《The Alpha Academy》chapter 48


"In a world full of temporary things, you are a perpetual feeling." - Sanober Khan

After a day's journey in the woods, we finally arrived to a place I was familiar with. In the midst of our travel, Elliot had to part ways with us to keep up appearances with Randy which disappointed me because I wanted him to come back to his pack and share his true identity - that he was always protecting their Alpha. His Alpha.

The daylight had dwindled and the last sun rays of the day were about to melt away into darkness when we reached the Alpha Academy where our families were anxiously awaiting us.

According to Branden, to make sure our packs didnt launch an attack on the Lycans, Leia had already informed the other Alphas and our families that Josh and I were safe and will be returning soon. I didn't know if they were aware of the entire story, or were offered a few scraps of information, or if they even believed Leia.

Taking a deep breath, my eyes tracked our surroundings.

Just a few days ago, I was standing in the same place looking for clues to find Josh and now... here I was.

You never do know what the future holds, now do you?

Upon arrival, Josh and I were attacked with an onslaught of hugs and kisses. Mother was the first one to race towards me; her worried eyes, which had tears welling up in them, traced my face. Even though Brianna had done an incredible job of fixing my nose and cleaning my wounds, they still needed some time to heal completely due to the absence of my wolf.

Mother cupped my face and started kissing me everywhere, her salty tears coating my face.

"Mom, it's alright. I am okay."

She kept muttering my name, as if she couldn't believe I was actually in front of her, as if I would disappear into a puff of smoke if she stopped touching me.

It hit my mind that her reaction was valid because the last time one of her children disappeared, he didn't come back alive.

Zack didn't come back alive.

She only halted and stepped aside when father called out her name. He didn't say anything to me. He just opened his arms. And I practically jumped as I rushed to hug him.

He was okay.


I'm safe. I'm home.

"My princess...," he pulled away to grab my shoulders and then used his thumb to wipe a tear off my cheek, "I knew you would come back."

He gently kissed the top of my head as I wrapped my arms around him again, seeking warmth and comfort in his hold.

Uncle Jonathan and Ella met me next, the former scolding me for not listening to him but then gave in and told me that he would've done the same if he were in my position and it was my father who went missing.

My eyes darted to the right and found Josh's parents still hugging him, tears of joy cascading down their faces. He stood there, letting them take their fill of him, letting them fuss over him, letting them reassure themselves that their son was back - truly, wholly and most of all, alive.

Even a stranger passing by just had to take one look at them to see how much they meant to each other.

When the reunion greetings with our families concluded, Josh and I strolled towards Tyler who was glaring at us with a clenched jaw.

When we were a few feet from him, he surprised us by taking a step forward and reaching his arms out to bring both of us in for a hug. His hands gripped our necks in a tight, vice-like grip.


"Don't you two ever pull something like this again, alright?!" Tyler demanded, "At least not without me."

We only hugged him tighter in response.

A few seconds into the hug, Tyler's body tensed instantaneously and his hands dropped to his sides. Josh and I both noticed the sudden change in his reaction. We searched his face in concern but his gaze was trained on something behind us.

We turned to find that the subject of his attention was Leia who was currently making her way towards Braden, her mate.

During our journey, Braden shared that it had been two weeks since he last saw Leia.

My heart dropped.

Oh Goddess, Tyler is gonna be heartbroken once he finds out.

As if in a trance, his body moved past us and followed Leia's trail like a lost puppy. On the other hand, Braden had dropped his hood now; his dark, black eyes focused entirely on his mate.

Once Leia stepped beside; a devilish smile overtook his face, "Missed me, Princess?"

Leia didn't grace his response with an answer. Instead, she watched him for a few seconds and then at once flung her arms around his neck, immediately sagging against his body - as if the hug had taken away the weight of the world off her tiny shoulders. Braden easily caught her in his arms and lifted her off the ground, his face nuzzling her neck.

They looked so in love, my heart swooned. But then my eyes fell on Tyler, who was still walking in their direction, his brown eyes absolutely blank.

