《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 5̸


I sanitised the window, my seat and the table at the sudden realisation that I didn't disinfect them and then sat down again.

The boy looked at me with a disgusted face as he walked to my table and started giving me his usual disgusted look.

I looked at him and then I looked away.

But... since when was he in my class?

I heard students come inside, one after the other. The corridor filled with their hideous germs and sweaty arms, a disgusting sight. Lucky me that I was here early.

I saw Komori and Seiko walk in together, they were giggling about something and then they looked over at me and Sakusa, Seiko frowning for some odd reason.

"(Y/N), I told you that we're not in the same class anymore" Seiko said and I looked at her.

Did I walk into the wrong classroom?

"What's my class again?" I asked.

"The top class, you have the highest grades in the year so stop forgetting which class you are in" she scolded me.

"But we were in the same class last year..." I said.

"Not anymore. Now, chop chop, you need to get to your class before the bell goes and you end up being late" she said as she pushed me out of the class and I had to walk myself to my own, disgusting classroom.

I opened the door and saw the same germs that I see everyday which made me frown. They all turned to look at me, they made a few whispers as I made my way to sanitise my own seat.


"These lessons are too easy", I thought to myself as I looked out of the window. The teacher looked at me once, then the teacher looked away again, he knew that these lessons were too easy for me and had been insisting me to move a up a year but I chose not to.

I had already moved up a year, so what's the point in moving up another one???

Instead, he gives me advanced work occasionally and when tests were around he'd give me third year tests.

It was finally lunchtime, and thank god it was, I rushed out like there was no tomorrow and made sure that there was no one in the roof.

I started eating my food and then Seiko had come up a while after to eat food with me.

"The Nationals is coming up" Seiko told me as she took a seat next to me and I nodded.

"Who are we playing first?" I asked her.

"A team called..." she said as she took out the paper with the list. "Seijoh" she told me.

"Apparently the third best female setter goes there" she added and I nodded.


Now that I realise, I had a rank didn't I?

"Hey, Seiko" I called out to her and she looked at me, giving me her full attention. "I had a rank didn't I?" I asked her and she widened her eyes.

"Yes, you were put fourth best female setter. They also gave you the nickname 'Golden Crow' if I remember well." she explained.

"Why Golden Crow?" I asked her.

"Because according to them, whenever you are in the court, you start acting like a crow with your opponents. Your intelligence and adaptability during matches has gained you a lot of attention around Japan. And thanks to that, a lot of people seem to have taken a like to our team, since the sets that you give us makes us stand out individually." she explained.

"Man, even their explanation doesn't even make sense" I said and put down my bento.

"What's with the sudden thought though? You've never really cared about your rank until now" she told me and I had a sudden thought of Sakusa.

He's third best ace in the country, of course it'd make me want to do even better. Become far more better than any other female setters in this country, and hopefully become a representative of Japan or another country.

"No reason, I just wanted to ask" I replied and kept eating.


(Y/N) made her way to the gymnasium to have her practice before the upcoming tournament. It was until she made a turn and bumped into someone, the thought of her body being bumped into someone else's made her shiver.

She looked up to see who she had bumped into with a death glare on her face, her hands reaching her hand sanitiser for when she finished killing the body and hiding it in the third page of Google.

That was the plan, until she looked up to see the same boy that she has been able to notice more ever since the training camp.

"Germ" she blurted out with a really disgusting tone that had made Sakusa get a little mad.

"Disease" he replied, making sure not only to give her double the disgusting tone, but a disgusted look as well.

"They're at it" a student that was walking past had said until she made a stop to look at her year's two biggest germaphobes with her friends in the middle of the corridor.

"Are they going to fight?" a student said, making his way near the soon crowded crowd circling the two individuals in the middle.

"Kiyoomi" a third party had called out.

"(Y/N)!" a different person yelled.

It was Komori and Seiko as they made their way to stop the cousin and the friend that were about to throw hands in the middle of the corridor, after the school has finished.


"Let's go" they both told the germaphobes, leading them both to each of their gymnasium so they could practice for another day.

"You shouldn't be fighting her, Kiyoomi" Komori told me as I made my way to the gymnasium.

"I wasn't fighting her. Plus, she bumped into me so it's technically her fault" I said as I frowned both of my eyebrows.

"You might say that, but deep down you know that it is your fault as well for not looking where you are going" he had a point, but it's not every day that I bump into an idiot.

"Also, there's an upcoming test for english" he added and it made my mind blank out.

English? That's literally my worst subject

"Can you help me with it, Komori?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I'll be busy for the whole week so I won't be able to help, besides my grades aren't that high in english" he explained and I started praying to the God of Cleanness to send me sign to be able to at least pass this test.

"How about you ask (Y/N) though? She gets the highest grades in the year and has never gotten a fail" he said and I looked at him, with a disgusted face at the thought of getting help from someone who I wasn't even friends with.

"No" I told him.

"Then I hope you fail the test" he said while waving his hand in the air.

"Fine" I said while rolling my eyes. "I'll ask her later" I added and started another day of practice once again.

"(Y/N), what did I tell you about making commotions?" Seiko said as she was practically giving me a lecture.

"He bumped into me first, it's not my fault that a disease like him can't see where the hell he's going" I told Seiko as I stomped my way down the hallway, into the gymnasium.

"You're both at fault, end of the story" she told me and I let out a sigh.

"We have exams between, have you revised for them?" she asked me and I shook my head.

"Why not? You're going to get a passing grade!" she told me and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What's a passing grade?" I asked her and she just looked at me with a weirded expression and then let out a sigh.

"I forgot that you've never gotten a pass or a fail, honestly, you might as well just go to college already" she told me and I looked away from her.

"I don't want to" I told her.

"Why? You get the grades, you've already moved up a year, you might as well become a third year or a college student" she told me and I shook my head.

"If I did, then I wouldn't be able to see you annoying me anymore, nor would I be able to compete against both" I told her.

"Tobio?" she asked me and I nodded. "Who's the other person though?"

"You'll see him soon" I told her as we both started practice.

I was making my way to home with Seiko until I heard someone call out to me.

"Yes?" I said while turning around and saw Komori, Sakusa following behind him.

"Can I ask you to do me a favour?" he asked me and I thought about it for a second.

"I guess?" I replied and his facial expression became really happy about my answer. "What is it though?" I asked.

"Well you see... Kiyoomi needs a little help revising for our upcoming english exam and I'm busy for the whole week. Can you perhaps help him for me?" he asked me and I frowned.

"If it was help for you then sure, but help for that disease? No way" I said and Komori started doing those weird puppy eyes that people do.

"She'll do it" Seiko said, answering for me.

"You fucking bitch" I thought to myself.

"I won't do it" I said and turned around to leave, leaving the three of them standing there.

"I'm sorry about that, she'll be helping me tomorrow after school in the library, you can join if you want" the ash blonde girl told me as she excused herself to go after (Y/N).

"Well, there you have it. Tomorrow in the library after school, you better go if you don't want to fail your test" Komori told me as we made our way home from school.

The next day, I had arrived at the meeting place where (Y/N)'s friend had told me to go after school.

I looked around the library until I found the (h/c)nette and the blondie sitting across from each other in the library.

I took a seat at least two seats next to (Y/N) and she had turned to look at me. Her eyes widening.

"Why are you here?" she asked me with a pretty much angry tone.

"I invited him here" the friend backed me.

(Y/N) seemed to have gotten really mad and stood up to leave the library, although, I unconsciously grabbed her wrist and stopped her from leaving.

Everyone was shocked, even I was at my sudden action.


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