《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》TWO
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Jack and Jenna had fallen asleep in the back of the Impala, the two didn't need much sleep but felt peaceful while sleeping as they dreamt about their mother and father, what life would be like if they were still alive.
"Hey, we still got probably 12 hours until we're home. You want me to drive?" Sam asked, earning a look from his brother. "Do I ever want you to drive?" Dean scoffed.
"Look, losing Mom and Cas, that's a lot to process, Dean, especially on no sleep. And the kids..." Dean cut him off. "The kids? Come on, man, you know how this plays out. Look, when we try to bend the rules, pretend that the bad guys aren't so bad or that things will get fixed, that's when people that we care about get hurt. And then we end up doing what we should've done in the first place, which is end the problem. So this time, let's start with the obvious. Soon as I find a way to take care of... It".
"Dean the 'problem' or 'problems' might be the only shot to get mom back" Dean frowned. "Mom's gone. There's no fixing that".
"This is a bad idea, we should've kept driving" Dean hissed as they walked to the room. "Dude..." Sam scoffed. "You were hallucinating sheep on the road. We need a few hours" The four entered the motel room, turning the lights on before shutting the door. "This is nice" Jack stayed positive despite being in a crappy motel room.
A feeling of coldness and death filled Jenna, who had no idea what to do. "I don't like this place" She muttered, her eyes surveying the room warily until she couldn't find anything odd.
While the brothers unpacked, Jack sat in front of the television and turned it on to see Scooby Doo. "Jenna" The twin went over to her overexcited brother who watched the cartoon with wonder, Jenna joining.
"It's wonderful" Dean walked over, grabbing the remote. "Hey, no" He said. "But.." Dean paused for a moment as he saw the scene on the tv, before snapping out of it. "No" He turned the tv off.
"And you're sharing the couch. All right? So why don't you two go over there? Sit down and....here" Dean tossed the two a bible, chuckling slightly to himself at the irony.
"Read a book. We're out of here in a few hours" Sam came over after warding the motel room. "Jack, Jenna. I can take the couch..." Jack cut him off. "No, no. It's fine. We'll take turns" Jack reassured the taller moose-like man, smiling innocently.
While they were waiting for the Winchester's to come back with food, they read the Bible. Jenna had been a quick reader, finishing it before the brothers came back. The words of the Bible left Jenna with so many unanswered questions. Even while the other's started eating, it seemed as if she was stuck in her own mind.
Meanwhile, Jack was eating the burger happily and a bit too fast. "You can slow down, you know. That's stuff's not gonna disappear" Sam, who finished putting up the extra warding, walked over and sat next to Dean. "Ever seen you eat, Dean?" Sam chuckled. Dean grabbed a bottle of beer, Jack imitated him. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. How old do you think you are?" Dean asked, stopping the nephilim from drinking.
"3 days, 17 hours, and 42 minutes" Dean shrugged, drinking his beer while Jack copied it. Sam noticed Jenna had the Bible next to her and was staring at it "You read the Bible?" Dean looked over at the quiet girl. "It mentions our father, Lucifer, not Castiel" She mumbled. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's-he's big in the Bible. Lotta screen time" Dean said sarcastically.
"Did you know him?" She looked between both of the brothers. "Well, he's not really an easy guy to know. He's, um, he's kind of rough around the edges" Sam hesitated. "He's Satan" Dean added coldly. "And that's....bad" Dean nodded. "Damn straight. See he turned on his father, God".
"God" Jenna perked up at the familiar name. "They said he's the good guy. Did you know him?" Sam smiled softly at the eager twins. "God, he created everything" Dean scoffed at the way Sam danced around the truth. "Yeah, and then he skipped out, leaving guys like us to clean up his messes like Lucifer" Jenna nodded.
"So, God's like our grandfather. He's family, and that's....that's good" Jack restated. "Sometimes "Dean spoke, putting his feet up and Jack repeating what he did. "Will you stop it" Dean growled angrily. Sam stifled a laugh as best as he could before speaking up.