He stopped right in front of Braden who let out a low growl as a warning and bared his teeth at him, Leia still in his arms.

Josh and I held our breaths as Tyler raised a hand. For a minute we thought he was going to attack him so we prepared ourselves to stop him, but instead, we were surprised when Tyler's hand fell on Braden's shoulder and he gently pushed him aside.

Behind him stood Brianna.

"Mate," Tyler whispered softly, the wind carrying his voice to us.

No way...

Tentatively, he grabbed her small hand in his, and then turned it around, his eyes falling on the burn decorating her arm. A flicker of insecurity flashed in Brianna's amber eyes.

Raising her hand to his mouth, Tyler gently kissed her scar. A small gasp escaped Brianna's lips; her eyes glowing under the moonlight.

Must be the sparks.

Tyler took that as a postitive sign and stepped closer, his eyes tracing every inch of her face, as if he was memorizing her.

"I've waited a long time for you."

Then with his knuckles, he lightly traced the scar on her face, "Magnificent."

Brianna's eyes fluttered shut at his gesture, her breathing shallow. When she reopened them moments later, a grin that could rival the sun itself stretched on her face.

It felt like a scene right out of a movie.

I glanced at a beaming Josh who put an arm on my shoulder and pulled me in, "Who knew our Flynn Ryder had the wrong tower all this time?"

A laugh bubbled out of my chest.

Tyler had finally found his Rapunzel.

My eyes traversed my surroundings; a smile stretched on my own face.

It felt nice to be back.

To be back home.

"I think Moon Goddess intends to keep me single for the rest of my life. You all will probably have kids and I'll still be there. Single. Josh-the-third-wheeler," Josh gave me a playful pout but the pain behind his cerulean eyes couldn't be masked. "I might as well go to the human realm and choose a mate for myself. I might even join a reality show. I think I have all the qualities of becoming the next bachelor contender, don't you think?"


"Hmm... you do have the money and the ego problems going for you, we just might need to work a little on your face."

He playfully shoved me to the side, offering me one of his dazzling grins, "Bitch please, this face card never declines."

Shaking my head at him in amusement, I moved towards the other side towards Alpha Lennon and Alpha Carlos who I still had to greet.

Tyler had completely forgotten about us and was engrossed with his mate, hanging on to her every word, her every movement - they were completely lost in each other, in their own little world.

Braden stood next to him with his arms crossed, his brooding, dark eyes inspecting Tyler the way an older, protective brother does.

This reunion certainly took a turn. I am sure no one was expecting this.

After meeting the Alphas, I advanced a little towards the back and was greeted with the sight of a widely grinning Aiden.

He bowed when I came to him, "Alpha."

I moved in to give him a hug. As usual, a pink blush spread across his face, "I told you to get used to them, Beta."

He sheepishly scratched the back of his head and gave me a nod.

My restless eyes scanned my surroundings, in search of the same person they were looking for since the moment we stepped on the territory.

"Where is Alpha Ethan?" Without my wolf, I couldn't track his scent, which made it even more difficult to locate him. I knew he wasn't here but I asked anyways. "He didn't come?"

"No," Aiden's face fell as he frowned. "Alpha Ethan went somewhere without telling any of us."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "That's alright, Aiden. I think I know where he'd be."


The small, wooden cabin looked a tad bit different from the last time I saw it. The brown door, which was half off its hinges as if somebody had pushed it forcefully, stood there, challenging me to go inside and seek what awaited me on its other side.

The night dragged a cold breeze which sent a chill up my spine. I gulped and strolled forward to go inside the cold, dark cabin.

My eyes pierced through the darkness as I pushed open the door, slowly adjusting to the lack of light. With my arms stretched before me, I managed to find a lamp and turned it on; the yellow light illuminating the room partially.

My eyes widened at the scene before me. A little gasp escaped me as I observed the living room and took in everything.

It seemed like I had walked inside chaos itself.

As if I was sucked inside a tornado.

