《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》THIRTEEN
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At times like this, Jenna was glad she had made her own separate friends in the apocalypse world. Nixon and James were her best friends that weren't in her family. They had become her rock as soon as Jenna had arrived at the camp. She was glad that they were on patrol when Lucifer first arrived, and was now happy that they were back and walked together, Jenna in the middle.
Nixon is a 5'8'' teen with medium brown skin, dark brown eyes, and short dark brown hair. He's the lighthearted one of the three, considering he's empathic and doesn't like conflict. He was the first one in the camp to talk to Jenna, despite knowing that she's a nephilim, and more importantly the daughter of Satan.
James, on the other hand, is tall and athletically built. He's of Asian descent with short and dark hair and dark brown eyes. He's the most protective of the two boys, he had been protecting Nixon since they were kids. He was wary at first but eventually grew fond and protective of Jenna too. Though, her being around made him feel like he didn't have to be the one constantly protecting others all the time.
"So your brother, Jack, wants a relationship with your father who, by the way, is literally Satan and has killed a lot of people?" Nixon exclaimed as they lingered towards the back of the group, being the youngest that were allowed to go on the mission. "I decided that I won't be able to change Jack's curiosity and current opinion over Lucifer. I have to wait for him to mess up and Jack will see who he really is" Jenna reasoned, mostly with herself. It took a lot for Jenna not to turn around and drag Jack away.
"If he tries to go anywhere near you, I'll rip his throat out with my teeth, Devil or not" James spoke, making Jenna smile slightly at her friend's words.
Meanwhile, as Mary and Dean were speaking about Jack, Dean finally took notice of the two guys next to Jenna. "Who the hell are they?" Dean questioned, suddenly becoming tense and warry of them. "Those are Jenna's friends, James and Nixon. They took Jenna in as soon as we arrived".
Castiel showed up around the corner of the next turn, walking quickly towards the two Winchester's in the front. The group stopped once Mary and Dean did. "Hey, find him?" Dean asked. "No. Gabriel went ahead to scout, but he should be back by now" And with that said, Gabriel came frantically running out of the forest, being chased by some of Michael's men.
"ANGELS!" He yelled, running over to Castiel's side as everyone pulled out their weapons. "Kill them, on my command" Jenna and the boys moved closer to the front, prepared to fight. Nixon had his gun out, James had the angel blade his father gave to him before he was killed by angel's, and Jenna's eyes glowed as she was ready to fight for her family and friends.
The angel's eyes glowed blue as they were about to attack, but the group of angel's exploded into dark clouds of dust, dying. Everyone turned to Lucifer, the archangel had his hands in a snapping formation which he had just done.
Jenna moved slightly in front of her friends protectively when the cuffs Lucifer had worn turned red as they melted off. "Oh yeah, about the cuffs, I knew they wouldn't hold me in this world. Long story short, I didn't want your impotence to get awkward, so I just went along" Lucifer chuckled awkwardly as Sam and Dean shared a look, Jenna glared at her biological father.
"You're welcome. Welcome. Right? Don't...thank me at once" He then nudged his son and looked at his daughter. "See. Team player".
Everyone had just gotten back from the mission, Jenna was pissed off that Lucifer could get out of the cuffs and was pretending not to be able to until it was convenient for him.
Jenna had walked away from everyone, finding her favorite tree and smiling sadly when she saw how it was carved in her initials as well as Jack's, tracing her finger over the carvings and she recalled the day they made them. She missed everything that happened before they actually met Lucifer, she wished she could force her brother to understand how evil Lucifer truly was. But Jack, he saw the good in people. It didn't matter who, he tried his hardest to find a redeeming quality in everyone, which is what he was trying to do now.
Jenna might have been lost in her thoughts, but that doesn't mean she wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings. Jenna could sense her brother's energy coming towards her, but shuttered when she felt Lucifer's darkness.
"Jenna!" The brunette turned her head towards the sound of her brother's voice, frowning when she saw they were walking closer to her. "Jack" She greeted, an obvious look of disgust fell on he face when she made eye contact with Lucifer.
"Lucifer was just about to tell me about our family" Jack was obviously excited, something Jenna would hate to take away and ruin. "Jack, please tell me Cas, Sam, or Dean are going with you" The nephilim hoped, not wanting Lucifer to ruin her brother. "No, just us" Jenna didn't try to hide her frown.
Lucifer knew it was going to be easy with Jack, but he also knew it was going to be harder to get to know and connect with Jenna. After all, they did share something in common. They both deeply hated their fathers. And that was something Lucifer could build on.
"I'm not leaving you with him without protection" She said bluntly. "Look at us, family bonding!" Lucifer exclaimed, only for Jenna to shoot him another glare. "We're related, that doesn't make us family. Cas, Jack, Sam, Dean, Mary...they're my family. You're just 50% of my DNA composition" Jenna then started walking, Jack followed. Lucifer tried to hide the hurt look on his face at his daughter's words before he followed.
As they walked through Bobby's Salvage Yard that was littered in cars, Jenna found it quite amusing how Lucifer described his family as. Jenna knew the truth, what she believed, and that wasn't going to change. But it doesn't mean she still can't be amused by the devil's lies.
