《The Granger Family Reunion (Completed)》Chapter 3


Demi POV

Today we are going to the spa. Mum drove my siblings, me and Grandma there. We stepped out of the car and stepped inside the salon. I was in one of my favorite outfits: black jeans with roses on them, a grey cropped hoodie with roses on it, and red Converse. I love it, but Mums cousins did not.

"OMG, what are you wearing? You look like a rose threw up on you." The one that had some..... revealing clothes on. Scratch that, they both had revealing clothes. The one that tried to hit on Scorp. So... Bexley?

"Miss. Bexley, roses don't throw up. They don't have stomachs." My sister Avi said and I stuffed my fist in my mouth to stop from yelling 'oh snap' and laughing.

"Granger!" The pink haired woman at the counter said. We got seated and Avi sat next to Bexley.

"Ugh, I don't want you near me you little shit." Bexley said while mum shook in anger. Em stopped her by whispering something in her ear.

"Well Bexy-poo, guess what? I am not fecal matter, nor will I ever be. You should use an actual mirror for once." Avi said calmly. Bexy-poo didn't try to annoy her again after that.

I got my nails painted black because it goes with literally everything. Mum got a French manicure, Em got lilac and Avi went with her usual Ravenclaw blue. I am so excited! Tomorrow is the ball and my boyfriend will be there! He is Dean and Seamus's son. His name is Aaren. I am so excited! Today after the mani pedi us girls are going dress shopping! At mum's store of course. And without her awful cousins. We are going with Hazel and Paisley and Grandma! Em, Avi and I run into the store.


"You go first Avi." Mum says. "Youngest to oldest." Avi comes out in a purple dress. We all shake our heads, including Avi herself. Then she comes out in a dark blue dress. It is floaty and she looked like a princess.

"Avi! That is the one!" Grandma tells her.

Avi's dress

"Demi! You next!" My mom is loving this, I can tell.


I love my new dress! Now it is Demi's turn. First, she grabs a gold one. It was too... well I don't know. It just wasn't her, you know? After at least five dresses, she came out in a green off the shoulder dress that was so her. She looked so good! It floated around her like a green wave.

Demi's Dress

Hermione POV

My girls looked so good! Now ot was Ember's turn. Yay! She put on several dresses, but she did not like any of them. She walked out of the dressing room in a dress from my princess line. She looked like a goddess. Of course, I knew what it looked like, but I still gasped when she entered. The dress was red and framed her figure perfectly. Her boyfriend Teddy would be speechless.

Ember Dress

Ember POV

After we choose mom and grandma's dresses we went home where a familiar blonde man kissed mom.

"Muuuuuuummmmmmyyy! Dddddddaaaaaadddddddyyyyy! Iccccccccckkkkkkyyyyy!" Tobias is at that stage where everything he says is either whining, stretching out the word, or both. After dad was done snogging mum, he yelled,"Family hug!" And we all squashed together.

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