《Wrongfully His》Chapter 25
The song for this chapter is byHe Is We, this song is perfect for Carter, a video is attached!
This chapter is dedicated to
I want to thank you all once again for all your support with this story, you guys are truly amazing and I love you!
"It's nice to see you still alive" Carter muttered heartlessly as he gripped the railing of the stairs tightly causing the wood to crack from his extreme hold. His sunken eyes shifted to Austin taking him in from head to toe as he lifted his nose and sniffed deeply in the air, trying to place the scent that he knew was familiar. "I know you're human but..." He trailed off realizing he had just admitted we weren't human without knowing if Austin knew of our kind. His slip up instantly told me that his senses were weakened probably due to everything that took place recently.
"Carter, can we talk?" I asked biting down on my bottom lip as a nervousness crept through me. His dark orbs slowly moved back to me, an evil look laying in them as they penetrated into mine intently as though he was looking right through me.
"No" he spat harshly. "I have nothing to say to you" he growled his square jaw tensing up as he spoke and descended down the last few steps. I figured Carter wouldn't be so welcoming but I didn't think he would be as standoffish as he was. My heart began to ache from the disapproving looks he was giving me but I couldn't blame him for feeling the way he did. "Who is he?" He more ordered than asked keeping himself focused on me.
"Austin" I whispered lowly. Even though I had never told him Austin's name he seemed to know who he was, someone must have filled him in. A confused look etched itself on his face as his forehead wrinkled as he tried to place why the scent was familiar. "Please talk to me, I want to explain."
"Explain?" He laughed irritably. "What could you possibly have to say? That you loved Nate the entire time? That he makes you feel whole? That his touch completes you?" He rambled on, his sculpted chest moving at an increased speed when he said Nate's name. "Don't forget Jamie I was connected to you when you fucked him so I already felt all the details."
Hearing his words my body stiffened immediately, my shoulders standing firm and high as my teeth clamped together and I stifled a whine. Stepping forward I placed my hand beside his on the banister causing his breathing to increase as he stared at my long thin fingers close to his. "I'm sorry" I apologized truthfully, not wanting Carter to feel any more pain then I had already caused him. Slowly he moved his shaky sweat layered hand until it laid on top of mine and give it an encouraging squeeze. As though he heard the sincerity in my voice and was silently telling me it was okay. 'Please Carter just hear me out' my wolf spoke to him softly and gently.
"Alright let's talk" he beckoned gesturing his head up the stairs to where we could speak in private. I nodded as he removed his hand from mine and turned his body to go up. Though as I rounded the railing a voice pulled me from my thoughts.
"Jamie" Chloe called out almost pleadingly as I spun back to see her bright periwinkle blues staring into mine a warning evident in them not to follow Carter. "No" was all she said as if I was going to blindly obey her. Don't get me wrong I respected Chloe and I liked her but speaking to Carter was something I needed to do, for me.
"I didn't ask for permission" I spoke impartially as she went bug-eyed realizing she had lost control over me and couldn't order me not to follow him.
'Nate wouldn't want you alone with him' she spoke telepathically through our wolves quietly trying to guilt me into listening to her fearing that Nate would be upset with me.
My eyes scanned her flushed cheeks and mashed lips as she looked back at me beggingly.'If Nate didn't want me talking with Carter he would be here, not you' I told her sternly feeling Carter staring directly into my profile as if trying to read my features and figure out what Chloe and I were saying.
'Jamie, I love my brother but you know Nate will get angry, we don't need that' Brett reasoned making my neck to snap to the side until our eyes locked. He began to blink rapidly just to avoid my gaze even if just for a second. Ignoring both of their pleas I turned back to Carter flashing him a small shameless smile as he did an about face and continued up the stairs but not before looking to my family for approval.
Surprisingly he didn't make his way to my bedroom like I had assumed instead he opened the second door on the hall, the family office. The room was the smallest in the house hence why it wasn't mine or Trent's room but it was big enough to fit a decent amount of furniture. His woodsy scent laced throughout the room letting me know this was where he had been staying. The futon was no longer folded up into a couch instead it was opened as blankets and clothing were scattered across in a messy fashion.