"So there's Michael, your other uncle. Sort of a studly type. You know, warrior guy" Lucifer described as they walked, Jack stopped for a moment. "We met Michael, here. He tortured us" Lucifer laid both hands on the twin's shoulders. "Same. We owe him one, right?" He then held up his hand.
"High Five" Jack looked at him in confusion, making Lucifer sigh to himself and guide Jack's hand to show him how to high five. He then turned to Jenna, holding his hand out once more for her to high five him. Jenna went in for the high five, but when her hand hit Lucifer's she sent a wave of pain towards him, only making the devil groan in pain.
The sound of Jenna's laugh seemed to be the sole reason Lucifer wasn't going to snap just out of pure anger, knowing he was getting somewhere with her was the start. So he shrugged it off, spotted his little brother Gabriel, and pointed at the archangel that was facing the opposite way.
"That's your Uncle Gabe" Jenna remembered when they first met, right before they told her that Sam had died. "We briefly met" She stated. "Let's go say hi" The three walked over, Gabriel could sense them and rolled his eyes at his brother's attempt to win over the twins.
"So...thing about Gabe, class clown" Gabriel turned around. "And you're an assclown" He snapped snarkily. Lucifer fake laughed. "You hear that? He's such a cut-up. I mean, I can't..." Lucifer then faced the little brother he swore he had killed, but apparently didn't. "Yeah, uh, I guess your time with Asmodeus didn't do you any favors, did it, bud?" Jenna looked at her uncle worriedly, hoping he was okay and that Lucifer's words didn't trigger him. It seemed like Gabriel could read her mind because he sent her a tiny smile to reassured her that he was okay before getting serious again.
"Yeah, well my time with you was worse. You recall--" Lucifer cut off his brother before he could reveal anything. "I recall, uh, nothing. I don't recall anything at all. Happy endings. All good, happy endings" Lucifer decided to change the subject.
"Uh, meet Gabriel, your uncle" Jack waved while Jenna stood still. "Hello" Jack greeted, naive to the tension between the brothers. "Hello" Gabriel repeated, walking away to try and get away from the twins. This didn't work to his favor, however, because Lucifer just dragged the kids along as he followed his little brother.
"So I was just shaking up the old family tree for, uh, young Jack and Jenna here. You know, talking about the good old days. How tough Pop was. Right, G?" Lucifer nudged his brother. " I mean, we-we butted heads a lot you know" Gabriel grabbed his head in annoyance, looking down at the ground as Lucifer continued. "But, uh...you know, I think -- I think, in hindsight, I should've given Him some slack 'cause, He's uh. You know, being a dad is tough" Gabriel turned around, having enough with the devil's attempt to get his kids on his side.
"Okay, you think Dad was the 'bad guy,' and you were a victim? You were not a victim. That was just your excuse" Gabriel started to walk off. "My excuse for what?" Jack tilted his head to the side, clearly puzzled. "For it all, Lucifer. For it all".
After Jack went off to help the others pack, Jenna made it her personal mission to track down Gabriel, finding him in an empty area of camp that he was patrolling. "Hey, Gabriel?" She hesitated, not knowing how to really approach him. Her empathetic friend Nixon had seen Gabriel briefly and explained to Jenna what he was feeling. Pain, betrayal, sorrow. She felt bad, wanting to check up on him.
The archangel turned around, smiling slightly at his niece. "I'm sorry about Lucifer and what he said, how he mentioned what happened with the demon" Gabriel tried not to make eye contact with her, collecting himself so he would seem strong.
"I'm fine, kid. Don't worry" Jenna shook her head. "You aren't fine, you're hurt and you haven't had time to heal" Gabriel finally made eye contact with her. "My friend, he's empathic" Gabriel sighed. "It's an ugly world out there, gumdrop" Jenna looked at him in puzzlement. "Gumdrop? What's that?" He looked at her in bewilderment.
"You don't know what a gumdrop is?" She shook her head. "Have they let you have any candy?" Jenna recalled the only time she had candy. "Once Jack used his powers to get us candy from the machine! I have a lollipop and M&M's" Gabriel chuckled. "Remind me as soon as we get back, I gotta introduce you two to the world of sweets" Jenna smiled brightly, liking Gabriel way more than Michael and Lucifer. "Deal".
Gabriel had moved on to patrolling in a lot of cars, Lucifer found him and wouldn't leave his side. The twins, Sam and Dean, Castiel, Mary, Jenna's friends, and a group of other left on a rescue mission to save Charlie and Ketch.
"This is so stupid" Lucifer slammed the door of a truck he was leaning on, bored and frustrated. Gabriel stayed calm. sitting on some tires as he responded. "Dean said to stay behind. Any angels show up, we gotta defend this place" Lucifer sighed, rubbing his temples as he tried to calm down.
Gabriel turned to face his brother, noticing his face was buried in his hands, amusing Gabriel. "It is really killing you, you're not out there impressing your kids, huh? Lucifer, do you really see a version here where either of them stick by you?" Lucifer shrugged before responding. "I think Jack is pretty blown away by his old man, Jenna is starting to warm up to me. So, yeah, I do" Gabriel held back a scoff.
