《reborn in the beast world》Ch 10: pregnant


This days I felt so weak and I vomit everywhere, at first I thought it was because of their excessive mating or because of the long route without having a rest, but when I took my pulse I was so shocked, I was actually pregnant.

"Harvey can you see if I'm really pregnant?"i screamed from happiness

All three of them looked at me and then Harvey checked it for me and I can see him smiling.

"Yes congratulations you have Winston's cubs , they are healthy , in this three months you have to eat well, thank god we have the space"

I can feel a hot hands on my stomach, it was Winston, he was so excited and he kept mumbling "our cubs...our cubs".

I turned around to give him a kiss and then said.

"Well I should go and tell mom and dad they will be so happy"

Winston nodded, hugged me and went to the castle.

"Mommy i am pregnant , I have a baby, my own baby" I screamed so excited when I saw my mother

"Honey don't run if you're pregnant that can harm the baby"said my mom and then she looked at me in hesitation

"Lilly winter is coming and you are pregnant I think that you should be ready to accept more mates in the family to protect you"

"But I don't need it for now I already have the three of them and in the future I would have more mates if I like that person."

"Why don't you just meet the males that I have prepared for you first and then if you didn't like any of them you can just say no, you actually have many admirers in this city and being beautiful may also invite huge problems like ferals or abandoned males"

I looked to Winston and he nodded like he has the same opinion as my mother.

"Well then okay I will see them"

She beamed and looked at a male and ordered him to call the five males that she prepared for me.


After a short time , five hot guys appeared in front of me, two eagles, a wolf , a bear and a fox.

"This is Muir and Felix from the eagle tribe, this is Shuu a wolf prince , this is Max from the bear tribe and this is Alex from the fox tribe and he was send by your grandpa "

When I heard the names Muir , I was so happy, I don't have to search for him he directly come to me. Well , Shuu I will take him too because he was so miserable when he fell in love with the heroine in the original story. And Alex , he's so fucking hot, I knew that grandpa will choose the best male in the fox tribe so I will take him.

"I will accept Muir, Shuu and Alex" when I said this I could see the excitement in the three males and the disappointment for the two others.

"Lilly why don't you take all of them"

"Mom I already have three mates and now I added three other mates so that will be six mates that's already a lot "

"Lilly at your age I already had ten mates and five of them died while saving me from a group of ferals and then after I added five mates and three of them died , which why I have seven mates now, so having more mates is for your protection and even your whole family protection."

I was shocked by what she said, I mean I know that this world is dangerous but I have never thought of losing my mates. Well if having more mates can protect my loved ones then I will do it.

"Okay then I will have all of them , but I will mate with three that I choose after I give birth and they will stay with me for this three months at our house and after the winter the two others can come and I will mate with them after spending time knowing each other."

They nodded .


We came back home and I can see Curtis glaring at the new males.

"Curtis calm down it's my new mates, now we are going to become a family so don't attack"

He just nodded but kept glaring. Well I could understand after all no one wants his mate to be shared but this the rule in this world and I can't do anything about it.

"So this is Winston my first mate, this is Harvey a doctor and this Curtis my third mate, now you can present yourself"

"I'm Muir from the eagle tribe ,I'm the fastest when it comes to flying and I am the the responsible of different missions"

"I am Shuu, a wolf prince, and I work as a guard"

"I'm Alex, from the fox tribe and I was the one who win in the competition that your grandpa has done in our tribe " he said with a proud expression

"What did grandpa done?"i screamed

"Well it was a competition where all the males of the tribe fight and the strongest will win"

"So grandpa knew that I will take the male that he choose as my mate and done this competition, he's really crazy"

Well I already knew that he's crazy but this is more than what I thought of him, hum I will take my revenge when I visit him after the winter pass.

"Well Muir , Shuu and Alex will stay in the living room for now, and Winston, Curtis and Harvey came with me"

We went to the bedroom and then I took the three of them directly to the space . I ran to the study and come back with three bottles of pills.

"So this is something I prepared for you, it contains five kinds of pills, the blue one is for advancing in levels , you shouldn't use it too much,one is enough and the effect will become smaller when you are in a higher level , the green one is a detoxification pill and it can work on all kind of poison even the one for snakes and scorpions, the red one is an emergency pill if you are in need of more energy , but after eating it you will be weak for an hour as a side effect,the white ones are for injuries, it can save you as long as you are not dead and the last one , the pills in black are to poison your enemy"

I gave it to them and they were so shocked by what I said.

"It really has the effect you mentioned?" Harvey asked

I nodded and then I started to cry suddenly, they looked shocked and started hugging me and asking what's wrong with me.

« Promise me that you will never die okay, I don't want to lose you , I love you so much so never leave me and go okay »

« Okay baby calm down don't be sad it will effect the babies »

They spend the whole night trying to calm me down but I couldn't stop crying, I think it's the effect of hormones , I just pass out in Winston arm and I could feel someone kissing my eyes.

Winston pov:

I never thought one day I would have a female and cubs with her , but Olivia gave me all of this, she gave me her love , she gave me cubs and now when I saw her crying I felt so fucking useless, she's so afraid that I would leave her one day, no female ever cared about her males lives , when they save their females and die for her , she will take it as granted, but Olivia loves me the same way that I do , I felt so lucky and I should work and became stronger to deserve her love.when I heard that Olivia have my children in her stomach I was proud more than happy for having children, I never cared about having children before but the thought of something created from me and her was so exciting . I kissed her teary eyes and sweared that I will never leave your side not even for a day .

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