《BBS Smut Book》2P Vanoss x Reader


( 2P Vanoss POV )

I brushed back my white feathers as I got ready to go on my mission. Lui, Nogla, and Delirious were also going on this mission. Tyler was going to be late as usual.

I sighed and looked in the mirror one last time. I tugged my jacket and flared up my collar. I couldn't describe the color it was, like a bunch of different hues of blue mixed together.

Me and the boys headed out in our black van. It had tons of armor on it, and it was equipped with a machine gun that come out of the top.

I gripped the steering wheel and grinned as the house we needed to be at came into view. It was a two story house, white with green roofing. It was a pretty nice house, but we came to tear it down.

I came down an alley way and turned the headlights off. I pulled into the driveway and kept going until I got to the back garage. We all put our masks on and got out quietly. Lui picked the lock and got us in.

We all spread out to look for a specific person. I headed upstairs and went into the first door on the right. It seemed to be an empty storage room, so I left and went into the next room next to it. It was a bedroom.

There were old records hung on the walls, and vines hung from the curtain. It was a typical aesthetic room. I looked around until my eyes landed on a sleeping person on the bed.

My walkie-talkie went off, so I went out of the door. "We have him, let's get out of here," nogla said. I looked back at the bed and thought about what to do with you.

There was only you and the guy living there. I scooped you up and watched your eye slightly twitch. I stroked your hair to help you not wake up and carried you downstairs. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Lui asked what I was doing, but I swatted him away and placed you in the van.

I tied your hands and feet, and put a gag in your mouth. Your father was a big business man. He owned a big company that was threatening to take ours down. So we kidnapped both of you.


I got in the drivers side and drove to our hidden location. It was a little side road that lead to a fake mountain. At the gate, they scanned my face and fingerprint. They let me through and told me some people were waiting to talk to me.

Once the van was parked in the garage port, i told delirious and Tyler to take you and your father in to a designated room. They argued and said that they didn't want to hurt anyone. I wrapped my arm around delirious and told him that he would get a special surprise if he did this for me. He was so gullible.

When I walked into the living room I saw two of my debtors. They had cash in their hands and worried looks on their faces. I took my mask off and sat down. "Vanoss.. we have your money. Right here in cash! Just like you asked."

I smiled and held my hand out. They placed the cash in my hand, so I looked through it. It was all real and I wasn't getting scammed. "Great! Thanks! Next time.. bring it on time," I said. They both nodded quickly and rushed out. I shook my head and took the money to my safe.

"Evan.. she got out.." Tyler said from the doorway. I couldn't quite hear what he said, so I asked him to repeat it. "The girl. She got out while me and delirious went to leave. The knots weren't tight enough..."

I calmly walked to him and moved Tyler aside. "Would you be a good little pig and help me find her?" I asked sweetly. He reluctantly nodded and went to go look. I felt my anger levels rise, but I pushed them away for now.

I went to the west wing of the building and looked in every room. I placed a tiny laser going across the door ways. I would get a notification if you crossed any of them.

I then went to the kitchen and got some bread. I saw a small shadow out of the corner of my eye. I quickly got one of my blades and threw it. It was inches away from hitting Lui. I sighed as he ran off. There's no way of you getting out. "Hide all you want little mouse. I will find you," I said.


( Y/No's POV )

You spent that evening with my dad and friends. It was just a normal day, and you were having fun. Your mother had died a couple years ago so it was just you and dad.

He had an important meeting with his rival company tomorrow so dad sent your friends home early. You both ate dinner in silence and got ready for bed. You put your phone on the charger and crawled into bed. You watched a couple YouTube videos before actually closing your eyes and falling asleep.

You felt yourself being picked up, but You continued to sleep. You just thought it was your dream. You eventually woke up at the sound of two people talking. "I don't wanna do this.. I get too nervous and sad," one said. I opened my eyes slightly to get a look at where I was.

There was a man with a white helmet, and the other had a dark grey hockey mask on. You noticed your hands and feet tied, but they were too lose. You slipped out of the ropes and ran in the opposite direction of the two guys.

You ended up in a room with a giant fireplace and a king sized bed. The room was a dark blue with white trimming. You shivered and ended up sitting on the edge of the bed. "Little mouse?~ don't tell me you're already in my bed~"

Evan snickered evilly and walked from out of the bathroom that was connected. You surprised to the door, but I was locked. He had you cornered.

You held your knees close to your chest and watched him squat down to your level. "You know.. I could kill you, but I think I like you too much," he said. Evan put his hand out for you to take, and you took it.

He pulled you to his feet and placed his white mask on the nightstand. "Do you know how to dance?" He asked. You nodded in reply. He wrapped his other hand around your waist and started to slow dance with you. "Mm. Little mouse.. I want to do something special for you. I'd do anything to keep you from running away, so will you accept my love and be mine until death."

You thought it was a little cheesy, but in a cute way. As soon as you made up your mind, he grinned. It was a big grin, the ones that make you supper uncomfortable.

He sat you down on his bed and kissed down your leg. "Your everything to me mouse. Your my queen now," he said. You looked down at him and thought about your options. "Will you.. worship me?" You asked shyly. Since your mother died, you've been craving something like this.

His chocolate brown eyes became a darker brown. He stood up and pushed you back into the bed. He lifted your baggy shirt slightly and kissed your stomach lightly. He trailed the kisses up to your chest, and he slowly ran his hand over your private part.

"May I?" Evan asked as he looked at you. You couldn't make out the expression on his face. It was hunger, lust, and excitement all mixed into one. Evan slowly took your pants and underwear off and sucked on your rosebuds. (Nipples😬)

He slowly rubbed your sensitive area making you squirm. You had done this before, so you grabbed his hand and showed him what to do. "a-ah.. just like that.." your breath hitched and your body felt like jelly under his touch.

He slowly moved from your chest to your part. He got on his knees and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Evan's tongue explored everything.

Your brain went fuzzy as he continued. A little ball of heat formed in your stomach as you grew closer to your climax. Your hands pulled his raven black hair and your thighs shook. You moaned loudly and stayed like that for a couple seconds. It was the best orgasm you'd ever experienced.

He grabbed a rag from the bathroom and cleaned you up. Evan handed you your underwear and a pair of his shorts. "C'mon mouse. Let's get you something to eat."


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