"Brett brought them to me" he murmured picking up a pair of jeans and tossing them to the side so I could sit. "He didn't want to go behind his back and bring them to me but he was too afraid to ask" instantly I connected the dots that he meant Nate and Brett bringing his belongings.
"Nate wouldn't keep your clothes from you" I assured him as his head drifted up to meet mine, a hateful scowl dominated his handsome face.
"Please don't say his name, it's bad enough I have to smell his stench on you" Carter begged as I took the spot next to him on the bed, our legs brushing against one another's causing him to pull back and scoot his body a safe distance away. "You don't have to come here and try to make me feel better Jamie, I get it. You want him, he's better than me" he whistled insecurely resting his forearms on his thighs and clasping his hands together tightly.
"He's not better than you Carter, you're wonderful" I promised pushing my head out to peek around his profile and get a glimpse of his eyes. "I'm sorry. I truly never wanted to hurt you."
"But you did" he snapped unable to keep his emotions in check and consistent, letting out a frustrated groan as he beat his fists against the top of his knees. "You broke me just like he wanted!" His voice now escalated as it echoed through the narrow room. His eyebrows knit together as he hopped up from the bed and ran his hands through his dark hair pulling roughly on it. "Do you know how I felt when you left me?" He whispered after a moment of complete and utter silence. I wanted to stop him, I couldn't bear to hear about the turmoil I put him through but he needed to get it out.
"My wolf was stirring inside of me but not angrily, not like he wanted to come out and kill. Instead, he was in a severe panic, like every ounce of him was being drained away. I screamed, I cried. My heart felt like it was literally being burned from the inside out, and there was nothing I could do about it" he explained quietly looking off at the wall as he shook his head. "We trusted you with our entire selves and you brushed us away like we were nothing" Carter now lifted his head to look at me once more, his sharp cloudy orbs held mine desperately and I couldn't break the contact. "You were the one person I was supposed to be able to depend on, you were supposed to be there for me, for us" he blinked causing a few stray tears to fall down his cheek and officially breaking my heart. Swiftly he turned away so he was facing the computer desk as he wiped the evidence from his face, as though he was too embarrassed to let me see him break down. He let his body fall forward toward the desk, his palms gripping the wood tightly as it held him up.
Without thinking I stood up and made my way to him. Wrapping my arms around his torso I hugged him tightly as he struggled in my hold. "Don't!" He yelled using all of his might to try to tear me from him but I kept my fingers entwined. "You don't get it, Jamie! It hurts!" He hollered digging his nails into my wrists breaking the skin in an attempt to rip me from him but I refused to let him go.
"Carter just relax" I cooed resting my head against his back as he tried to shake me off, trashing his head about aimlessly.
"Stop!" He ordered sternly his voice reaching a new high as he squealed like a captured pig pleading for his life.
'Whats happening?' Nate's panic filled voice ran through my brain causing me to gulp nervously and I knew either Brett or Chloe gave in and told him what was going on not to mention I knew he could feel my guilt and sadness.
'Its fine just please let me do this' I replied easily and he remained silent no longer trying to get clues.
Carter continued to jerk about though the more he squirmed the tighter I held him. Until his body just collapsed and he landed on his knees pulling me down with him. I released my grip on him as he buried his head in his hands and let out a long exaggerated whimper followed by a heartbroken howl from his wolf.
Once his cries began to die down I maneuvered my body so I was sitting in front of him. I grabbed his hands and pulled them from his face revealing his swollen bloodshot eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?" He wailed sounding an awful lot like I did when I asked Nate the very same thing. As he relaxed, he rested his body on mine, confirming my thoughts. Even though we weren't together my wolf comforted his and in some sick way, be both knew the way to heal his pain was through me.
"I'm not letting you go through this alone" I asseverated solemnly as his once slumped shoulders broadened and a ripple went through his shirt from his muscles flexing.
