《Just A Human》I Don't Like Water Bottles


I started falling. I fall into a pool of water. As I was slowly floating down deeper I quickly regained awareness and started swimming up. I made it to the top and finally got to breathe. It took me a second to realize where I was... I was in a water bottle! I thought that this would be my last day on the planet. I wondered whos water I might be in I hoped someone would save me. Then looked through the plastic and thighs looked bigger or I was smaller no one could see me unless they focused "Shit" I thought. Then I saw Jake he was walking around maybe he was looking for me? I start pounding on the walls screaming, I see him start walking over to the table at that moment it clicked in my head... I'm in Jakes' water, I start feeling light headed not from the realization but I look up and see the cap twisted on tight I was losing oxygen then I layed on my back and accepted my fate. After a few minutes I snapped awake I could breath, but I shortly realized what that meant then I felt myself moving . He was gonna take a sip, with me in it! I feel the glass start to tilt I try my best to swim as far as I can away from the opening but I felt my self being pulled down.(Lets pause for a minute, you may be confused on why he cant see me well that's because I am now 1/4 of my original size. So usually I am on inch tall I am now a centimeter P.S: Don't try to fact check that I don't know math. So where were we, oh right I'm about to die lets continue) At this point I am having mild hypothermia then my worst fear happens... I enter Jakes mouth I start punching Then I realized I had a weapon a dagger I brought it to school with me because I was paranoid from when I was crushed I grab it then sliced in to his tongue not to hard but enough to make him spit me out. I fly across the table the whole thing happened so fast. I landed on my wrist breaking it 'Oh my god Matt are you okay!" He said as he picked me up I then passed out. I woke up at home normal sized with a cast and I felt better.

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