《Being Human》26. On The Run
Y/n was at the beach house reading a book while Steven is lying down on the couch in the living room, reading a series of novels titled "The No Home Boys".
"Woah, how are they gonna get out of this one?" Steven wonders out loud as he turns to the next page. "Oh, that's how."
Y/n just chuckles at Steven's antics and shakes his head.
The warp pad sounds however now getting the two's attention.
"The gems are back!" Steven cheers getting up and Y/n places a bookmark in his book and closes it before he gets up.
Steven and Y/n move to the warp pad when the Gems return to the Beach House.
"You're back!" Steven says happily but Y/n notices several Flask Robonoids the Gems are carrying.
"Aren't, those the things from the Galaxy Warp?" Y/n asks.
"Hey yeah, Why'd you bring them home?" Steven asks.
"We can't have them reactivating and fixing the Homeworld Warp." Pearl explains.
"Hey dudes, check this out!" Amethyst says to Y/n and Steven. "Kabloosh!" Amethyst then crushes the Flask Robonoid in her hands, spilling green goo all around her and startling Pearl, causing her to drop her Flask Robonoids in hand.
Pearl was now covered in goo. "Amethyst, please! This is serious! We need to understand these things, not squash them. If Homeworld Gems are trying to return to Earth..." Pearl begins to panic. "THEY HAVE TO BE STOPPED!"
"Pearl, calm down. We're still cut off. The Earth is safe." Garnet says to her.
"Safe from what?" Steven asks.
"What do the Homeworld Gems have to do with the Earth?" Y/n asks.
Pearl exchanges looks with Garnet and she sighs. "Y/n, Steven, a very long time ago, Gems tried to do something... very bad." Pearl begins and she looks at Amethyst, who quickly turns away. "It was something that would have damaged the Earth. Some Gems, like your mother Steven, Garnet, and myself, felt that this was unfair to the life that already existed here, and so we swore to never let the Earth be used for their... purposes. Even if it meant..."
Amethyst approaches another Flask Robonoid and crushes it underneath her foot in upset.
Pearl groans. "Even if it meant we could never go home."
"We chose Earth." Garnet says now.
"So you guys aren't just stuck here...You've been exiled..." Y/n says slightly taken a back.
"Wait a sec, so that means... we're just like the No Home Boys!" Steven cries.
"The wha...?" Pearl asks.
"The No Home Boys! It's a book series about these boys who have no home. So they travel around the country, living in boxcars, and riding river rafts, solving mysteries! They had a successful run, until the disastrous graphic novel adaptation. But my favorite story is this classic one where the no home boys are chased across the countryside by a mysterious pursuer, which turns out to be the very fear resting within themselves." Steven explains.
"Steven, we are not like the No Home Boys. We are literally standing in your home right now." Pearl says as she walks off with Garnet carrying the Robonoids.
"Aw, I wish, I was a No Home Boy. No past, no future, just the open road!" Steven sighs.
"Yeah, sounds like fun. Let's do it." Amethyst suddenly says.
"Really?!" Steven asks.
"Yeah. Let's run!"
"Are you coming with us Y/n?" Steven asks.
Y/n just looks at Steven and Amethyst hesitantly for a moment before he sighs. "Alright, but only if we're back before Monday that's when my dad's boat gets back in. Besides...I'll spend the whole weekend worrying about you guys if I let you two go alone."
Steven and Amethyst pack some food in their own bindles on sticks and they begin to sing
They leave the house and walk through Beach City, when Jenny, Buck Dewey and Sour Cream offer to give them a ride in Jenny's Car. They drive Steven and Amethyst to the edge of Beach City, and the pair run off into the countryside. They encounter a Raccoon and it joins them on their travel, but then attacks Steven while Amethyst looks on in laughter. Y/n however manages to shoo the Racoon away and help Steven. They eventually come across a railroad as a train is passing by, and decide to hop aboard a boxcar. Steven and Amethyst continue singing their duet until the sunset, as they watch it from atop the boxcar.
Time passed as they sat in the boxcar now. Steven opened up his bindle, preparing to eat his food, when the raccoon from before suddenly jumps in and attacks Steven again, while Amethyst watches.
"Aah! Aah! The raccoon is back!" Steven cries fearfully as the raccoon eats all of Steven's food and runs away. "Um, Y/n, Amethyst? Can I have some of your food?"
Amethyst devours all of her food in one go. "Oh, uh, sorry dude."
"Here." Steven hears Y/n say and he looks at him holding out a sandwich in a bag.
"Ah thanks Y/n!" Steven says as he hungrily begins to eat it. "My bindle couldn't fit enough food for me and a raccoon."
"Why didn't you bring your backpack like Y/n did ?" Amethyst asks.
"It wouldn't fit in my bindle?" Steven says as he finishes his sandwich now and climbs onto a hay stack. "Just like the No home Boys. You know, I feel like I've been misled about hay. It always looks so soft in those illustrations, but it's actually really scratchy."
The boxcar rumbles a bit, and another hay stack falls on top of him. "Y/n, Amethyst, I want to go home now." Steven says but he sees Amethyst sitting at the boxcar doorway, ignoring him. "Amethyst?" goes and sits next to her* "I'm done pretending to be a No Home Boy."