"Alone? You caused this Jamie. You did all of this..." Carter trailed angrily not understanding where I was coming from. "You left me and now you think we can just be friends? I can barely stand to look at you, but when you were holding me I felt that pain all over again. Your touch is something I craved but you'll never give it to me, not the way I want. Even if it calms me it's not the same..."
I stroked my chin nervously letting his words sink in. To me, being here was helping me, showing him that I truly didn't want to hurt him. However, to Carter, the mere sight of me sent him into an uncontrollable whirlwind of emotions. "I don't want to abandon you, you still mean a lot to me" I admitted feeling the tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.
He sighed dramatically looking down at his lap as his brown hair fell into his face. Hugging his shoulders inward he began to shake his head from side to side as though he didn't believe my words. "Not enough," he said quietly tucking his chin to his chest in a defensive way. "It's over now. You made your choice, you're with him..." Carter trailed off sadly as I placed my hand on his knee only for him to grip my wrists and throw it away. "You are his Luna for fuck's sake! You are my mate and his Luna!" He hollered unbelievably as his bottom lip began to quiver.
Seeing Carter in this state was worse then I could have imagined. He wasn't okay, and I don't know if he would ever be. To see a grown man, a mentally and physically strong man crumble before my eyes, because of me was pure torture. Carter didn't deserve what happened to him, no one does. Nervous he would push me away I slowly moved closer brushing his hair from his face followed by the glistening tears that had fallen down his splotchy cheeks. Surprisingly he didn't usher me away, he just sat their his body slumped in front of me as if he was too exhausted to fight me anymore. "I can't do it, Jamie."
"Do what Carter?" I pried scooting my body to the left in order to be parallel with him.
He picked up his head dragging his eyes back to mine once more, the gold flecks in them no longer twinkling instead they were barely noticeable. "I can't be around you" he sniveled shifting his body up so he was now perched on his knees. "Knowing you belong to Nate, it's disgusting. I can't stand it" he divulged sharply. I opened my mouth to protest but he quickly cut me off. "Please let me finish" he wailed as I nodded. "You breaking our bond didn't change anything for me. I still love you with all of my heart" he leaned down bringing his round face right in front of mine, our noses almost touching. "Nothing is going to make me love you any less. The scar on your nose still angers me, the hickeys on your neck make me want to puke, and his scent is so strong on you it's nauseating. Being around you is killing me" he groaned truthfully through clenched teeth as he bared them.
I bowed my head understandingly. I didn't want to dessert Carter. Even though my wolf and I didn't want to be with him there was still a connection there. A connection that proved to be unbreakable even after our initial bond was. I wanted to help Carter and at first I thought that was talking with him and explaining but that's not what he wants, he can't handle it and I'll have to deal with that. I made my decision to be with Nate and now regarding my friendship with Carter I was letting him call the shots. If it is too hard for him I will back off and give him the space he wants. "I don't want to hurt you anymore" I stated honestly again, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted me to do in order to help him heal.
"You have to leave him Jamie" Carter pleaded our conversation taking a turn for the worse. "You said it yourself you still care about me, I will do anything to make you love me, anything" his voice squeaked as he begged me sounding desperate just for my acceptance. His uncertain rough hands grabbed my face on either side as his thumbs stroked over my cheekbones. "You came here for a reason Jamie." No, this isn't what I wanted. I wanted to help Carter in any way that I could except leaving Nate. I can't and I won't do that.
Pulling on his forearms I attempted to remove myself from his hold but a torn look dominated his face as his confusion grew. "I want to help you Carter not be with you" I murmured my voice barely loud enough to be heard.
"Why do you love him?!" He screamed heartbrokenly "He's only going to destroy you!" He vowed as I pushed his chest with all the power in my body shocking both of us with my actions.
"He's not the guy you think he is!" I fought him back my wolf becoming enraged and fueling my anger as I fought to make him understand the real Nate, the guy who has been broken and who longs for love. He needed to know Nate was filled with just anger and hate, he still had a gentler, caring side within him he just needed someone to help him bring it out.
