《Wrongfully His》Chapter 4
The song for this chapter is " by Mary McGregor. This song is beautiful so if you can give it a listen. :)
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My heart ached at the thought of no longer being a part of the pack I grew up in but for now, I needed to focus on a bigger task: getting away. 'Carter' I blurted back in a panic, needing to hear his voice.
'What do you want me to do? Jamie, we can leave if you want.' he rushed out as I bite my lip. Could we just leave? Would Nate simply let us walk out of the door without putting up a fight? Not likely.
'What about your family? I couldn't ask you to leave them.' The thought alone breaks my heart. 'Carter' I called back but he did not respond. Sighing I began pacing around the room looking for something I could use to free myself or at least use as a weapon.
*Carter Stone*
I could not even respond to Jamie before the devil himself trotted back into my room. A smug smile laid on his face as he looked me over distastefully as though I was some useless Omega and not his Beta and former best friend. Only hours ago, the two of us were hanging out, talking about the good time we would have at Toxic but now everything changed.
"You should just stop while you're ahead. You're bound to get hurt" Nate advised as though he was a friend looking out for me as he leaned against my doorframe using his forearm that was above his head to support his weight. I wanted to yell, wanting to bash his face in but I knew I would not win. I knew Nate well enough to know how to handle him and that was not the way.
"You're wrong. You think just because you are Alpha and can bark orders out to everyone that you can make her love you" I hissed hatefully "but you cannot. For once your superiority won't work." How could someone do something like that?! I know the two of us were not always on the best of terms but that was all personal we never let it affect the pack. As much of a dick as Nate could be, he was still my Alpha and I would protect him with my life though clearly, the feeling was not mutual.
My eyes narrowed instantly as he laughed humorously as though I had told a joke. "No, I can't make her love me" at least we agree on this "but she will fall for me" he stated confidently making me cringe at the thought of them together. I felt powerless as I watched Nate. He was bigger, stronger, and faster than I was not to mention his ranking outweighed mine easily. My skin grew hot as I stared at him, it felt as if I was literally being burned from the inside out.
"Why couldn't you just leave her out of this?" I yelled unable to control myself any longer. As my voice rose his eyebrows lifted obviously amused with how he was getting under my skin.
His lips turned upward as he smirked, a certain pleasure strolling through him as he destroyed those around him. "What better way you get you back then with your mate?" Nate asked rhetorically as he shrugged carelessly which made me wish he were not my leader so I could deck him right in the face, again. In fact, if given the chance I may aim for much more than a punch.
"What about the pack?" I blurted as he flashed me a confused look, so I continued. "You didn't think this would affect everyone? That is the problem Nate you never think you just react. Like Heather-"
"Shut up!" He screamed at me instantly controlling the room to gain power over what was being talked about. "I told you never to bring her up again" he seethed, baring his teeth at me. Did he truly think his true mate would never come up in the conversation attempts his plan played out?
"I don't care Nate you marked my mate!" I bellowed back hearing my wolf growl in the process. Where my attempts at trying to reason with Nate or right his wrong my wolf wanted nothing more than to shred him limb from limb. "You decided to deny Heather that was not my choice, but you literally took Jamie from me! "I added on, wanting him to realize that he caused all of this. Angering him, even more, his arms began to shake.
"How could I have been with Heather after what you did-"
"It wasn't like that and you know it!" I quickly defended my actions as he stepped closer to me feeling challenged as his shoulders stiffened letting me know his wolf wanted to come out and play. That makes two of us. He stood over me showing off his abnormal size to intimidate me but that wasn't going to work, not this time. I was aware of my flaws when it came to comparing the two of us, but I had one thing that Nate didn't, a heart.
Shifting his head, he made sure he had a good look at me. His jaw twitched as he watched me both of us dying for the other to throw the first punch. "Well marking Jamie was like that and when she comes around you are going to have to watch us together every day" he whispered his voice cold and harsh as his blue pools shinned with pleasure as they burned into mine. I wanted so badly to jump on him, to hit him repeatedly and ignore the consequences that I knew would follow but I did not. Attacking him would only get me banned meaning that I would no longer be on the same land as Jamie and would have no hope of protecting her. Taking my silence as a cop-out instead of a calculating plan he laughed, loving the control he had.
