《Part II》Chapter eighteen
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
August 8th
'They need to put him under the fucking jail'
'The system is so fucked up... why let out a murder? What even sense does that make?! '
'The government has failed us AGAIN! There is no reason he should've been let out. He killed the mom and her daughter for absolutely no reason. He should've got the death penalty!'
'I can't even imagine how the family feels... the system failed them, letting that monster out. Killed that family in cold blood, just disgusting. And he admitted it like what?! '
'I just found out he has two daughters... It's crazy he could kill that mother and daughter knowing he has two daughters of his own. He would be sick if someone did what he did to them'
'Trump would have NEVER let this happen. This is disgusting'
'I hope someone kills him, this is ridiculous! He literally admitted to killing that innocent mother and daughter duo but six or seven years later y'all let him out?'
'This makes me so sick. LOCK HIS CRAZY ASS BACK UP!'
'These people are know for killing innocent souls. Are ya'll really surprised yall favorite boxer did it? Lmao'
Caydence stopped reading some of the disgusting comments people left under the Theshaderoom post about her father's release. Her dad's release is all over the blogs and TMZ now, some people even found out about Caydence and Kory existence without knowing about them being his daughters for years.
With how famous Quincy was, this was exactly why he never let anyone besides family know he had children.
Some of the comments she read wished death on her and Kory. They had been coming to her Instagram page and talking about her so much and commenting death threats under a few of her post. She had to put her page on private before she cussed each and every one of them out. Caydence wasn't scared for her or Kory's safety since she had secret security following her around the clock because of who she hangs around and is in a relationship with.
She was greatly annoyed at how ignorant people in the comment sections of all the blog pages were. The story the police made up about Quincy didn't even sound believable yet nobody saw that. They just saw another innocent black man in cuffs and ran with it. It was only a handful of people, some still fans of Quincy, that saw right through this narrative they were trying to sell.
"Yes I'm going to be here when you wake up pumpkin," Quincy chuckled, tucking Kory into her bed. Caydence looked up from her phone and smiled at the two "We gonna make breakfast and sleep in all day tomorrow. But you have to go to sleep first," He said.
Kory dramatically sighed "Okay" She frowned "Wait, I don't have to go to school? Really?" She asked with excitement in her voice looking between her dad and sister.
"Nope, but you still have to go to sleep so we can make a big breakfast with your granny," Quincy told her. He didn't think it would be a good idea for Kory to go to school tomorrow, maybe for the next few weeks with people knowing who her father is now. This was her first week of school still, Caydence was going to call her teacher tomorrow to see if she could get the assignments she would miss if she had any.
"Okay! Night night daddy, I love you," Kory beamed, making Caydence's heart warm. This was probably the happiest Caydence had seen her, this was all Kory wanted. When Caydence asked what she wanted for her birthday besides the party she was already getting, she said she only wanted Quincy to be at her party for once.
That is exactly what's going to happen now.
"I love you too pumpkin, goodnight" He leaned down, kissing her forehead before standing up from the bed. "Goodnight sissy, love youuu," Kory turned over in her bed, letting her back facing the door and snuggling more in her comforter.
"I love you too bookie, night" She leaned off the doorway. She and Quincy walked out of the room then he closed the door softly behind him.
"I told you not ta' look at those blogs bubbles. I saw you over there" He said as they walked down the stairs.
Caydence rolled her eyes, stepping off the last step "They are just promoting false news, just like they did six years ago. And they wish something bad would happen to me and my sister when they know the whole story sounds like bull–" She stopped herself and took a deep breath before she made herself upset again.
"It's just not fair how they're doing you on social media," She mumbled, walking into the kitchen. Her dad deserved so much better.
"I know but it's going to be okay once they find out the truth and look like the stupid people they are," He shrugged carelessly and took the water bottle she was handing him.
Caydence was about to say something until out of the corner of her eye, she saw Benji walking into the kitchen "Aht! Get out, you know you can't come in here. Bye," She shooed him away. He stood in the middle of the floor just staring at her "Benji, don't piss me off. Get out before I kick you out" She warned, walking close to him and he ran out of the kitchen.
Quincy laughed at her "You let Kory talk you into getting a dog?" He asked, leaning his back on the counter. Caydence scoffed "No, that's Kacey's dog that I can't stand." She rolled her eyes as she opened her bottle of water. She didn't even know why Kacey left him over there, he wasn't sleeping with her.