"No Jamie, you're just blinded by your marking. He's a barbarian" Carter snarled as I went to stand up and leave, having heard enough of his bashing on Nate but he had other plans as he pushed me back down forcing his body on top of mine and sat on my thighs so I was unable to move.
"Stop!" I ordered using my authorities tone which he ignored.
"I listened to you" he muttered waiting a minute before speaking again to see if I would I object. "He's the anti-Christ, look at what he did to you" he tossed my hair from my neck and placed two fingers over my still bruised skin causing me to wince my wolf not liking the feeling of this skin on that special spot. "You only love him because he claimed you and that's a fact. He knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. I don't care what Lynn told me I know you loved me and-"
"What did Lynn tell you?" I pried cutting him off the desire to know overwhelming me.
His bushy eyebrows furrowed together as he watched me stare at him with confusion. "She said you always wanted Nate, you loved him and you weren't afraid of him."
"She's wrong" I promised as his reddened lips twitched up in the corners ever so slightly. " I did love Nate then too I didn't want to but I did, and I do love you, Carter, it's just... Different" I explained unsure of how to really differentiate my feelings for the two. "I care about you but I'm just not in love with you."
"How can you say you don't love your own mate? People always go back to their mates Jamie. You will never be fully happy with him, he can't offer you the same devotion I can" Carter fought me wanting me to understand. He was wrong though, Nate was my mate, chosen or not he was now my other half.
"He's not this evil guy you think he is. If he was so bad he wouldn't let me be here talking with you now" I reasoned dryly as he scoffed harshly.
"You see things all wrong Jamie, he's trying to make it look like he wants you to be free and do what you want by not tagging along but in fact, he's watching you very closely that's why Chloe and Brett are here" he rambled off, having a good point. Nate just wanted to keep me safe, it wasn't about watching me, he doesn't understand.
"You have to stop saying he's bad it's only hurting me more and tearing my family away from me" I pleaded stroking his arms encouragingly that was still clutching my face, his hold only tightening from my protective words.
"You mean like you took mine from me?" He hissed spit spewing out of his mouth confirming to me that he really lost everything for a chance to be with me. I shook my head to object but he wouldn't allow it "you did Jamie, don't deny it! My own mother is too afraid to visit me because she thinks there will be repercussions. Brett is the only one who's safe because of Chloe."
"He's not like that Carter! Nate doesn't want to see you suffer." Anymore I thought lowly. I can't deny who Nate was or what his intentions were but now I don't think he has any interest in Carter.
"That's exactly what he wants!" He huffed his grip on my face becoming unbearable causing me to let out a slight painful squeal and him to release my face. "I'm sorry" he brushed his fingers over the damaged skin looking worried and ashamed that he had psychically caused me pain.
"Please Carter" I whined "please stop saying those things about him he's not like that" I assured him and myself as I continued to plead my case. "You hurt him too! You sleeping with Heather tortured him, you crushed his spirit-"
"Not on purpose! Him claiming you was on purpose. He planned the entire thing out! He saw us together and he sent me away so he could take you, why won't you see that?!" He yelled aggressively beating his fist into the wall behind my head repeatedly as I bowed my head in shame and the waterworks started once again, flooding my face with the saltiness.
