《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》FOURTEEN
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It seemed like everyone was happy as they adjusted to the new world, even Jack was able to adjust easily. Nixon was the most excited, easily becoming just like the teens from their world. James liked using the gun range to keep up his skills, not convinced that this world was anywhere near being completely safe. He was teaching Jenna how to just in case, advising both her and Nixon to keep one on them at all times.
Jenna, on the other hand, was struggling immensely. She now didn't have her biological father, mother, or uncle left in the world. She felt useless sometimes as if they only kept her around because of her powers.
Jenna cried silently to herself until she heard a knock on her door. "Come in" Her voice was hoarse as she wiped away her tears.
Jenna wasn't expecting Dean to walk into her room. "Hey kid" Dean greeted, frowning when he saw the tears she was desperately trying to hide.
"Hi" She greeted meekly. Dean closed the door behind him, walking in and sitting down next to her. "What's got you upset, kid? Was it James? I'll kick his ass" Jenna smiled as she controlled the flow of her tears. "No, he's really nice" She reassured him.
"Do you....ever have nightmares?" She asked quietly. "All the time. Do you?" Jenna nodded. "About the other world. Michael tortured us, I watched so many people die because of those angels" She hugged herself tightly in comfort.
"I can't say that I know what you went through over there, because I don't. But I do know this, you came out stronger than ever. You made friends and allies who are there for you, just like we are. It'll get better, just take it one day at a time. Whatever you and Jack are dealing with, we'll figure out a way to deal with it, together. You're family kid, we look after our own" Dean hugged the girl, she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Thank you, Dee" She mumbled, Dean smiled at the nickname. "You're welcome, kid" Their bonding moment was ruined when Sam literally burst down the door, Jack at his side. Both looked sad. "What's wrong?"
Nixon was dead. Jenna's empathetic best friend was gone. The first one at the camp to befriend her despite who she is. The boy who was so excited to be in this new world, he was gone and Jenna had no idea how to bring him back.
Jack held onto Jenna as she clung to him, trying not to cry again. "He was so excited to live a normal life, to be here. I promised I would keep him safe, and..." Sam cut her off. "Stop, Jenna. This isn't your fault" Sam put his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. But nothing could stop the uncontrollable pain she was feeling, she lost another person.
"What happened to him?" Dean queried. "I don't know. Doesn't look supernatural" Mary answered, holding the umbrella she had when she started the walk with Bobby.
"Looks like some son of a bitch beat on him until..." Bobby grumbled. "Who would do something like this?"
The brothers, Cas, and the twins met up with James in the common area. Jenna had no idea how she was going to tell him that his best friend was dead, that the boy he swore to protect was gone.
"So, you're best friends with Nixon" James looked at Dean in confusion, flickering his eyes over to Jenna who looked like she was breaking inside. "Yeah, we've been best friends since we were kids. What's going on? Where is he?" James questioned in a protective tone that made Jenna feel even worse.
Castiel looked over at his(non-biological) daughter, suggesting that she'd be the one to tell him. "He's dead" Jenna barely managed to blurt out without crying. "What?" James was in shock, the boy who was basically his little brother was gone.
"We need to know where Nixon went, who he was talking to" Sam spoke calmly. "There was a boy" James mumbled as he tried to process the situation. "Nate? He went to see Nate?" Jenna recalled Nixon going on and on about the cute boy he had seen. "Yeah, he works at that store out on Route 281. He snuck out last night to see him, but he had his gun, how did this happen?" Jenna's eyes widened.
"All right, well, let's go talk to this boy, Jenna, Jack" The trio turned to see both twins missing. "Oh no".
Jack followed his sister as she confidently strutted into the gas station, Jenna was on a mission and nobody could stop her. She knew what Nate looked like, Nixon had shown her a picture from his social media.
As soon as she spotted Nate, there was no going back. "Who are you..." Nate was cut off by being grabbed by his throat and slammed up against the glass door of the fridge holding the cold items. "Why did you do it, huh?" Jenna hissed, glaring at the kid. "I-I didn't" He choked out. "Liar" Jack hissed, joining in. Nixon was his friend too, someone he swore he would keep safe along with the others.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel finally showed up at the gas station. The three were a bit taken back to see that Jenna was the one hurting the kid.
