《Dragon's Heart (Toothlessxreader)》Saved
"Found you" He said with a confident tone his eyes showed me that he always knew he would find me and truthfully deep inside I knew it too. The sound of his angry voice that dark night echoed inside your mind. My eyes turn to slits as I lowly growl at the Skrill, the main reason behind my nightmares and the one dragon I feared the most. I try to move but the hold of the restraints kept me from doing anything to defend myself from an attack. He begins to break the cage with a little bit of effort making me more cautious about his seemingly new strength.
"Don't.come.closer." You say slowly with a threatening tone, although inside you where frightened and shaking. He paid no mind to what you had said, instead making his way closer to you looking you in the eyes while you stayed in place. Stormfly seemed very worried for you as you can see her fidget and attempt to free herself from her restrains while still keeping an eye on you.
'He's going to kill me now that I have no chance to escape" you think but still know that you are not going out without a fight. You growl and get ready to struggle with every living breath that you had left in you. Ready to attack as he got in front of you his eyes glances around your body looking through your restraints before making eye contact again. His next words make you stop and freeze for a bit in disbelief.
"Let me help you, I am going to get you all out" he says very seriously, your eyes widen in surprise, you notice that it became silent in Stormfly's side, she seemed to be in shock as well. He breaks the chains around you with great force taking your mussel off. You are not buying this, there's no way he is actually helping you out. He leaves you to go towards Stormfly's cage already busy at work breaking it when you snap out of your daze and cautiously moved towards him.
"What are you playing at" You say with in a sharp threatening tone not letting your guard down. He breaks the cage open sliding in to help Stormfly get free while you follow behind to help as well. Stormfly is in high alert already knowing your history with this dragon.
"I know this may seem sudden and you don't trust me but we need to get out of here first after that I will answer any questions you have" He breaks her chains with ease helping her get out of them while you take her mussel off. He turns towards me and sees that I have a skeptical expression on my face.
"I promise I will" He makes his way over to the next cage releasing the dragon there. He kept breaking cages while I helped take out the restrains, never shifting my gaze off of him. As we released the last dragon he led the group to the opening he made. Only then did I notice the noise of fighting and voices above. Once above we see a fight accruing in which there was different kinds of dragons and 2 dragon riders that I do not recognize.
"Come on we have help" The Skrill spoke as he went to aid the dragon riders.
'Toothless' I thought as I helped the others in capturing the Dragon hunters. There seemed to be less hunters than what I saw last time. I go towards the Skrill dragon to let him know about this but then hear someone speak to him first.
"Skrilly"I look towards the person who seems to have scars all over his body and face. He had red hair as well as facial hair, he was on a dragon with sharp features. His colors where yellow and dark brown with a triple tail. "You found the last Dragons" the strange man said very excitedly.
"Its Dagur and Sleuther" Stormfly says from behind me as we fly closer to them.
"You know them?" I glance back at Stormfly with a curious look.
"Yes, don't worry we can trust them" she says with not hesitation in her voice. In an instant some arrows where shot towards us. I was able to dodge but Stormfly seemed to not be able to move. I noticed a chain wrapped around her ankle. My eyes widen in worry as I try to turn and help but then see a blur of electricity flash and shield Stormfly helping her break out of her chain. It was surprising to see him help so willingly. You realize how his whole demeanor is different from the last time you have seen him.
"Nice one Skrilly and is this Astrid's Dragon?" this Dagur person said with a tilt of his head.
"Skrilly?" I ask in a confused tone. Skrilly looked around his surrounding to analyze the situation.
"Yah he called me that once and I guess that name stuck" he said not really worried about it. Everything seemed to die down as all the dragon hunters where captured and placed in one ship.
"Dagur" I heard a female voice say from behind me, I turn swiftly to see a girl with black hair tied in a braid pushed to her right side, fully dressed in metal. She is riding on top of a razorwhip who tilts her head at the sight of me and seems happy to see Stormfly.
"Windshear!" Stormfly says with an excited tone.
"Stormfly good to see you, nice job sparky" she refers to Skrilly in a teasing tone. Before I could ask, Skrilly response to what I was thinking.
"Its a nickname she has for me" He says seemingly irritated.
"What happened Heather" Dagur asked with a smile.
"There still seems to be some ships on the opposite direction of here" She says as she gets closer to Dagur. I think about Toothless and my brothers as she says this making me want to rush there.
"Then we should head out now since they might have gotten really far already" Dagur said as he makes his way towards the direction of the other ships. Other dragons follow us as I stick close to Stormfly still confused with what is going on.
"Are you okay Stormfly your slower than usual" I look at her with concern in my voice.
"I'm fine just a popped muscle" she says as she tries to hide the pain. I don't pursue it any further as I now pay attention to Skrilly being petted and praised by the Dagur person. He senses my stare and turns towards me. I need answers as to what happened to him did these people cause this change? and why is he helping me.
"Why are you helping us? and who are they?" I say as I motion towards the 2 people. He chuckles lightly,
"They are the one's who saved me when I was close to death" he says in a lone but understanding tone? I listened intently as I was curious on what had changed him so much even his personality seemed nicer.
