
[ morning ]

( Alarm noise )

[ Hana ] wake up Aiden ..... Breakfast is ready we are going to be late for school if you didn't wake up in time.

[ Aiden]uhhh...... Ahhhh. please let me sleep for more than 5 minutes. ( After saying this to Hana he roles his blanket around him )

[ Hana ] no, I don't believe you, we will be late for school if you, didn't wake up on time.

[ Aiden ] ok... I am getting up, you go down, I am coming.

[ Hana ] better you come down real quick.

[ Aiden ] man school sucks. ( Yawning)

{ Aiden stepping down from stairs }

[ Mihari ] you woke up big brother. Aren't you sleeping a bit late today?

[ Aiden ] yeah .... You are right.

( Mumbling inside the mouth) I can't tell them I was not able to sleep after that incident when Luna kisses me.

[ Mihari ] did you say something big brother? (✿^‿^)

[ Hana ] here, eat you guys, breakfast is ready. Today I made pancakes for the breakfast. Hope you guys like it.

[ Aiden & Mihari ] pancakes are so good, thanks for the food 🙏

[ Aiden ] mmm ... This is delicious Hana. It's so yummy that I can eat these pancakes repeatedly.

[ Hana ] is that so?

[ Mihari ] yeah big sis, big brother is right. These pancakes are delicious.

[ Hana ] ooh, you guys flattering me. It's nothing, I can do this at least since I am staying in Aiden's house.

{ After they finished breakfast they went to school }

( At school )

[ Hana ] see, we barely made it on time.

[ Aiden ] yeah I know it's my fault, you don't have to say it again.


[ Akito ] good morning you two... Aiden & Hana, how was your weekend guys

[ Aiden ] nothing much it was just like a disaster.

[ Akito ] what do you mean?

[ Aiden ] Nah... Nothing, never mind you.

[ Akito ] umm.. ok .. btw Hana how was your weekend.

Did you do something?

[ Hana ] nothing in particular. Just as usual.

[ Akito ] I think we should go to our class it's time now.

{ Everyone went to their classes. And we see mihari spying on them from the top of a building near school }

{ At classroom teacher entering}

Sit down in class today there will be a new student joining you guys. I want everyone to give her a warm welcome

[ Everyone in the class whispering ]

[ A beautiful shining long white haired girl wearing a flower on the right side of her hair entered the classroom everyone seem to be shocked to see a such cute and beautiful girl at this time of the year ]

{ New girl in a cold voice without any expression }

hello everyone, I am " EIMI ", I will be transferring here from today onwards. And I hate peoples who lie and cheat.

[ Teacher ] ( in a down voice )

Ummm. Eimi you can sit next to Aiden. There is the last bench in the right corner next to the window.

[ Eimi ] *nodded...

{ Hana }

It's nice to meet you Eimi. If you want to take a tour of our school, I can help you with that during the recess break. Would you like to take a tour?

[ Eimi ] *nodded ..... Hmmm

[ Hana ] ok then meet me outside of the classroom after recess.

{ Aiden unconsciously stairs at her}


[ Eimi ] is there something on my face?

[ Aiden ] aah... N-no I mean there is nothing on your face.

[ Eimi ] then why are you staring at me like that? Is there any reason?

[ Aiden ] nothing, in particular, I just somehow feel like we have met before.

[ Eimi ] uhh.. what did you say?

[ Aiden ] I said, I just somehow feel like we have met before.

[ Eimi ] *shocked expression ... I need to go to the washroom, please excuse me.

{At the washroom} ( Eimi swings her right-hand finger and the moment she swung her finger a portal opens to an unknown location at someone's room filled with countless stars inside the ceiling of the room. )

{ Eimi }* enter the portal..... Pardon my intrusion mother, but it's urgent.

( A voice comes from every side of the room )

Don't worry my dear, I know why you come here, and I assure you that even if he says he suspects you that he met you somewhere he still won't be able to tell.

[ Eimi ] But wouldn't this be the same as lying to him, you to know mother I can't lie to him. Even if you say he will be fine without knowing it. But can I still do my job from behind?

[ voice ] everything has its right time and place to happen. So let it happen like that.

[ Eimi ] ok mother as you say

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