- In Serial31 Chapters
Come over
17+ This is my first story, please message me with suggestions of any storiesAlso please vote/follow if you like!!Best ratings:#1 Fanfiction#1 Ghostface #1 Slasher#1 Face#1 Billy#1 Student#1 Scream #1 Loomis
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I transmigrated into my drama character! [Translation]
Wei Wuxian was a genius among geniuses in the cultivation world. Not only was he strong when he still followed the 'right' path, but he also created another kind of cultivation after losing his golden core, using the resentful energy. He was always the focus of all sects, yet he still proved that no matter where you get your power from, it can be used for good and for evil. However you see it, you have to admit that he is a legend and ...Xiao Zhan ... well, he is healthy, he knows how to act, sing, dance, design and not much. He was the one who played the character of 'Wei Wuxian' in The Untamed. So he never thought that one day he would be able to be 'The Yiling Patriarch' in body and soul.From the second zero, Xiao Zhan is clear that he does not want to die and be reborn. If he can help it, he doesn't even want to touch a sword. What he hates the most is pain, and yes, his goal is to survive whatever it takes.Even if he has to change the story to preserve your little life.• MPREG• This story is based on the other series The Untamed, it will follow that chronological order more than the novel The Master of Demonic Cultivation.NOTESHello guys, so this is my first translation, the original fanfiction is in Spanish written by @Rin_Ling9, the title is '¡Transmigré en mi personaje de drama!'. If you like the plot please don't forget to go to the original fanfiction and also leave your votes there. If you find any mistake while reading you can comment or dm me, or if I don't update quickly enough you can also write me. Without further ado enjoy the reading, don't forget to vote and comment!
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A LOVE STORY THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO VERY SIMPLE...YET DREAMY AND BEAUTIFUL... :) BUT WAS MADE COMPLICATED BY CIRCUMSTANCES... :( (Continue to read the prologue)LANGUAGES: English, Hindi (All languages typed in English with necessary translations)I am again here with my other work on MAANEET (MAAN & GEET) my favorite evergreen Jodi from my all time favorite show GEET HUVI SAB SE PARAYI (GHSP)IMPORTANT NOTE FROM AUTHOR (LAKSHMI VK)A) This story and the contents is purely fictional. Bares no resemblance to any person, incidents or historical/past events what so ever.B) Copyrights:Being Author of this story, I declare that this story has not been copied or inspired by other writers...At the same time, I restrict my story to be copied or re-posted until a permission is obtained by me. ALSO NOTE THAT I HAVE BEEN POSTING MY FAN FICTIONS ON INDIA FORUM WEBSITE AND RE-POSTING ON WATTPAD. WILL BE SLOW WITH MY RE-POSTING SO THAT I GET EQUALLY GOOD RESPONSE FROM WATTPAD READERS AS WELL. :) :) :)
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MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)
We return to Broken Demons MC. After The Sons of Satan were wiped out things returned to normal until Knuckles had to go to Montana after the death of his Uncle. He returns with his cousin Indigo. Indigo has a hidden past not even Knuckles knows about, she hides from the world because that's the only way she feels safe. Bullet is the Vice President of Broken Demons MC. He loves his life at the club, but is becoming envious of the family life president Killer now has. Will be find a woman he can build a life with or will he continue with a different club whore every night?***Trigger Warning. This story discusses sexual abuse, mental illness and self harming, not a subject I take lightly, it is close to my heart, as are all the topics in my books.***
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messages // frerard
frankyoass: 😤😤✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 traitorslay.gee: yOUrE A MINORfrankyoass: IM TURNING 18 SOONslay.gee: i knOw BUT JUST REMEMBER THAT I AM TAKENHighest Ranking;#477 in Fanfiction 2/5/16#23 in mcrfanfic 5/28/18#20 in mcrfanfics 5/9/18#7 in mcrfanfics 2/22/192019 note: this book was created when i was in seventh grade. as a grown writer, my writing skills have drastically improved and im well aware of the poor plot and horrible grammar. thank you!©h0lydun (2015)
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Eccentric In Apocalypse (Bl)
Time travel.This is unscientific and nobody can tell if it's true or not.But the Boy travel back in time before the whole Zombie Apocalypse occur.His Borther is gay and their parents are against their son's relationship with his gangster's boyfriend but in Apocalypse, he is the first--no,the only one who reach out to help their family.Thanks to him they didn't got eaten when the zombie beseige the capital.But thanks to their domineering parents and his own brother's selfishness.The gangster have fall out with him and find a lover who apparently have a space power and has so many great supplies (who knows where he gets them).In anger, his brother and family didn't follow the Gangster's group despite the gangster promise that even though they broken up he will still protect him.So they leave with pride and died instantly.And him?He is the younger brother.■■My original work■■
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