"Jenna! Jack!" Castiel went to grab the twins to stop them, but Jenna used her powers which sent him crashing into one of the aisles. It didn't physically hurt him, he was just shocked at the aggressive behavior.
"Jack? Jenna?" Dean failed to get their attention. "Let him go" Dean sighed to himself, pulling out his gun from his waistband and shooting Jenna in the back three times, making her drop Nate as a result.
The twins turned around to face the three, Jack glowed his gold eyes. "You shot my sister" He glared at Dean. "To get her attention. You're both acting like psychos!" Dean exclaimed.
"Jenna—" Castiel got himself up, looking at Jenna's angry yet broken face. "He killed Nixon!" Jenna's voice cracked when she said his name. "Nixon? Nixon's dead?" Jack then realized that Nate didn't do it, looking at the shock made him realize.
"Jenna—" Jack cut in, stopping Sam from speaking. "Jenna, he didn't kill Nixon. Look at him" Jenna did so at her brother's request, stepping back when she realized just what she had done. "No" She murmured, pushing past the boys as she ran out of the gas station.
"Jenna!" The brothers watched as Jack ran out after her. Castiel was going too until Dean held him back. "Let them go, Jack's got this".
"I'm a monster" She cried out, punching a tree that she came up to. She used so much of her superstrength without knowing that she almost knocked the tree down.
Jenna didn't usually act out like that, endangering the welfare of an innocent person. She had been so blinded with grief and anger that she turned into her biological father. She almost killed Nate.
The Nephilim fell to the ground, not caring about the woodchips stabbing her legs as she sobbed. "Jenna!" The girl didn't even hear her brother as he ran over and hugged her, not saying a word as he did so.
They sat like this for a while, in complete and utter silence until Jenna spoke up. "I have to leave" Jack helped his sister up before looking at her as if she was out of her mind. "Remember what happened when I left? You can't do that" Jack was definitely upset with his sister for even thinking about doing that.
"I can't hurt anyone again, J. I'm a mess, I can't stop crying and I hate it" Before an argument could start between the twins, the sound of wings flapping stopped everything.
The two twins thought it would be Cas, turning around to see perhaps the complete opposite of him. The devil himself. "Hi, kids".
"Is this...are you real?" Jack hesitated, the two clinging onto each other as they usually did. After everything they had been through in that day, there was no way in hell that either twin was going to abandon the other.
"Always" Lucifer spoke in a softer tone than he used with anyone else, holding his arms out to gesture that he was indeed real. "That's not possible, Sam said you died with Uncle Gabe" Lucifer mentally frowned at the reminder of his dead baby brother, the one he left behind.
"Yeah, I don't like to speak ill of people, but Sam is a big fat liar and he's a bad person and... like, freakishly tall, so..." Jack furrowed his eyebrows. "I-I don't understand" Jack and Jenna shared a look, speaking in their minds to one another to try and understand what Lucifer was trying to say.
"No, Michael didn't...Sam was the one who left me behind" Jenna's head felt like it had snapped when Lucifer said this. "What?" Jenna hissed out. "Yep" Lucifer gradually started walking closer to the twins.
"I mean, I think he thought I'd be trapped over there in "Giant Litter Box World" forever, 'cause that worked so well the first time. I don't blame him, though, okay? I mean...for everything that I've done to him, I think, uh, I had it coming, you know? But you know what? I'm moving on" Jenna let it sink in. Was he telling the truth, did Sam lie to her?
"But if the rift is closed, then how are you here?" Jack asked. "Oh, no. Not 'how', 'why'. I'm here for you two, Jack, Jenna" He gestured to them. "What?" Jenna looked at him in confusion, not understanding what he was getting out of this. In the Supernatural books, from what the brother's told her, he was extremely selfish and only did things that would benefit himself. So then why did he want to be a father?
"Because, you know, even though the Three Amigos--Sam, Dean, and the other one--won't admit it, you both need me. You two do, 'cause we're blood. And we're not human, no matter how much we pretend to be. See, humans are...limited and fragile. And I'll admit, they bring out the worst in me, I gotta say. It seems like, you know, no matter how much you try to do right around them, something always goes wrong. Follow?" Jenna thought about the incident earlier that day while Jack thought about the first time he really hurt a human. How hard they tried to be better and how they ended up hurting the human.
