《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 19: Heart


Hermione was out cold when another healer came in.

"Mr. Malfoy... I believe you are the father of Rose Granger-Malfoy?" He asked, looking at a paper.

"Yes, Sir," I replied, sitting up.

"You are a Veela?" He continued.


"Then would you please wake Ms. Granger and come with me?"

I gently shook Hermione's shoulder.

"Love, we get to see Rose," I told her.

Her eyes snapped open and she sat up, wincing in pain. I swiftly picked her up, and I followed the healer. He led us to a room far away from the nursery. This was the nique

We went inside and we were led to one of the little cribs.

My heart broke when I saw my Rose. She had wires and machines hooked up to her. There was a blood thing close to her heart.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger," the healer started, "I'm afraid to tell you Ms. Rose has heart failar."

I nearly dropped Hermione. Hermione's breathing hitched at the same second as mine.

"-she needs a heart transplant immediately, but we don't have a match. We're not sure how long she'll survive like this, but we know it can't be long..."

My baby was dying. I felt Hermione's tears soaking my sleeve as a few rolled down my own cheeks. That's when it clicked.

"Take mine."

Hermione's head snapped up at my words, her eyes terrified, and the healer just gave me a wary look.

"Mr. Malfoy, your heart is too large and powerful. If we were to even attempt to put your heart inside this child, it would kill her immediately. But, we have found your venom makes her stronger; if you'd be willing to donate-"

"Done, easy," I cut in.

"Okay then, I'll send someone to your room tonight to extract some."

The healer then gestured the baby and went to check on the other children.

I looked back at Rose. This was the first real look I got of her. She had very little blonde hair, but it was enough to tell it was curly. I couldn't see her eyes, but I knew they were brown. So many wires with sticker things were stuck to her body. She wasn't moving at all other than the slow movement of her little chest. She looked small and thin for a newborn.


Hermione still had tears flowing down her cheeks. Her hands were shaking and her breathing was rough.


She buried her face in my chest as her shoulders shook.

"Love, it's okay. We'll find her a heart," I said softly.

"I..I...it's all my f....f...fault," she sobbed.

I slowly sank to the floor with her in my arms.

"No, Love, this isn't your fault at all. It never was. This was my family's fault."

She shook her head, so I picked her up again and left the nique. I took her back to the room and cuddled her close.

"Love, it's okay now," I whispered. "We will find her a heart."

Just as she quieted down, a healer came in with a yellowish potion. He stared at Hermione and I.

"Ms. Granger, it's time for your sleeping drought," he stated.

"C...can I g...go with out it t..tonight?" She asked, looking up.


"Just give me the potion," she sighed.

I took it from the healer and laid back down beside Hermione. The healer left.

Hermione cuddled up to me, still crying a bit. I held the potion to her lips, so she quickly drank it.

"I love you, Draco," she whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back as she fell asleep.


It wasn't long until a healer came in with some weird supplies. Donating venom was terrible. I nearly bit the healer's hand off. I was just glad they got enough to help Rose last a few months without a new heart.

I looked over at Hermione. She wasn't sleeping well at all. She kept tossing and turning, and she would hold her stomach a lot.

I carefully slid out of the bed and quietly left the room. I went back to the nique and quickly found Rose. Her cheeks were still pale, her breathing still slow.

Her eyes slowly opened. Brown met silver. She had Hermione's eyes. She made a weird sound, almost a laugh but not quite.


"Hi Rose," I smiled, moving closer.

Her chubby fingers reached for me. I really wanted to hold her, but I knew I shouldn't, not with out knowing if it was safe. It was weird to me how much more alive she seemed.

She let out a soft cry. This was the second time I heard my baby cry. A healer rushed in but relaxed when she saw me.

"Mr. Malfoy... Rose has been doing much better, thanks to the venom. Would you like to hold her?" She asked.

"Can I?"

The nurse nodded and gently moved some of the wires connected to Rose.

"Alright, you have to hold her like this..."

She put Rose gently in my arms, so I wasn't moving any wires. Rose looked happy to be in my arms instead of on the bed. The nurse stepped back a bit to give us some room.

"Rosie, you're such a cute baby, yes you are," I cooed.

I gently kissed her cheek, giving her the chance to grab my hair.

"Ow... Rose... Ow.... Let go of Daddy's hair," I laughed.

She made a babbling sound and let go. I grinned at my baby and watched as she closed her eyes again. She was tired. I carefully laid her down in the crib.

A different healer rushed up to me.

"Mr. Malfoy, you need to come and calm Ms. Granger," he stated in a desperate tone.

We rushed off.

When we got to the room, I saw exactly what he was talking about. Hermione was completely panicked. She was curled in a ball on the bed, trembling and screaming.

"No! No! Stay away!" She was shaking her head like mad.

I quickly rushed forward and tried to help. Hermione screamed when I touched her arm.

"Hermione! It's okay!" I told her, forcing her close to me.

She slowly started to relax into my chest.

"Draco... Draco... Draco..." She whispered over and over.

Her breathing was insanely rough.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay," I whispered softly.

She held me tight and snuggled up to me.

Two healers were standing by the door. One was holding a syringe while the other looked like back up.

"Shh, Hermione. Calm down. I'm here," I soothed.

She was completely on my lap, shaking both of us. I kept my arms tightly around her waist.

Then, I saw the healer with the shot come up behind her. I let out a loud snarl, warning him to back off. The other healer came up behind me and tried to restrain me. I literally sent him crashing into the wall.

The healer trying to give Hermione the shot tried to get close again. I pulled my mate to me and growled again.

"Ms. Granger-"

Hermione looked up, her entire body twitching. She wasn't well. Her breathing was still rough, and tears stained her cheeks.

"Go away," I snarled.

"Ms. Granger, please tell Mr. Malfoy that we're only trying to help," the healer asked.

"G..go away," Hermione whimpered, hiding her face again.


"She said go away," I snarled.


I set Hermione down and went for the healer. He took one glance at his friend before they both bolted. I slammed the door and went back to Hermione.

"Are you okay, Love?" I asked quietly.


I laid down and pulled her on top of me. Her entire body fit on top of mine.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more."

I laughed.

"Says the one who's not the Veela? I love you most."

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