* Jamie Watson *
Having no luck finding anything useful in the room I started to worry about Carter. Why did he go silent? Why was his body swirling with resentment and guilt? 'Carter please answer me' I continued to pry as he ignored me. I paced around Nate's room my heart racing as I thought of how to get out. I rubbed my hands together, unable to sit and stay put. I needed to get to Carter.
Could Nate have hurt him? Would Nate do that? He did not have many boundaries, so it seemed plausible. 'Jamie' his voice filled my brain, making me jump slightly.
'Are you okay?!' I asked him eagerly though judging by his wolf's emotions, he was not. I could imagine his nose crinkled up, and his eyebrows mashed together as he tried desperately to figure out what to do.
"I told you not to talk to him" Nate's dominant voice spoke from behind me causing me to gasp and jump to where I was facing him. How did he know I was talking to Carter?! "I could tell by the glossy look in your eyes" he answered my mental questioning, a sour expression taking over his features.
"You can't keep me from talking to my mate" I emphasized the last word as he sighed taking a seat on his bed in the process. He stared off at the wall for a moment before resting his head in his large hands.
"Not tonight Jamie please" Is he serious?! I watched with wide eyes as he leaned down and untied his sneakers. How is he so calm about what he did? "I've had a long night, as have you so can we please go to sleep and tomorrow we can argue?" He proposed suspiciously, raising his head to see my reaction. His iris' a gunmetal blue that seemed both beautiful and manipulative at once.
"Are you kidding?!" I shrieked tossing my hands about in a careless manner "You created this mess!" I yelled as he unbuttoned his jeans causing my breathing to stop immediately. "What are you doing?" I squealed turning quickly so I was no longer facing the half-naked jerk.
"I am getting ready for bed" he stated easily seeming unsure of my outburst. Suddenly he let out a small chuckle that only lasted a few seconds "Am I making you nervous, Jamie?" Nate purred seductively his voice becoming louder as he got closer to me. I could feel his enormous being standing directly behind, almost close enough for our skin to brush.
My mouth grew dry as I attempted to keep my wobbly knees at bay. "No" I lied. Hell yeah, I was nervous, he was taking his pants off right in front of me! God only knows what he would do next.
"You shouldn't be" his masculine tone continued to flow into my ears as his breath fanned my face from behind. His hand lifted trailing up my back slowly. "One day we will-"
I did not want to hear what he would say. I did not want to think that his theory could be a future possibility for me. "Don't even say we will be together Nate, you're not my mate" I stammered with frustration jumping away from him. He almost seemed hurt by my standoffish behavior. His lips formed a slight pout that would nearly be unseen had I not been studying his face rather closely.
"Tell me Jamie does your wolf agree? Though I am sure she would have rather been with Carter at first, now she wants my wolf, doesn't she?" He pondered dauntingly, his voice turning soft and sweet which was unlike how he has ever been with me. I bit my bottom lip wanting to say she did not have a liking for his wolf, but I knew lying was pointless when he could feel it.
I could not listen I knew he was just manipulating me. "I don't care" I murmured stubbornly ignoring his question as I turned my face away from him and instead stared at the gray wall hoping and praying that someone would bust through it and rescue me from this hell.
"Kiss me" Nate ordered huskily taking me by surprise. My neck snapped in his direction, cramping up from the intense speed. I waited for him to laugh, to insult me and say he would never kiss me, but he just looked at me with a hopeful look.
"What?" I murmured noticing he was standing there in only his boxers, having finished undressing as I turned away. His wide chest on now on full view as I fought my eyes to stand focused on his. Though my curiosity got the best of me as I allowed my eyes to flicker down him causing me to gulp. His shoulders were broad as his muscles bulged without him even trying. A perfectly toned six-pack adorned his stomach as a deep v cut greeted me followed by red boxers. Every part of Nate screamed Alpha, he reeked of authoritative even as he stood there with his body exposed.
"Kiss me" he stated again smirking devilishly as my eyes met his face again letting me know he saw me checking him out though it was unintentional. His grin turned a little wider as he took note of my skittish actions.
"I'm not going to kiss you" I gasped shaking my head slightly to knock the unknown lust-filled feeling from my mind.
