan's fingers massaged it into my scalp, the suds sliding down my back as he rinsed it out. My eyes closed as I felt the gentle tug of his fingers combing through my hair. He then proceeded to wash the dirt of my body, not lingering in any place for a second more than necessary.

A wave of relief washed over his face when he saw that the wounds on my abdomen and stomach were now almost completely healed.

Once he was done, he leaned and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Softly. Gently.

As if he was afraid he'd hurt me.

I glanced up at him, the warm water pelting down on my face.

"And you said you weren't a gentleman," I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from grinning. "Thank you."

His eyes fell on my mouth as I said the last two words. His gaze darkened as water droplets clung to his long, black lashes. I was so much smaller than him.

My eyes greedily took in his bare body and paused at his tattoo.

Goddess! It had only been a few days, but I missed him - missed his touch, missed his scent, missed his voice, missed his presence.

His skin was warm under my touch as I traced the curvature of his bicep with my hand, then slowly dragged it higher until they touched the corner of my mark on his neck.

My mark.

He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply.

I memorized every inhale, every exhale, every change in his face as he let me explore. Feeling courageous, I brought my finger right in the middle of the mark and gently caressed it.

His hand immediately shot up and grabbed my wrist. I felt him go still, every muscle locking against me.

Absolute stillness.

His eyes opened, flaring with something akin to desire. He inclined his face to the side, the light hitting his strong jawline. One corner of his lips dangerously tilted up.

Suddenly, I was pushed and pressed against the wall behind me. His hard chest pressed against my breasts. The intensity behind his eyes made me press deeper into the wall if it was even possible.

I felt like I was on fire or that I would spontaneously combust at any moment. It felt like someone had set a slow and steady match beneath my center, deep in the pit of my stomach.

In the space of five seconds, all thoughts had left me except for one - I wanted him. I wanted him in the most primal sense, in every way I could conceive, in any way I could have him.

Ethan smiled darkly.

He knew.

His thumb came to my chin and lifted my face up, bringing it closer to his own. I was on my tip toes when I saw him dip his face. My eyes fluttered close on reflex, waiting for the contact I was waiting for. Was desperate for.

But it never came.

He only licked my lips once, drinking in the water which dripped down from my lips.

Bloody tease.

"Ethan, please-" Before I could complete my sentence, he grabbed me by the throat and clashed his lips against mine, drowning my noises against him.

Without wasting any second, I wrapped my legs around him and let him join us as one until he made me scream his name and made me forget my own.


While I was getting dressed, Aiden mind-linked Ethan to inform him about how everyone was waiting at the Academy for us.

As we walked into the night towards our destination, my gaze fell on the increased numbers of guards patrolling the area.

We found Aiden and Josh waiting for us on the way. As we stalked closer, Aiden visibly frowned in our direction whereas Josh grinned widely.

Why was Aiden upset?

Eyes narrowed, I turned towards Ethan and mind-linked, "Did you say something to Aiden?"

He looked back at me, a bit offended at the fact that the first person that came to my mind was him. "No, I didn't. Should I be offended that you care more about my Beta's feelings than mine?"

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him instead of answering.

Josh walked towards us, "Aiden and I had a bet going on; if you'd return marked or unmarked." His eyes zeroed in on my neck. "It seems like I won."

Aiden huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms but the next second immediately sobered up, his face tilting down in a sign of submission.

And that could be to only one person.

I turned and true to my suspicion, Ethan was mind-linking his Beta. Something unpleasant by the look of both of their faces.

"If you touch him, I won't let you touch me."

Ethan stared at me as if I had taken away his favorite toy and stomped all over it.

Strolling forward, I came to a stop a few feet from Josh, my eyes connecting with his covered injuries, every memory of our shared assault burning at the forefront of my mind. His face, which had taken quite a beating, was still bluish-purple with bruises and his left hand was in a cast.

"Josh, how are you?"

"Much better now that I'm back home," he pulled me in for hug with his one good arm and squeezed tightly. "Mhmmm... Feels like I never left."

I carefully wrapped my arms around him to hug him back.

"I can feel your anger, Ethan."

Ethan let out a low growl from behind, "The pup just winked at me."

"That 'pup' is a friend. If you think I'll let you be territorial over every male interaction that I have and remain silent then you have another thing coming your way." Breaking apart from the hug, I turned my head towards Ethan. "For Goddess' sake I have your bloody mark on me now."

The vein on the side of his neck ticked, but he stayed silent.

Josh whistled, bringing my attention back to him.

"Damn, now that's what you call a mark!" He brought a finger forward to touch it, but I slapped it away. "You have the entire state of Alaska plastered on your neck. Are you sure he didn't cut your jugular vein or something?"

That bloody mark.

I saw it for the first time when we were done with the shower. When I saw it in the mirror, I thought I got a rash or some sort of a reaction from his bite. Usually, the mark took the shape of the area where your mate was from, but my mark was big and was defintely not in the shape of West-Moon Pack.

"Ha-ha, very funny, Josh." I playfully pushed him back and he pretended to act hurt.

It wasn't a huge mark but compared to all the marks I had seen throughout my life; it was the biggest one. Which was crazy.

However, Ethan was proud of it, if his grinning face in the reflection of the mirror when I first saw it was anything to judge by.

And as if he could hear my inner thoughts now, he grinned smugly.

"Something on your mind, little mate?"

"Get out of my mind, loser."

We resumed our walk towards the Academy, Josh and Aiden walking in front of us as they talked about something. Ethan moved next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

"That word will cost you. How about a nice little spanking once we are alone. Let's start with ten, yes?"

I felt my breath catch as heat rushed to my skin. This mark was doing things to my body and brain that I had never felt before. I was burning from the inside and the outside.

Ethan chuckled darkly at my reaction.

How was he so chill?

Feeling annoyed, I pushed him to the side and by some luck he tripped on a stone and fell face first in a nearby bush.

Aiden and Josh both turned to see what happened, one looking at the scene in shock and the other in amusement. Then their eyes turned towards me.

I simply shrugged.

I didn't blame Aiden, if it was anyone else pushing his Alpha, he or she would've been six feet under. Josh gave me a lopsided grin, which turned into laughter once he saw Ethan lose balance and fall again in his struggle to get out.

Once he was finally out, Ethan made a show of taking the pieces of grass out of his clothes and hair.

Completely disregarding him, I continued to walk forward.

"First couple fight already?" Josh smirked.

"Something like that."

"You're breezing through all the firsts already," Josh looked back to Ethan. "Keep up Alpha Ethan, one would think it was you who was kidnapped and tortured." He wrapped his good arm around my shoulder as we both laughed and continued our way.

I glanced back at Ethan who was glaring at Josh and his arm around my shoulder. A flash of something wicked passed in his eyes when they connected with mine.

"Make that 15, mate."

I ignored him and turned forward, but I couldn't fight the corners of my lips from lifting up.

Just a minute later, to no one's surprise, Ethan fell back in step next to us. He flicked Josh's arm off with a little too much force than necessary and wrapped a possessive arm around my waist, pulling me flush to his side.

"If you value your other arm, you better keep it away from my mate."

Josh pouted, "Boo, you whore." Then winked at Ethan.

I almost choked on my own saliva. And then when I looked at Ethan's face, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ethan turned to me with narrowed eyes.

His message was clear - Josh is walking on thin ice; stop him or I'll do it for you.

I suppressed my laughter this time for the safety of my friend, "Walk ahead, will you, Josh?"

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