The entire cabin was completely destroyed. The television was smashed on the ground, the sofa and the cushions were slashed with sharp claws, the filling pouring out of it. The kitchen cabinets were hanging on the wall by a thread, as if somebody had tried to pull them out of their place. Broken shards of glass lay on the floor near the kitchen. The entire kitchenware was ruined, smashed into smithereens. The curtains which once hung so delicately from their neat frame were now laying on the floor, the broken frame next to it.

There were claw marks everywhere - on the sofa, on the walls, on the cabinets.

Every. Single. Place.

An awful sense of dread creeped over the planes of my shoulders.

Goddess, please let the paintings be okay...

I rushed towards the bedroom, trying my best to not step on the ruins as the overwhelming darkness beckoned me.

Muttering a little prayer, I pushed open the bedroom door. There was no source of light except for the roof window which illuminated the room. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw that none of the paintings were damaged.

In fact, the room was exactly how I had left it a few days ago. Nothing was amiss. Everything was untouched. Except for the bed - but that too only my side of the bed. As if somebody had slept there.

The tips of my fingers caressed the sheets, a whisper of my mate's scent wafting in my nose. Then something under the pillow caught my eye. I gave it a tug and pulled it out, my eyes greeting the burgundy slip dress I wore at Josh's party. The only difference being that it was crinkled and smelt more like my mate than me.

Bringing it to my face, I inhaled and my body immediately relaxed as his familiar scent travelled through my body.

There was a gentle click behind me.

The noise of a door locking.

My back straightened and my heartbeat picked up.

"You took your time, mate."

His dark voice sent a shudder down my body, making my toes curl in fear.

Slowly, I turned around.

And there he was.

Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, backlit by the magnificient moonlight streaming from the window.

I was not prepared for the way he was looking at me.

It was intense, borderline violent.

As if he wanted to swallow me whole.

He looked the night itself. His unkempt black hair were curled around the nape of his neck. His black eyes dark and sunken in, as if he hadn't slept in a decade. His face unshaved and rugged; sign of a slight growth of stubble.

The ink staining his bicep flexed under his arms. The raw and intense sexual appeal that oozed out of him made my heart skip a beat.

He was a mountain of muscle and sin.

Those spellbinding eyes tracked me, growing heavier with every inch of my skin he covered.

I swallowed.

Fuck... Even when he looked like he had passed through seven levels of hell, he looked so dangerously beautiful. My memory of him did not do him justice.

He was a beast and a greek god.

All in one.

My breathing grew denser, filling the hollows of my chest. A part of me wanted to rush in his arms. To feel his body against me. To feel those lips move against mine. But I knew I couldn't test his wolf. I had to tread carefully.

One wrong move and he might explode.

As if he could read my mind, Ethan cocked his head. Rubbing a hand down his face, he began to take lazy steps toward me. I stood there paralysed, my heart beating faster with each step, waiting for the verdict he was going to deliver.

Praying that it was in my favour.

He, on the other hand, moved in slowly, dangerously - as if he had all the time in the world.

Instead of stopping right in front of me, he began to circle me like a predator. I felt his heated gaze travelling all over my body, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He stopped right behind me and his hard chest brushed against my back.

The heat coming from his body paired with his scent rendered me speechless.

A predator waiting to strike.

But Goddess, he was so close...

His hot breath caressed the shell of my ears, and I couldn't stop my eyes from fluttering shut.

"What is it that you want from me, mate?"

The calmness in his voice was unnverving. I struggled to stand upright.

"Do you want me to beg? Do you want to bring me to my knees?" Soft lips on the nape of my neck cut my breathing short, "Is that something you would like?" His large hands gripped my waist and then pulled me against him, "Is that what you want, Vivian?"

My back arched slightly at the way he said my name and I knew that he took notice of my reaction when his smile brushed against my neck.

The strength of his body pressing against mine. The nearness of him. The size of him. Everything about him made me dizzy and made heat climb my neck and spread to my cheeks.

