《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》ONE
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They're all dead. Rowena, Crowley, Cas, Kelly...all gone. Lucifer and Mary, they were stuck in apocalypse world. All that was left was Sam, Dean, and the newborn nephilims. While Dean stayed by Castiel's dead body in shock, Sam ran inside to Kelly's room.
Sam Winchester found scattered footprints leading away from the deceased Kelly Kline's body, he followed them into the nursery that Kelly planned out for the twins before she died. The younger Winchester was not expecting to find the twins now looking like teenagers and completely naked. Both pairs of eyes immediately started to glow a gold color when Sam entered the room.
"Father?" Sam's eyes widened at Jack's words. The two stood up, both naked as a newborn(which, ironically, they were). The hunter tensed up, not knowing how to handle the situation. Did anyone really know how to?
"No, no no. No. I'm not your father, Jack. It is Jack, right? And Jenna?" His voice was shaky, he was honestly scared of the twins. He had no idea who they were like, Kelly or Lucifer. It was a guessing game now. Before anyone said anything, the sound of the front door opening echoed throughout the house.
"Father" Jack had repeated. "Sam? Sammy?" Sam's eyes never left either twins glowing eyes, still trying to process what was happening. "I'm in here" Sam replied right before Dean entered the room. As soon as Dean saw the twins. he grabbed his gun and went to shoot them. "No!" Sam tried to stop his brother. The gunshot had missed both Jack and Jenna.
They were both unbelievably scared. Their mother had warned them what a cruel world it was, but neither really expected it to happen as soon as they were born.
Using their powers for the first time since birth, both twins screamed. This sent the brothers flying back, knocking them unconscious before the twins left, still confused as ever.
It was daytime when Sam and Dean simultaneously regained consciousness. "Wait, was that..." Sam cut his brother off. "Lucifer's kids?" Both hunters got up. Dean grabbed the gun before exiting the cabin. Dean first, Sam trailing behind him.
"Can they teleport?" Dean yelled out to his brother. "What?" Sam called as he tried to catch up. "The kids. Do they have wings?" Dean wasn't thinking about anything besides killing the twins, he couldn't pause to take a second. "I don't know" The two stopped and looked around.
It felt like it took forever for Jack and Jenna to finally get somewhere that was inhabited by people. Both were still naked and scared as they found a place called 'Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats'. In their confused state, they saw the pirate statue and made their way towards it.
"Father?" The two teenage boys inside that were messing around paused what they were doing. "Sorry, we're not open yet" One boy, Clark, answered. The twins were having a hard time understanding everything, so they didn't get that it wasn't real. "Father?" Jenna spoke for the first time in a soft tone, seeming even a bit surprised at her own voice.
The two teenagers looked at the security cameras and were heavily shocked to see two naked teenagers standing there in confusion. "I think you should call your mom".
The two Winchester's were in the Impala, Dean drove in determination to find and kill the spawns of Lucifer. "We still have holy oil, right?" Dean questioned, his voice void of any emotions. "For what?" Sam looked at Dean in confusion. Both brothers were in completely different states, Dean was ready to kill while Sam wanted to make sure that they weren't evil.
"Cause we gotta hit them with everything we've got" Sam looked at his brother once more before looking forward. "Hold on a second. Can we just talk about what happened back there?" Sam tried to slow down.
"Sure. Which part? Let's see. Crowley's dead, Kelly's dead, Cas is..." Dean paused for a moment to collect himself before continuing. "Mom's gone, and apparently, the Devil's kids hit puberty in thirty seconds flat. Oh, and they almost killed us" The elder hunter's voice started to rise.
"Yeah, because you tried to shoot them" Dean shot his brother a look. "I tried to shoot the monsters, Sam. It's kinda what we do" Dean argued. "We don't know what they are yet, Dean. And I had it under control" Sam's attempts to be the voice of reason for Dean failed.
"I'm sorry, are you defending the spawns of Satan?" He scoffed. "I'm not defending anything. I'm just saying, look, with everything that's happened, I'm obviously spun out also, but we need a plan".
"Yeah, kill them! Okay? That's the plan. Look, right now all that matters is finding them, and ending them before they hurt anybody else. And once we do that we'll figure everything else out" It was silent for a few moments until Sam brought up the one thing that hurt them the most. It wasn't Rowena's death, or Crowley's death, or even Mary sacrificing herself, it was...
