《The Ruels of My Heart》chapter six - ruel's perspective


Nate is thrilled I have decided to stick around.

I lie down onto my couch, in need of a nap. I feel good. I know that I would regret it if I gave up this life I have worked so hard for.

I've just finished eating the lasagna mum made. It feels so good to be home. I barely ever get to come back here, I'm always on tour or at an event or something. Right now, there's no place I'd rather be. I'm just about to watch a movie, when I feel my phone vibrate. I gasp when I see what the notification is. Or more specifically, who it is.

Rachel, my obsessive ex, has texted me. I thought I blocked her number? Apparently not. I read her message.

hey ruel baby, hope you're well. i miss you. come with me to a movie tomorrow night? we wouldn't want anyone else knowing about your little secret, would we.

xo, rachel

I want to scream from fury. Rachel is blackmailing me. I started dating her about two years ago. We met at an event somewhere, and we both caught feelings for each other. It was a perfectly normal relationship at first, except I didn't tell the media about it, partly because I didn't want the whole world to know everything about me, but mainly because Nate told me it would be bad for my image, dating someone, because then all the girls would think I was taken and they had no chance, and stop obsessing over me, so I would lose most of my fans. I loved Rachel. She told me she loved me. But then about a year later, I caught her cheating on me. It hurt a lot, but I believed her when she told me that she was sorry and it was a one off, so I let her off the hook. But a few weeks later, I caught her cheating once more, with a different guy. It broke my heart, to be honest. I told her I wanted to end things between us, but then she told me if I did that, she would go to the police and the public about my secret. My secret that only she knew. My secret that would put me in jail. My secret that would destroy my career, my life. So I stayed with Rachel, though it never really felt like it. She would sleep over at my place a few times a month, we'd go to the movies together occasionally or something like that. But it wasn't really a relationship. She wasn't the one thing that was on my mind, all the time. She wasn't the thing that made me look forward to coming back from tour. Another girl was. Cameron. She was dating my best friend Zac, but every time we were together I could feel something so strong between us. Of course I didn't want there to be something, for Zac's sake, but there was, and I couldn't deny it. One day I finally coughed up the courage to tell her, but Rachel overheard, and she wasn't happy. She finally broke up with me, and I haven't heard from her since. Cameron told me she was sorry, but she loved Zac, which also broke my heart. But the saddest thing is, Cameron died, a few months after in a car accident. That's when I got diagnosed with depression. I thought that I'd never see Rachel again, but I guess not. The worst thing is, I know that Rachel's not lying when she says that she'll tell people about my secret if I don't do whatever she tells me to.

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