"So, Jack, Jenna, we know Kelly taught you things before you two were born. And obviously, you two can, you know, make people or things move with your minds. But, um... what else can you two do?" Sam hesitated. "I-I don't know" Both tilted their head in confusion, reminding the brothers way too much of their deceased angel.
"Okay. For instance, say you wanted to.....to be someplace else right now. Could you?" When Dean saw how confused they were, he rolled his eyes. "Can you teleport?" He asked bluntly. "Teleport?" Jack looked at his younger twin in confusion, only for her to shrug. "Yes. If you wanted to be on the other side of that door right this instant, what would you do?" Jack thought for a moment before standing up. "Where are we going?" Jenna asked as she followed her brother obliviously.
"What....Great" Dean grumbled as he heard the knock on the other-side of the door. "You know, it's possible they're more human than we thought" Dean only replied with a mumble. Sam got up and opened the door to see the twins on the other side, smiling with pride. "Like that?" Dean scowled.
"Come on. You're trying to tell me neither of you picked up anything before you were born? That your father never reached out to either of you?" Jenna remembered the tiny sliver of communication they had with him, Lucifer had been trying to call out/track them before they were born. That had been about it.
"All right, I say we, uh...get some rest. It's been a long day. We're startin' early tomorrow" Sam suggested. "Stop" Jenna spoke, her eyes glowing. Dean was ready to grab his gun and pointed at her until Jack continued. "Someone's here for us" That was when the two humans heard the floorboard's outside creaking.
Jenna and Jack were put behind them. The two opened the door, Dean grabbed the unnamed man who was lurking outside of their door, dragging him into the room and throwing him on the ground.
"Donatello?" Sam recognized the man as the current prophet of the lord. "Sam? Dean? Is God with you?"
Donatello was now sitting on the couch. "You okay?" Donatello was seated on the couch while the rest were standing. Sam had made sure the twins were a bit behind him just in case.
"Ah, pretty much. No soul of course, thanks to Amara. It's kinda like losing your appendix. You never really noticed it when you had it. But now, when I come to a moral crossroad, I ask myself, "What would Mr. Rogers do?". And as soon as I nail that, I'm usually good" Donatello rambled.
"Why are you here?" Dean questioned bluntly, not in the mood to deal with more crap. "Yes. That is the question we must all ask" Dean rolled his eyes. "I mean, why are you here in Wyoming?" Dean corrected.
"Oh! Uh, well..." Donatello cleared his throat. "After God left, I said to myself, "Donatello, you are so retired." I mean, who needs a prophet of God when there is no God? So... a few days ago, I'm online, checking out condos in Boca, and I am knocked off my feet by two weird waves of power. Not exactly like God's. More like something new, something fresh. I was drawn to them. They're here" Donatello's eyes landed on the twins behind Sam, the same waves of power surrounding them.
"It's you two. Who are you?" Donatello looked at them in awe, feeling their power. "Jack and Jenna" Jack spoke. "Jack and Jenna are twin nephilims" Donatello's eyes widened. "Children on an angel and a human" He recited. "Archangel, actually. Uh, Lucifer" Sam added. "Lucifer?" Donatello was pretty surprised, he never expected Lucifer to be the one to have kids, even if he didn't really know him.
"And Donatello here is a prophet" Sam told the twins. "Which means he has a direct line to God, or Heaven" Jenna perked up at the mention of Heaven and God. "You can talk to God?" She asked hopefully, thinking of her mother. She would give anything to have herself and Jack go visit Kelly in her personal heaven.
"Not so much anymore" He said to Jenna before taking a look at the twins and their energy, comparing it to Lucifer's. "Look at you two. The waves of power... so intense" Dean shot Sam a smug look. "Maybe less human than we thought" He mocked. "Fascinating. You know, I've met your father. Your power's are nothing like his. Not dark, not toxic. Your powers mirror each others, very bright like God's" Sam turned to his brother. "That so?" He mocked back.
"Not yet" Dean grumbled. "If Jack and Jenna are sending out a signal strong enough to get Donatello all the way out her.......the angels are still out there. I mean, who knows what else might be listening? They need protection".
A bit later after the boys left the room to speak more to Donatello, they all went to the tattoo parlor to get the twins warded. Jack volunteered to go first. When they tried to get Jack tattoo's, he healed.
