《BBS Smut Book》TySmit


( Smitty's POV )

It was the day before pax and I was getting my suitcase packed. Blarg had texted me saying that he was on his way to the airport. He lived further away than the rest of us so he had to leave early.

Tyler, Evan, Delirious, Moo, Nogla, and I decided to get one last video in before we left. I knew everyone that was there would vlog, but I didn't think I would this time. I wanted to enjoy it better without a camera in my face and hand. Speaking of it, I don't think I've ever vlogged a pax video.

I scream laughed as Tyler got blown up again. We played a little G-Mod hide and seek. Tyler was a little doll baby running around. Tyler screamed a curse word as Nogla threw the nuke.

I laughed a little and waited for the next round to start. I sat back in my chair and heard Nogla and Moo argue. It wasn't serious or anything, but I find it funny that Moo acts like an angry mom when arguing.

After everyone was tired, we all got the last bit of content and got off. I sent the video file to my editor and got ready for bed.

( Tyler's POV )

We all met up at the hotel we were staying at. Me, smitty, Matt, and puffer shared a room. I put my suitcase in the closet and plopped onto one of the beds. Kelly kept calling me, so I eventually turned my phone off.

Jaren and blarg arrived at the same time. They both had a small smile on their face. I grew a little suspicious, but shrugged it off.

We didn't really meet up for pax, only because there wasn't really anything good. We were there to hang out and see everyone in person again.


After walking around for a while and almost getting hit by cars, we went to dinner. It was this really nice Japanese restaurant. Keller sat by me, while Jaren and Matt sat across from each other a few seats down. Scotty and Chrissy cracked jokes, while Anthony joined in.

My mood fluctuated the whole time. It was only because Matt and Smitty were getting a little to flirty. Alcohol started getting passed around and almost everyone was semi-drunk. Keller wasn't old enough, and puffer didn't feel like drinking.

We all made it to our hotel rooms and got into our beds. Matt and Smitty shared a bed, which I was not happy about for some reason. I don't know why I was so jealous and made over those two being so friendly to each other.

( Smii7y's POV )

I was fairly drunk and wanted some water. I ended up in the bathtub trying to drink from the facet. Matt got up and tried drying me off but Tyler insisted he do it.

I ended up going out the door and down the hall to the ice machine. I wobbled and almost fell. Tyler told everyone to stay there while he went to get me. He was partially drunk so he couldn't run to get me.

I was messing with the buttons when he got to me. "Come on Jaren. Let's go back," he said. I whined and smacked the machine. Tyler sighed and helped me up off the floor. "No. I don't wanna go," I slurred out.

I looked up into Tyler's eyes and just stared. He stopped what he was doing and looked back. I don't know what came over me, but I kissed him. He didn't move, not a single muscle.

He eventually kissed me back and tilted his head. I smiled and started pushing him into a storage closet.


"Jaren.. I can't.." Tyler said in a sad tone. I continued on anyways. I felt my whole body tingle as he growled into my ear. "Fine. But your gonna regret it tomorrow when you can't walk." I sobered up really quick after hearing that.

Tyler kissed me roughly and tugged at my pants. I kissed back sloppily and tangled my fingers into his hair. He managed to pull them off exposing my privates. I didn't wear any underwear.

He touched me softly and had me whining and grinning against his leg. He bent me over a small side table and drug his nails down my back. I shivered from the coldness of the table and felt his fingers prod at my entrance.

He spit on his hand and slowly inserted his middle and index finger. He made a scissoring motion and twisted.

I don't really remember anything after that. I think we both went back to our rooms and went to bed. We avoided eye contact when Matt asked where we went last night.


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