"Jack's a kid. He likes shiny objects and magic tricks. Jenna hates you, she's only around you to keep her brother safe. They are not like you. I can see it in their eyes. Their mother's bloodline, the Winchesters' influence..." Lucifer tossed a pebble. "I can be an influence" He retorted.
Gabriel turned around, watching over the camp. " Ugh. They're not gonna want that. They'll see who...what you are" Lucifer tossed another pebble. "I've changed" Gabriel, having enough of his big brother's lies stood up and walked over to the devil.
"Dude, it's me. I've known you since the stars were made. You can't change. You're incapable of empathy or love. You live to be worshiped or feared. Or both" Gabriel recalled. " Okay. I-I see that you've-you've drunk the Kool-Aid. Fine" Lucifer pouted, shooing away Gabriel and turned back towards the truck.
"Oh, is this the part where you tell me that, uh, Dad made up all those so-called lies about you? Got it" Gabriel exclaimed sarcastically. "Yeah! Yeah, Pop locked me up, okay?" Lucifer's voice signaled that he was getting angry, and Lucifer's words sent that anger to Gabriel.
"Don't you get it? Humans were innocent and beautiful. But you..." Gabriel scoffed. "You couldn't stand that the old man loved them more than He loved you. So you tempted them and corrupted them just to prove how flawed they were" With every word that the youngest archangel spoke, emotion was being poured out.
"You better be careful, man" Lucifer tried to warn off his brother, but Gabriel was on a roll. "Dad saw that your evil was like the first few cells of cancer...that it would spread like the disease unless He cut it out. That is why He locked you up, to stop the cancer. But it was too late then. And guess what? It's too late for you now. And I won't let you try and corrupt them either" Gabriel faced away, not noticing the single tear falling from Lucifer's eye before he faced away also.
After everyone arrived back to camp and they started the bus, Jenna got both herself and her friends a seat, Jenna squished in the middle considering she was the smallest. "How awesome is your world? Do you go to school? Are there cute guys? Is Prom still a thing?" Nixon blurted out a bunch of questions. "Nixon" The boy blushed awkwardly. "Sorry, it's just...the apocalypse started when we were kids. In your world, Sam, Dean, and Castiel stopped the apocalypse" Jenna squeezed Nixon's hand comfortingly. "I know, it's okay" He smiled warmly.
"What about you, Jay? Excited for the new world?" Nixon teased, having to look over Jenna to see James. "It doesn't matter to me. As long as you two are there" Jenna's smile never left her face, slightly blushing at her friends comment. "Awe! Little Jenny's blushing! She loves us" Nixon joked, making Jenna groan before laying her head on James' shoulder. It was going to be a long drive.
When they arrived at the barely opened rift, they got a bit of a shocker when it started growing again thanks to Rowena.
Everyone started climbing off of the bus. "Let's go. Come on" Everyone started marching through the rift, Jenna stayed behind with the boys. And while Nixon went in with Jack, James refused to leave Jenna's side and made sure he had his angel blade ready.
"What are you two doing, Jenna? Go through the rift" Dean ordered. "I'm not leaving without you guys" The brothers looked at James. "I'm not leaving her alone with him" James gestured to Lucifer. While Lucifer was annoyed, Dean and Sam were pleased that at least someone didn't trust the devil.
But the peacefulness soon stopped when flamming balls flew out from the sky, killing the unnamed camp members. James instinctively took out his angel blade while Jenna glowed her eyes. "Both of you, leave. Now!" Sam shouted. "I'm not leaving without you guys" Jenna repeated.
"We'll be right behind you, gumdrops. And besides, who else is gonna drag their asses back and scold them for not letting you eat more sweets?" Gabriel told her, looking at James. "Take her" James knew it would upset her, but he did so to keep her safe. He got them through the rift.
Everyone who got through the rift were celebrating, Jenna was completely upset that Gabriel didn't make it through the rift, assuming that Michael ended up killing him. Hell, she was even a tiny bit sad about Lucifer being stuck behind and probably also killed by Michael. She heard how he convinced Jack not to go after and kill Michael, something she never thought he'd be the one to say. He was slowly starting to change, she had a sliver of hope for him, and now she would never get to know if it was worth it.
Gabriel's empty vessel laid dead on the ground, his angel wings scorched permanently on the dirt floor along with the other dead bodies of the people that didn't make it through the rift. "Why should I trust you?" Michael questioned Lucifer, the other world's Lucifer that is. "I saw how they do the spell. I know what it takes. It's some blood, some fruit, a glowy rock, and then...Bam. We step through, both of us" Lucifer's voice was quieter than usual as he tried to compromise with Michael.
"And then?" Michael was a bit amused by this Lucifer, clearly intrigued on how he seemed to care a bit about someone other than himself. But like the other Michael, this one knows that as soon as he doesn't get his way, he'll go back to the old him.
"And then I get my son and daughter, and you get..." Michael interrupted. "Everything else" Thunder rumbled in the background, Lucifer looked down at the ground regretfully.
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