"Not me." Amethyst says.
"I'm sure Garnet and Pearl are worried sick about us. Wondering when we're coming home." Steven tries to convince her.
"That's not my home." Amethyst just says annoyed.
"But...Oh, that's right. You're from Homeworld." Steven remembers.
"That's not my home either!" Amethyst says angrily now.
"Then, where are you from?" Y/n asks being careful of Amethyst's mood.
Amethyst turns to Y/n and Steven now. "I'll show you."
Amethyst had brought Steven and Y/n to a foggy, desolate canyon.
"Here we are!" She chuckle. "Welcome to the Kindergarten! What do you think?"
"What happened to all the plants?" Y/n comments as he looks at the dead ground.
"Uh... It's great!" Steven says trying to be more positive.
"Sure is!" Amethsyt says as she grabs Steven's arm. "Come on!"
"Amethyst, wait up!" Y/n calls out as he chases after her and Steven.
Amethyst drags Steven along and Y/n catches up as they start walking through the Kindergarten. Y/n and Steven looks up and see several machinery hanging on the walls of the canyon.
"What is this place?" Y/n wonders.
"It's kinda where I'm from." Amethyst says.
"But I thought Gems were from space?" Steven asks her.
"Pearl and Garnet are, but I was made here on Earth, like you guys!" Amethyst reveals now and she gasps seeing something. "Check it out!" She runs to a giant rock and laughs. "Oh, man. I missed this guy. Aww! It's my climbing rock."
"Uh, hello!" Steven says to the climbing rock.
Amethyst now points to another set of rocks. "And over there, that's the sitting rock. And that was the one rock that I kicked into two rocks!" She says before she climbs the climbing rock and sits atop it.
"Uh, how long did you live here?" Steven asks now.
"For a while, I guess, um, at least until I met your mom and the others." Amethyst replies before she flops off of rock and and runs further into the Kindergarten.
Y/n notices one of the machines on the ground. "What are these things?" He asks.
"Eh, it's just some old Gem junk, from a long time ago. It's probably busted by now." Amethyst says as she runs off.
Y/n examines the strange machinery in worry, resting his palm on one of its legs and noticing some drills on the machinery.
"Hey, Y/n! Steven! Look!" Amethsyt calls out getting their attentions and they see her motion to a hole in the canyon wall. "Here's the hole I came out of!"
"Hang on." Steven runs towards the hole. "What?"
"It's my hole." Amethyst steps into the hole. "Look! It's me-siiiiiized." She slides into the back of the hole and sits down. "Still got that good hole smell."
"You came out of this...hole?" Y/n asks looking at the hole with skeptcisim.
"This is where I was made, dude. One day just, "pop" ...Right outta this hole." Amethyst says.
Y/n feels Steven tug at his shirt and he looks at him to see he is looking upwards.Y/n glances up now and notices numerous holes on the canyon wall and his eyes widen. "So... what about the other holes?"
A Light suddenly emit from behind Y/n and Steven as the warping sounds whirs. Pearl then arrives on a warp pad on a platform in the Kindergarten.
"There you are." Pearl says as she looks around in disgust and leaps off the platform.
"Great..." Amethyst exits the hole. "Here comes the fun police."
"Garnet said you'd be here, but I didn't want to believe it. Amethyst, what were you thinking bringing Steven and Y/n to a... Kindergarten!?" Pearl asks her.
"I don't know." Amethyst kicks a nearby pebble. "We were in the neighborhood."
"Pearl. Can you tell us what is going on here, Why is everything dead? Was Amethyst really made here?" Y/n asks her.
"How much did you tell them?" Pearl asks turning to Amethyst annoyed .
"What? You mean about the bad thing?" Amethyst asks as she begins to get annoyed. "How this bad place is where bad Gems came to grow more bad Gems? Is that what you're talking about?"
"They grew other Gems here?!" Steven cries.
"Amethyst! He's not ready!" Pearl tells her.
"Oh, but don't worry, Y/n, Steven. Everything's just fine now..." Amethyst continues.
"Amethyst!" Pearl cries.
"It all worked out. We won!" Amethyst continues.
"Stop." Pearl tries to tell her.
"And we shut this place down." Amethyst says as she ignores Pearls. "So the Earth would be safe from parasites like ME!" Amethyst then shouts.
Pearl steps in between Y/n, Steven and Amethyst now. "AMETHYST! That's enough!"
Amethyst says nothing as she walks away in anger.
"Pearl?" Steven calls her name.
"Steven, Y/n. I'm sorry. I never wanted you two to see this horrible place." Pearl tells them.
"Then why don't you just... LEAVE!!!" Amethyst shouts as she summons her whip and wraps it around Pearl, and hurls her against one of the Gem machinery.
"Amethyst stop it!" Y/n shouts out to her.
"Admit it! I'm just an embarrassment to you!" Amethyst swings her whip at Pearl again, who quickly dodges away, and the whip slices through a leg of the machinery.
"Amethyst! Please!" Steven tries to stop Amethyst, but she lifts him up and tosses him, sending him tumbling a distance away. Y/n rushes over to Steven to help him.