"If you are so sure that you won't have feelings for me then kiss me. If you feel nothing, I'll let you be with Carter" he reasoned shrugging his shoulders as I bit my lip skeptically. Could I trust him? I knew I could not but a part of me, deep down thought I should. "I mean what other choice do you have? If you guys are planning to run away together that will just hurt his family. If Carter deserts the pack everyone will turn on them and if they go with you, they will never be held up to the same respect as being the Beta family here." Nate continued making me realize that Carter would be giving up everything for me.
I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends unsure of what to do. "If I don't feel anything, you'll let me go?" To this, he nodded "And I can be with Carter?" He bowed his head again. "Promise?" I pried as he cracked a small almost innocent smile.
Nate rubbed his chin, scratching his fingers against the stubble that decorated it. "I promise" he vowed as I stepped a little bit closer to him. "Here," he stated grabbing my wrist and tugging me toward the bed. "Sit" he ordered, and I obliged as he took the spot next to me. "Just relax Jamie it's a kiss" Nate chuckled light heartily as I exhaled to calm my nerves and my overly excited wolf. Nate's entire demeanor changed as he sat next to me. It was as if he knew this small interaction would change everything, but it couldn't, could it?
I leaned forward gripping the blanket with my right hand as the nervousness overcame me. Just one kiss and I am free, he is right it is just a kiss, it is nothing to be worried about. I have kissed plenty of people and thus far Carter is the only person whose lips have given me an instant reaction.
My eyes flashed to his lips quickly imaging the roughness of his skin as my breathing increased. Nate inched closer, tilting his head to line or lips up perfectly. The closer I grew to Nate the more details I could see on his face. Light freckles scattered on the tops of his cheeks followed by multiple small scars underneath his left eye. For a moment I wondered how he got them and if he was hurt in the process. For some unknown reason, I wanted to know everything about him. Nate's orbs shifted around my face, taking in just as many details of me as I had done him and suddenly, I felt self-conscious. I wanted him to approve of me, I wanted him to enjoy every part of my body.
The wait became unbearable and right then his lips brushed mine. Instantly my wolf perked up her enthusiasm taking over as Nate's large hand gripped my waist roughly scooting me closer as he kissed me eagerly. His lips were surprisingly soft as they glided along mine but what really got me were the sparks that shot through my body. His mouth was warm and tasted a bit of cinnamon, the mixture quickly sending a pulsing current through my veins.
I gasped yanking myself backward and out of his hold as the realization hit me like a semi-truck. This could not be happening. It is impossible. I peeked up at Nate, his shoulders slouched as he relaxed from the interaction. "I told you I was your mate now" Nate whispered our faces still inches apart as he held my hips delicately, his thumbs tracing over my skin.
*Nathaniel Ryder*
"I told you I was your mate now," I told Jamie, the shock evident on her face as her mouth hung open and she stared at me wide-eyed. I honestly did not think I would get her to kiss me but now that I did, I knew she would not just walk away on me. I was her mate too and now she knew it. Everything was working out just as I had planned.
I gulped, feeling a certain pick-me-up after our kiss. My mind felt fuzzy and my vision blurred slightly but everything became clear once a certain voice dominated my thoughts. 'What are you doing?' Carter yelled through our mind link causing me to push away these unwanted feelings and a smile to grow on my face. I guess he felt the kiss, after all, he was her chosen mate, he would feel it.
'I told you she would fall for me, it's just a matter of time before she forgets about you' I spat back hatefully having absolutely no care for his feelings or state of mind. After what Carter did to me, he would get what he deserves and more. I would single-handedly ruin his life.
'You tricked her' he reasoned as I mentally laughed taunting his wolf. Though he was right I wanted him thinking his mate kissed me willingly. I wanted him to believe that she craved it.
'You and I both know she enjoyed that, so let her emotions speak for themselves.' I continued contently as he went silent. A triumphant wave ran through my body as he remained quiet. Checkmate Carter.
Focusing back on the brunette on my bed. She peered around, confused, and unsure of herself and of me. My hands still clutched her sides, my fingers wanting to roam. Feeling my gaze, she brought her eyes to me once more. I knew she was no longer confident about me not being her mate but she had unanswered questions like how she could feel these feelings from two wolves and why she just felt those sparks from me, the person who she didn't believe could be her second mate.
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