"He lives here?" He raised his eyebrow.
"No, we just are goin' back and forth from his house to here a lot. We aren't moving in together until our house is done. I'm so excited" She smiled. For the first time in so long, Caydence felt herself going back to her old happy self. It took a long time for this and is still in progress—a slow progress but she will get there.
She knew this neighborhood was going to be so fun to have and wasn't going to have to worry about annoying neighbors—her friends are still annoying to her but she loves them and much rather have them as neighbors.
She didn't have to worry about taking her eyes off Kory when she was outside playing. Nobody but the people that lived in the neighborhood had access to it, she also wasn't going to have to worry about making a long commute to see her friends—even her dad now that he has agreed to move into the neighborhood.
The only person that wasn't moving into the neighborhood was her granny. She refused to give up and move out of the house that she and Caydence's late grandfather started in.
"So are you going to tell me how you gettin' out even happened?" She asked, now walking out of the kitchen.
"Your boyfriend and friends actually did it. I knew nothing about it until they came to my cell saying I had an immediate release," He explained, sitting on the couch next to her.
Caydence furrowed her eyebrow as she tucked her legs underneath her "How? He told me that when he got into the camera footage, it was all wiped out"
Quincy nodded "It was but Nadia told me he was able to get footage from the gas station down the street of the actual people that did it, trying to disposal the gun in the dumpster of a homeless shelter" He explained, taking the hair tie from his wrist and putting his locs up in a messy ponytail.
"The home shelter? Didn't that catch on fire—" She said and Quincy nodded "It's funny how it caught on fire not even a month after I got locked up" He scoffed.
"The people...who? They killed all those people in that home shelter too" She frowned. She only remembered the homeless shelters because her Granny used to take her and Kapri down there to feed them on Sundays. Everyone thought it was an accidental fire from one of the people smoking a cigarette inside the building. So many families and kids died in that fire, they were asleep when it happened.
"The police did it," He said, making her eyes widen double the size. "Huh? What—why? They killed like six families, they had kids" She frowned, those families were innocent just like her dad and they took their lives away for no reason.
"The officer that killed the little girl and woman was the husband and dad," He said and Caydence's eyes grew bigger "I'on know how your boyfriend found out but apparently one of the officers that were married to her found out she cheated on him years ago and his daughter wasn't his. He had been following her around and that day at the Mexican restaurant, he saw her meeting with the man she cheated on him with that was actually the daughter's father. He acted off emotion and anger when he saw that the daughter knew because she was smiling and laughing with him," He shook his head.
"Get this, the owner of the restaurant was the man she cheated with. The officer threatened him I guess and he kept his mouth shut" He added.
Caydence couldn't even wipe the frown from her face. That was truly wicked not only because of the details of the situation but because the owner was the main 'witness' pointing the finger at her dad.
"That makes so much sense why they pressured you so much to say you did it. The officer was behind it all, they didn't even find a murder weapon but still locked you up" She shook her head. She couldn't say it enough, the system was so corrupt when it came to the black community. The people you should trust and feel safe—to protect you from danger are the people you fear the most.
Caydence would rather never get justice for anything if something—God forbid—happened to her. She felt more safe walking in the middle of a highway with cars going 150 mph than ever feeling safe in the presence of a police officer. They truly gave the wrong people badges and it shows.
"Yeah. Nadia is one hell of a lawyer though. She wasn't playing with them when she said release me or it was going to be worse for them," He lightly chuckled. Caydence shook her head with a small smile gracing her face, she always said when it came to law work, Nadia was like Annalise Keating.
"This might sound messy but someone should 'accidentally' let all this information hit the internet so all thirteen thousand or whatever people in the comments can shut up. They swear they're little detectives and lawyers," She scoffed "They wouldn't make it a day actually trying to figure out an actual case and putting the real criminal in jail" She shook her head.
Shaggy and Scooby-doo solved more cases than actual people that went to school and had degrees to be detectives.
"At midnight, it will be. Your boyfriend is already on that '' Quincy smirked "I'm gonna sue the hell out of the police department, mothafuckas gonna be beggin' me ta' stop. I ain't never going to stop either," He amusedly laughed.
"And I'm going to be right beside you. I'm so happy all of this is over" She sighed happily, feeling as if she could finally breathe again.
