《Wrongfully His》Chapter 26
by Breaking Benjamin, a video is attached.
This chapter is dedicated to !
I stood directly in the doorway of Jamie's parent's house, ignoring everyone to my right who was surprised by my forceful entrance as my eyes trained in on Carter. He gripped the stair railing tightly cocking his head as his orbs met mine. Though he didn't look afraid like I would have expected instead he looked pretty happy, which bothered me more. Glancing down at Jamie who was two steps under him I took in the horrified expression on her face and the utter devastation that laid in her bright sapphire eyes and I knew it was caused by Carter's big mouth.
I tried to stay away when I knew Jamie was coming here to see him. Something about the way she told me she wanted to Trent led me to believe he wasn't the only one she had on her ammends list. I wasn't mad at her though, I knew Jamie had good intentions. She never wanted to hurt him, and regardless of my personal feelings for him,, I envied her compassion.
Instead of coming myself I sent Brett and Chloe, I knew my sister would watch over her while Brett was the voice of reasoning for his brother. However as fun as hiding in my car a couple of blocks away was, when Chloe told me Carter was about to reveal one of my biggest secrets I knew I had to stop him. He had it all wrong and I knew the fact that I never told Jamie about my highbred family would work against me and make her believe him over me.
My chest was heaving up and down angrily as I allowed myself to fully enter the house and maneuver toward my mate. 'Please come here' I asked her hating how close she was to him and needing her near me. She didn't hesitate as she began to descend down the seven steps, turning herself to look at her family slightly and locking eyes Trent as if wanting to ask him something but couldn't because their wolves were no longer connected.
"I knew you would be close by" Carter chuckled sharply tapping his meaty fingers against the railing. "That was quite the entrance by the way Alpha" he pushed me as I extended my hand to Jamie as she reached the bottom step, she grasped my large fingers as I tugged her over the top of the metal door that was now sitting on the floor due to my powerful kick, until she was directly in front of me.
"What is he talking about Nate? I know you know, that's why you're here" she whispered uneasily squeezing my hand tightly, silently pleading Carter was wrong and I didn't have yet another plan up my sleeve.
"I'm not leaving you, ever" I assured her as she nodded unsure of why Carter would even suggest something so absurd. "Hey" I called out trailing my free hand up her side causing her to shudder from my delight touch, I brushed against her bare collarbone until my thumb and pointer finger could hold her chin. I pushed it upward wanting her to look at me instead of my chest "I love you, okay?" I persuaded wanting her to believe me and not doubt my Genuity.
"I'm disappointed in you Nate, you didn't even tell your own Luna just how special you are" Carter spoke deliberately making a game out of my secrets. "Don't you think she should know who you really are?" He asked rhetorically placing his elbow on the banister and laying his head on it, flashing me a small innocent smile. By this point Brett being the good brother he was moved to the bottom step making sure to plant himself between us so I couldn't get to Carter, at least not without having to move him first.
Pushing the image of punching him from my mind I focused on my distraught mate who knew I was hiding things from her. "What does he mean?" Jamie asked again gulping nervously as her thin dark eyebrows crouched downward causing a slight wrinkle to appear in between them.
"Chloe and I... We are highbreds" I announced honestly as her orbs went wide with confusion "we are full-bred Alphas, that's why we are stronger and bigger then any other" I continued to explain wanting her to understand but not wanting her to fear me or my sister.
"What does that have to do with me?" Jamie queried hastily as she tried desperately to make the connection.
Sighing I prayed she wouldn't react negatively to what I was about to tell her. "The reason we are like this is that every head Alpha in our family was mated to a person with the Alpha bloodline, so each generation would become smarter, faster, stronger" I explained watching a doleful expression stretched across her beautiful features and her sultry pink lips to expand into a straight emotionless line.
"That's why Heather was your mate so you could keep the tradition alive" she murmured pitifully as her wolf filled with unworthiness. I bit my body lip repressing a snarky growl, secretly wishing I had told her sooner instead of having to tell her in front of her entire family who already didn't think highly of me.
"I don't care about having powerful offsprings. I would rather have pups with the girl that I am madly in love with then with anyone else just because they would be Alpha prodigies. The bloodline doesn't mean shit to me" I vowed dragging my hands to her shoulders and giving them both an encouraging squeeze as her partially chapped lips twitched up ever so slightly letting me know she believed me.