"What about Cas? Is he-is he really dead?" Both Winchester's had seen Castiel come back from the dead numerous times. Sam held on to the last piece of hope that this would be another time again. "You know he is".
The Sheriff, Clark's mother, showed up as quickly as possible to handle the two nude teenagers that her son had called in. "Hey" When they turned around, Christine noticed how similar they looked. Siblings, most likely.
Jack noticed her gun and tensed up, remembering the man who had tried to shoot them earlier. Christine watched as both twins tried to step forward and protect the other instinctively. "Easy, easy now. I'm just...my name's Christine Barker. I'm a sheriff. I'm just here to help, okay? Okay?" Jack smiled in relief, Jenna following soon after.
The woman, Christine Barker, had given the two clothes that had been in the lost and found down in the police station. Although Jenna had just met her, the motherly instinct Christine had seemed like something she would imagine her own mother having.
Jenna now wore a casual black dress that went to her knees with a tan coat to keep her warm. The twins looked a lot like Castiel now, not that either knew what Castiel even looked like.
The boy Clark watched the two in curiosity, finding it amusing how they seemed to be on drugs or just literally not normal. The Sheriff finished talking to another cop before making her way over.
"Hope those are all right. Just pulled some stuff from the lost and found. Everything fit? Here" She handed them each a water bottle. "Sit" The two made eye contact before doing so.
"Okay, let's start with the basics. What're your names?" But the two did not hear her, they were too fascinated and focused on the water bottle. "What's your names?" The Sheriff spoke in a slightly more assertive tone, finally getting their attention. Both twins put the bottles down.
"Jack" Christine then looked over at the girl. "Jenna" She answered. "Okay, Jack and Jenna what? What's your last name?" Both nephilim's share the same look of confusion, not understanding what she meant. "Okay, how about where are your parents? Your mother and father?" Images flashed of Kelly Kline in both of their minds, remembering their kind mother who risked her life for them.
"Our mother, she's in heaven. Our father, he was supposed to be here, but he's not. We are trying to find him. We have to find him" Jack explained. "Sure, we can do that. What's his phone number?" Both twins stayed silent. "What about his address? Or his email?" The Sheriff became slightly frustrated.
"Is there anything either of you remember?" Jack and Jenna shared the mental image of Dagon's death, how they shared their powers with their mother and father to burn her. "We remember when the bad woman burned, the universe screamed" The Sheriff and Clark shared concerned looks, Clark signaling that he thought they were insane.
"Okay, I'm gonna take both of your thumbprints, and we're gonna run it through the system. If we get a match we get you two home, yeah?" The Sheriff helped ink and scan their thumbprints, leaving to get them through the system.
Meanwhile, Clark watched as Jack tasted the ink on his thumb, Jenna glared at the ink on her own thumb suspiciously. "Dude, how high are you two?" Clark exclaimed, looking between the twins in amazement. "I don't know what that means" Jack spoke. "Is that bad?" Jenna questioned worriedly.
"It means, um, wasted? Lit? Chonged, blitzed, blasted, blazed, baked? Nothing? No?" Clark realized the two were completely clueless. "Look, I'm not judging you guys. I'm jealous! What are you two on?" Jack thought for a moment before responding. "We're on a chair, on the floor, on the planet Earth" Clark chuckled, thinking their cluelessness was adorable.
"I feel a pain in my stomach like it's angry at me" Clark laughed at Jenna's remark. "You're hungry".
The Sheriff found her son and the twins by the vending machines, Clark was fascinated at how excited they got while trying the junk food. "Hey mom" Clark greeted the hesitant woman. "Uh, are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, they were just hungry. I don't think either of them has ever had candy before" Clark answered, looking at the two.
Jack looked up at the Sheriff. "I like it. I like nougat!" Jack exclaimed with an adorable smile on his face. "I like this!" Jenna answered, holding up a Twix bar.
"Did you see...there's something wrong with the lights" Clark nodded. "It's, uh....." The boy laughed nervously. "It's crazy. Show her the, uhm, thing" Jack used his powers to get the candy out of the machine, Jenna smiled when a package of M&M's fell out in response, opening and eating the bag easily.
"Jack, how did you do that?" The Sheriff was scared for both her and her son. The two seemed harmless, but they could be a potential threat to her son's life.
"I don't know" Jenna then grabbed her head in pain, hearing voices shrieking over what was actually angel radio, Jack following her motions soon after. Both of them accidentally hurt the Sheriff when they were in pain.