His scent had awoken something in me.

"Ethan..." a breathless plea left me.

His fingers brushed the nape of my neck as he scooped all of my hair, winding it into a tight bun at the base of my neck, then yanked at it harshly, until my head rest firmly against his chest.

I tilted my face to the side and those dangerous, grey eyes finally clashed with mine.

We stared at each other for a while, breathing in each others air, my pulse rapidly beating in my ears.

"I thought I lost you, Vivian." He gave a light tug to my hair, his eyes blazing with sincerity. "I was so fucking scared."

My eyes dropped to his lips then moved up to meet his steel eyes again which were now drowning in worry. For a long moment, his chest didn't move at all.

"Ethan, I-" His other hand slid up to my throat, his squeeze cutting me off.

"I've never felt this way before, Vivian. I couldn't feel you," With an impatient breath, his thumb pressed harder against my thundering pulse. "You weren't there."

His eyes closed against his own volition, his face now a picture of pure distress - as if he was reliving something traumatic.

I sucked in a breath. The silver must have cut his connection with me. Our bond. Just how Josh's father wasn't able to feel him.

I moved closer to him, my nose grazing his, "How could I leave my mate when I promised him forever?"

I told him. Just like that day in the cabin.

I am never leaving you again. I promise.

Mate. He breathed. Forever.


His eyes burst open and there was no sign of humour in them. He stared at me with such ferocity, I shivered.

The hand on my throat trailed upwards, his fingers lightly touched the contours of my face, resting a bit longer on the places where I was injured.

His lips were now pressed into a thin line. There was turmoil in his grey eyes as he gripped my jaw. Genuine rage shadowed his eyes. His jaw was clenched and his nostrils flared.

"If you ever pull something like that again, I will personally kill you and put myself out of my misery."

The sides of mouth lifted up, "Then who will eat your tasteless food and falsely praise your art?"

He chuckled, the sound low and sexy. "Never again, Vivian." He pushed my head forward so our mouths brushed against each other whenever he spoke, "Promise me you'll stay with me."

"Until my last breath."

That did it.

His lips crashed against mine; punishing me, devouring me - hungrily tasting everything I couldn't say to him. His tongue licked the roof of my mouth and I moaned, unable to help myself.

The way he was kissing me... with balatant desperation, like he was intoxicated by my lips, like this was the answer to all of his prayers, almost brought me to my knees. The way his tongue slid over my teeth. It felt like I was drowning in the sea and each stroke of his tongue were dark and rolling waves pulling me down even further.

I trembled against his body, eager for even more of him. He rewarded my desire by dugging his fingers into my scalp and angling my head so he could taste me better.

I flung my arms around his neck, wanting to press him as close to me as I could. He hardened against me and I groaned in his mouth. The bristles of his stubble scratched against my cheeks as our tongues battled each other, trying to pin each other down.

He growled in my mouth, wanting to take control of the kiss. This time; I let him. I let him taste me, take me, claim me the way he wanted. Whereas I found solace in his black hair, the strands which were as soft as I had remembered them. I gave it a slight tug and Ethan moaned, the voice hitting me right in my core.

"It is going to take a lot more than just a kiss to unruffle my wolf's fur," Ethan broke the kiss, looking at me through half-lidded eyes, a dark smile dancing on his lips. "He is still angry at you."

I lightly traced the contours of his face with my finger, "Hmm... I think there might be something that might solve this problem."

His brows drew together, "What?"

I stretched on my tiptoes and whispered two words in his ears.

He stumbled back as if I had burned him. His eyes were wide, the colour of them darkening. The grey in his eyes began to flicker as he battled his wolf for control.

I grinned at his reaction.

"Are you sure, Vivian?" His fingers stretched into claws, a sign of him losing control to his wolf but he clenched his fist, still fighting his beast.

I placed a hand on his heart, "As sure as I can ever be, Ethan."

He smiled so brightly that his entire face lit up. Even the moon would have paled in comparison at the way he looked right now.

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