《The Granger Family Reunion (Completed)》Chapter 2


Bexley POV

We are at Draco Malfoy's hotel! And he might be there! I make sure to dress extra sexy. I look amazing!

A raven haired girl wearing a simler outfit. "Ash! I haven't seen you in forever! Did you hear Buck is coming?" I squealed.

"Yeah. Apparently she has a husband. I don't believe it." She said.

Just then, a limo pulled into the CEO parking space. It must be Draco Malfoy! Instead of him however, a beautiful woman with short wavy hair and a body I would die for stepped out carrying a blonde 4 year old boy. After her another blonde boy and two brown haired girls stepped out.

"Bexley Granger, model." I said. One little white lie wouldn't hurt.

The woman took off her sunglasses.

It was Hermione. "Don't lie Bexley." She said calmly.

Hermione POV

Hermione outfit

Ember outfit

Scorpius outfit

Demi outfit

Avi outfit

Tobias Outfit

Auntie Jane came over and looked at me in disgust. " How dare you have a children out of wedlock? You disgraceful girl." She said.

"For your information I have been happily married for the last 20 years." I restorted, showing her my wedding ring.

"Oh, suuuurre you have. If he isn't fake. Let's go, Bex." Ashley said sarcastically.

"Mummy and Dada are married! Be a bucket filler. Don't be mean." Tobias yelled.

"Why you bratty little kid!" Ashley said, raising her hand to slap my son.

"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. My. Son." I said.

"Let's go, mum." Em said, glaring at Ashley. She picked Toby up and walked to the hotel.

"Hermione! The private suite, then?"

Lavender said, hugging me and handing me a key.

"Thanks Lav. These are my relatives. They are under the name Granger." I said. The kids and I went up to the suite and began unpacking. We were going to the pool! I put on a blue ruffled off the shoulder two piece and a white cover up.


Ember walked out. My beautiful girl had on a two piece black and white halter swimsuit, a lacy cover up, and lace up flats.

Then Scorp came out in blue swim shorts and a grey tee-shirt. He looked so handsome. I could see why he was Hogwarts Heartbreaker.

Demi, my rebel came next. She was so cute in her leaf green bikini with matching bottoms. She had the same cover up and shoes as Em except in black.

Then my wonderful mini-Hermione came out, looking stunning in a one piece black and white striped swimsuit and a black cover up. Avi looked adorable.

My babies look so cute! We walked down to the pool and Scorp jumped in, shirt still on.

"Scorp! Take your shirt off before you get in the pool next time!" I laughed. Suddenly, a long haired brunette in a pale yellow swim suit screamed.

"Hermione! I haven't seen you in forever! Hazel and I missed you!" One of my favorite cousins squealed.

"Paisley! I missed you guys too! Where is Hazel?" I asked, only to be embraced again by a woman in a lavender swimsuit.

"Hi Mia! How are you? Lets talk." She said, just as Tob came over.

"Mummy, can you grab my toys?" He said. I handed him some water toys. He thank me.

"Honey, could you get your brother and sisters? I want them to meet someone." I said.

"Oh my gosh. You have kids? Oh congrats Hermione! I am so exited for you!" Hazel said. By that time my kids were there.

"This is Ember. She is 19 and is in Gryffindor." I started and went on to explain all my kids. Then trouble started. In the form of raven haired cousins in micro swimsuits.


"Toby, Avi, come here." I said before they could see my cousins in their slutty uniforms. I covered their eyes.

"Heeeey cutie." Bexley said to Scorpius, not knowing he is my son. He looked revolted.

"Umm... I have a girlfriend." Scorp said, backing away.

"Well, I think we can arrange for her to be disposed of." Bexley said, coming closer.

"We are related." He said.

"No we aren't." Bexley said. I almost laughed out loud at her stupidity.

"Yes you are. You are our mom's cousin, which makes you our first cousin once removed. Duh, Stupid." My sassy little Ravenclaw said. I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing.

Bexley looked ready to explode as we all laughed.

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