《Perspective [Zarry]》012



"Wake up cheekbones."

Zayn flinched into consciousness, seeing either Liam of Leeroy standing above him.

He noticed that there was nothing pink or sparkly on him, so he figured it was Liam.

Zayn blinked. "What time is it?"

"Bed time." Liam said, flopping down beside him.

"It's like...one." He chuckled, obviously drunk.

"What?" Zayn croaked out, wishing he hadn't shaken the bed.

He was still way too dizzy.

"Fuck." He groaned, wondering if Niall had left him here.

Music could still be heard from downstairs, and people could be heard out in the hall.

"You don't hold your alcohol well, do you?" Liam asked knowingly, looking at him.

Zayn barely hummed as a response, wishing he could just die.

"You wanna get out of my bed so I can pass out?" Liam asked.

"I- yeah, sorry." Zayn said, rubbing his head.

He tried to sit up, his head making it maybe two inches off the bed before it fell back down.

Zayn whined quietly, so pissed because he let himself get like this.

He was such an idiot.

"You can pass out here if you want, I guess. You look good in my bed." Liam chuckled when Zayn didn't move.

"Is it cool if I die here? My mom is going to kill me when I get home anyway." Zayn sighed.

Liam chuckled again. "It's not that bad, is it?"

"I can't get up cos I'm so fucked. It's one in the morning and I told my mom I'd be home by ten. Yeah, it's that bad." Zayn said.

"Oh. Sorry." Liam said, looking at him.

Zayn turned his head to look at him as well, still impressed by how much he looked like Leeroy.


"You're really hot though, you know that?" Liam asked, an intoxicated grin on his face.

Zayn chuckled, looking back at the ceiling. "Okay."

"You are. Wanna make out?" Liam asked, moving onto his side and closer to him.

"Make out?" Zayn echoed, looking at him again.

"Yeah." He smiled.

He looked over his face, feeling a bit uneasy when he thought about the fact that he'd practically be kissing Leeroy.

Just a less flamboyant Leeroy.

With nicer hair, and a more attractive smile.

Before Zayn knew it, he was kissing that smile.

Kissing it away.

Sharing drunk kisses, flavorful and sloppy.

Mostly pleasant overall, though.

Zayn's hands started to wander, pulling Liam closer and deepening their kisses.

Moments later, Leeroy suddenly walked in releasing such a squeal it probably came close to shattering the windows.

"What the hell?" Liam groaned, sitting up and glaring at his twin who was standing there covering his eyes now.

"I'm trying to get everyone to go home and I-I didn't know you were in here." Leeroy said quickly.

"I'm out." Zayn said, the awkwardness and embarrassment in the air giving him the strength to get up and leave, using the wall for support.

"Zayn wait!" Liam called after him.

But Zayn didn't stop.

He quickly made his way downstairs and outside, having to grip the railing so he didn't fall.

He had planned on going down the steps, but they were swaying so instead he clung to the railing and slowly sank down to sit on the second step.

Zayn got his phone out, squinting his eyes and trying to see properly.

He had dozens of notifications, most from his mother.

While clearing them he tapped on a text from an unknown number.

He frowned, wondering if he was reading it right.


Humic acid for the win

"The fuck?" Zayn said under his breath.

He shook his head, trying to close out of the conversation.

While trying to, he ended up calling the number.

"Shit, no, no." He began to panic, blindly tapping the screen and trying to get it to stop.

Wasted or not he still had phone anxiety.

"Hello?" A familiar voice answered.

Zayn frowned again, slowly bringing the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" They asked again when Zayn didn't say anything.

"Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, why are you calling me at one in the morning Zayn?" Harry asked.

"How-How'd you get my number?" Zayn asked, trying not to slur his words.

"You gave it to me. Reluctantly, I might add." Harry said.

"For what?" Zayn asked, scratching his head.

"To text you about the project." Harry said slowly.

"Oh." Zayn said, his brain fighting to catch up.

"Are you drunk?" Harry asked.

"Possibly." Zayn said, looking around for Niall's car.

There were people and cars everywhere.

"Pretty sure I'm stranded too." He thought aloud.

"So why'd you call me again?"

"Oh, shit, I didn't mean to. I was trying to text N-Niall." Zayn said.

"Okay. Have fun with that." Harry said, hanging up.

Zayn hiccuped, wincing as the urge to vomit began to creep up on him.

"Please no." He begged quietly.

He rested his face in his hands, sighing and trying to think.

But his phone ringing made him flinch and sent his thoughts scattering in all different directions like cockroaches after a light was flicked on.

Zayn quickly answered. "Niall?"


"Oh." Zayn said, realizing he actually hadn't texted Niall yet.

"Look, do you need a ride?" Harry sighed.

"Wait, you're saying you want to come get me?" Zayn frowned.

"I'm not sure want is the word to use but...sure."

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"It's one in the morning and I have no chance of getting to sleep anytime soon. I don't mind." Harry said casually.

"Where are you?"

"Um, Leeroy's house. Do you know where that is?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, I've been a few times." Harry said.

"For what?" Zayn asked.

"Does it really matter right now?" Harry asked.

"Maybe." Zayn said, feeling offended.

Though he wasn't sure what he was offended by.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'll be there soon."

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