《hostage | all of us are dead》chapter 14


we all slowly woke up one by one, some had even not slept at all during the night

namra had been staring up at the roof

"the smell is stronger, they're all over here now" she said

"it doesn't matter anyway, we're trapped here for good" joonyeong said "theres no way for us to leave

"don't say that" hyoryung said, no emotion left in her voice

hari and wujin started talking but I didn't pay much attention, ive already heard the conversation, so it didn't matter whether i listened or not (

"by the way, who's your friend? i don't believe we've met before" hari looked to me, extending her hand for a handshake

i took her hand "im y/n! it's nice to meet you!" i gave her a smile and she returned it

"you're very pretty, you're not his girlfriend are you? if not we should get to know each other better" i laughed and nodded

"nevermind the flirting, how are we going to get out of here? we still have the food and water bags surprisedly, we could technically live here but i don't think a single one of us want to do that" sunhae said

i got up and pointed at the crates "we can move those, then we can tie them together and use it as a shield"

hyoryung suddenly got and hugged me, taking me by surprise

"y/n i love you!" she cried "you're so smart and pretty, and such a good person, please choose me!" i awkwardly patted her head

"choose you? why would i have to choose?" i said

"it's obvious everyone else likes you! i hate that! i want you to be with me, if i could make them not like you i would!" well she's pretty blunt huh


it was kind of awkward and silent afterwards, she still clung onto me and nobody moved until sunhae spoke

"...so that plan! let's get on that" thank god for her, everything would've been awkward and horrible without her

"look for some kind of rope and stat moving everything" she instructed, hyoryung reluctantly let go of me and i could tell she was embarrassed, so i pat her back and gave her a smile

she walked away with red cheeks and helped with the others

"there's no way this would work, we should flip this part over and hide underneath" mijin said, playing around with the parts they put together

"we should just leave it be" wujin said

"what? zombies can climb that, don't be stupid, let's redo it" joonyeong sighed from beside her

"it's too short if we do it like that, do you want us to crawl? don't pull a senior card" mijin slammed the lid down

"hey, say that to my face"

"if you don't like it, make your own" mijin hit his head and wujin walked over to stop

they stated fighting, resulting in alot of cursing, which normally would've been funny but i just wanted to get out already

"can we stop? we already have zombies on our trail, we don't need to fight with each other, you'll never know what could happen just in the next few minutes" sunhae nodded from beside me, giving me a thumbs up

joonyeong huffed but shut up, but mijin wasn't ready to stop, adding more swears and insults towards him before namra pushed a crate loudly

"we'll vote on it"

we all sat around on the crates or stood

"spilt up" no one raised their hand

"stay together" everyone raised their hand

"okay, next, we make the outside higher" joonyeong onjo cheongsan daesu me suhyeok minjae sunhae and eunji put our hands up


"fold the lids and make a box" mijin hari hyoryung isak wujin cheolsoo jimin and nayeon raise their hands, gyeongsu didn't vote for either

"option one had the most, we'll go with that"

"what about your vote? if you're for 2 it's a tie, and you too why didn't you vote?" she gestures towards gyeongsu

"I don't know! im not good at this thing, you guys decide" he said defensively

"im for option 1" mijin cursed

"let's do that then, come help" sunhae said, mijin sighed but reluctantly helped the others

"well this is uncomfortable" i said as cheongsan helped me put padding on my arms and legs as protection from the zombies

"being uncomfortable is better than being dead" he said "by the way, about what hyoryung said earlier, i-" he was unfortunately interrupted by sunhae

"everyone ready?" they all said yes "then we'll go now if that's fine?" there was no objections

"what were you gonna say?" i said, getting ready "ill just tell you later, it's...not important" i was unconvinced, but we had to leave

we stood in front with everything ready, makeshift weapons in hand,i still had the phone from the previous day in my pocket, maybe i could use it as a distraction

sunhae was in front, insisting she would be the leader in the situation

i sighed, looking towards joonyeong, he didn't have his glasses, they were long gone, there are only a few more deaths i have to prevent

i could only hope everything goes well


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