"Maybe it's like Teen Wolf" Her voice cut off the two brothers arguing about their healing powers, turning towards her. "What?" Dean slightly snapped, making her jump a bit. "I-I was watching the television at the motel...." She looked down guiltily. "And there was a show about this werewolf who was a teenager, he tried to get a tattoo but couldn't because he healed instantly. To make it stay, they had to burn it into his skin" Sam looked at her, generally surprised. Dean just scowled once again, not believing that some tv show showed the simple solution of the tattoo's disappearing from Jack's skin.
Jack and Jenna sat on the couch as the other three argued, Jenna comforting her brother who thought he did something wrong. "It was a reflex, he didn't do it on purpose" Sam tried arguing for the boy that wasn't even a week old yet. "Who cares if he didn't do it on purpose? He did it. I mean, you didn't see Cas smiting someone every time he got his teeth cleaned" Jack frowned.
"We're right here, you know" Jack was ignored. "Yeah, and what about the vanishing tattoo?" Dean retorted. "An Archangel healing itself" Donatello spoke, making Sam shoot him a look. "Another reflex!" Sam exclaimed.
"Or maybe he didn't want to be warded" Dean counteracted. "Okay, look, yeah, Jack is on Lucifer's family tree, so is Jenna. But we don't know if that DNA is stronger than Kelly's, or their connection with Cas" Dean was furious that Sam brought up Cas, their best friend who got killed by Lucifer. "You mean the connection that got Cas killed?"
"I'm just saying, Jack and Jenna don't have to be evil. We can teach them not to be" Sam declared. "Ah. The nature versus nurture conundrum" They both shot Donatello a look. "Oh. Speaking not as a prophet but as a scientist, I don't think teaching either of them is in the cards. It's like asking a lion not to be a lion" Dean looked smug that Donatello was on his side.
"But these aren't lions, these are humans!" Sam's voice raised. "With a strong dose of God juice" Dean was done with this conversation. "Okay, that's it. I'm done, all right? 'Cause they're not God, they're not Cas, they're not Simba 1 and 2. They're the friggin' Devil's children!" When Dean went to address the twins, they were gone. "Uh-oh".
Both twins were outside of the motel, both sharing the same memory of their loving mother who gave her life to let them be born. "Jack! Jenna!" Sam sighed in relief when he saw them sitting next to each other on the ground, Jack's head resting on Jenna's shoulder. "We've been looking everywhere for you guys" Jack frowned guilty.
"We're sorry. I-uh.....everyone was so angry" Jack admitted. "Yeah, and I suppose you two wanted to be away from it" Jack lifted his head up. "And suddenly, we were" Sam sighed. "I'll tell you what, you two have some special skills" He pulled over a bin, sitting on it next to the twins. "We just need you to get a grip on them, so you don't hurt anyone" Jack looked at Sam with the same look Castiel always had when he was disappointed in himself.
"Is that why Dean hates us?" Sam looked at them in shock, forgetting that they were truly just a few days old and not teenagers like they appeared. The way Dean treated them definitely would affect them for a while.
"Dean doesn't hate you. Look, sometimes the wires in Dean's head get crossed and, and he gets frustrated, and then he mixes frustration with anger, and fear" Jack and Jenna furrowed their eyebrows.
"Why would he be afraid?" Sam hesitated for a moment. "Because Dean feels like it's his job to protect everyone. And right now, we need to protect you both. But we may also need to protect people from you guys" Jack looked at his sister's reaction. "Maybe I'm not worth all of this" Jack accidentally spoke out loud. "Your mom thought you were. So did Cas. So do I".
Sam ended up getting the twins a separate motel room after hearing how they were struggling with what was being said about them and their powers.
When Donatello went to go get burrito's, Jenna had gone with while Jack stayed behind. As soon as they got back, the two went straight to Sam and Dean's room, Jenna just wanted to stop for a second before going back to her brother.
Sam smiled to himself when he saw the happy look on Jenna's face, she was truly an excited child. "Why are you smiling?" He asked curiously.
