《feels like a daydream (dream x reader)》chapter twenty-two.
y/n: your name
l/n: last name
u/n: user name
tws: swearing, drinking, violence, mentions of blood
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y/n's pov *
"clay," i whispered, nudging the blond boy's shoulder. it wasn't a surprise that we had fallen asleep tangled together on the couch, but my god was he hugging me tight right now. i didn't want to be loud and wake up everyone else who had also passed out in the living room, so i was trying to keep my voice low.
it wasn't like i could talk very loud anyway since the air was currently being constricted from my lungs.
kidding, but, "clay," i whispered again, this time more urgent.
he stirred this time, hiding his face by resting his forehead against the middle of my back. "it's too early, i haven't.. slept.. in forever," he mumbled, voice low and gravelly, and nodded off again.
"ooga booga, deep morning voice," i mimicked, and i could feel him smile against my skin.
"stop flirting over there, it's sickening," george whined sleepily from the other end of the couch, rolling over and burying his head under the blanket he was draped in.
i stifled laughter and started making loud kissing noises at the air, and george groaned louder.
"you're such an idiot," clay chuckled, and i warmed at the affection in his voice.
"disgustang!" nick butted in, shaking his head.
"you literally sound like that every two seconds when you're with mari, you can't even talk right now," naomi countered, and stretched so she was laying upside down on the couch with her feet in the air. "oh, speaking of mari, i think i need another girls' night. or day rather."
"already?" clay asked, cracking open one eye.
"yes already. it's free therapy, and i need that shit."
"i'm definitely down nomi," i agreed.
"how come you get to see my girlfriend more than i do?" nick complained.
"oh, you guys made it official?" naomi perked up.
"what? oh. girl friend. girl space friend. we haven't like— no."
"so she's just a friend to you nicky?" i cut in, a smug smile on my lips.
"no! she's— she's—" he paused, glaring at me and naomi. "this conversation didn't happen."
"put a label on it before i have to stage another intervention nicky," she cooed, clicking her tongue.
"stop calling me nicky, what the heck!"
"saint nick," i added.
"nicki manaj."
"you know what— have your girls' day. please. i'm begging," nick sighed, throwing his head back in defeat.
"what are you guys going to do?" george asked, actually sounding awake for the first time this morning.
"that i have not decided," naomi answered, "i'm kind of comfy in my pjs right now— and i mean i'm not opposed to going out in public like this, but do you just wanna stay home? watch movies?"
"no alcohol?" i questioned, shocked.
"what? obviously alcohol. marina will bring it."
"are you really going to drink at 9:30 in the morning?" clay chuckled.
"yes. it's wine o'clock somewhere."
"okay suburban mom, what the hell. did you get that on a t-shirt?" i teased.
"yes, actually, fuck you very much."
"girls, girls," george cut in, laughing.
i paused, eyes narrowed. "text mari. we're commencing the girls' day."
"roger that," naomi sighed, and pulled out her phone.
"are we gonna have a boys' day, boys?" clay mumbled, still sounding sleepy.
"we can play minecraft," george suggested, stretching his arms.
naomi snored dramatically. "sounds fun."
"you wouldn't understand, you're the only non-gamer here," i said.
"mari would get me."
"mari streams on twitch," nick added.
"she what?"
"mari streams minecraft on twitch sometimes."
naomi gaped in shock, shaking her head. "i can't escape you minecrafters."
"have you ever played a video game nomi?" george asked.
"i play candy crush sometimes, so i guess."
"and the suburban mom returns.." i mumbled.
she turned to look at me with a wide smile, both middle fingers raised. "suck! my dick!"
i sighed. "i'll add that to the list of things we can do during our girl's day."
"dick sucking or playing video games?" nick asked.
"dick sucking."
"video games," i answered at the same time.
"what was this conversation even about?" george whined.
"what's it sounds like grog? we're talking about dick and balls," naomi sassed.
"i'm making coffee," clay grumbled, patting my side as he sat up off the couch.
"says the guy who doesn't like coffee."
"anything to drown out this conversation."
