《The Granger Family Reunion (Completed)》Chapter 5-Enough is enough


Hermione POV

I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face. I pulled on my jogging outfit and went outside. I had jogged for awhile when I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder, like a knife. Then my back. Then my stomach. I saw the culprit. Bexley.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed, falling to my knees. It was hell. The hot blood seeped down my back,soaking my white shirt.

"I'll leave you here to die, you bitch. I told you you would pay." That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

Draco POV

I woke up to find Mia gone. She left a note that said she was out jogging. I got my coffee and sat down. Just as I was going to take my first sip, I heard a scream. The kids ran out.

"Who is that?" They asked.

"Ember, come with me." I said, racing out. When I got to the sidewalk, I saw my Hermione, my beautiful, strong Hermione, out cold as the blood seeped though her shirt, turning it red.

"Hermione! No, no, please no don't leave me. Stay strong. Stay with me. I love you Hermione just please, stay with me." I sobbed. Ember, being Ember, had punched Mia's cousin in the face after dialing the police. I apperated to St. Mungos with Hermione in my arms. Nurses and doctors rushed to help us.

They took her away, and I followed.

"Sir, Mr. Malfoy, you are her wife, correct?" I nodded. "Well, she is in grave danger. I am very sorry, but your wife will be lucky to live through the night."

Ember POV


After the police took Mum away, grandma, grandpa, Scorp, Demi, Avi, and Tob sat in the living room in silence. I was holding mum's shirt, it still smelled like her, like cinnamon and lemon. It was like she was already gone.


Hermione POV

A bright light shown in my face. And I heard voices.

"Lucky to have made it through the night." Then sobbing. Harsh, long sobs.

"Draco. Draco. Need. Draco." I said. My voice was weak and throaty.

"Hermione! You're finally awake! Oh Hermione.." Draco cupped my face in his hands, and kissed me. It was unlike any kiss we has ever shared. It was short, loving, and passionate. It said everything we needed to say.

"I love you Draco."

"I love you more Hermione."

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