《COTE:-Reaction to their future》Amasawa's confession of being Whiteroom student


Zato:- okei dokei...my friends..After this vidoe you guys are free to do whatever you want to do..it will be your rest times...Got it?

Everyone nodded..

Zato:-Alright before we start let me make it clear..this vidoe may also contain some things about Whiteroom..which may or maybe not, clear your doubts..

Kiyo:- (sigh)

Everyone had their eyes glued on screen to know more about this Whiteroom thing.

Random:- who is this ?

Random-2:- maybe another kohai..I guess?

Kirimiya:- huh???what the heck did he do to make her change her side?

Hoshimoto:- she is weird,how easily she changed the side..

Zato:- Are you the one to talk Snake-kun?

Hoshimoto:- huh?? Snake? Who are you talking about? (Confused)

Zato:-Oh..nothing you might get it in future videos hehe..

Ibuki:- what's with this girl? Wasn’t she tried to expelled in other last vidoe..

Kamuro:- and now she suddenly started to act overprotective!

Zato:- This is the power of Great Masterpiece 😉..

Everyone: - huh????

Arisu:- fufufu..It seems you found another pawn Ayanokouji-kun (she mumbled to herself which no one heard)

Kiyo sighed.

Kanzaki/Ryuen/Horikita and many more:-'This Whiteroom again!!!'

Ichinose/Hiyori:- 'In other previous vidoe Ayanokoji-kun did said something about this Whiteroom teaching many things...does that this Whiteroom is something similar to school or Academy????'

Kiyo:- 'Is she also related to WR?'

Zato:-:- {Bingo...She is also a WR student but from another Generation}

Kiyo:-{I see...Future is really troublesome for me} (sighed in complete tiredness)

Zato:- {Yep..it really is }(sympathetic smile)

Kiyo:-{that's not helping at all}

Zato:-{hehe..well don't worry too much. You know you are very special, you future will drastically will change according to your choices..}

Kiyo:-{what kind of choices you are talking about ?}

Zato:-{hm..I guess you might found out about that in future videos so lets just leave it for that}

Kiyo:-{can't you just explain now?}

Zato:-{I can, but I am to lazily to explain ,so just wait.}

Kiyo sighed for n th time ...

Ike:- true identity??? Is she some sort of Spy or something?

Sotomura:- ho...it would be interesting don't you think a Child spy with a special mission and fake identity like in Animes and Manga.

All otakus (including me) Agrees

Many students and teachers were curious about this Amasawa girl..

Horikita:- you seems quite taken back...did you really not excepted her to reveal herself or you are just acting..


Kiyo:- why would I lie in my own thoughts?

Horikita:- You are literally a walking contradiction, you say you want a peaceful life and then yourself go a jump into trouble, so I guess I won't be surprised if you really do lie in your own thoughts.

Kiyo:- I don't jump into troubles, troubles themselves knock at my door.

Horikita:- (smirk) It seems Goddess Of luck really hold some grudges against you..

Kiyo:- I never excepted you to be someone who belives in such things as god..

Horikita:-Why? You got any problem with that?

Kiyo:-nope, not really..it was just unexpected.

Nagumo:- woah...that was kinda cold. (Nagumo snickered)

Kiriyuin:-'Is it just me or she is literally like a puppy obeying its master? How amusing'

Kiriyuin:-'that Amasawa kohai really not losing any chance in showing the other girl her place..how amusing ....it seems my last year gonna be a interesting one..ha' (she smirked at the thought)

Kei:-'why am I feeling weird, after seeing that smile..Ohh god please don't let me meet this girl..just Looking at her I can tell she is going to be an headache for me.'

Everyone subconsciously become more attentive.

Everyone:- huh???

Random:- At the age of 10 he was learning theorems and theories!!! Like seriously. Bro???

Shibata:- I still at this age can't seems to understand them, while Ayanokoji was learning them at the age of 10??

Sudo:- Man..I don't even remember what the heck I was doing at 10.

Matsuhita/Horikita/Keisei:-'Even I might not be able to understand those thing at that age..'

Haruka:-'Wow...just wow..'

Ichinose:-so...this white room is really a school or academy.......right, Ayankoji-kun?

Kiyo nodded..Everyone become more curious about this weird name school.

Chie-sensei:- what a weird name for a school...don't you think so too sae-chan?

Sae ignored her words and stared to look back at the screen. Chie pouted at being ignored but who cares..

Kiyo:- 'Deja Vu'

Many students:-'A world of white?'


Kiyo:-'so I had my doubts over her from the very start?'

Manabu:- You seems to be surrounded by many troublesome stuff in the future Ayanokoji..

Kiyo:- seem so..

Manabu:- Ayanokoji...how about joining student council?

Everyone:- huh???