"I ate a burrito! I never knew people ate different things all over the world. Humans are amazing" Sam chuckled. "Hey, uh, can we talk about the twins?" Donatello asked Sam as quietly as he could. "What? We already talked not too long ago" This caught Jenna's attention. "No, I wasn't. I was grabbing breakfast burritos. Extra spicy. Jenna likes them a lot" Jenna frowned, not sensing her brother's energy.
"I can sense him, Jack is gone" Jenna muttered before running out of the room. "Jenna!" The three went after her, the room Sam had gotten the twins was empty. "He's gone" Jenna started to panic.
"Okay. Okay. So, so, so, so...who's got Jack? And who was or what was I talkin' to? A shifter?" Sam inquired. "What would a shifter want with Jack?" Jenna tried feeling around for the energy that matched hers, eventually getting a pull to where Jack was. Jenna instinctfully followed the pull. "Where are you going?" Dean's voice bounced off the walls in the motel room.
"You feel it too?" Donatello questioned, Jenna nodding. "He went this way. We can sense it" Dean nodded. "I'll grab the gear" As everyone left, Jenna sensed something evil in the hallways. Jenna followed it to see them fighting demons. "Stop!" She screamed, her voice disintegrating the demons into nothing. "How did you..." Dean breathed out in shock. Not because she was mega powerful, but that she saved them. "Come on".
Dean drove as fast as he could, listening to Donatello's and Jenna's directions. "This is worrisome. I'm sensing a power emanation alongside Jack's. It gets stronger then closer we got to it" Donatello's words made Jenna panic even more. Donatello saw a sign saying where they were. "Jasper, Wyoming?" Donatello knew that sounded familiar.
"Maybe it's an angel" Jenna shook her head. "Angelic energy is a lot different than the energy I am sensing. It's more like the demons we just faced, but darker" Dean groaned. "You two never have good news, do you?" Dean then told his brother to search up anything demon-like in Jasper.
"Yeah, there is. According to dad's journal, Jasper is home to its very own Gate to Hell. It gets better" Dean sighed. "Fantastic" Sam ignored his brother's comment. "According to legend, this particular gate leads to, quote, "A place where unimaginable evil emanates from creatures too wicked for the Pit to hold"." He recited.
"What the hell does that mean?" Dean spat. "Something really bad, turn!"
When they arrived, a lookalike of Donatello was standing there manipulating Jack to open the Gate of Hell. "Jack! Hey, stop!" Sam shouted. "Don't listen to them, Jack" Donatello gasped when he saw the creature wearing his face. "That's not the real Donatello!" The fake Donatello yelled the same thing back. "Screw this" Dean shot a rock-salt bullet at the fake Donatello, making him shift into his real form.
"Jack, he's a demon!" Sam exclaimed. "Howdy boys" With a wave of his hand, the boys were choking. "Sweet, sweet Jenna. These imbeciles underestimate your power" Jack looked at his sister with wide, panicking eyes. He didn't know how to close the gate.
"You manipulated my brother, you're hurting our friends!" She shouted, her scream closing the hole that was almost open. The demon disappeared before he could be annihilated. Sam, Dean, and Donatello were free as they gasped for air.
"Jenna!" Jack ran to his sister, hugging her like he saw in the television movies. Jenna saw the looks on the brother's and the prophet's faces, they were terrified. Of who? She didn't know. "I'm sorry-" She cut him off. "He tricked you, it is not your fault".
Sam and Dean were both in the kitchen drinking beer, Sam was going over the lore. "These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin', huh?" Sam said, remembering the Princes of Hell that they went up against. "Mm-hmm. And hopefully this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family" Dean tried to joke, but was still sour from what had happened earlier that day. He didn't know what nephilim to be angry at, but he knew it was one of them.
"According to this, if that was Asmodeus, it's the end of the line" Dean went to leave, but Sam stopped him. "Dean, wait a second" Dean paused, looking at his brother. "The kid, Jenna, she really came through for us today. She saved us" Sam reminded his brother.
"No, that was survival and saving her brother. That had nothing to do with us. If Jack wasn't the one taken, she wouldn't have done anything. Goodnight".
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