《Bangtan's Whore [COMPLETE•BTS OT7]》Chapter 23


3rd person POV

BTS woke up to Serena and Jason making breakfast for everyone. They were surprised to find her moving about like she didn't just get shot and almost died yesterday.

Siri: "Come sit and eat everyone!"

They all hesitantly moved to sit on a chair at the big dining table.

Jin: "I'm sorry but how are you walking and moving like nothing happened yesterday? Can I check your wound?"

Jin walked up to Siri and she stood there for him while lifting up Jason's shirt she was wearing. Jin saw that there was only a white scar where the bullet went. He went to touch the wound and Siri didn't even flinch in pain. He was astounded.

Jin: "How is this possible?" he asked in amazement.

Jason: "I told you. I'd have to kill you if you want to know."

Jin: "Then how can we get some of it? It would definitely be useful if any of us ever got injured."

Siri: "You already have some."

That shocked Jin and all the members. And they were all confused.

Siri: "You know how I brought some bottles of 'medicine' with me when I moved in? It's the same stuff. If any of you were injured, I would apply some like an antiseptic and make you guys tea remember? I would put some drops in to help you guys heal faster."

RM: "That's what that stuff was?" he asked in disbelief.

Siri nodded her head and gave a smile.

Jin: "Shit, why didn't you say anything about it? It's just been sitting in the medicine cabinet doing nothing this whole time. I could've used that stuff when Yoongi and Jimin got hurt, or when Jungkook broke his ribs. When Namjoon got shot in the stomach or when Hobi bled out."


Siri: "You never asked and I assumed you would still use it."

Jin: "Well I'll know that for next time!"


Ruby got a new minibus ready, one that Mila dropped off in the morning. BTS started making their way to it.

Siri: "Have a safe trip guys."

V: "You're not coming with us?" He asked with worry. He went to Siri and took hold of her hand and cupped her face. "Please come back with us. We miss you." he whispered.

That made Siri's heart flutter.

Siri: "I just need some time with Jason. Sort some things out. I'll be over later."

V: "You promise?" he asked while looking into her eyes. She nodded and gave a small smile.

Taehyung leaned in and kissed her deeply. It was full of love and longing. A kiss she always wanted to have. Taehyung pulled away and rested his forehead on hers while rubbing their noses together. "I love you." he whispered.

That immediately made Serena retract her head in amazement. Did she hear him correctly?

Siri: "W-what?"

V: "You heard me. I love you." he said as he brought her hands up and kissed the back of them tenderly. Siri's eyes started watering from his sweet confession. He said the words she always wanted to hear.

Jin: "I love you too Siri." He said as he went to stand next to Taehyung's left and gave her a sweet smile.

JM: "Me too, Sweetcheeks. I've basically loved you since our first kiss since it was that amazing." He said from next to Jin and gave a cheeky smile and a wink, making Siri blush and giggle.

JH: "I love you too Sunshine." He went to stand on Taehyung's right side and gave her his big sunny smile, making her heart flutter even more.


JK: "I love you too, Noona. So much. And I'm sorry for the things I said to you." he said while coming up behind her and wrapped his arms around the front of her waist, then he kissed her right temple. Her tears started falling now after hearing her favourite confess too. She didn't think she would hear him say it.

Y: "I do too, Gorgeous. I've loved you for a while. I'm sorry I thought badly of you." he said from behind Jimin looking guilty and ashamed.

Serena wiped her tears and looked at Jungkook and Taehyung to let go of her so she could move to Yoongi. They smiled and nodded and moved out of her way. She went up to Yoongi and gave him a hug which Yoongi immediately responded tightly.

Siri: "It's ok Yoongi." She said over his shoulder. "You're still my sweet Suga." she pulled from the hug and gave him a deep kiss. His hands went to her face to pull her in more. Once their kiss was done, a throat was cleared from behind Siri.

Siri turned around and was met with Namjoon. He went to hold her hands tenderly and he looked into her eyes. "I love you too Serena. I'm so sorry. For everything."

He went to wipe a tear that was falling down her face and leaned in to kiss her softly. He then pulled away from the kiss and gave her a dimple smile, making her swoon.

She missed this smile. She missed all of them and they just confessed to her. She was on cloud nine.

RM: "We're not leaving without you. We will stay until you're ready to go."

Siri nodded her head and gave him a kiss. A deep passionate one. "Thank you. All of you. I love you all so, so, so much. You have no idea." She looked around at all the members.

Jin: "Oh we do. And we don't find it creepy."

Siri giggled, making the others smile widely at her. She wiped her face and told them she would be quick with Jason so she can leave with them.


Ruby stayed with Jason while Siri and BTS were on their way back to the Bangtan house. Jin was driving while holding Siri's hand and caressing it with his thumb and they both smiled at each other happily.

The boys were ecstatic Siri was coming back with them and Siri was happy they all wanted her and loved her.

Everything was perfect.

Until there was a loud bang, sending the minibus to topple over and causing everyone to get knocked out or be concussed.

Serena looked around and saw someone walking up to the car. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"Y-you?... But why?..." Siri said in a hoarse voice and her head spinning.

Before they could answer, Siri's head dropped down and she saw black.


A/N: Who do you think it is??


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