"Are you okay Steven?" Y/n asks.
"We gotta stop them." Steven says as he gets back to his feet looking at Pearl and Amethyst.
Pearl summons her spear now. "I don't want to fight you." She warns Amethyst.
"I wouldn't want to fight me neither!" Amethyst says back before she spin-dashes towards Pearl. Pearl quickly rolls out of the way and starts firing energy blasts with her spear at Amethyst. Amethyst avoids the energy blasts while spin-dashing, jumps into the air and swings her whip downwards. Pearl sidesteps, stomps on the tip of the whip and slices it off with her spear.
Steven starts running towards Amethyst and Pearl now.
"Steven wait!" Y/n calls out but Steven doesn't hear him over the fighting.
"You guys, stop it!" Steven cries.
"Stay out of this!" Amethyst throws her whip like a bolas at Steven, which wraps around his legs and causes him to fall. Pearl jumps towards her and she, summoning another whip, tries to hit her. Pearl dodges each swing of Amethyst's whip and kicks her away.
Pearl twirls her spear. "Amethyst, stop this! You can't beat me."
"I... DON'T... CARE!" Amethyst shouts as she summons two more whips and wraps them around Pearl's spear. "I'm NOT gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I HATE ABOUT MYSELF!!!!" Amethyst lashes her whips and send violet energy waves down the whips towards Pearl, causing a huge explosion and sending Pearl flying and slamming against the Gem machinery.
"I never asked for it to be this way... " Amethyst starts weeping. "I never asked to be made..!"
"Amethyst..." Pearl says worried.
Steven steps in between Pearl and Amethyst now, tears in his eyes, and spreads his arms out. "Amethyst, please, no more! I know you're upset, but, I can't bear to watch you two hurt each other."
The leg of the Gem machinery, previously sliced by Amethyst's whip, gives way and the large machine begins to fall towards the group. Steven summons his bubble shield, which Amethyst quickly sidesteps away from, and encases only Pearl and himself.
"Amethyst! Amethyst, Amethyst, AMETHYST!" Steven shouts to her as Amethyst begins running away and the Gem machinery collapses on top the bubble. Everything goes dark for a moment, which quickly subsides as dust clouds disperse away. Steven quickly dispels his bubble shield and looks around for Amethyst, who seems to have disappeared in the chaos.
"Ame-thy-st! Where are you?!" Steven calls out.
"Steven!" Y/n shouts to him.
"Y/n! Where is Amethyst is she okay?" Steven asks worried.
"She ran that way." Y/n points at some rubble and helps Steven push it aside to uncover Amethyst's hole.
"Amethyst..." Y/n say as he peeks his head in the hole
Inside Amethyst was cowering and weeping inside her hole. "Go away. I'm bad, and you shouldn't be around me."
"That's ridiculous Amethyst, you're not a parasite and you shouldn't hate yourself." Y/n says but she stays silent. "Look... I don't know what any of this really means, but I..."
"Yeah, you don't. 'Cause if you did, you wouldn't be talking to me." Amethyst tells him.
Y/n looks down for a moment before he peeks his head out of the hole to see the individual he needed stood beside Steven. "Pearl, get in here."
"But..." Pearl stammers.
"You have to talk to her." Steven says in agreement with Y/n.
Pearl slides into the hole now and kneels down next to Amethyst opposite Y/n making it a tight squeeze for the two.
"Amethyst?" Pearl carefully starts but gets no response. "... Amethyst, I had no idea you've been upset about this."
"What?! You had no idea!? Ho! This is, like, my entire existence! You want to pretend that none of this ever happened! You think I'm just a big mistake!" Amethyst begins as she grabs her head in grief.
Pearl gasps. "No, no. Amethyst, you're not the mistake. You're just the byproduct of a... big mistake." Pear blushes embarrassingly in realization. "... No, that's not- I... I just never thought of this as you. None of this is your fault. You didn't build this place. I... I'm sorry, Amethyst." Pearl apologises now as she tears up. "I hope you can forgive me. You're the one good thing that came out of this mess. I always thought you were proud of that." Pearl says as she extends a hand towards Amethyst now.
Steven who was stood at the holes entrance quickly steps away to clear the path for Y/n, Pearl and Amethyst to exit the hole. Amethyst looks at Pearl hesitantly for a few seconds, before enveloping her in a crushing hug. Pearl is taken aback briefly, but returns the hug back to Amethyst. The group then step onto the warp pad, hand in hand, ready to return home.
"Crystal Gems forever!" Steven cheers. "Now let's go home, so I can sleep in a bed."
The four warp out of Prime Kindergarten, as the fog in the canyon begins to clear up, revealing even more of the Gem machinery and holes deep in the canyon, while ominous metal clanging noises are heard in the background.
And that's the chapter! I know Y/n didn't do as much to talk to Amethyst as he could have here but I chose not to change that part as it's an important moment between Pearl and Amethyst I feel. If you liked this chapter or the story in general then don't forget to leave a vote and a comment below as it really helps! I hope to see you all next week in a well timed December chapter of....
Winter Forecast
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