"that's what alcohol is for, not your disguised milk."
"it's just creamy!"
"hi," a female voice cut in.
we all screamed and turned to see marina standing in the front doorway, wine cooler in hand.
"what the hell, did you teleport here?" i asked, bewildered.
"i literally live like fifteen minutes away. and your door was unlocked. and hide your spare key, dear god," she said, pointing to the gold object on the porch. "robbers people."
"eh, they'd just leave. it's not like we have anything worth stealing."
"djungelskog," clay pointed out.
i gasped, genuinely hurt by that. "djungelskog," i whispered.
"djungelscock— what? what is that?" naomi whirled.
"djungelskog, nomi, jesus. it's the bear in my room."
"why do i get the feeling that we don't need alcohol for this to be a chaotic day?" marina said.
"because we are some chaotic evil bitches. the wine is a nice addition though," naomi stated.
"god, can we just pop the bottle already?" i added.
"alcoholics. all of you," george tsked.
"enthusiasts," naomi corrected.
"ta-ta georgie," i sighed, hopping of the couch and whisking away towards my bedroom. "it's wine o'clock."
"ta-ta? titties?"
"naomi, i swear to god, where is your head at today?"
she stared forward blankly as she realized her mistake. after a moment of silence, her lips parted. "i hate being single," she grumbled quietly.
"like i said before, rebound babe," marina advised, taking her by the arm and leading her towards my room. "or, you know, alcohol."
"i thought girls' days were good therapy?" clay chimed in, eyebrows raised.
"don't tell me how to cope!" naomi yelled from inside my bedroom.
i lingered outside the door and peeked out at the blond and his cute coy smile, deciding to blow him a quick kiss.
he grinned wide at that and his cheeks flushed a soft pink. "have fun," he stated warmly, and sat down on the couch again with nick and george, stealing a final glance at me before i popped back in with naomi and marina.
the mood quickly changed as i heard a loud popping and cheers from the two girls as they poured wine into red solo cups. naomi held one out to me, and i gladly took it.
"how classy," i mused, and naomi smirked.
"oh! look at this, there wasn't all junk in that box i picked up from ethan, by the by. he actually stuck my ipad in there.. at the very fucking bottom. dumbass. there's a crack in the corner now, but it's fine, it works." she propped up the device at the end of the bed and started swiping through various movies, nose scrunched in a peculiar thinking face.
"ayo, we need snacks before we start this whole thing, no?" marina chimed in, taking a sip of her drink.
"nose goes," i shouted, darting my finger to the tip of my nose as i cozied down on the bed.
marina quickly followed my lead, leaving naomi in last place and with the duty of getting snacks.
"oh fuck you. both of you. i'm spitting in your food," she teased, abiding by the rules of the game despite her complaints and sliding off the bed and out the door to the kitchen. "pick a movie while i'm gone at least!"
"on it!" i shouted back, and scooted over so i was in front of the ipad.
the screen did have a pretty bad crack in the corner, so it was hard to swipe and click stuff at times. i scrolled through movie after movie option with marina, watching blips of the trailer before deciding it was too tear-jerking or too stupid to sit through in entirety. i kept getting blazed with notifications from various social media apps and games, and when i tried to click off a movie preview, i accidentally pressed one of the banners and got taken over to my favorite shit show of an app.
i would have swiped up and away in a second had it not been for one particular thing that stood out to me on her profile.
the username.
i recognized it.
peep u/n's face reveal lolol. her real name is y/n l/n and she lives on 6 bayberry ave. in brooklyn, ny sorry not sorry to expose
my shoulders sagged as i recalled the person that doxed me in that horrible, horrible tweet. surely that wasn't naomi, and surely she hadn't kept that a secret this entire time even after i confided in her about it?
despite the dread building in the pit of my stomach, i forced myself to take a deep breath and stay levelheaded. the last time i assumed something before talking about it, i got it all wrong and made the problem ten times worse than it was.
i wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.
naomi pushed open the door with her hips, balancing a bowl of popcorn in one hand and chips in the other. "breakfast is served ladies," she announced, and set the snacks down on the bed before climbing in next to us.
i bit the inside of my lip as i worked up the courage to ask her the question that was on my mind. "hey nomi?" i started.
she hummed once in response.
