《Learn》Chapter 4



Her Type


Jake greeted.

Hyewon shortly greeted him back. The two went silent after the small interaction, which made them burst into a small laughter afterwards.

Jake chuckled and Hyewon laughed with him. Together, they walked towards the main gate of the school.

Jake said as he got something from his bag.

It was a schedule and the members' list.

Jake handed the paper to Hyewon. she hummed softly, looking through the schedule and looking at hers.

Hyewon puckered her lips.

Out of all the subjects they cannot be matched with, the main subjects just had to be all in the opposite schedule.

Jake reassured. Hyewon's eyes widened.

The thought of her and Jake, a popular hot guy in school, studying together alone definitely overwhelmed her poor mind. After all, instances where she's forced to interact makes her anxious.

Jake shrugged.

Hyewon asked and Jake only hummed in approval. Hyewon asked as she bit her lips.

Jake already favoured her with being a member of his study group. And now, interrupting his free days should be too much of a favour for someone who isn't even his classmate.

Jake playfully winked while Hyewon's cheeks flushed with a deep red colour.

Is he really flirting with me or is he just too friendly?

Jake laughed at Hyewon's flustered expression which made the latter even more anxious. Screw this kind, friendly and handsome creature. Hyewon glared at Jake, she was feeling butterflies in her stomach. He surely had an effect on her.

Oh- he's definitely flirting, the audacityy. Least to say, Hyewon was absolutely flattered.

Hyewon rolled her eyes but Jake continued to follow her, he was ignoring what she just said.

Hyewon turned to face him, but he grabbed her bag and to get even worse, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.


Jake said to the girl who seemed to turn into a whole tomato under his arm. He looked at Hyewon, he saw her nervously biting her lips while looking down at the ground.

Hyewon muttered, too embarrassed to even say something louder than a whisper. Jake giggled as they continued walking.

His actions, his words, his gaze, and just his freaking existence makes Hyewon's heart skip a beat. If he continues with his act for the whole school year,

Hyewon just might develop feelings for him.

He didn't have morning practice, the school literally prohibits sports and extracurricular activities limiting academic classes, it was the first rule of the school.

He just finished courting Hyewon all the way to her classroom and now, he's running as fast as he can to his own class. He hoped that his strict music teacher, Mr.Choi was still in the faculty room.

But why did he lie though? Why did he have to trouble himself by lying at hyewon knowing that he'll run as fast as he could in hopes to not be late for class?

His answer was simple; He didn't know either.

Perhaps it was just his pride refusing to leave a girl, or maybe Hyewon is interested in him because he wants to spend time knowing about her so that he'll take every minute he could to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Hyewon was beyond irritated by what she saw upon entering the classroom. The jerk that whined on her first day, whom she forgot the name of, was in her seat, probably daydreaming.

And just like that, the good mood Jake had put her in faded so quickly. She was beyond ticked off at him.

asshole Hyewon said straightforwardly, throwing her bag to the table which made Sunghoon look at her.


Sunghoon coldly said and glared at her. If glares could kill, Hyewon would've been long dead- but Sunghoon would've been breathless too. Hyewon's stare was flaming with annoyance.

Hyewon rhetorically said, rolling her eyes as she roughly tapped Sunghoon's shoulder.

Sunghoon stood up, towering the 5'3 girl. He thought he could intimidate her, but unfortunately for him, Hyewon was not backing down,

And why should I know you? You're not someone important.

Soojin tried to interfere, gently trying to pull Hyewon away.

Hyewon ridiculed, shoving Sunghoon along with his things and quickly sitting down at the chair.

If pettiness had a medal, Hyewon would have been a glistening gold stand full of it.

Sunghoon, on the other hand, was both surprised and tired of shit to even care for a seat. He was indeed taken aback because of the tough personality of the transferee. How could she not care who he was?

Even if she's a new student, she surely would've been too much in awe to fight for a mere seat. She would've been too busy trying to get his attention and his good side.

Well... On a good note, the new girl called him handsome. Sunghoon really has a positive mindset, huh?

It boosted a little bit of his pride, but at the same time, he's still annoyed. He moved out and to the corner of the room he sat, just like yesterday.

Am I just not her type?


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