Flashback Skrills p.o.v
The rain fell heavily as I tried to get up to follow the white nightfury and her brothers.
'I had her, she was all mine but they had to ruin it' the hate was evident and I wished to get them back for everything. My wings felt heavy its possible that one was broken since it stung like a bite mark. I crawled towards the exit expanding my wings to fly jumping out the cliff only to fall down tumbling and crashing in some bushes passing out then and there.
In the morning it was gloomy and foggy but being delirious I made my way towards the direction I last saw them heading. I didn't even know how far I have gotten or where I was at the time. I felt hunger and drowsy as more time passed reaching my limit I thought of all the things that have happened in my life. The amount of loneliness I felt and the hurt of rejection. The mistakes that I have done through out my life and how this whole thing seemed stupid. I could hear footsteps surrounding me. Looking up I saw 3 rumblehorn males looking really mad, I must have stumbled into their territory.
"Guess this is the end for me huh" closing my eyes I though for one final time.
'If maybe I could do things differently' I hear the rumbles of all the males heading towards me before feeling myself being lifted up.
"Ohhhh, that would have been painful" An annoying voice cheered out. I look towards the voice to see a person riding a dragon.
'What?' I question as another girl with black hair joined him riding another dragon. The dragons seemed to be doing this out of free will and don't seem to mind.
"Don't worry big guy we got you" She said to me I felt so tired and thankful that I just let them take me wherever they wanted.
We landed in an island where they treated my wounds. They were really gentle and emanated a lot of warmth like how that female nightwing felt at times.
"Wow Skrilly you sure got into a fight" the man covered in scars chuckled as he put ointment in my wounds.
"Yes it seemed like you took quite a hit" the girl with with dark hair and covered in metal said as she covered my wounds with bandages. I growl in embarrassment making a few sparks of electricity come out.
"Whoa Sparky calm down before I make you" I hear the the Razorwhip say in a chuckle. I glare at her a bit annoyed at the nickname.
"You seem to have a temper don't you" she narrows her eyes as she smiles. "We will need to fix that won't we" She said in a determined tone as if she just accepted a challenge.
Flashback ends.
"As time went on they showed me kindness and patience no one really showed me. The more I was around them the more I became one of them." the Skrill dragon explained with no trace of lie in his eyes.
"I see" you say believing him more. Although this did not mean that you would trust him so easily. Still his demeanor and body language has all changed from back then a new Skrill seemed to be in front of you.
"I felt really guilty to everyone who I have been mean to and as I travel with Heather and Dagur I apologize to those I have wronged along the way" his gaze seemed distant as if he was thinking of certain moments in his life.
"I see" I responded, kind of amazed in his transformation.
"You are the main dragon I wanted to apologize to since I caused the most damage to you" he turns his head towards me looking me in the eyes. "I'm so sorry (y/n) about everything, I know you wont forgive immediately for what I did but I hope you know that I would do anything to make it up to you." He said finishing with a bow of his head. Me being a bit shocked at what was happening responded honestly.
"It won't be easy but I will try to forgive you" I say a bit relieved that in the end I won't be hunted by the Skrill Dragon I once new. Skrilly looks at me with thankful and understanding eyes.
"Don't worry If he gets out of line I'll straighten him out" the dragon Windshear spoke confidently. I chuckle at this while moving my head towards her.
"You know I like you already" You respond to her. She chuckles at this as well.
"There they are" you hear Heather say as she points towards the ships.
Toothless P.O.V
There was a moment of silence and tension in the air as we all where in a stand still glaring at those that had trapped us. The Dragon hunters where smirking while others started chuckling being proud of trapping us. They all slowly started to approach us with caution in different directions while we tried our best to back away huddling together we where all back to back.
'Where is (y/n)and Stormfly? I hope they are safe, my thoughts where all about (y/n) and how I only wish (y/n) is alive and well.
'I never got to ask her to be my mate' I think to myself with regret.
Then everyone froze when hearing a commotion outside. The Dragon hunters stopped as well murmuring words like 'what?' or 'what in thor's name.'
I look up hearing a noise like lighting being charged up. Not to later a shot of lightning came through the door causing it to blast into pieces revealing a Skrill and (y/n). Remembering the story (y/n) has told me I became more alert and glared at the Skrill dragon.
(y/n) P.O.V
The view of the other ships come up making everyone separate and go their different ways .In your mind all you can think about is saving the rest of the Dragons and seeing Toothless. Windshear with Heather flew next to me as we aimed at a ship that looked like it was big enough to hold dragons. There seemed to be less Dragon hunters here than there was on the other ships. I instantly went to the bunker with Skrilly next to me, the whole door seemed to be made out of really firm metal like the cages I was trapped in.
"Let me, I'll open it" Skrilly said as he starts to cover himself in lighting shooting a bright hot beam through the door taking it down in an instant. Quickly Skrilly jumped in, with me right behind him seeing Toothless along with the others trapped under dragon resistant nets. Together asses the situation taking down the guards closest to us first me backing up Skrilly in case of any attacks while he goes straight on towards the hunters. When they where all unarmed we helped the trapped Dragons out. Toothless seemed to be confused about the situation and note to myself that I would need to explain everything to him.
