《Perspective [Zarry]》011


"Isn't this great?" Niall asked over the music, about three drinks into the evening.

"Not really." Zayn said, piles of anxiety resting on his shoulders.

"Drink up." Niall told him, able to see he was feeling nervous.

"It's disgusting, I don't want to drink it." Zayn admitted.

He hated alcohol.

"Try a jello shot. Those taste good." Niall suggested.

"I'd have to go into the kitchen and get them." Zayn said, not wanting to leave Niall's side or their spot in the corner.

"Well...come dance with me." Niall suggested, putting his drink down.

Zayn shook his head. "I can't, and I don't like it."

"C'mon Zayn, loosen up, have some fun!" Niall chuckled, taking him by the wrist and trying to pull him into the crowd to dance.

But Zayn quickly pulled away. "No, Niall. I want to leave."

Niall was too tipsy to be considerate.

"Just one more dance then we can go, I guess. It's still early though." He said before disappearing into the crowd.

Zayn sighed, forcing himself to finish what was in his cup.

It burned terribly, but after he had it down he felt a bit less miserable.

"Hey cheekbones!" Leeroy called from where he stood near the stairs.

Zayn looked at him, waving awkwardly.

"Come here!" Leeroy chuckled.

Zayn reluctantly made his way over, smiling a little.

"I never thought I'd see you here." Leeroy said.

"Yeah, I'm here with Niall. He's more the party type. I'm just tagging along." Zayn explained.

"I see. You didn't look too happy over there in the corner." Leeroy said, staring at him with a small crooked smile.

"Um, yeah." Zayn said, not sure how to reply to that.

"You want to get happy?" Leeroy asked, full on smiling now.


Zayn immediately shook his head, assuming Leeroy meant sex.

"C'mon, just come upstairs with me. My friend has the good stuff." Leeroy said.

"What good stuff?" Zayn frowned.

"Okay I just got grinded on we can go now if you want." Niall giggled as he came walking up.

"Hey blondie. Want to come smoke some pot?" Leeroy asked.

"Oh, pot." Zayn realized, feeling dumb. "I'm totally down for that."

Niall, however, was hesitant.

"C'mon." Leeroy said, going upstairs.

Zayn followed, pausing halfway to look down at Niall.

"Aren't you coming?"

Niall swallowed, realizing Zayn was showing interest in something for the first time all evening.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Yeah, I'm coming." He said, following him.

The three went up to one of the bedrooms where a few guys were sitting around passing a couple blunts.

The smell hit Niall like a train when he walked in, already making him cough.

He watched Zayn immediately fit in, going right in and sitting next to one of the guys, taking a hit.

So much for social anxiety.

Niall shuffled over and sat on the bed next to Zayn, reluctantly taking the blunt when it was passed to him.

He hit it lightly, being thrown into a coughing fit.

"Newbie." Zayn teased, taking it back.

It felt like hours that they sat there passing blunts around and drinking, but when Niall checked his phone he was shocked that it had only been half an hour.

"Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, Ni." Zayn said, wrapping his arm around Niall's shoulders.

"Yeah, guess not." Niall chuckled, feeling like he was going to throw up.

He drank too much, and all the coughing and smoking didn't help.

Plus, the butterflies crowding his stomach.

"Leeroy I didn't know you did this kind of stuff." Zayn chuckled, looking across the bedroom at him.


"Being so perfect is hard, of course I need some sort of stress relief and a wild side to my life." Leeroy grinned.

"I-I'll be right back." Niall said rushing out of the room, his stomach churning.

"I puked my first time too. Don't worry about him." A guy next to Leeroy said to Zayn, who nodded and took one last hit.

Suddenly the bedroom door was shoved open, banging against the wall and crushing the serene environment.

A guy who looked just like Leeroy stood in the doorway looking shocked.

"Why are all these people in my room and all up in my stuff? Leeroy what the hell?" He snapped.

"Shit bruh, I thought you was Leeroy." A guy near the window said before he started laughing.

Zayn tried to calm down, thankful it hadn't been a cop.

"Calm down, I just wanted have a little fun while mom and dad were away. Since when were you back in town?" Leeroy asked coldly.

"A few hours. Would've gotten here sooner if someone hadn't forgotten to pick me up!" The Leeroy clone snapped again.

"I'm sorry. Put your bags down and grab a drink. Party with us." Leeroy suggested.

"I don't like all these people in my room." The clone repeated, giving Leeroy a look.

"We're gone." A guy said, getting up from the other side of the bed.

Everyone else cleared out, but Zayn just sat there wanting to know when Leeroy cloned himself.

"Are you going to party with us? And not tell mom and dad?" Leeroy asked, giving his clone a cute smile.

The clone had his arms folded tightly, looking stern until he cracked a smile. "Fine."

He then looked at Zayn. "Who's this?"

"Oh! Where are my manners? Liam, this is cheekbones. Or- Zayn. He's in the play I'm directing at school. Zayn, this is my twin brother Liam." Leeroy introduced.

"Hi." Liam smiled with a nod.

Wow, he thought.

This Zayn guy was the most attractive person Liam had ever had in his bed.

Zayn's thoughts were still hazy, so he nodded in return and just thought about how great a sandwich would taste right now.

"Told you he was gorgeous." Leeroy said discreetly. "Wait until you see who I have casted as Matt. You've missed a lot."

Liam smiled. "Nice. Show me where the alcohol is. I won't be able to tolerate all these strangers and awful music without it."

"Right this way." Leeroy chuckled, leading him out of the room.

Zayn was left alone with a burnt out blunt, staring off into space and thinking about food.

Eventually he put what was left of the blunt aside, falling back across the bed with a heavy sigh.

The walls around him were spinning, making him feel a little dizzy.

Shit, maybe he drank more than he thought.

The pot had made him so thirsty.

Zayn closed his eyes, licking his lips and trying to get rid of the floating feeling that had taken over his body.

Dizzy and floating didn't mix well.

What he really wanted right now was a sandwich and some head.

Or maybe sex then a sandwich.

Rough, hot sex and a sandwich.

Okay, maybe he smoked too much.


A/N: This story is, and will be kind of all over the place for a while. All sorts of stuff popping up and happening. I love that fact, if you don't,✌


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