"is this your twitter account?" i turned the screen towards her.
she leaned over and squinted at the profile, and her nose twisted into a sour face. "ew, no. that's ethan's gross twitter. god dammit, why'd he sign me out of mine! i always forget my fucking passcode."
no way.
relief washed over me so quickly that it actually made me a little hysterical. a slow burning laugh started to build in my chest as i thought about what she had just said, and i cackled long and hard enough that tears pricked in the corners of my eyes, very much so teetering the edge of being actual sobbing tears as the stress of getting my info leaked resurfaced for a brief moment.
honestly though, i couldn't even bring myself to care.
this was just too perfect.
"i know, i'm so funny, haha," naomi stated plainly, totally brushing over my reaction.
"no— naomi— hhh—" i took a quick breath to calm myself— "the doxing—" and failed, losing myself in another wheeze.
"what about the doxing?" naomi questioned, her tone much more serious than before as concern laced her voice.
"it was ethan!" i finally managed to say, "this was the twitter account!"
"no. you're joking," she deadpanned, taking the ipad from me and scrolling through the tweets.
"damn, small world i guess," marina butted in, leaning over her shoulder.
"you're all over his profile! that little son of a bitch. i can't believe this."
"i can. he was an asshole. sorry. i know he's your ex, but like—"
"oh, no, full permission to shit talk him, especially after this." naomi clicked off the ipad and steepled her fingers beneath her nose. it was like you could physically see the gears turning in her head.
"oh no, what's with the scheming face," i asked, wiping my eyes of the cry-laughing tears they had held before.
she stared focused in thought for a moment longer before glancing up and meeting my gaze with a mischievous grin. "rain check on the movie date ladies, there's been a change of plans."
"oh god," marina and i said in unison.
"what— don't 'oh god' me, i have great ideas. and this one involves going to give a couple choice words to ethan."
"choice words," i repeated, skeptical. "and what are these choice words you speak of?"
she hesitated, not having an answer for me. "it's more of like an on the spot improv kind of thing. and like if all else fails, his face is very punchable from what i remember."
"vouch," marina added.
my gaze flicked between my two friends. "guys, this is nuts. we don't have to hunt him down, it's fine. the doxing drama happened a long time ago. it's over."
"well i mean it wouldn't be much of a hunt since i still have a key," naomi smirked.
i frowned, still hesitant.
she sighed. "okay, think of it like this. we go to his apartment, i pick up a couple things, we tell him just how much of a piece of shit he is, and then we come home, watch movies, the whole shabang."
"it'll be some much needed closure," marina added.
i chuckled lightly. "you both think this is a good idea?"
"i mean i don't think it's a good idea—"
"yes," naomi smiled. "he fucked you over. the least we can do is call him out on it."
i tried to bite back a smile as my resolve crumbled, but i failed, and the corners of my lips quirked upwards.
i couldn't force myself to not like this plan.
"there it is. come on, let's go say hi to ethan."
she took me by the wrist and led marina and i out to the living room where the boys were strewn across the couch on their laptops playing minecraft.
i'd expect nothing less of the three.
"hey. nerds. we wanna fuck shit up, do you wanna join us?" naomi asked, snapping her fingers.
george jerked his head up as the focused trance of his gaming shattered. "fuck— what? we're fucking what?"
"shit. up. we found out who doxed y/n."
"you did?" clay asked, his brow raised in shock.
"yeah, and, get this: it was ethan. ethan of all people! can you believe that?"
he shook his head as he processed what she had said. "that guy is a piece of work, i swear."
"i know. ugh— and to think i even gave that bastard the time of day!" naomi exclaimed, "come on. we're paying a visit, and we could use the backup. boys' day and girls' day are now co-ed, i've just declared it."
"i'm down," nick said.
"me too!" george added, snapping his laptop shut.
