《Just A Human》I don't like water bottles(Jakes perspective)


(Writers note: This is short I currently have writers block but I thought it would be cool to see Jakes perspective because on the original it goes so fast and you can't see the after math of the situation. Any way on to the story)

"I have to go to the bathroom brb" Matt told me. Little did I know that could have been one of the last things for him to ever tell me. "Hmm, Matts taking a while to get back. I'll just wait a bit longer"

*10 minutes later*

"I' go find him"

*5 minutes later*

I hoped he was not lost maybe I could find him when everyone leaves. I was a bit thirsty so I grabbed my water bottle took a sip then felt a huge pain on my tongue then tasted blood... I spat out everything in my mouth to see Matt lying down in front of my blood soaked and holding a knife. He looked smaller, normally he is able to fit in the palm of my hand but he was around 1 centimeter tall. I immediately rushed him to the infirmary they said he would make It. He had almost drowned, he almost got eaten, and he got flung onto the table causing his wrist to break.

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