《Unknown Worths》Note.


Goodnoon my beloved readers!

I didn't think I would be writing this kind of note but her I am. I don't know how to start.

First of all I would like to thank you all for supporting my story, thank you for the 6 months and 1 week of my writing journey. You all made it fun and exciting for me. Thank you for the 10.4k views and 550 votes. I appreciate it as much as I appreciate all of your supports. I would treasure all of you for life, you will all be part of my 'tricia robredo simp era'. Thank you for sparing time commenting on every chapters of my book. I don't know how many thank yous I will spare to show my gratitude to you all. Thank you.

Second, I'm sorry for the typos, grammatical errors and misunderstood terms. Sincerely sorry for them as this is my first time writing and I don't have an extended vocabulary yet.

I'm sorry, sincerely. I hate to break it to you but I don't think I can continue this anymore. I have been stuck with writers block for the past months I was gone. I couldn't function and make a chapter for you to read. All I could feel while writing is emptiness not like before that I can write a chapter within an hour. I am sorry.

Lastly, I will not make any promises of coming back, nor continuing this story. I had a great time writing this, I think my happiest phase even.

But everything does come to an end. For the last time, Thank you for supporting me 'till the end. This may be goodbye, but this story is a solid evidence of my happiest moments. 'Till next time! Happy Holidays and A prosperous New Year to all.

-Lea (Ilydoctrcia)

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