"me three then," clay nodded.
"excellent," naomi smiled.
my stomach fluttered with butterflies at the enthusiasm of my friends wanting to fight this guy for me. "thank you," i spoke up, "this is really sweet."
"well you know we're always down for an adventure," marina said, patting my shoulder.
"let's commit crimes together babe!" nick exclaimed, jumping off the couch to hug her.
she fizzled out into bubbly laughter, cheeks pink with affection.
"woah woah woah, there's no crime committing in this expedition, right?" i asked.
nobody answered me.
"i think the details aren't worth thinking about right now," naomi said.
"i feel like you're going to try and deck him."
"that's.. an accurate assessment. it all depends on how much his little pea-sized head looks like a punching bag."
i shook my head laughing.
"cmon. let's go tell this motherfucker what's up." she slung her arm around my shoulder and ushered me out the door before i could get another worried word of protest in.
all six of us crammed into the car, clay taking the driver's seat as usual and me taking the passenger. it was quite different being in the vehicle with him now, because there was no hesitation in just being close to one another like there used to be. we didn't jerk away from contact or let conversation fizzle out when something flirty was said, because now we knew that we could say and do those things, and that was liberating.
it wasn't like i expected any of it to happen though.
clay's hand rested lightly on my thigh, his thumb tracing the threading where the rip in my jeans was. it was casual touch, but i don't think he realized just how giddy it was making me feel. he was simply focused on the rode, sunlight casually reflecting in his vibrant green eyes, blond hair messy where his brow was.
he was so pretty.
"thank you," he said.
"you said i was pretty? thank you." he turned to face me for a second, smile quirking the corners of his lips upwards.
i said that out loud.
he gave my thigh a gentle squeeze and turned back to the road, and again the sunlight resumed its spot across his cheek.
i laid my hand atop his bigger one, absentmindedly tracing the outline of his knuckles and veins.
he smiled at that.
and i did too.
everything just felt really warm.
content, i thought, was the right word to describe how we were feeling .
but content quickly turned to chaotic as we pulled into the parking lot of ethan's apartment complex and scoped out the area like spies on a mission.
"so.. what's the plan?" george asked, leaning forward to look out the window.
"we go in.. and we knock," naomi stated.
maybe our mission wasn't as epic as i thought it would be.
"what if he's not home?"
"then we break in."
or maybe it was?
we all climbed out of the car and stepped into the cold building, making our way up the stairs and to the apartment of interest with naomi leading the way. we were on our tiptoes, and every creak in the floorboards sent a collective jolt of panic through all of us even though it's not like we could get arrested for entering a public building.
"ladies first," nick insisted, ushering the three of us to stand in front of the door.
"pussy behavior," i stated as the boys hid behind us, and naomi nodded in agreement.
"who's knocking?" marina asked.
"nose goes!" naomi whisper-shouted.
"oh, you're joking," i frowned as i watched my two friends beat me to touching their nose.
"payback bitch. now knock."
i sighed and sidled up to the door, hovering my fist over the paint-chipped wood. with a final glance over my shoulder at naomi and marina, i knocked three times and stepped back, waiting for an answer.
but we didn't get one.
"so.. he's not home?" george questioned.
"HEY DUMBASS IF YOU'RE IN THERE OPEN UP!" naomi shouted, banging her fist on the door.
we all furiously shushed her, and she held up her hands defensively.
"what? now we know he's definitely not home!"
clay sighed. "i assume this means it's break-in time?"
"you would assume correct," naomi smiled, slipping a key out from her back pocket. she twirled it in her fingers before jamming it in the lock. at the sound of a quiet click, she smirked and pushed open the door, stepping inside what as an all too familiar apartment to her.
"is that a live laugh love sign?" clay asked, following behind me.
naomi whirled her head to look where he was looking and scrunched her nose. "ew, it's not even ironic."
"icky icky," nick said, shaking his head.
naomi looked from him to the sign and smiled mischievously. she took it off the wall and, before any of us could ask what she was doing, snapped it clean in half over her knee.
"what— you just killed it!"
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