《Bangtan's Whore [COMPLETE•BTS OT7]》Chapter 24


Your POV

I woke up in some building, tied to a chair with my feet and hands bound. I looked around and saw my Bangtan boys were also tied up. They were in a semi-circle while I sat in front of them. From left to right was Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hobi and Jin. Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and Yoongi were still knocked out.

JM: "You ok Sweetcheeks?"

Siri: "I'm ok. How about you Chim?"

JM: "Could be better. My head fuckin hurts."

JK: "Where are we? Why are we here?" he said as he shook his head trying to get the dizziness away.

V: "Shit. I think I hurt my shoulder in the crash." he said, wincing.

Siri: "No idea where we are. But I know who did this. I just have no idea why."

Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi were starting to wake up now.

Y: "Shit... My shoulder. What the fuck happened?"

Just then the door slammed open and the person responsible walked in all proud.

"Great! You're all awake now!" They had a bunch of men with them ready to attack if one of us got free.

RM: "What the hell? Why would you do this? We trusted you! Serena trusted you!"

"For revenge of course." They said, while looking at me.

Siri: "What the hell Mila?! What did I do to you?! You're one of my best friends!"

Mila: "You got the love of my life killed! YOU killed Jackson!"

What?! Mila loved Jackson all this time??? Mila could see the confusion on my face and started to explain herself.

"Before you joined us, Jackson and I had something great going on. We weren't officially together but things were heading that way. Until YOU came along! You just had to seduce him with your looks and sad whore story and he wanted nothing but to be close and protect you. He forgot about me and told me he wanted things to stop so he could focus on YOU!"


"He fell for you within months! And me, being the 'nice' girl that I am, I pretended to be ok with everything. Became friends with you and made Jackson think everything was ok. But over the years I couldn't take it. The way he looked at you and how you made each other laugh. That should've been me he was partnered with! Blind Man was going to put me with Jackson but then changed his mind saying you and Jackson would make a better match. That blind mother fucker doesn't know fucking shit!"

Siri: "Mila I didn't know! I never tried to seduce him, I swear! We just caught feelings! If I had known you wanted Jackson I would've stayed away from him! Maybe even told him to date you"

Mila: "Oh please! You had Jackson wrapped around your little finger! He did anything and everything for you because you became his 'best friend'. His 'first love'. You stole him from me! It should have been me he fell in love with!"

Mila then shot out at the ceiling making all of us flinch.

Mila: "It was so annoying hearing everyone whisper that you and Jackson were good together. That you two should be together. It drove me nuts! That day... it was meant to have been YOU that got shot! Not Jackson! But he had to go and save you!"

My eyes widened and I was stunned. Mila planned it all? I can't believe this.

Mila: "When I heard him use his last breaths to confess his love to you, I lost it. I knew what I had to do. I waited for the perfect moment to get my revenge on you. Waited until you fell in love again and they reciprocated, just so you knew what it's like to lose someone you love. And since you took the love of my life away, I'm going to take yours."


Siri: "But I lost Jackson too! He was my first love! My heart broke when he died! Isn't that enough?!"

She ignored me and started walking to BTS. My heart started beating fast, my eyes filled with worry. The boys started panicking too.

Mila: "Which one should I kill first?" She walked to Namjoon and pulled his hair, making him grunt. "The leader?"

Siri: "Mila, stop! Don't hurt them!"

Mila: "Or maybe I go for the oldest?" She walked to Jin and pulled his hair, making his face look upto the ceiling and she pointed the gun under his chin.

"Or maybe I go with the youngest?" she walked to Jungkook next and grabbed at his hair, making him grunt.

"This one's your favourite, isn't he?"

Jungkook and my eyes met and I looked at him with anguish.

Siri: "No! Stop!" I started tearing up now and tried to struggle out of my binds. The other members were also struggling out of their binds and couldn't believe what was happening.

Mila: "I think I'll go with your favourite."

She took a step back behind Jungkook and held the gun to the back of his head. He looked at me with scared eyes but they had love in them. Telling me it will be alright.

He mouthed the words 'I love you' and tears started falling down my face. The other members were either crying or starting to cry too. They were about to lose their brother.


Mila: "Nooo, that would be too easy. I'll kill all seven of your loves first, then I will kill you. Can you believe it? The great Siren was fooled and killed by her own friend!"

She clicked the safety off her gun. "Say goodbye to lover number one!"

Jungkook closed his eyes and tears fell down his face.

"NOOO!!!" I cried out.



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