Jack helped his sister up, the two leaning on each other for support as they tried to hide from the noise, staggering as they did so. Light bulbs started exploding. "Jack! Make it stop!" Jenna whimpered. Before Jack could do anything, he noticed Dean in the room. "Hey" Jack's eyes glowed a bright color once more, ready to protect both him and his sister like his mother and father wanted him to do. But instead, he was tasered by Sam. "Jack!" Sam then did the same to Jenna, knocking her out.
Jack, Jenna, and Sam were put in a cell together while Dean spoke with the Sheriff. When the twins woke up, both of their eyes glowed and were ready to defend themselves from the bad people.
"Woah, woah, easy, easy!" Sam put his hands up in surrender. "It's okay, you're okay, I'm not gonna hurt you guys" Sam's voice was shaky, a bit afraid of the two. "You already hurt us" Jack recalled. "Yes, I did, I'm sorry. I was just trying to slow you two down. Y-y-you were, uh. Are you two alright?" Sam had never dealt with such powerful creatures that were so young, their powers would soon become more powerful than Lucifer's. He had to be careful.
"I don't, I, I was scared for us. And when we get scared, things happen. We can't stop them" Jack's eyes stopped glowing, Jenna's stayed glowing as if she was trying to show that she wasn't scared, despite the fact that she was. "Why were you guys scared?" Sam asked.
"Because of the voices" Sam inwardly panicked, but he tried not to show it. "They were so loud, so angry" Jack whispered. "Do you two hear them right now?" Jenna and Jack furrowed their eyebrows. "No" Jack stood up. "It's okay, we are safe" He told Jenna, stopping her eyes from glowing.
The two sat on the bench together, Sam sighing in relief. "We're sorry" Sam looked at Jack in shock. "Will you tell them that we're sorry?" Sam nodded. "Yeah, sure, of course" Sam sat pressed against the wall, afraid that he would make the wrong move and panic the two.
"Jack, Jenna, how are you, um......how are we talking right now? I mean, you two aren't even a day old. How do you speak English?" Jack and Jenna both smiled, sharing the memory of when Kelly spoke to them. "Our mother taught us".
"So you two talked to her?" Sam asked. "We were her" Sam remembered when Jack and Jenna gave their powers from Kelly to Castiel to defeat Dagon. "Okay, and your powers. Did she teach you guys those too?" Jack stood up to go feel the wall, Jenna staying curled up into a ball on the bench.
"No, I don't know why these things happen. It's like we're ourselves, but not us" Sam was still afraid, but not as much anymore. "Jack, Jenna, before either of you were born you opened up a door to another world. Do you guys remember that?" The nephilims thought for a moment. "Yes" Both said in unison. "Okay, uh, could either of you do that again?" Sam's eyes went between Jenna and Jack, waiting for one of them to respond.
"I don't..." Jack didn't know what to say, so Jenna spoke up. "We have to find our father, he will protect us" The softness and hopefulness in Jenna's eyes made Sam feel a bit guilty. "You got to listen to me. That's not really what Lucifer does" Jenna tilted her head in confusion.
"Lucifer? No, our father is Castiel" When Sam got confused, Jack started speaking. "Our mother, she said he would keep us safe. She said the world was a dangerous place, that's- that's why we couldn't be a baby or a child. That's why we had to grow up fast, that's why I chose him to be our father" Sam now held no fear towards the twins, but only sadness and empathy. They didn't want Lucifer as their father, it was Castiel who they wanted.
"Where is he?"
"He's dead".
It was all a blur for the twins. Angel Radio was going nuts, hurting them mentally as the angels raided the station. Two angels went to the jail cell that the twins and Sam were in, throwing off the door without even sweating. Sam tried to fight them off, but was thrown to the ground. The angel in the male vessel began to throw punches and such at Sam, the angel in the female vessel went for Jack and Jenna.
When Sam was finally able to get up, the two angels had Jack and Jenna who were holding their heads in pain because of said angels. "Hey!" The two angels turned around. Sam had drawn an angel sigil in the ground with his blood, hitting it which made them disappear. The twins fell to the ground, the hold that the angels had seemed to have vanished.
"Jack, Jenna" Sam got up and went to their sides. When the other angel still left burst into the hallway leading to the cells, Sam grabbed an angel blade as he prepared to fight.
The angel looked at the confused twins in disgust. "Don't" She turned towards Sam. "Or what?" Dean then entered the hall. "Guess" The angel looked between the two brothers, realizing there was no way to get out alive. "Stay away from the kids" Sam threatened.
