
{ As the world again starts moving, all things get back to

normal where it was. At the same time adien and Hana

wakes up from their sleep, and sees that everything went to


[ Aiden ]

Huh...? What happens to us? And Where did he go?

[Hana ]

Ugggghhh... My head hurts, how do I fall asleep in the

middle of the day, I don't remember a thing. And who are

you talking about,?

[ Aiden]

How is this possible that you forget about him, wait

something is still odd where is Mihari why she isn't here?

Let's find Mihari, where has she gone now?

[ Hana ]

Wait, you are right where is she, she was just with us before we fell asleep

[ Aiden ]

Let's go search in different directions for her, I will do this

Way and you will go that way.

[ Hana ]

Ok, you got that.

{ They both went in search for here }


*{ Aiden in his mind thinks that Hana doesn't remember

the memory before she fell asleep, wait I think I can check

what happened just before we fell asleep. It's really helpful

that Luna already told me about some of my powers, but it

Still is suspicious, she has to tell me everything, I am really

mad at her, anyways let use my divine eye,( taking to

a flashback where luna and Aiden were in the place

where they were talking, we see luna saying:- if you ever

need any help or want to know what's real and what's

Illusions whether it's fake or true, remember every

problem has a solution and that solution is your eyes.

just need to use your divine eye.

Your eyes have 3 forms but for this moment let's just use

1st form for the safety of the universe. When the time come

You will be able to use your other forms too.

Aiden:- ok : ),

[ coming back to present Aiden recalls

everything and uses his first form of divine eyes, the


moment he uses his eyes changes the color to green and

Aiden was able to see the past of what happened as if he

were there live seeing what was happening, every

thing that happen, Aiden was able to see all the

things that happened right before his eyes just after they

fell asleep, ]

[ After seeing that just happen...... Aiden was just a bit

Surprised ]

[ Aiden ]

Wait if that dimension was created by mihari and no one

was able to go inside and outside from that how am I able

to see the stuff that happened in that personal space? I have to talk to Luna about this. but it was sure terrifying to see someone die like that. Wait I forget to search for mihari.

{ After a moment of walking }

[ Aiden ]

Aah ... I forgot that I can find her through my divine eye, I was dumb just now,

( Using his divine eye:- seeing a scene where mihari was sleeping in the same park inside the cave-like structure )

I see so she is there, I have to run fast.

[ At the park both Aiden and Hana got there at the same time ]

[ Hana ]

ooh, Aiden did you find her?

[ Aiden ]

Yes, I guess, come with me.

Here look there she's been sleeping this whole time

[ Hana ] but how did you know that she was here?

[ Aiden ] it was just a guess, that we didn't search her

to be here, And I was right.

[ Hana ] aah... I see, well it's ok at least we find her here. Look she looks like a doll while sleeping isn't she, she's so cute...

[ Aiden ] ( while trembling ) huh ..... yeah you- you are right.

( Meanwhile inside the mind )*

Yeah she is so cute that she killed a person with just bare strength of her, well killing him was not bad but erasing his existence was too cruel I guess.


[ Hana ] hey can you take her home on your back?

[ Aiden ] huh? Ooh yeah sure, I can pick her up on my back.

[ Hana ] let's not go shopping today is that ok for you?

[ Aiden ] yeah sure. Let's go home for now. shopping will be done later, mihari wouldn't be mad.

( After all 3 came home Hana took mihari to her room to sleep with her & adien went to his room )

{ Door click noise }

[ Aiden ] aah .... Today was a very exhausting day, now that I think, about why that guy came to this time to kill me he would have gone into the past to kill me or harm me. when I didn't meet mihari if he can control time wouldn't it have been easy for him to kill in past... Aaggghh my head hearts. Wait why I am thinking this much? when I can simply ask Luna.

[ Aiden snaps his finger ]

The scene changes to white space again...

[ Aiden ] hey Luna are you here can you hear me ......

[ Luna ] ooh I see .... So now you can control your mind space on your own, it's great now that you can control your mind space on your own will.

[ Aiden ] ooh yeah... By the way, I was here to ask you something.

[ Luna ] I know what you want to ask but first sit on the chair.

[ Aiden ] wait how can you control my mind space? isnt you only suppose to come here to talk to me?

[ Luna ] yeah that's true but didn't I tell you that your space and mine space was interconnected, for example, it will be like I am controlling my space but since our space is connected then it will affect you too, and vice-versa.

[Aiden ] oh I see, so that's how it is. And what about my question you said you know about my question?

[ Luna ] ooh about that, I know you were thinking why that brux guy didn't go in the past to kill you when you didn't meet mihari.

[ Aiden ] wait how do you know about this, I was going to ask the same thing.

[ Luna ] that's something secret,

[ Aiden ] ooh come on, you can't do this again to me,

[ Luna ] as I said everything has a proper time to happen, so wait for that time.

And for the answer to your question, it's just like that you do not exist in the past or future, this is the only thing that I can tell you for now.

[ Aiden ] eeh... What ..... How can someone exist only in the present it doesn't make sense.

[ Luna ] as I said everything has a right time for explanation Aiden.

[ Aiden ] but if I do not exist in the past or future. But wouldn't that make the timeline unstable?

[ Luna ] no, let me tell you how it works, for example, if you put a piece of sugar on the ground and an ant came and Picked up the piece of sugar from there and will go back to put it someplace, and now your condition, if the piece of sugar went missing from that place then for the ant there is nothing to pick up, from that point story will change the ant will go further from there, and this will happen at every possible point in time.

So that's why even if he wanted to go back to that time he

Didn't go, cuz it was useless.

[ Aiden ] ooh so that's how it is. Well then I think I have my answer, I think it's time to leave.

[ The moment Aiden was exiting the space Luna slightly kisses oh his cheeks ]

[ Aiden in his room again ]

Wait ... Whaaaaaat ..... Why did she kiss me ........well nevermind, I will ask her later, it's time to sleep.

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