"(y/n)!" I hear Toothless roar out with surprise I turn towards him running in front of him licking his cheek before turning towards the door.
"We will catch up later we need to help outside" I say as I fly out with Skrilly next to me.
"That ship seems that it has more dragons, we can circle it and take it down" Skrilly comments already making his way to one side of the ship. I nod already going to the other side of the ship making sure to cover him in any of the attacks being thrown at him by any dragon hunters. He was able to infiltrating the ship easily helping the remaining dragons and dragon hunters escape.
"Thank you" Skrilly tells me as he fly's next to me. You nod your head with a small smile as you land on the ship with the other dragons surrounding the dragons hunters that are tide up in a circle. You could already see Astrid hugging Stormly as she apologizes with tears in her eyes. The first ones running towards you were your brothers and Toothless.
"(y/n)! are you okay?" Silvereyes asked with concerned eyes.
"Yes I am" I respond with a nod.
"Did anything happen to you physically? Mentally?" Your other brothes asks again.
"No I'm okay" you smile towards your other brother.
"(y/n)" You hear Toothless whimpering a bit behind your brothers.
"Toothless I'm fine, you don't need to worry" you say kindly, hearing him sound hurt makes you feel sad inside. Your brothers then stiffen when noticing who landed with you almost instantly going on attack mode shielding you from the Skrill behind you.
"Back off Beast" Firecracker says with detested dark tone in his voice.
"Not one step closer" Silvereyes says in a threatening voice, Toothless catches on to what is happening and gets on the defense as well.
"I'll rip your whole throat open" Toothless says dangerously. Skrilly backs up a bit not wanting to fight.
"Hey wait he's not here to fight" you say as you walk past them next to Skrilly. "He is here to apologize and make things right" you explain to them, all the male dragons in front of you seemed surprised. You turn your head towards Skrilly clarifying something first "Don't think this is me forgiving you, I need to see that you are truly sorry and have changed" making sure not to imply any misunderstandings.
"(y/n) are you sure we can trust him? He did awful things to you" Firecracker said with distrust in his voice. You where about to respond but then Windshear appeared answering very confidently.
"I believe trust is something earned not given, with that being said you should give Skrilly a chance to earn your trust, I have personally been watching his improvement" she lands on the other side of Skrilly with confidence.
"And you are?" Firecracker askes with a tilt of his head.
"She is Windshear, a friend of ours and I trust her judgment."Stormly appears with a small limp.
"Stormfly are you alright?'' Firecracker says with worried eyes.
"Yes its just a limp Skrilly helped me from getting a serious blow" Stormly explains. Everyone seemed less spectacle but is still understandably on alert. We then hear Hiccup speak loudly.
"Okay everyone lets all get back to Berk with all the new Dragons" he begins to leading the way back while we all follow making sure all the dragons are following and don't have any injuries.
"(y/n) I'm so glad your okay" You hear Toothless say to you as you fly next to him. You nudge his check with your own.
"I am glad you are okay as well" You say lovingly wanting to speak to him about everything. But you wish to talk about this in private with him. Instead you take notice of Skrilly who was staggering a bit in his flight, in curiosity you go next to him ask.
"What's wrong?" at the sound of your voice he turns towards you with a calm expression.
"Nothing is-" you interrupt him.
"No your not, you got hurt by an arrow didn't you" You say remembering how he covered Stormfly during the attack. You take notice of the injury on his waist seeing it turn a dark charcoal color.
'Deadly night shade' you think to yourself. Automatically helping him fly by carrying his left side.
"You don't have to" Skrilly says before you interrupt him again.
"I know but I am not letting you die on me before you can get my forgiveness" you say in a joking tone. Skrilly chuckles and nods as he continues to fly. He was then helped on the other side by Stormly.
"Stormly your injured too, you don't nee-" Skrilly started to say before being interrupted.
"Think of it as a repayment for helping me" Skrilly once again nods and lets us continue to fly towards Berk. Once there you and Stormfly take Skrilly to Valka so she can help treat him. Skrilly seemed to like Valka and let her treat him with no complaint. Stormfly was being patched up as well so you wait outside.
"(y/n)" you hear that sweet voice say to you. You turn swiftly.
"Toothless" you respond back as you make your way towards him. His eyes showed relief and tenderness.
"I went to save you but in the end it seems that you both saved me" he said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice. I look at him lovingly making my way in front of him before snuggling against his chest purring to comfort him. He stiffens for a moment, breath hitched for a bit before relaxing.
"Toothless I'm just thankful that you came to look for me and that you are safe, I don't know what I would do without you" you say with tenderness. You feel Toothless lean closer to you calming himself and enjoying the moment.
"(y/n) I need to tell you something, tonight by the oceanside cliff" he says this as he pulls away from me. His eyes showed eagerness and fondness that made me let out a small blush at his serious stature you nod in response. Toothless smiles at you leaning down to lick your cheek before flying away. You continue to smile as you see him leave, you where delighted with the thought about tonight.
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