《reborn in the beast world》Ch9: going back to the beast city


"Clean yourself and don't cry you're so ugly to look at in this way."

"Sister, why don't you stay with me, I promise to be as obedient as possible" Parker said while crying

"There.. there don't cry , I will come to see you every month or two" I said while caressing his head

"Really? You promised to came and see me"he beamed instantly

I just nodded and then looked at my brother Eric (a leopard),he actually choose a mate from the females in this village, she's Eve , she's a nice female so I get why he choose her if he choose audora i will never let him be with her.

I gave him a big basket that contains clothes , shoes , skincare, makeup and all kind of food. With all this things , I am sure my brother will become her favourite mate and when mating his mark will appear next to her chest.

Well now I can go back to my sweet home and see mommy and daddy.

I got on Winston back and we left in the direction of our home.

I really love travelling , even in my previous life I loved visiting new places and discovering new things and I really want to do the same thing in this life. I think that I should get an eagle mate too, well I think Muir will do the job but I don't know how to meet him. I should take my time because I already known that he will be single and he will not fall in love with anyone before meeting the heroine and I don't really want to have another partner for now.

We arrived in a day time because winter is close and they wanted to arrive before.

When we arrived I directly ran in the direction of the leopard castle.

"Mommy , daddy I'm back"I ran and hugged my mother and acted as a baby as always.

"Oh our dear is here, how was it ? Did you like your first trip? »

« Yes I liked it and mom now I have three mates »

She looked shocked when she saw the placement of their marks and even when she saw my mates.

« A scar-faced tiger, a weak leopard and a feral... What a combination . »Said Rosa while walking toward us with her seven mates

« What do you find so funny, your ugly face or is it your weak mates , from the first time I met you , you've been behaving like a bitch if you're jealous just do as everyone don't show it and stay far away from me you're disgusting »


« what did you say ? Do you know who I am? »

« Yes yes you're the princess of tigers and I'm the princess of leopards and my father is the prince of foxes so we have the same position after all so keep that fucking attitude away from me , oh if you want to fight go ahead , my mates will just crush your mates in two seconds I have all the time to watch it»

« You ... you » she just kept screaming while clenching her hands and then left while glaring at me

«Honey you were so cool right now » Curtis said while giving me a kiss on my hair and I just blushed because my mother was still here.

« Lilly you're back? »said dad

« Dad , I missed you » I just ran into his arms to hug him and he just smiled and caressed my hair then glared at my mates and took me from my hands to enter the castle

« Lilly your grandpa came to see you and he said you can come to the foxes villages to visit him »

« Grandpa came ? When can I go? »

« Probably after the winter pass »

« After six months that so long » I said disappointed

Grandpa is the most cool man I've ever seen , he's so strong and he can still be the king at his age which is a huge thing to do, I likes playing with him or listening to his strange stories , when I stayed in the castle , grandpa visits me every six months which is already a good thing because the fox village is far away from the beast city and he's so busy with his duty as a king.

Well his only disadvantage is that he always ask me to take a fox as my mate, well I can actually do it if I liked someone.

The fox village is next to the lion village that I always wanted to visit. The lion is like my spirit animal and I really find them cute, I really want to see them sleeping and being lazy and why not have a partner but that will be in the futur.

I said goodbye to my parents and I went to my house with my mates.

« This our home, I decorated it , it's cute isn't it, there are two rooms one big room for me and my mates and the other one is for our cubs »


« Cubs! »i can hear them mumbling and smirking in my direction, I just glared at them and continued introducing our house

« This the living room, I put all kind of furnitures in it to have guests and to eat and this the bathroom, with a toilet and a bath and all my products if we go to the second floor you will have the two rooms, so this is our room I put soft furs and blankets everywhere and here is my wardrobe where I put all my clothes and things and I left half of it for you to put your own clothes and the last room is the cubs room but I didn't decorate it yet»

Except Winston, my two mates were shocked by what they saw , they were looking around amazed by what they saw.

Well at this moment I thought if I should tell them about the space , I mean the males in this world can never betray their females and the placement of my mark on their chest show that they really love me so I can tell them at least I can help them preserve meat for the winter and I can do whatever I wanted after.

"Well I have something else to say,it's my secret ,just close your eyes first"I just hugged the three of them and got into the space

"You can open your eyes ... so this is my space, I think it has something to do with my mark because I discovered when I was young by touching it (I didn't want to tell them that I came from another world and was reborn)those are the things that I planted and those are the animals that I am tacking care of and this spring is actually a magic water that can treat illness and prolonge life , come with me to show you the house"

When I looked at them they didn't speak they just kept staying still and was so shocked at what they saw, well I think it's the normal rection.

Finally they woke up from their shock and walked toward the house.

"Don't be too shocked by what you're going to see , so this is the living room, this is the kitchen all of this equipment are modern and easy to use , this the study it contain all kinds of books to learn different things , I already learned how to heal and create differents pills and body products, I can actually fight against a second level male , I can cook , do embroidery,archery, dance , sing and use different kind of musical instruments,and I have mental power that can help me control animals and plants and sometimes people if I am stronger than them, well this is what I've done for sixteen years in the castle."

"You know how to heal and can fight a second level male?"asked Harvey shocked

I just nodded , I can see the proud look on their faces after I answered

"Well I feel so lucky being your male" said Winston

I just smiled and just went to the second floor.

"On this floor there is my bedroom , a bathroom and a storage room. The storage room can preserve anything in it forever."

"Even meat?" asked Winston

"Yes everything will stay the same as when you put it in , so we can collect all kind of meat for this winter and it will still be fresh for all the winter . »

I can see the excitement on their faces.

Actually in the beast world, winter is the hardest season, because there is no meat or food so there is a big number of males that dies every year and sometimes even females . So saying that we can preserve meat is the most exciting thing for males in this world.

I actually already showed my leopard father how to marinate meat and to make it preserve for two months or how to make jam or how to make dried fruits and even gave him so many recipes that made him gain more prestige in the beast city , and this had helped a big number of people to survive through the winter without starving.

"Well then we can start to collect meat from tomorrow and like this we will have enough for all the winter , for now how about having a shower and going to sleep" Harvey said while kissing my kiss and I just nodded.

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