"You don't love anyone we both know that. Not your own mate and not your father, your mother..." Carter spat rudely, sarcasm dripping in his words as he attempted to get a rise out of me, and it working. My mood instantly changed as he brought up my mom, suggesting that I didn't love her was ridiculous. Rage fueled my body as he provoked me for the last time. If Carter was aiming to piss me off he succeeding and now I was coming for him. "Now look Nate, you're hurting your Luna, again" he cooed mockingly, lifting his dark bushy eyebrows as he gestured his head to my hold on Jamie's shoulders which was now tight and powerful without me even realizing it. Instantly I let her go pulling back my shaky hands not believing I could be so oblivious to harm her again.
Having had enough of him and his wise mouth, I sidestepped around Jamie and gripped Brett's arms tossing his body out of my path effortless hearing him tumble to the floor behind me. Carter's brown orbs widened drastically as he realized he had seriously pissed me off and there was no going back.
"Go ahead hit me, I have nothing else to lose" he offered not straying away instead of keeping his feet firmly planted on the wooden steps glaring back at me as he puffed out his chest. "Come on Nathaniel" he empathized the name he knew hurt me to hear "you know you want to. Hit me" he encouraging lifting his eyebrows tauntingly. "Hit me for sleeping with Heather, hit me for loving Jamie, hit me for your dad dying" he pressured moving down one step so he was now my height. Cocking his head slightly to the side pushing me to the edge of no return he grinned teasingly as my heavy breathing was so deafening I could barely hear Jamie's pleads and Chloe screaming orders for Carter to stand down. 'Hit me for your mom not loving you enough to stay' he spoke secretively his voice barely above a whisper.
Hearing an order from my wolf to strike I didn't hesitate as I lifted my already formed first and collided it into his tight, tense stomach, knocking the wind from his body. He stumbled back from the impact his ankles smashed against the back of the next step as he clutched the area to block it from another swing. Punching Carter felt so right, so overdue, so empowering. "I guess there is still a glimmer of the strong and powerful Alpha in that steroid looking body" he continued to tease when he regained his breath. "The big bad wolf ladies and gentlemen!" He announced squealing with fake excitement in the process as I hit him again, this time my first meeting his nose. His body slumped on the stairs as he gulped, his Adam's apple bopping up and down sporadically.
"Nate stop! Please!" Jamie begged me from behind me but at a far enough distance to where she wouldn't become collateral damage. Ignoring her I cocked my arm back and pounded his face, over and over watching the dark ruby-colored blood pour from his eyes, forehead, nose, and mouth followed by random cracks of his bones and whines that escaped his lips yet I didn't stop.
"I'm so tired of you having everything and acting like a spoiled brat!" I yelled grabbing a hold of his wet t-shirt in my fist and yanking his body upward with little effort. "You deserve this Carter! You deserve to feel real pain!"
Holding him up to where he was just slightest above me I stared at him with more hate then I had for anyone in my entire life. This pathetic excuse for a man was supposed to be my right hand and yet the thought of crushing his windpipe crossed my mind. Barely opening his mouth he blew letting his blood laced spit hit my face. 'Maybe I do but you just proved my point. You're unstable and violent' he smirked informing me that this was all some sick plan to make everyone think I was a loose cannon considering he didn't say the bit about my mother out loud so no one else had any idea it took place. I released his shirt letting him fall to the ground but he caught himself in a squatting position.
I spun around quickly to look at Jamie, her sapphire eyes already focused on me, wide and alert as she huddled in the corner, my sister holding her back. Seeing the terrified look on her face when she saw me crushed me, I never want her to be afraid of me yet now I did just that. I didn't even try to explain myself to her, I doubt she wanted to hear it. I trotted down the rest of the steps and maneuvered around her dad and Wyatt who were standing by in case I went after anyone else. Stepping on the door I made my way back outside disregarding the crowd that had to begin to gather, all of their eyes focusing on my bloody being.
"Nate!" Jamie called anxiously and I heard her shuffling about, probably ready to tell me off.
"Jamie stop!" Her dad yelled at her mom cried from the horror she had just witnessed. "You can't trust him" he hissed making me realize I really did ruin all the progress I had made in showing both them and Jamie I wasn't this ferrous beast.