Kiyo:- no thanks..I'll pass..

Everyone:- huh????

Matsuhita:- hey Ayanokoji-kun..are you sure??

Kiyo:- 100% sure..

Horikita:- you know getting personally invited by my brother is not a joke...you might come to regret it in future..


Kiyo:- I don't think I will regret it...

'Joining student council, will only attract attention which I don't want.'

Manabu:- joining SC might lessen the amount of troubles ,you will be in future...after all SC also holds quite a lot of power over student body and school. It might become helpful for you to keep an eye on them..so what say?

Kiyo:- I appreciate your offer but I would like to take some time for consideration..is that okay?

Manabu:-(smile) sure..take as much as time you like..Ayanokoji.

Special warm smile of Manabu made many girls faint...some had taken the picture and had keep it as their wallpaper.

Zato simping over his smile from the side..Horikita, is still in daze after seeing such a warm smile from her brother.

Nagumo was boiling with anger which was seen by zato .

Zato:- My dear google play 'jealously jealousy' 🎶🎶

Ichinose:- Jealousy??? Why?

Arisu:- Its because Ayanokoji-kun is better than all of them, and they know they can never reach to his level..

Keisei:- its really crazy...

Kiyo:- 'Is she really sure about that? She might later have to pay for the consequence for helping me later'

Kiyo:-'I don't sense any lie from her words..does she really want to enjoy normal school life like me and thats why she decided to go on and reveal her identity to me? Or their something more to it?

Many students:- 'feels incredible being a normal highschool student?'

Ryuen:- hm? Oye Ayanokoji is this Whiteroom school or whatever not a normal school? That girl is talking as if it's her first time experiencing a school life...

Kiyo:- I can only as that Whiteroom is definitely not a normal school as you all are thinking...

Random:- A hot girl like her don't have friends??? Like really?

Random-2:- I can be her friend if she wants 👉🏻👈🏻.

Horikita:- ha..I still remember your stupid yet weird tactics of making friends.

Kiyo:- Don't want to remember, just forget it....

Kei:- You did make a quite plain introduction..no wonder you had a hard time making friends...

Kiyo:- so What kind of introduction do you think I should have done?

Kei:- hm..maybe something like First your full name...then Your hobby then likes and dislikes...I guess..

Kiyo:- Okay next Time I will take notes from you for such things..

Kei:- why me?

Kiyo:- aren't we going to be partners in crime in future..then I guess we will close enough to talk about this things...right?

Kei:- hmmm...well I guess I will think about helping a poor soul like you..

Kiyo:- 'poor soul?? Me??? '

Hiyori:- not year but generations?

Zato:- ya..It not 1st year or 2nd year in Whiteroom its divided..in 1st generation, 2nd generation etc..

Akito:- so which generation where you from Ayanokoji??

Kiyo:- 4th generation

Kanzaki:- and she is from 5th generation....it seems all generations are not allowed to meet each other as you seems to had hard time finding them.

Kiyo:- ya..its something like that..

Ichinose:- do you had friends in your generation or were they also are jealous of you like other generation?

Kiyo:- I wasn’t that close to them so I don't know what they think about me..

Ike:- so you were a loner from the very start...

Sudo:- don't worry man..Hang out with me any time you want...lets play together sometimes...


Miyamoto:- was...was that a confession? Was that a fucking confession???

Ike:- ahh...Ayanokoji you traitor don't you dare to get a girlfriend before me...and if you did get one then make sure to give us party.

Sudo:- me too

Akito:- me three..

Keisei:- since we are going to be friends in future then I guess I do also deserve a party from the traitor who will get girlfriend..

Kiyo:- you guys are too sure that I will get a girlfriend when I can't seem to even make a proper conversation.

Akito:- Seriously...look around Ayanokoji as we progress more into these videos and get to know more about you ,the list of girls who have taken interest in you is also increasing ..

Haruka:- Hehe..Miyatchii it seems he is a little dense to understand about girls feeling

Arisu:- fufu..I guess I need to do my very best in oder to defeat him..

Kamuro:- you really don't seems to have any intention of backing down..

Arisu:- ofcourse I am waiting for competing against him..like forever.

Kamuro:- (sigh)...

Everyone:- 20 million points? ???? WTF...

Random:- what this 20 million points about??

Zato:- you will get it in some another videos... so now tell me how was it?

Random:- good..

Random boy:- the girl was hot..

Kanzaki:- quite interesting. .

Zato:- lets take a break...before starting next one okay?

Everyone: - okayyyyy!!!!


Hello my Dear Readers!!!

Here 'Amasawa's confession of being Whiteroom student.'

And as usual please pick your choice for next.....

1. Kiyokei pool time.

2. Fortune teller

3. Chairman to the rescue.

4.Amasawa vs Ibuki and Horikita

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