Houston, Tx
August 9th
Caydence sucked her teeth in annoyance, stale facing Trey—after he talked about the third girl photo they looked at "Nothing is wrong wit' her Trey. Stop bein' so bad picky" She shook her head, looking back at her computer. She was currently looking up new desk and decor for her suite. Quincy and Kory were upstairs taking a nap because they wanted to get up at the crack of dawn.
That annoyed Caydence so badly.
Trey jerked his head back, looking at her funnily "How I'm bein' picky when she got shark teeth?" He blankly looked at the side of her face.
Caydence tucked her lips into her mouth from laughing at him, the girl's teeth did scare her, especially with how much she smiled. But Caydence thought that it was an easy fix to have done it Trey really wanted.
"Ha' ass is going ta' scare niggas away. Not bring them in," Trey huffed.
Caydence chuckled, adding a plant that she thought would go good in her office to her cart. "You can always get her teeth fixed. Everything else about her fits what you want, stop doin' the most right now" She frowned. He was always so picky about who worked in his club, he wanted the prettiest girls and best pole dancers working for him.
He was quick to tell a girl she couldn't work for him if she looked a mess. He did the same thing when it came to bartenders and bottle girls, he wanted the prettiest girl working for him because, in his mind, they bring people back.
You would think it would be easy to get a job as a stripper or bottle girl but not at Trey's club. He has serious and high requirements for the people that worked for him. His image and reputation were everything when it came to his club.
"Or you could jus' not work as a bottle girl and keep pole dancing. I wouldn't be so picky if you did that," He bucked at her, she didn't even pay him no mind. "C'mon best, you know ain't nobody's better than Coco" He rubbed his temple with his fingers out of frustration.
"I could've shown we talked about this two months ago. Don't piss me off best, we have been doing good" She side-eyed him. If you let them, they will go at each other's throats about everything. Caydence was the best friend that didn't care about anything rather Trey was the one that cared about everything.
"Fuck you. What typa' bestie gon' leave the other high and dry?" He straight-faced her.
"I ain' leaving you high and dry. I have a relationship now. Pole dancing has always been a temporary thing, not forever," She explained for what seemed like the 100th time with him.
"Ace, don't care if you shake a little ass for some cash!" He joked. Caydence heard a small scoff coming from the side of her "Yes I do" Kacey mumbled, keeping his eyes on his phone and his other hand on the inside of Caydence's thigh.
She forgot he was sitting there from how quiet he was being. She loved these times when he shut the hell up.
"See," Caydence pointed out, "I'm not trying to make my man or me uncomfortable. I'm already giving you until the end of the mouth so make it work" She softly tapped his cheek three times. Trey stared at her for a moment before he popped her in the mouth.
He tried to get up and run away before falling flat on the ground, tripping over his two feet. Caydence busted out laughing "One thing God is going to do is always stick beside me" She kept laughing.
Trey eventually got up, laughing with her before sitting back down. "Fuck up," He mumbled, picking up his phone. "Did she text you back?" She wondered, speaking of the girl that he's been getting to know for a little over two weeks.
"Nah, but I'on even care nomo. I told her me and Bree are just friends that live together for the time being," He shrugged. "I don't know how many times I have ta' say that but I ain't finna even trip on her. Actin' like I can't have platonic friendships with girls" He ranted.
"I'm surprised you don't want more than a friendship with Bree tho," Caydence said. In her opinion, everything about Kambree just screamed Trey's type. She is Brownskin, ambitious, tall, super pretty and she has goals for herself.
"Why? Because she is pretty?" He chuckled.
"No, all the girls that you go for are pretty but Bree just seems to be the girl that you try to find in the other girls that plays you" She shrugged. Trey always wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to girls, always wanted to spoil and be in love after the first link. Caydence wouldn't say it was something wrong with that per say—she just thinks it was wrong for him to ignore the present red flags they show him.
In her eyes, Caydence hasn't known Kamebree for a long time but she has known her long enough to see she wouldn't play with Trey's heart like others. Caydence kept it to herself because it wasn't her business but she could see Bree had a small feeling for Trey but didn't say anything.
Caydence thinks she won't say anything because she takes care of her little sister—Paris. As much as some women didn't want to be present in a man's life if he had a child or just took care of a child on his own—some men didn't want to either.
Trey hummed "What you tryna do? Play cupid?" He joked, raising his eyebrow.
She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes "No. Just want you to look in other places besides the wrong one that you're in" She replied, going back to looking at the decor for her suite.
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