"Nate" she called again weakly grabbing my upper arm right above my elbow. I jerked from her hold as I turned around awaiting her to tell me she was done with me. "Don't run away from me" she ordered sternly lifting up the hem of my shirt and folding it upward to wipe Carter's bloody spit from my face.
"I'm sorry" I admitted my eyes flashing over her serious orbs and her puffy usher cheeks. "I didn't mean to hurt you or lose control I'm just so tired-"
"You don't have to explain anything to me or anyone" she murmured brushing the fabric over my eyelids before allowing it to fall to its original position. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have come here" she whispered taking responsibility and though I could agree with her I knew she didn't intend for this to happen.
"I have a lot to tell you, Jamie, things I should have told you before officially making you my Luna" I admitted lowly letting my head fall to the floor, ashamed that I wasn't honest with her from the beginning. "But maybe Carter is right, maybe I am too unstable and you shouldn't be around me" I voiced the hardest thing I have ever had to say. "I could never live with myself if I hurt you."
"You won't, not unless you leave me..." She fought as I remained quiet not knowing what the right thing was to do. "You promised!" She shrieked smacking my stomach with the back of my hand. "We are a team now and I don't care who supports it and who doesn't. It's me and you until the end of time, so stop trying to convince yourself otherwise" Jamie reprimanded using her authoritative tone on me as I reached around her gripping the back of her head and yanking her body into mine. I rested my chin on top of her head calmling my wolf as I played with the ends of her long silky hair.
'I love you so fucking much' I vowed as her hands wound themselves around my waist, her lengthy fingers rubbing against my back soothingly.
The situation we were in was complex but her emotions were crystal clear. She blamed herself for coming here and for trying to talk things out its Carter. If she hadn't done that the beating would not have occurred. She was right.
Despite the blame she put on herself she still held Carter accountable for his part. Then again she was quick to reason away his shift in mental stability just as she was mine.
My feelings for Carter were cut and dry. It was the lingering care her wolf felt that caused such disarray to ensue.
We sat just holding onto one another in the lawn pretending my temporary relapse didn't just take place until we were cut off from our state of bliss. "Alpha, Luna, I need to speak with you" Wyatt's father spoke up having his son at his side. Lifting my head up Jamie spun around to face them though when I noticed Carter peeking out of the front door holding an ice pack to his eye I grabbed ahold of Jamie's waist pulling her back until she was completely pressed up against me in case anyone attempted anything funny.
"That can't happen again" he continued gesturing his head behind him to Jamie's parent's house. "We've discussed it and Nate," he sighed nervously taking a small step back "you're forbidden from ever coming back on La Meute de La Lune Bleue territory again. If you come back without an invitation we will see it as a threat and will not hesitate to attack."
"You can't do that!" Jamie squealed wanting to defend me. "If he's not welcome then neither am I!" she huffed stubbornly taking my side like the perfect Luna she was.
"Don't be stupid, he's bipolar who knows who he will go after next!" Wyatt exclaimed bringing his eyes to mine as he spoke as though wanting to watch me in case I took a swing at him. Let's face it everyone was being a bit dramatic. I punched Carter a few times I didn't let me wolf sink his teeth into him or anything. "If you decide to stay with him then so be it but he's already proven to you he will never change."
"You guys don't see his progress because you don't want to! Look at me, look at Carter" I shuttered hearing her say his name "we are all guilty participants" she wailed her arms about angrily as her voice cracked. Her guilt grew as she said this, she didn't believe Carter was a monster. She saw the good in him just like she did with me, ignoring our faults.
"They're right" I agreed with them for the sake of ending the argument. "But if we are basing decisions on today's actions, you can't come here alone, I don't want you around Carter" I informed Jamie calmly as her head snapped up to look at me as if trying to decide if this was really happening. I was trying to let Jamie make her own decisions when it came to helping Carter heal but he just proved to everyone that he wasn't giving up on her, and he would go to any extent to make me pay, even if that meant hurting her. So I'm putting my foot down, for her own good. "You guys are more than welcome to come to Paquete de Luna de Sangre along with George, Mary, and Trent but Carter is done, he's free to become your problem now" I concluded officially releasing my "Beta" from being under my wing once and for all.
Hello beautiful! ;) I seriously wrote this chapter three times with three different endings. XD I was rather indecisive. I hope it turned out good! I'm super nervous about what you guys with think so please let me know?
Do you think it was accurate for Jamie to say Carter is the real monster?
If you enjoyed this chapter PLEASE !
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