"We....we know" Jack and Jenna agreed. "Right? And that's not their fault, or ours. It's just, us and humans, we're like oil and water. You know, sardines and strawberries. It's just a bad combination" Lucifer's words really hit Jenna, it made so much sense. Maybe they weren't meant to be around humans, not yet anyway. Her best friend was dead, who could be next? James? Sam? Dean? Cas again? Mary? Jenna didn't want to risk it.
"What do we do then?" She questioned. Lucifer bit back a smile, happy that he could at least protect the only ones who seemed to love him, he could keep them safe from Michael. "Leave. I mean..." Lucifer spun around, staring straight up at the sky.
"I mean...there's a whole universe out there, kids. Planets. Stars. Galaxies. Why should we stay here on Earth when we can go anywhere else? Heck, everywhere else" Jack smiled at this as he remembered his favorite movie series. "Like Star Wars?" Jenna chuckled at this.
"Exactly like Star Wars" Lucifer turned back to the twins. "You want a lightsaber?" Jack pretended he had a lightsaber in his hands, making Jenna laugh as the two pretended to have a lightsaber battle like real kids.
"I can make you guys your own lightsaber. Heck, I can make a Wookiee" Jenna then frowned when she recalled watching the new Star Wars movie as Team Free Will 2.0. She didn't want to leave them behind as they had fun, leave them to worry.
"But what about Sam, Dean, and Cas? They'll be worried" Lucifer put his hand on her shoulder, Jenna looked at his soul to see genuine interest in being a father.
"Yes, they will. They will. It'll be hard. But you have to live your life for you, Jenna. Right?" Lucifer looked between his blue-eyed children. "This is our second chance, kids. This is our opportunity to escape our past and our sins and start over. What do you say? Father, son, daughter. You up for an adventure?" Jenna and Jack shared a thought, maybe Lucifer had the power to do the one thing they needed before leaving.
"We.....we'd like that. But there's something you need to do first".
Bobby and Mary were talking together about Nixon's death. When Mary saw Jenna and Jack appear, she sighed in relief. "Jack, Jenna, hey...." Her soft voice was cut off when the two saw who quickly followed close behind the two.
"Hey" Lucifer greeted. "Kid, what the Sam Hell?" Bobby exclaimed. "It's all right, okay? He's here to help" Jack reassured as they walked past. "You know it, Longmire" Lucifer smirked as he followed behind his children. Mary handed off her phone to Bobby, urging him to call Sam before catching up to make sure that Jack and Jenna were okay.
The trio entered the main room of the bunker where Nixon's body laid. Jenna squeezed her brother's hand as she came face-to-face with the dead body of her best friend.
"Hmm. So you're leaving dead bodies on tables now" Lucifer commented as Mary finally caught up. "We were waiting for Jenna and James to get back before we gave him a hunter's funeral" Mary replied.
"You won't have to. Our father, he's gonna bring Nixon back to life" This, of course, was news to Lucifer who didn't realize their plan. He assumed they just wanted to grab some clothes and pay respects to their fallen friend before leaving.
"I am?" As Lucifer studied the body, Mary inched closer towards the twins. "Jack, Jenna, what are you doing?" She inquired. "It's okay, Mary" Jenna tried changing the subject. "Yeah, uh, Jack, Jenna, about this, uh, resurrection stuff -- It's not always a great idea because, uh... you know, people come back...different" Lucifer fumbled over his words.
"Sam didn't" Jenna remembered when Lucifer brought Sam back in the apocalypse world. "Right. Well, Sam's always been..." Lucifer chuckled nervously. "Sort of different. You know what I mean? Some would say special" Lucifer turned to Mary for a moment. "No offense" He added.
"You said you'd do anything for us" Lucifer exhaled deeply, giving in. His eyes glowed red as he brought the boy back to life.
The bunker door flew open as Sam, Dean, and Castiel entered. "Jack! Jenna!" Sam paused when he saw Mary and Bobby with a resurrected Nixon. "They're not...the twins are gone".
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