"You're right" She held her angel blade out towards Sam. "But if you can't have them, no one can" She swiftly stabbed Jenna in the chest thinking it was going to kill her. Sam then stabbed her with another angel blade, killing her.
The two brothers then turned towards Jenna who was standing next to her worried brother. "Jenna, Jenna" The brothers watched in shock as she easily pulled it out, the girl was just as confused as everyone else. "I'm fine".
They had the bodies wrapped up in blankets, the bodies of Castiel and Kelly. They were held up by giant logs of wood as Dean covered them in gasoline.
The feeling inside Jenna's chest, she could not understand it. She missed her mother, the woman who gave up her life for her children that were destined to be evil. And her chosen father who went up against the devil himself and got killed instead.
"Wanna say anything?" Sam asked the twins. "What do you say?" Jack asked in a soft tone, not only feeling his own grief but the grief of everyone around him. "Thank you, you say thank you. And you say you're sorry. You hope they're somewhere without sadness, pain, you hope they're somewhere better" Jack observed the youngest Winchester who tried to stay strong but was obviously broken.
"You say goodbye" Dean got ready to start the fire. "Goodbye Cas, goodbye Kelly, goodbye Crowley, goodbye mom" Sam cut his brother off. "Dean, we don't know if mom" Sam, trying to stay optimistic, was brought down by his brother. "Yeah we do. We do, Sam. Lucifer killed her the moment he realized we trapped his ass, he killed her, you know he did" Sam shook his head in denial.
"She's gone. They're all gone" And with that, Dean started the fire as they held back tears.
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A Hidden Secret(Cancelled)
A boy on his revenge journey with the diagnosis of Neurotransmitters Switch Disorder. Version 1: Sets up the characters that will be the main focus. Version 2: Sets up the beginning mindsets of the main focused characters. Version 3: Sets up the character in-depth to explain why the characters are this way. (This will be longer than all the other Versions.) Version 4: Sets up the proper storyline. Version 5: Continues the proper storyline. Version 6: The Beginning Of The Cold Age. (1:This a reboot of the Cold Heart story which I discontinued on.) (2:This story is split into VERSIONS, not VOLUMES, I do my kind of things and VERSIONS are mainly which had parts of the stories be more explained and more focused on.)
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Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
Edward was reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, an act which excites him giving the fact that this was one of his favorite books. So, he embarks on the path of wizardry in the hope of discovering the way it works, the laws or theories that govern it; he wanted to find its essence. He tries to find the answer to questions like What is the soul. Why can wizards use magic, while muggles cannot? Do bloodlines truly exist? And if so, what use is it to wizards? Could it be the reason that some wizards are born with exceptional talents like Parselmouth or Metamorphmagus? When Edward finally uncovers the answers to these questions he pondered on, he suddenly thought to himself: "Since the world of Harry Potter is real, what about all the other anime, movies, games, and books that I read from my past life? And if they are indeed real, how I can I get there?" This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. Warnings: The MC will spend a great deal of time in the Harry Potter World before going to other worlds.I have not decided whether the [Curse Child] is canon or not. I do not care what JK Rowling said. This is a pseudo-science explanation of magic, so take it with a grain of salt. I am an amateur writer with not-so-good grammar, so any constructive criticism is appreciated. This is a wish-fulfillment and Gary Stu-type novel so read at your convenience. If this is not your kind of thing, then move along and do not complain about it later. Although this fanfic will be a Harem, the mc will not have a thousand women. Most likely, I will write so that he has a certain relationship with some female characters, then he will leave her in her own universe. Only a few will follow him in his journey. Also, a few men will be in his group. THIS IS NOT A YAOI. Disclaimer: All the characters--except the one created by me--belong to JK Rowling.
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Remember the Rules
Uriel doesn't know where she is. Or who she is.All she remembers is her name and two yellow eyes with a deep voice. All she has is a dagger and a small brown notebook with rules about weird things. Things called "Dreamshade" and places called "Neverland." All she knows is that she should follow the rules, or she will get hurt.Rule #1: Try to avoid people, especially people named Peter Pan.Disclaimer: I do NOT own Once Upon a Time or any characters IN Once Upon a Time. All rights go to their rightful owners. ALSO: I will not be sticking closely, if at all, to the plotline of the show, just because.... I can't. I just can't. It's too amazing to change. This work is completely MINE.~Emma
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